PROGRAM NEWTTS (INPUT,OUTPUT); (*Complete version using the heap to the full*) CONST MINSPERDAY = 1440; STREND = '@'; (*Marks the end of variable length string in array of char *) MAXSTL=30; (*30 includes the strend!!*) TYPE MINTIME = 0..MINSPERDAY; (*all times represented internally thus *) DAYTIME = PACKED ARRAY [1..5] OF CHAR; (*transput representation*) STRING = PACKED ARRAY [1..MAXSTL] OF CHAR; (*for titles and transput of stations*) STATION = (EDINB,PETERB,ELY,CAMB,LONDX,LONDL,ROYST); (*no ordering*) REFCHANGE = ^CHANGE; CHANGE = RECORD AT :STATION; ARRT :MINTIME; WAIT :INTEGER; NEXT :REFCHANGE END; (*A list of changes attached to every journey to denote route etc.*) REFJOURNEY = ^JOURNEY; JOURNEY = RECORD DEPT, ARRT :MINTIME; (*departure & arrival times*) RS :REFCHANGE; (*route synopsis i.e. changes*) NEXT :REFJOURNEY END; (* a timetable is proncipally a list of these*) REFTT = ^TIMETABLE; TIMETABLE = RECORD TITLE :STRING; FROM, DEST :STATION; TRAINS :REFJOURNEY END; (*Within a timetable journeys are in ascending order of departure time, and where >1 at given dept then on descending order of arrival time. Should make reducing easiest?*) VAR ELKX,LKXR,RC,EP,PELY,ELYC, LLSC :REFTT; TEMP, EPEC, EXRC, ELSC :REFTT; (*The 3 intermediate routes*) (****** now procedures, first basic output procedure *********) PROCEDURE PST(ST :STRING); (*prints a string*) VAR P :1..MAXSTL; BEGIN P:=1; WHILE ST[P]<>STREND DO BEGIN WRITE(ST[P]); P:=P+1 END; END; (*of pst*) (* Now conversion procedures, mostly for use during transput ******) FUNCTION STATOFST (ST :STRING) :STATION; (*Checks, crudely, for valid station string and returns the station Suspect coding won't work because of set limitations*) LABEL 999; (*Abort exit from proc i.e. monitor and halt('**** ABORT *****')*) TYPE AZPOS=0..25; (* uc letters within a..z*) VAR LETT1,LETT2,LETT8 :SET OF AZPOS; FUNCTION LP (C :CHAR) :INTEGER; BEGIN LP:= ORD(C)-ORD('A') END; BEGIN LETT1 := [LP('E'),LP('P'),LP('C'),LP('L'),LP('R')]; (*all possible first letters*) LETT2 := [LP('D'),LP('L')]; (*distinguishes Edinburg & Ely*) LETT8 := [LP('K'),LP('L')]; (* --- " --- the LOndons *) IF NOT ( LP(ST[1]) IN LETT1) THEN GOTO 999; CASE ST[1] OF 'P': STATOFST := PETERB; 'C': STATOFST := CAMB; 'R': STATOFST := ROYST; 'E': BEGIN IF NOT( LP(ST[2]) IN LETT2) THEN GOTO 999; CASE ST[2] OF 'D': STATOFST := EDINB; 'L': STATOFST := ELY; END END; 'L': BEGIN IF NOT( LP(ST[8]) IN LETT8) THEN GOTO 999; CASE ST[8] OF 'K': STATOFST := LONDX; 'L': STATOFST := LONDL; END; END; (*of case L*) END; (*of case analysis*) IF FALSE THEN BEGIN (*Only entered by explicit goto!!!