! FE02 version 26/02/86 revised 25/02/86 ! QSART Module for Filestore ! (Quadruple Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) ! (RS232 board with four Signetics-2651-type chips) %constinteger firstboard = 16_7FFC0, nboards = 1 %constinteger maxboard = nboards-1 %constinteger maxchan = 4*nboards-1 %constshortarray timeout(0:maxchan)=8000,30000(*) %constinteger default baudcode=13 %constbytearray defaults(0:maxchan)=default baudcode(*) %constintegerarray baudrate(0:15)= 46, 50, 75, 110, 135, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200,38400 %constinteger context offset = 256; !"port" numbers >=256 %recordformat DEV F(%byte bstatus,data,intvec,dstatus,x,mode,y,command) ! BSTATUS and INTVEC are board registers, X and Y "do not exist", ! DATA, DSTATUS, MODE, COMMAND are registers in the 2651s. %recordformat BOARD F(%record(devf)%array dev(0:3)) %recordformat INT F(%integer ptr,lim,beg,data,pos,pc,sp,%record(devf)%name dev) ! One of these per interrupt vector. ! PC points to the int handling code. ! SP, if >0, points to the stack of a process waiting for a significant ! interrupt. SP<=0 if the process is not waiting. SP<0 if the interrupt ! happened before the process wanted it. ! For receivers: ! BEG and LIM delimit a fixed-site data buffer. ! PTR is the position at which the interrupt handler will insert the ! next character, POS is that at which the process will extract the next ! character. DATA=0 if a command is being read. DATA>0 denotes the ! number of data bytes (in a write block command) that must be read ! before waking up the process. ! For transmitters: ! DATA, POS unused. BEG and LIM delimit a variable-size buffer to be ! transmitted, PTR scans it, and once it reaches LIM, the process is ! awakened and the transmitter's interrupts area disabled. ! DATA non-zero if X-OFFed. %recordformat INTTAB F(%record(intf)%namearray int(0:16*nboards-1)) %recordformat CHAN F(%record(intf)%name rx,tx,%integer buffer,baudcode) ! One of these per client machine. BUFFER is the (queue of) outgoing buffer(s). @firstboard %record(boardf)%array board(0:maxboard) %constinteger mode1=16_4e,mode2=16_30,comm=16_37 ! Hardware initialisation values: ! 1 stop bit, no odd parity, 8 bits, async 16*baud clock, ! internal clocks, normal operation, force RTS active, ! reset error, no break, enable rx, force DTR active, enable tx. %constinteger errormask=16_38 ! Dev status: [dsr|dcd|fe|oe|pe|txe/dsrc/dcdc|rxr|txr] %constinteger txie=1,rxie=2,reset=8 ! Board command/status: [inting|0|0|0|reset|txeie|rxrie|txrie] %constinteger txvec=1,rxvec=5 ! Board interrupt vector is (n+m)*4 where n=channel(0:3), ! m=(1:txr,5:rxr,9:txe) %include "config.inc" %include "SYSTEM:common" %include "SYSTEM:utility.inc" %include "SYSTEM:schedule.inc" %externalrecord(common fm)%mapspec common area %include "inc:util.imp" %constinteger ff=12,xon='Q'-64,xoff='S'-64 %ownrecord(inttabf)inttab %ownrecord(intf)%array ints(0:16*nboards-1) %ownrecord(chanf)%array channel(0:maxchan) %ownrecord(common fm)%name common @16_1008 %integer beh %owninteger oldbeh %constinteger no=0 %owninteger online=no %integerfn bus error ! Code suspected of generating bus errors should be ! bracketed as follows: ! IOF ! %IF BUSERROR#0 %START ! BEH = OLDBEH; ION ! ! %FINISH ! ! BEH = OLDBEH; ION ! %label newbeh *lea newbeh,a0 *move.l a0,beh *move.l (sp),-4(a0) *mfsr d0 *move.w d0,-6(a0) *move.l a0,beh %result = 0 *=0; *=0; *=0 newbeh: *mtsr #16_2700 *move.l 2(sp),d0 *lea 8(sp),sp *lea newbeh,a0 *move.w -6(a0),(sp) *move.l -4(a0),2(sp) *rte %end %routine clobber(%record(chanf)%name chan) %integer i %record(bufferfm)%name bu {printstring("POS was "); phex(chan_rx_pos) {printstring(" PTR is "); phex(chan_rx_ptr); newline iof chan_rx_pos = chan_rx_ptr chan_rx_data = 0 chan_tx_ptr = 0 chan_tx_lim = 0 %cycle i = chan_buffer; %exitif i=0 bu == common_buffer(i) chan_buffer = bu_link ion printstring("Zapping buffer "); write(i,0) printstring(" context "); write(bu_context,0) printstring(" sync "); write(bu_sync,0); newline kick(bu_sync) %unless bu_sync=0 bu_sync = 0 releasebuffer(i) iof %repeat ion %end %predicate set baud(%integer unit,%integer code) %record(devf)%name dev %record(chanf)%name chan %integer {zero=0,}state=0 chan == channel(unit); chan_baudcode = code dev == board(unit>>2)_dev(unit&3) iof %if buserror#0 %start beh = oldbeh; ion set terminalmode(nopage) pdate printstring("*** Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" not responding ") printsymbol(state+'0'); newline chan_baudcode = -1 ints(unit>>2<<4)_dev == nil %false %finish dev_bstatus = reset; state = 1 dev_bstatus = {zero}0; state = 2 dev_mode = mode1; state = 3 dev_mode = mode2+code; state = 4 dev_command = comm; state = 5 dev_bstatus = rxie!txie beh = oldbeh; ion %true %end %externalroutine SET QSART BAUD RATE; !called only from oper console, %integer n,unit,r,rate,code,dif; !hence acquires its own params. %integer unit1,unitn %integer nearest=defaultbaudcode,best=infinity %record(chanf)%name chan %onevent 3,4,9 %start printstring("*ouch!"); newline; %return %finish prompt("Qsarts (N or N:M):") read(unit1); unitn = unit1 skipsymbol %while nextsymbol=' ' skipsymbol %and read(unitn) %if nextsymbol=':' prompt("Baud rate:"); read(rate); r = rate { <0: clobber, <=0: no change skipsymbol ! %if n<0 %then unit = maxchan %else n = 0 unit =unitn %cycle chan == channel(unit) rate = r clobber(chan) %if rate<0 rate = baudrate(chan_baudcode) %if rate<=0 %for code = 0,1,15 %cycle dif = |baudrate(code)-rate| best = dif %and nearest = code %if dif<=best %exitif dif=0 %repeat code = nearest %unless best=0 %start printstring("Using ") write(baud rate(code),0); newline %finish %unless set baud(unit,code) %start; %finish ! %exitif n=0 unit = unit-1 %repeatuntil unit= timeout(i) %start {nothing happened recently b = c_buffer d = c_rx_data r = c_rx_ptr-c_rx_pos t = c_tx_lim-c_tx_ptr %if b!d!r!t#0 %start pdate; printstring("Qsart "); write(i,0) printstring(" timeout") r = r+532 %if r<0 printstring(", rd"); write(r,1) printstring(", rg"); write(d,1) printstring(", tg"); write(t,1) printstring(" and"); write(b,1) %if {d!r!t=0 %and} this_timer#0 %start printstring(" recovering") iof c_tx_data = 0 c_rx_data = 0 c_rx_pos = c_rx_ptr %if buserror=0 %start c_tx_dev_bstatus = c_tx_dev_bstatus!txie this_timer = 0 beh = oldbeh; ion %else beh = oldbeh; ion printstring(" *failed*") %finish newline %else printstring(" clobbering"); newline clobber(c) %finish %finish %finish %repeat %else {first time round initialised = -1 %for i = 0,1,maxchan %cycle this == status(i) c == channel(i) this_timer = now this_rxp = c_rx_ptr this_txp = c_tx_ptr %repeat %finish %end %externalroutine SHOW QSART