!* modified 10/10/85 !* !* %if HOST = PERQPNX %thenstart !* %constinteger WSCALE = 1;! scale word address to byte address %constinteger BSCALE = 1;! scaling factor for words to architectural units %constinteger CSCALE = 1;! byte offset to architectural unit offset %constinteger DSCALE = 1;! dict pointer scaling in RES records !* %constinteger W1 = 2 ;! 1 word in architectural units %constinteger W2 = 4 ;! 2 words in architectural units %constinteger W3 = 6 ;! 3 words in architectural units %constinteger W4 = 8 ;! 4 words in architectural units !* %constinteger TRIADLENGTH = 6 ;! size of an individual triad %constinteger BLRECSIZE = 22 ;! size of a block table entry in architectural units %constinteger LOOPRECSIZE = 8 ;! size of a loop table entry %constinteger PROPRECSIZE = 6 ;! size of a propagation table entry %constinteger CLOOPSZ = 6 ;! size of cloop table entry %constinteger FRSIZE = 4 ;! size of freelist created by PUSHFREE %constinteger TESZ = 10 %constinteger DTSZ = 10 %constinteger ARTICSZ = 2 %constinteger CTSIZE = 1 ;! used in OP3 %constinteger EXTNSIZE = 2 ;! used in OP3 !* !* following used in strength reduction !* %constinteger RDSZ = 4 %constinteger RUSESZ = 6 %constinteger RTESTSZ = 2 %constinteger RDEFSZ = 8 %constinteger USESZ = 16 %constinteger SRUSESZ = 1 %constinteger SRSCALE = 4;! SR==RECORD(ABLOCKS + SRPTR<