*) 999: WRITE('Invalid station string ['); PST(ST); WRITELN(']'); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; END; (*of station of string*) PROCEDURE STROFSTAT (ST :STATION; VAR S :STRING); BEGIN CASE ST OF EDINB: S:='EDINBURGH@ '; PETERB: S:='PETERBOROUGH@ '; ELY: S:='ELY@ '; CAMB: S:='CAMBRIDGE@ '; LONDX: S:='LONDON(KX)@ '; LONDL: S:='LONDON(LS)@ '; ROYST: S:='ROYSTON@ '; END END; (*string of station*) FUNCTION MTOFDT (DT :DAYTIME) :MINTIME; (* verifies format and range, 24 hour clock notation*) TYPE VALIDH = 0..23; VALIDM = 0..59; VAR VALIDHS :SET OF VALIDH; VALIDMS :SET OF VALIDM; HRS, MINS :INTEGER; FUNCTION DEC2( DT :DAYTIME; INDX :INTEGER) :BOOLEAN; (*verifies 2 adjacent characters in dt ([indx] & [indx+1]) are decimal digits*) TYPE DECDIGIT = '0'..'9'; (*a subrange of thecharacters*) VAR ALLDIGS :SET OF DECDIGIT; P :INTEGER; BEGIN ALLDIGS := ['0'..'9']; (*i.e. all decimal digits*) DEC2 := TRUE; FOR P := INDX TO INDX+1 DO IF NOT(DT[P] IN ALLDIGS) THEN DEC2 := FALSE; END; (*dec2*) FUNCTION IOF2 (DT :DAYTIME; INDX :INTEGER) :INTEGER; (*viz: that represented by the decimal digit pair*) BEGIN IOF2:= (ORD(DT[INDX])-ORD('0'))*10 + ORD(DT[INDX+1]) - ORD('0') END; (*of iof2*) BEGIN VALIDHS := [0..23]; (* a;; possible hours*) VALIDMS := [0..59]; (*all possible minutes*) IF NOT DEC2(DT,1) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Non-decimal hours in time -',DT); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; HRS := IOF2(DT,1); IF NOT (HRS IN VALIDHS) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Hour value out of range -',HRS:2); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; (* hours are O.K.*) IF NOT (DT[3]='.') THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Invalid time format, missing dot -',DT); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; IF NOT DEC2(DT,4) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Non-decimal minutes in time -', DT); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; MINS := IOF2(DT,4); IF NOT(MINS IN VALIDMS) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Minutes out of range in time-', DT); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; (*Everything in the garden is lovely:-*) MTOFDT := 60*HRS +MINS; END; (*of converting daytime to min time*) PROCEDURE DTOFMT ( MT :MINTIME; VAR DT :DAYTIME); TYPE UNIT = 0..9; VAR HOURS :INTEGER; MINS :INTEGER; HTENS,HUNITS,MTENS,MUNITS :UNIT; FUNCTION DECDIGIT(U :UNIT) :CHAR; BEGIN DECDIGIT:= CHR(U+ORD('0') ) END; BEGIN HOURS:=MT DIV 60; MINS :=MT MOD 60; HTENS:= HOURS DIV 10; HUNITS:= HOURS MOD 10; MTENS:= MINS DIV 10; MUNITS:= MINS MOD 10; DT[1]:= DECDIGIT(HTENS); DT[2]:= DECDIGIT(HUNITS); DT[3]:='.'; DT[4]:= DECDIGIT(MTENS); DT[5]:=DECDIGIT(MUNITS); END; (* of dt of mt*) (* **** One and only principal input procedure, others are local to it ***) FUNCTION GETT :REFTT; (* reads in one timetable*) CONST TERMINATOR='*'; (*terminates each time table, on a left margin*) VAR TT :REFTT; S :STRING; (*used in intermediate stage getting stations*) PROCEDURE SKIPBLANKS; (* i.e.all blanks including newlines*) BEGIN WHILE (NOT EOF(INPUT)) AND (INPUT^=' ') DO GET(INPUT); IF EOF(INPUT) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('End of input while skipping blanks'); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; END; (*of skip blanks*) PROCEDURE SKIPSPACES; (*I.e. not newlines*) BEGIN WHILE (NOT