STATUS %integer u %record(chanf)%name chan %record(intf)%name int %record(devf)%name dev %integer b,d,e,x,y printstring("QSART status:"); newline %for u = 0,1,maxchan %cycle b = u>>2; d = u&3 chan == channel(u) dev == board(b)_dev(d) write(u,2) %if chan_baudcode<0 %start printstring(" ignored") %else iof %if buserror#0 %start beh = oldbeh; ion printstring(" not responding"); newline %return %finish x = dev_bstatus; y = dev_dstatus beh = oldbeh; ion printstring(" bd:"); phex2(x); phex2(y) int == chan_rx %if int_data#0 %or int_ptr#int_beg %start printstring(" R:") phex(int_beg); space; phex(int_pos); space; phex(int_ptr) write(int_data,3) %finish int == chan_tx %if int_lim#0 %start printstring(" T:") phex(int_ptr); space; phex(int_lim) %finish %if chan_buffer#0 %start printstring(" b"); write(chan_buffer,1) printsymbol('+') %unless chan_buffer=0 %orc common_buffer(chan_buffer)_link=0 %finish write(baudrate(chan_baudcode),1) %finish newline %repeat %end %externalroutine SEND QSART BUFFER(%integer buffer) ! Called by routine SEND BUFFER in the ETHER module whenever ! the context number is >= context offset. %record(buffer fm)%name b %record(dev f)%name dev %integername x %integer unit b == common_buffer(buffer) unit = b_context-context offset %unless online#no %and 0<=unit<=maxchan %start pdate; printstring("*** Send qsart buffer -- bad unit ") write(unit,0); newline; %return %finish %if common_diagsðerdiags#0 %start pdate; printstring("Send buffer "); write(buffer,0) printstring(" to Qsart "); write(unit,0) %finish dev == channel(unit)_tx_dev b_link = 0 iof x == channel(unit)_buffer x == common_buffer(x)_link %while x#0 x = buffer %if channel(unit)_tx_data#0 %start ion; printstring("SQ") newline; %return %finish %if buserror=0 %start dev_bstatus = dev_bstatus!txie beh = oldbeh; ion %else beh = oldbeh; ion pdate; printstring("*** Qsart"); write(unit,1) printstring(" kick T fails"); newline %finish %end %externalroutine START QSART ! This should be called (once only) during system initialisation. %integer b,d,c; !Board and device number, channel number. %routine create local process(%integer stack,code) ! Create a new process, which is to run in user mode. Stack creator's ! context such that it resumes when the createe does his first INTWAIT. *add.l #512,d0 *add.l d0,d6; !Nibble off low end of creator's stack *move.l (sp)+,d2; !Return address *mfsr d3; !and SR *move.l d1,a0; !Code address *move.l d0,d1; !Stack requirement *move.w #16_2700,d0; !Ints off and switch to interrupt stack *trap #0 *move.l d2,-(sp); !Stack creator's context *move.w d3,-(sp) *movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) *mfusp a1 *move.l a1,-(sp) !Now as createe *move.l d6,a1; !Set up stack *lea -256(a1),a1 *lea -512(a1),a5 *mtusp a5 *clr.l (a5) *sub.l d1,d6 *mtsr #16_500; !Switch to user mode stack with !interrupts off to start with *jmp (a0); !Call specified routine %end %routine intwait(%integername s) ! Preserve partial context of a local process on its own ! stack and record the SP in S. s = 0 %andreturnif s<0; !Interrupt already pending %unless s=0 %start pdate; printstring("*** Intwait fails"); newline; %stop %finish *movem.l d5-d7/a4-a6,-(sp) *move.l sp,(a0) !Now return from the interrupt which invoked this process *move.w #16_2700,d0 *trap #0 *move.l (sp)+,a0 *mtusp a0 *movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 *rte %end %routine txproc ! Code for each of the transmit processes %record(dev f)%name dev %record(chan f)%name chan %record(int f)%name int %record(buffer fm)%name bu %integer n,unit %routine transmit(%integer length,address) %returnif length<=0 int_beg = address int_ptr = address int_lim = address+length %cycle %if int_data#0 %start printstring("TD") newline %else iof %if buserror=0 %start dev_bstatus = dev_bstatus!txie beh = oldbeh; ion %else beh = oldbeh; ion pdate; printstring("Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" Transmit kick fails"); newline %finish %finish intwait(int_sp) %exitif int_ptr>=int_lim pdate; printstring("*qsart");write(unit,1) printstring(" spurious txint"); newline %repeat %end unit = c dev == board(b)_dev(d) chan == channel(c) int == chan_tx chan_buffer = 0 %cycle %cycle n = chan_buffer; %exitunless n=0 intwait(int_sp) %repeat bu == common_buffer(n) %unless bu_context=unit+contextoffset %and chan_baudcode>=0 %start pdate; printstring("*** Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" T: bad context ") write(bu_context,0); printstring(" in "); write(n,0); newline %else %if common_diags&qsartdiags#0 %start pdate; printstring("Qsart "); write(unit,0) write(bu_sync,1) printstring(" T: "); printstring(bu_text) newline %if bu_text="" %finish !?! trace(unit+context offset,trace out,bu_text) transmit(length(bu_text),addr(bu_text)+1) transmit(bu_bytes,addr(bu_b(0))) %finish iof chan_buffer = bu_link ion %unless bu_sync=0 %start kick(bu_sync) bu_sync = 0 %finish release buffer(n) %repeat compiler bug label: %end %routine rxproc ! Code for each of the receive processes %record(dev f)%name dev %record(chan f)%name chan %record(int f)%name int,tint %record(buffer fm)%name bu %bytearray buf(0:531) %integer k,n,unit,p1,size %integername x,pos %routine inc; !increment POS, wrapping round as necessary pos = pos+1 pos = int_beg %if pos=int_lim %end %integerfn h ! Read HMDhex number at (POS)+ but not beyond control character %integer n=0,k %cycle k = byteinteger(pos)-'0'; %result = n %if k<' '-'0' inc; %result = n %if k<0 n = n<<4+k %repeat %end %routine bm(%integer bytes,from,%bytename to) ! Bulk Move out of circular buffer %returnunless bytes>0 %if from+bytes>int_lim %start bulkmove(int_lim-from,byteinteger(from),to) to == to[int_lim-from] bytes = bytes-int_lim+from from = int_beg %finish bulkmove(bytes,byteinteger(from),to) %end unit = c dev == board(b)_dev(d) chan == channel(c) int == chan_rx; tint == chan_tx pos == int_pos pos = addr(buf(0)) int_beg = pos; int_ptr = pos; int_lim = pos+532 %unless set baud(unit,chan_baudcode) %start %cycle int_data = 9999 intwait(int_sp) %repeat %finish %cycle {Main Loop} int_data = 0 iof %if buserror=0 %start dev_bstatus = dev_bstatus!rxie beh = oldbeh; ion %else beh = oldbeh; ion pdate; printstring("Qsart"); write(unit,2) printstring(" RXIE fails"); newline %finish intwait(int_sp) clobbered: p1 = pos; k = byteinteger(pos); inc; size = 0 %if k&\31=0 %start; !single control character k = 'L'-64 %if k=0; !Treat NUL (power-up/down) as abort %if k='L'-64 %start; !FF: abort %unless common_system open&system open=0 %start n = claim buffer ->nob %if n<=0 bu == common_buffer(n) bu_context = unit+context offset bu_bytes = -1 bu_text = "Ctrl-L" ->enkew %finish %elseif k=xoff; !