%begin; !Filestore Boot Area Manipulator ! The boot area is a contiguous collection of 512-byte disk blocks, ! which contains textually named files, suitable for reading into ! the controlling machine's memory using the LOADFILE routine in ROM. ! The first block is used as a directory. ! Directory layout (128 32-bit words): ! First word is a checksum such that the sum of all 128 words is 0. ! Remainder comprises of 21 24-byte records plus an extra word which is ! treated as part of a 22nd 24-byte record. This last word must be 0. ! Each of the 21 file records is a size-name pair. Null names denote ! free space. Zero size denotes the end of the file-record-list. The ! sizes are in bytes. All chunks start at block boundaries. The position ! of file n+1 is given by that of file n, plus the size of file n, rounded ! up to the next block boundary. Sizes of free chunks are multiples of the ! block size. %recordformat file f (%integer size, %string(19) name) %recordformat dir f ((%integer sum, %record(filef)%array file(1:22)) %c %or %integerarray w(1:128)) %record(filef)%name file %integer filepos %record(dirf)dir %integer dir xno = 0 %include "i:fs.inc" %include "i:util.inc" %routine error(%string(255)s) selectoutput(0); printstring(s); newline %signal 3 %end %routine hdhtos(%integer n,%string(*)%name s) s = tostring(n>>8+'0') s = s.tostring(n>>4&15+'0') s = s.tostring(n&15+'0') %end %routine close boot area %integer x x = fcomm('K0'+dirxno,"") %unless dirxno=0 dir xno = 0 %end %routine open boot area dir xno = fcomm('A'<<8,"$:BOOTAREA") %if dirxno=0 %end %routine bootread(%integer byte,buffer) %string(3)b %integer n hdhtos(byte>>9,b) n = fcommr('R0'+dirxno,b,byteinteger(buffer),512) %unless n=512 %start printstring("R:"); write(n,1); newline %finish %end %routine bootwrite(%integer byte,buffer) %string(3)b hdhtos(byte>>9,b); b = b."," fcommw('W0'+dirxno,b,byteinteger(buffer),512) %end %routine read dir %integer i,sum=0 %returnunless dirxno=0 open boot area dir = 0 bootread(0,addr(dir)) sum = sum+dir_w(i) %for i = 1,1,128 error("Directory checksum error") %unless sum=0 %end %routine write dir %integer i,sum=0 sum = sum-dir_w(i) %for i = 2,1,128 dir_sum = sum bootwrite(0,addr(dir)) close bootarea %end %predicate same(%string(*)%name a,b) %integer i,j,k i = length(a); %falseunless i=length(b) %while i>0 %cycle j = charno(a,i); k = charno(b,i)!!j %if k#0 %start %falseunless k=32 %and 'a'<=j!32<='z' %finish i = i-1 %repeat %true %end %routine find(%integer minsize,%string(19)name) %integer i,j read dir filepos = 0; i = 1 %cycle file == dir_file(i); j = file_size error(name." not found") %if j<=0 %returnif j>=minsize %and same(file_name,name) filepos = filepos+((j+511)&\511) i = i+1 %repeat %end %routine rename(%string(19)s,t) find(1,s); file_name = t; write dir %end %routine delete(%string(19)s) %integer i,j %record(filef)%name f,g find(1,s) file_size = (file_size+511)&\511; file_name = "" i = 1 %cycle f == dir_file(i); g == dir_file(i+1) %exitif f_size=0 %or g_size=0 %if f_name="" %and g_name="" %start f_size = f_size+g_size dir_file(j) = dir_file(j+1) %for j = i+1,1,21 %finishelse i = i+1 %repeat write dir %end %routine inject(%integer pos,size,%string(19)name) %integer i,low,high,rest %record(filef)%name f,g,h %record(filef)%map elbow(%integer p) %integer i error("No slot") %if dir_file(21)_size#0 dir_file(i+1) = dir_file(i) %for i = 20,-1,p %result == dir_file(p) %end read dir i = 1; low = 0 %cycle f == dir_file(i) error("Cannot insert ".name) %if f_size=0 high = low+f_size %if low<=pos=size %and f_name="" %start %if low=pos %start %unless pos+((size+511)&\511)=high %start g == elbow(i+1); g = 0 g_size = f_size-((size+511)&\511) %finish f_size = size; f_name = name %else g == elbow(i+1); g = 0 h == elbow(i+2); h = 0 f_size = pos-low g_size = size; g_name = name h_size = high-pos-((size+511)&\511) %finish %exit %finish high = low+((f_size+511)&\511); low = high i = i+1 %repeat write dir %end %routine writefile(%string(19)from,to) %integer start,length,pos connectfile(from,0,start,length) find(length,"") pos = 0 %cycle bootwrite(filepos+pos,start+pos) pos = pos+512 %repeatuntil pos>=length inject(filepos,length,to) %end %routine readfile(%string(19)from,to) %bytearray data(1:512) %integer pos,i find(1,from) openoutput(1,to); selectoutput(1) pos = 0 %cycle bootread(filepos+pos,addr(data(1))) %for i = 1,1,512 %cycle printsymbol(data(i)) %if i-1+pos=file_size closeoutput %end %routine bad(%integer block,blocks) inject(block<<9,blocks<<9,"BadArea") %end %routine init(%integer blocks) open boot area dir = 0 file == dir_file(1); file_size = 512; file_name = "Directory" file == dir_file(2); file_size = (blocks-1)<<9 write dir %end %routine files %integer i,pos=0 read dir %for i = 1,1,21 %cycle file == dir_file(i) %unless file_size=0 %and file_name="" %start write(i,2); space phex(pos); space; phex(file_size); space; printstring(file_name); newline pos = pos+((file_size+511)&\511) %finish %repeat %end %routine help printstring("I - Initialise directory (Blocks)"); newline printstring("B - Note Bad Area (Blockno,blocks)"); newline printstring("F - List Files ()"); newline printstring("W - Write File (Normal-source,Boot-dest)"); newline printstring("R - Read File (Boot-source,Normal-dest)"); newline printstring("D - Delete File (Boot)"); newline printstring("N - Rename File (Oldboot,Newboot)"); newline printstring("E - Exit ()"); newline %end %routine mmi %integer sym,i,j %string(19)s,t %onevent 3,9 %start selectoutput(0) write(event_event,0); write(event_sub,1); write(event_extra,1); space printstring(event_message); newline %finish selectoutput(0); selectinput(0); prompt(">") %cycle selectoutput(0) readsymbol(sym) %and sym = sym!32 %until 'a'<=sym<='z' %exitif sym='e' %if sym='i' %start prompt("Size(blocks) of boot area:") read(i); init(i) %elseif sym='b' prompt("Bad area at block:"); read(i) prompt("Size(blocks):"); read(j) bad(i,j) %elseif sym='f' files %elseif sym='w' prompt("From:"); readstring(s) prompt("To:"); readstring(t) writefile(s,t) %elseif sym='r' prompt("From:"); readstring(s) prompt("To:"); readstring(t) readfile(s,t) %elseif sym='d' prompt("File:") readstring(s); delete(s) %elseif sym='n' prompt("File:"); readstring(s) prompt("Newname:"); readstring(t) rename(s,t) %else help %finish selectinput(0); prompt(">") readsymbol(sym) %until sym=nl %repeat %end mmi close boot area %endofprogram