> This is Peter Robertson's Imp77 compiler for Vax/VMS, released > with his explicit permission. This copy was supplied by J Gordon Hughes > and his comments from the accompanying emails are given below. I have given you a .tar and a .bck as the .tar will be easier for most people to look at the contents, but if you want to get the jobdeck libraries in the correct format for VMS it is probably best to use the .BCK file (a VMS Backup Saveset). The file LLGO.COM has been annotated with everthing that you need to run the compiler. After you have sorted out the defintions in the LLGO file you just need to say @llgo to make the command available. > can it be installed by an ordinary user? You will need to remove the /system qualifiers from the logical name definitions, enable the SET COMMAND line, and the library defintions. It should all work fine from an ordinary user. You will need to set the block length of the VMS saveset to be 32256 bytes long. I can't remember the raw VMS commands to do this as we have an imp program to sort this out! > Is this what should be in the tar file? (it gave an error at the > end and I was afraid there might be some missing?) > > . ebcdic.inc ll.hlb numbers.inc statedef.inc > .. enumbers.inc llap.inc objdef.inc streams.inc > archaisms.inc flags.inc llap.olb pcbdef.inc super.inc > ascii.inc formats.inc llgo.com pgnumbers.inc symbols.inc > ast.inc gattlib.olb lllshr.exe phddef.inc sysio.inc > buffers.inc handcall.inc lllshr.olb prdef.inc sysmisc.inc > climsg.inc heap.inc lognames.inc prims.inc textutils.inc > cliparse.inc hlpdef.inc mailboxes.inc processes.inc time.inc > condition.inc hoops.inc maths.inc psidef.inc ttdef.inc > connect.inc impv10.olb mcode.inc rms.inc uaf.inc > contents.lis impvax.exe memoryman.inc rmsdef.inc userlib.exe > corediag.inc iodef.inc msgdef.inc section.inc wsldef.inc > dcdef.inc jpidef.inc mtdef.inc sfdef.inc > devdef.inc libdef.inc mtdefs.inc shrmsg.inc > dscdef.inc ll.cld mthdef.inc smrdef.inc > dvidef.inc ll.com newio.olb ssdef.inc It looks OK. All the .inc are include files, the impvax.exe is the compiler, and the .olb are the object libraries. llgo.com defines the environment. By the way, the compiler dates from Sept 1986 for interest. It is version 10.2 of the Lattice Imp compilers.
Apache/2.4 Server at history.dcs.ed.ac.uk Port 443Name Last modified Size Description
README 2008-10-13 07:54 2.5K
archaisms.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 501
ascii.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 629
ast.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 794
buffers.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 243
climsg.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 4.8K
cliparse.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.2K
condition.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 684
connect.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 931
contents.lis 2008-10-13 07:55 1.0K
corediag.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 2.8K
dcdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 4.2K
devdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.6K
dscdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 2.7K
dvidef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.3K
ebcdic.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 869
enumbers.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 13K
flags.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 751
formats.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 5.2K
gattlib.olb 2008-10-13 07:55 52K
handcall.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.2K
heap.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 564
hlpdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.1K
hoops.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 11K
impv10.olb 2008-10-13 07:55 218K
impvax.exe 2008-10-13 07:54 207K
iodef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 5.7K
jpidef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 3.5K
libdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.8K
ll.cld 2008-10-13 07:55 1.3K
ll.com 2008-10-13 07:55 102
ll.hlb 2008-10-13 07:55 65K
llap.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 4.2K
llap.olb 2008-10-13 07:54 72K
llgo.com 2008-10-13 07:54 1.3K
lllshr.exe 2008-10-13 07:55 27K
lllshr.olb 2008-10-13 07:55 127K
lognames.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 893
mailboxes.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 277
maths.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.5K
mcode.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 257
memoryman.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 4.8K
msgdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 2.8K
mtdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 938
mtdefs.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 2.5K
mthdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 306
newio.olb 2008-10-13 07:55 45K
numbers.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 14K
objdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 13K
pcbdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 3.1K
pgnumbers.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 13K
phddef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.3K
prdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 3.6K
prims.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 7.2K
processes.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 3.7K
psidef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 5.5K
rms.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 15K
rmsdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 7.7K
section.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 3.0K
sfdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.1K
shrmsg.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 3.8K
smrdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 3.0K
ssdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 10K
statedef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 915
streams.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 391
super.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 194
symbols.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 323
sysio.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 2.7K
sysmisc.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 400
textutils.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 331
time.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.7K
ttdef.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 3.9K
uaf.inc 2008-10-13 07:55 1.4K
userlib.exe 2008-10-13 07:55 32K
wsldef.inc 2008-10-13 07:54 1.2K