^S: xoff tint_data = 1 trace(unit+contextoffset,tracein,"X-Off") %elseif k=xon; !^Q: xon tint_data = 0 dev_bstatus = dev_bstatus!txie trace(unit+contextoffset,tracein,"X-On") %else pdate; printstring("Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(": ^") printsymbol(k+64); newline %finish %continue %finish k = k&95 %if k&64=0 %start pdate; printstring("*** Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" bad command letter "); phex2(k) newline k = byteinteger(pos) %and inc %until k<' ' %continue %finish %unless 'W'#k#'Y' %start; !data expected inc size = h; size = h %if k='W' inc %if size<=0 %or size>512 %start pdate; printstring("*** Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" Bad data size "); write(size,0); newline %continue %finish iof int_data = int_data-512+size %if int_data>0 %start ion %cycle intwait(int_sp); %exitif int_data=0 %if int_data=512 %start trace(unit+contextoffset,tracein,"Timeout") ->clobbered %finish pdate; printstring("*qsart"); write(unit,1) printstring(" spurious rxint "); write(int_data,0) newline %repeat %continueunless int_data=0 %finishelsec ion %else k = byteinteger(pos) %and inc %until k<' ' %finish n = claim buffer %if n<=0 %start nob: pdate; printstring("*** Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" No buffer"); write(size,1); newline pos = pos+size pos = pos+int_beg-int_lim %if pos>=int_lim %continue %finish bu == common_buffer(n) bu_context = unit+context offset %if common_system open&system open=0 %start bu_text = "-6: System not open".snl bu_bytes = 0; bu_link = 0 send qsart buffer(n) %else k = pos-p1-1; k = k+532 %if k<0 length(bu_text) = k bm(k,p1,charno(bu_text,1)) bu_bytes = size bm(size,pos,bu_b(0)) %if common_diags&qsartdiags#0 %start pdate; printstring("Qsart "); write(unit,0) printstring(" R: ") { phex(p1); space printstring(bu_text) printsymbol('+') %and write(bu_bytes,0) %unless bu_bytes=0 { space; phex(pos) newline %finish enkew:bu_link = 0 trace(bu_context,trace in,bu_text) iof x == common_proc request queue x == common_buffer(x)_link %while x#0 x = n ion kick(proc request) %finish pos = pos+size pos = pos-int_lim+int_beg %if pos>=int_lim %repeat compiler bug label: %end %routine setup interrupt handler %integer i,j,k %record(devf)%name dev %record(intf)%name int %record(chanf)%name chan @16_4000c1 %byte vdus @16_1074 %integer mainvector %label inttabref,mainvecref,thishandler %label presigged,txint,rxint,next,vduh %label yes,no,txon,txoff,presignal,rxnoerr,nowrap,rxsig !Initialisation ! First install null handlers for all potential interrupt vectors %for i = 0,1,16*nboards-1 %cycle int == ints(i); inttab_int(i) == int int = 0; int_pc = addr(next) %repeat ! Then install TX and RX handlers for appropriate vectors %for i = 0,1,maxboard %cycle ints(i<<4)_dev == board(i)_dev(0) %for j = 0,1,3 %cycle chan == channel(4*i+j); chan_buffer = 0; chan_baudcode = defaults(4*i+j) dev == board(i)_dev(j) k = 16*i+(j!!3) int == ints(k+txvec); int_pc = addr(txint); int_dev == dev; chan_tx == int int == ints(k+rxvec); int_pc = addr(rxint); int_dev == dev; chan_rx == int %repeat %repeat ! Plug interrupt table address into handler code *lea inttab,a0 *lea inttabref,a1 *move.l a0,2(a1) ! Insert this handler before existing level 5 handler *lea mainvecref,a0 *move.l mainvector,2(a0) *lea thishandler,a0 *move.l a0,mainvector %return ! Main interrupt handler thishandler: ! Preserve full interrupted context (a bit expensive, but ...) *movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) *mfusp a0 *move.l a0,-(sp) presigged: *move.l beh,-(sp) *jsr buserror; !