! ! IMP equivalent of the $SECDEF macro from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB ! %record %format Sec Fm {Whatever it is} %c ( ( %integer Gsd %or %integer Ccb ), %short SecXFL, SecXBL, ( %integer VpxPfc %or %byte Unu1,Unu2,Unu3, Pfc ), %integer Window, Vbn, ( %integer Flags %or %byte Unu4, Amod, %short Unu5 ), %integer Refcnt, Pagcnt ) %const %integer SEC K MATALL = 16_00000000, {all versions} SEC K MATEQU = 16_00000001, {only equal version} SEC K MATLEQ = 16_00000002 {minor version of sec >= us} {_Flags} {**NB** uncommented ones have unknown function} %const %integer SEC M GBL = 16_00000001, {global section} SEC M CRF = 16_00000002, {pages are copy-on-reference} SEC M DZRO = 16_00000004, {pages are demand-zeroed} SEC M WRT = 16_00000008, {read/write section} SEC M SHMGS = 16_00000010, SEC M DELPEND = 16_00000020, SEC M WRTMOD = 16_000000C0, SEC M AMOD = 16_00000300, SEC M PERM = 16_00004000, {permanent section} SEC M SYSGBL = 16_00008000, {system global section} SEC M PFNMAP = 16_00010000, {page frame section} SEC M EXPREG = 16_00020000, {map into first available space} SEC M PROTECT = 16_00040000 %record %format Lims Fm ( %integer Start, Finish ) %record %format Id Fm ( %integer A, B, C, D ) ! ! Primary use of all the above is with the $CRMPSC service, which ! creates and maps a section. ! %system %integer %function %spec CRMPSC ( %c %record(Limsfm) %name Inadr, {requested address for map} %record(Limsfm) %name Retadr, {returned address from map} %integer Acmode, {access mode for mapped pages} %integer Flags, {section type and characteristics} %record(Dsc Fm) %name Gsdnam, {global section name string} %record(Id Fm) %name Ident, {match and version information} %integer Relpag, {first section page to map} %integer Chan, {channel file is open on} %integer Pagcnt, {no of pages in section} %integer Vbn, {first block in file for section} %integer Prot, {protection mask for section} %integer Pfc {page fault cluster size} ) ! ! $UPDSEC service ! %system %integer %function %spec UPDSEC ( %c %record(Lims Fm) %name Inadr, {area to be updated} %record(Lims Fm) %name Retadr, {area actually written} %integer Acmode, {access mode for writes} %integer Updflg, {0=all, 1=just mine} %integer Efn, {normally 0} %record(*) %name IOSB, {I/O Status Block} %record(*) %name ASTADR, {AST routine} %integer ASTPRM {parameter for it} ) %end %of %file