$a escape='/' /a left=10 /l1um System Disc Organisation /p This document describes the intended use of the various directories on the system disk in an attempt to prevent chaos resulting from the proliferation of multiple copies of the same program or module. /p There is no enforcing mechanism so adherence is entirely voluntary!! /b3 /a indent=+1 /t- %Process name /b /t- *BLURB /t+ sundry files (LAYOUT format) describing contents of system disc /b /t- SUPER /t+ contains all the components and the means of generating a loadable image of the resident supervisor. /b2 /t- SUBSYS /t+ contains source and object of subsystem proper (SUBSYS) and immediately associated modules (SUBINIT, STANDARD, BATCH, MDIAG). /b /t- *SYSINC /t+ contains 'include' files for subsystem externally linked data structures etc. *SYSEXE /t+ contains object modules of generally-available utility programs, notably, drivers for compilers, 'HELP' scheme, LIST, COMPARE, editors. /b /t- OPER /t+ operator process - also contains object of various operator-specific utilities. For example OP (expanded/ command/ set), DISC (filesystem/ compactor), ARCHIVE (disc//tape dump//restore/ utility), SPY (disc//store/ poker), CDUMP (crash/ dumper) /b /t- OPSRC /t+ source versions of operator-specific utilities. /b /t- SPOOL /t+ source and object of all system spoolers and spool queue manager /b /t- *SYSLIB /t+ contains libraries for basic language support (MATHLIB, RECORDIO etc) /b /t- LIBSRC /t+ source versions of SYSLIB contents. /b /t- IMP /t+ IMP-77 compiler source and object. Also, all the support software necessary to maintain it and it's perm. IMPS /t+ 'old' IMP compiler - required meantime to support original supervisor. /b /t- HELP /t+ general 'help' program and data file for system information /b /t- IBM /t+ magnetic tape support, especially IBM standard labelled. /b /t- /p Those directories whose names are marked with a '*' above should have their access control flags set so that all users can display the directory contents. /a indent=-1 /b2 %Maintenance /p In order to delay the onset of chaos and anarchy, altering of modules should be done by copying the %whole process in which they reside, modifying the copy then %after/ testing, copying the whole process back again. Prior to this, the original process should be archived onto tape so it can be put back again should the need arise. /b BETTER SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!!!! /p Any adequate scheme must avoid the proliferation of sources and objects of questionnable or plain unknown parentage.