*SET AND KEEP THE TRAP* *tst.l d0 *bne vduh; !Bus error -> next: *moveq #maxboard,d0; !Find next interrupting board inttabref: *move.l #1234567,a1; !Address of interrupt table loop: *tst.b vdus; !Give VDU priority *bmi vduh *move.l (a1),a0; !address of interrupt record 0 of this board *move.l 28(a0),d1; !addr of board_dev(0) *beq no; !board disabled -> *move.l d1,a0 *tst.b (a0); !Inspect board_dev(0)_bstatus *bmi yes; !This board is interrupting -> no: *lea 64(a1),a1; !@Next*16 int record *dbra d0,loop vduh: *move.l (sp)+,beh; !*REMOVE TRAP* *move.l (sp)+,a0; !No interrupting board found *mtusp a0 *movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6; !Restore interrupted context mainvecref: *jmp 16_1234567; !Dive into next int handler yes: *move.b 2(a0),d0; !Read board_dev(0)_intvec *ror.b #2,d0 *ble next; !vector too small -> *cmp.b #8,d0 *bgt next; !vector too big -> *rol.b #2,d0 *move.l 0(a1,d0),a1; !A1 -> appropriate INT record *move.l 28(a1),a0; !A0 -> INT_DEV *move.l 20(a1),-(sp); !Jump to (INT_PC) *rts ! Transmitter handler txint: *btst #0,3(a0); !False alarm? *beq next; !No -> *move.l (a1),a2; !int_ptr *cmp.l 4(a1),a2; !>=int_lim? {bhs}*bcc txoff; !Yes -> *move.b (a2)+,1(a0); !send character *move.l a2,(a1); !update int_ptr *bra next txoff: *and.b #\txie,(a0); !disable int *bra rxsig clobber: *lea -1(a2),a2 *move.l a2,16(a1) txon: *or.b #txie,(a0) *bra rxsig ! Common TX/RX signalling code rxsig: *move.l (sp)+,beh; !*REMOVE TRAP* *move.l 24(a1),d0; !int_sp *ble presignal; !no process waiting - > *clr.l 24(a1) *move.l d0,a0 *mtusp a0 *mtsr #16_400 {(frig) should be *atsr #16_dfff} *movem.l (sp)+,d5-d7/a4-a6 *rts presignal: *moveq #-1,d0 *move.l d0,24(a1) *bra presigged ! Receiver handler rxint: *move.b 3(a0),d1; !Inspect dev_dstatus *moveq #errormask,d0 *and.b d1,d0; !Parity (or other) error? *beq rxnoerr; !Yes -> *move.b #comm,7(a0); !Clear error *or.b d1,20(a1); !record error somewhere rxnoerr: *btst #1,d1; !False alarm? *beq next; !Yes -> *move.b 1(a0),d0; !Read dev_data *move.l (a1),a2; !int_ptr *move.b d0,(a2)+; !Insert character *move.l a2,(a1); !update int_ptr *cmp.l 4(a1),a2; !buffer limit reached? *bne nowrap *move.l 8(a1),(a1) nowrap: *subq.l #1,12(a1); !adjust quota *bgt next; !not expired -> *beq rxsig; !just expired -> *clr.l 12(a1); !(was zero): command mode {}*and.b #127,d0; !remove parity bit (in command part only) {}*move.b d0,-1(a2) *and.b #\31,d0; !control char? *bne next; !no -> *cmp.b #ff,-1(a2); !reset? *beq clobber *cmp.b #xon,-1(a2); !^Q? *beq txon *cmp.b #xoff,-1(a2); !^S? *beq txoff *cmp.b #nl,-1(a2); !newline? *bne rxsig; !no (no data quota) -> *move.l #512,12(a1); !set data quota to 512 bytes initially *bra rxsig %end %label txinit,rxinit ! Main code of SETUP QSART oldbeh = beh common == common area pdate printstring("QSART starting"); newline setup interrupt handler %for b = 0,1,maxboard %cycle %for d = 0,1,3 %cycle c = 4*b+d create local process(3000,addr(txinit)) create local process(4000,addr(rxinit)) %repeat %repeat online = \no {i.e. yes} %return txinit: txproc; *stop #0 rxinit: rxproc; *stop #0 %end %endoffile