EOLN(INPUT)) AND (INPUT^=' ') DO GET(INPUT); IF EOLN(INPUT) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('End of line while skipping spaces'); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END END; (*of skip spaces*) PROCEDURE QUOTEDST (VAR RES :STRING); (*reads up to but not incl. a quote ("), initially input^=" skips the terminating quote*) CONST QUOTE='"'; VAR P :INTEGER; BEGIN P:=0; IF INPUT^ <> QUOTE THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Invalid initial quotation in "quotedst" -',INPUT^); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; GET(INPUT); (*pass the initial quote*) WHILE (INPUT^ <> QUOTE) AND (P < MAXSTL-1) DO BEGIN P:=P+1; RES[P]:=INPUT^; GET(INPUT); END; RES[P+1]:=STREND; (* Mark end of string *) IF INPUT^ <> QUOTE THEN BEGIN WRITELN('String too long ['); PST(RES); WRITELN(']'); HALT('**** ABORT *****') END; GET(INPUT); (*pass terminating quote*) END; (* of quoted string input*) PROCEDURE READTRAINS; (*reads in the basic one train journeys*) VAR LAST :REFJOURNEY; LASTDEPT :MINTIME; (*Used to check ascending order*) FUNCTION NEXTJOURNEY :REFJOURNEY; (*reads arrival & dept time + sets up record*) VAR JNY :REFJOURNEY; DT :DAYTIME; PROCEDURE GETDT; (*in fact just read 5 characters!!*) VAR P :0..5; BEGIN FOR P:= 1 TO 5 DO BEGIN DT[P]:=INPUT^; GET(INPUT); END; END; (*of getting day time*) BEGIN NEW(JNY); WITH JNY^ DO BEGIN SKIPBLANKS; GETDT; DEPT:= MTOFDT(DT); SKIPSPACES; GETDT; ARRT:= MTOFDT(DT); RS:=NIL; NEXT:=NIL; END; NEXTJOURNEY:=JNY; END; (*of getting a journey*) BEGIN (* of main body of read trains*) SKIPBLANKS; TT^.TRAINS:=NEXTJOURNEY; LAST:=TT^.TRAINS; SKIPBLANKS; WHILE INPUT^ <> TERMINATOR DO BEGIN LAST^.NEXT:=NEXTJOURNEY; LAST:=LAST^.NEXT; SKIPBLANKS END; GET(INPUT); (* skip the terminator *) END; (* of reading trains *) BEGIN (*of gett*) NEW(TT); WITH TT^ DO BEGIN SKIPBLANKS; QUOTEDST(TITLE); SKIPBLANKS; QUOTEDST(S); FROM:= STATOFST(S); SKIPSPACES; QUOTEDST(S); DEST := STATOFST(S); TRAINS:=NIL; READTRAINS; GETT:=TT; END; (*of with*) END; (*of gett!!*) (**** Principal output procedure for time tables ********) PROCEDURE PRINTT (TT :REFTT); VAR ATRAIN :REFJOURNEY; S :STRING; (* temp holding variable during output *) PROCEDURE SPACES( N :INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE N>0 DO BEGIN WRITE(' '); N:=N-1; END; END; (*spacing*) FUNCTION LENGTH (ST :STRING) :INTEGER; VAR RES :INTEGER; BEGIN RES:=0; REPEAT RES:=RES+1 UNTIL ST[RES]=STREND; LENGTH:=RES-1 END; (*of length*) PROCEDURE CENTRE (ST :STRING; WIDTH :INTEGER; VAR CENT :STRING); (* pad out either end with spaces to width*) VAR LEFT,LGTH,RIGHT :0..MAXSTL; (* strictly MAXSTL-1 *) BEGIN IF WIDTH >= MAXSTL THEN BEGIN WRITE('Width in centre exceeds', MAXSTL-1:3, WIDTH:4); PST(ST); WRITELN; HALT('**** ABORT *****'); END; LEFT:= WIDTH-LENGTH(ST); (*i.e. number neede altogether*) IF LEFT <0 THEN BEGIN WRITE('Width insufficient in centre ', WIDTH:4, '['); PST(ST); WRITELN(']'); HALT('**** ABORT *****'); END; (*parameters O.K.*) RIGHT:= LEFT DIV 2; LEFT := LEFT-RIGHT; FOR LGTH:= 1 TO LEFT DO CENT[LGTH]:=' '; FOR LGTH:= 1 TO LENGTH(ST) DO CENT[LEFT+LGTH]:=ST[LGTH]; LGTH:= LEFT+LENGTH(ST); FOR LGTH:= LGTH+1 TO LGTH+RIGHT DO CENT[LGTH]:=' '; CENT[WIDTH+1]:=STREND; END; (*of centre*) PROCEDURE PRINTJNY (RJ :REFJOURNEY); (*departure + arrival + rout synopsis*) VAR DT :DAYTIME; (* temp holding variablr *) PROCEDURE PRINTRS (RS :REFCHANGE); (*route synopsis bit*) VAR DT :DAYTIME; S :STRING; (*temp holding vars during output*) BEGIN (*initially rj <> nil*) REPEAT WITH RS^ DO BEGIN SPACES(1); STROFSTAT(AT,S); PST(S); WRITE('('); DTOFMT(ARRT,DT); WRITE(DT); WRITE(':',WAIT:3,')' ); RS:=NEXT; END; UNTIL RS = NIL; END; (*of printrs*) BEGIN WITH RJ^ DO BEGIN SPACES(4); DTOFMT(DEPT,DT); WRITE(DT:5); SPACES(8); DTOFMT(ARRT,DT); WRITE(DT:5); IF RS <> NIL THEN BEGIN SPACES(1); PRINTRS(RS); END; WRITELN; END; (*with rj*) END; (*print jny*) BEGIN (*printt proper*) WITH TT^ DO BEGIN WRITELN; WRITELN; SPACES( (26 - LENGTH(TITLE)) DIV 2 ); PST(TITLE); WRITELN; WRITELN; STROFSTAT(FROM,S); CENTRE(S,13,S); PST(S); STROFSTAT(DEST,S); CENTRE(S,13,S); PST(S); WRITELN; ATRAIN:= TRAINS; WHILE ATRAIN <> NIL DO BEGIN PRINTJNY(ATRAIN); ATRAIN:=ATRAIN^.NEXT; END; WRITELN; END; (*with tt*) END; (*of printt*) PROCEDURE READIN7; (* i.e. all given tables *) VAR N :1..7; (* a control variable*) TEMP :REFTT; PROCEDURE IDENTIFY(TT :REFTT); (* which one isi it?? *) BEGIN WITH TT^ DO BEGIN CASE FROM OF PETERB: PELY:=TT; ELY: ELYC:=TT; LONDX: LKXR:=TT; ROYST: RC :=TT; LONDL: LLSC:=TT; EDINB: CASE DEST OF PETERB: EP:=TT; LONDX: ELKX:=TT; END; END; END; (* of with *) END; (* identification *) BEGIN FOR N:= 1 TO 7 DO BEGIN TEMP:= GETT; IDENTIFY(TEMP); END; END; (* of readin7 *) (* === PREDICATE WHICH DEFINES JOURNEY ORDER WITHIN A TABLE == *) FUNCTION INORDER(J1,J2 :REFJOURNEY) :BOOLEAN; (* True if j1<=j2 in the ordering defined with the type definition of time tables *) VAR J1ARRT,J2ARRT :INTEGER; BEGIN IF J2 = NIL THEN INORDER := TRUE (* The end of list case i.e. j1 never nil *) ELSE IF J1^.DEPT < J2^. DEPT THEN INORDER := TRUE ELSE IF J1^.DEPT = J2^.DEPT THEN BEGIN J1ARRT:=J1^.ARRT; IF J1ARRT < J1^.DEPT THEN J1ARRT:= J1ARRT+MINSPERDAY; J2ARRT:= J2^.ARRT; IF J2ARRT < J2^.DEPT THEN J2ARRT:= J1ARRT+MINSPERDAY; IF J2ARRT <= J1ARRT THEN INORDER := TRUE ELSE INORDER := FALSE END ELSE INORDER := FALSE END; (* of in order *) (* == UTILITY FOR CONNECTING & MERGING WHEN, CREATING JOURNEYS ==*) FUNCTION COPY (ORIGINAL :REFCHANGE) :REFCHANGE; (* make a copy of a changes list *) VAR RESULT, NEWCHNG, LASTCOPY :REFCHANGE; BEGIN IF ORIGINAL = NIL THEN RESULT := NIL ELSE BEGIN NEW(NEWCHNG); NEWCHNG^:=ORIGINAL^; (* copy first cell *) RESULT:=NEWCHNG; LASTCOPY:=NEWCHNG; (* last one copied so far, includes link to next to be copoed *) WHILE LASTCOPY^.NEXT<>NIL DO BEGIN NEW(NEWCHNG); NEWCHNG^:=LASTCOPY^.NEXT^; (* copy cells *) LASTCOPY^.NEXT := NEWCHNG; (* set up new link *) LASTCOPY := NEWCHNG END; END; (* IF *) COPY:=RESULT; (* the result of function *) END; (* of copying lists of changes *) (* ===== THE PROCEDURE FOR MAKING A CONNECTING TIME TABLE *) FUNCTION CONNECT (AB,BC :REFTT; MINWT,MAXWT :INTEGER) :REFTT; (* Minwt & maxwt are the limits of waiting for connexion which are allowed *) VAR AC :REFTT; (* Holds the new tt during call *) ABJNY :REFJOURNEY; (* References each ab journey in turn *) PROCEDURE MAKECONS; (* Considers each bc train against given ab train and inserts journey if they connect *) VAR BCJNY :REFJOURNEY; (* References each bc train in turn *) PROCEDURE INSERTJNY (NEWJNY :REFJOURNEY); (* INserts new journey into existing AC table*) VAR POS, PROBE :REFJOURNEY; (* POS contains ref to journey before new one *) FUNCTION FOLLOWS (PROBE :REFJOURNEY) :BOOLEAN; (* TRUE iff new journey follows this one in the ordering described with TT definition*) BEGIN WITH NEWJNY^ DO BEGIN IF PROBE = NIL THEN FOLLOWS := FALSE ELSE IF PROBE^.DEPT < DEPT THEN FOLLOWS := TRUE ELSE IF PROBE^.DEPT = DEPT THEN BEGIN IF ARRT <= PROBE^.ARRT THEN FOLLOWS := TRUE ELSE FOLLOWS := FALSE END ELSE FOLLOWS := FALSE END END; BEGIN (* inserting journey *) POS := NIL; PROBE := AC^.TRAINS; (* The list to be altered *) WHILE FOLLOWS(PROBE) DO BEGIN (* New comes after probe so advance it *) POS := PROBE; PROBE := PROBE^.NEXT; END; (* INsert new after pos - unless pos =nil *) IF POS <> NIL THEN BEGIN NEWJNY^.NEXT := POS^.NEXT; POS^.NEXT := NEWJNY; END ELSE BEGIN (* THe list is empty or newjny goes first *) NEWJNY^.NEXT := AC^.TRAINS; AC^.TRAINS := NEWJNY; (* New link is NIL initially *) END; END; (* of inserting a new journey *) FUNCTION THEYCONNECT :BOOLEAN; (* Viz: abjny & bcjny *) VAR WAIT :INTEGER; (* This procedure assumes all journeys take less than 24 hours *) BEGIN WAIT := BCJNY^.DEPT - ABJNY^.ARRT; IF WAIT <0 THEN WAIT := WAIT+MINSPERDAY; (* The wait lasts over midnight *) IF (MINWT<=WAIT) AND (WAIT<=MAXWT) THEN THEYCONNECT := TRUE ELSE THEYCONNECT := FALSE END; (* of they connect *) FUNCTION COMPOSEJNY :REFJOURNEY; (* Given abjny & bcjny connect then make up a new journey *) VAR ACJNY :REFJOURNEY; (* Holds result until end of fn *) PROCEDURE MAKERS; (* Make the new route synopsis from ab & bc bits !!*) VAR CHNG :REFCHANGE; PROCEDURE APPEND( VAR HEAD :REFCHANGE; TAIL :REFCHANGE); (* Tack new changes list onto existing one *) VAR LAST :REFCHANGE; (* last in original list *) BEGIN IF HEAD = NIL THEN HEAD:= TAIL (* Nothing tp append to *) ELSE BEGIN LAST:=HEAD; WHILE LAST^.NEXT <> NIL DO LAST:=LAST^.NEXT; LAST^.NEXT:=TAIL; END END; (* of appending *) BEGIN (* Of make rs*) WITH ACJNY^ DO BEGIN RS:= COPY(ABJNY^.RS); (* first existing bit *) (* make up the new bit *) NEW(CHNG); WITH CHNG^ DO BEGIN AT:= AB^.DEST; ARRT:= ABJNY^.ARRT; WAIT:= BCJNY^.DEPT-ARRT; IF WAIT<0 THEN WAIT:= WAIT+MINSPERDAY; NEXT:=NIL; END; (* tack on the newly created bit *) APPEND (RS, CHNG); APPEND(RS, COPY(BCJNY^.RS) ); (* tack on 2nd existing *) END; (* with *) END; (* make rs *) BEGIN (* of composing new journey *) NEW(ACJNY); WITH ACJNY^ DO BEGIN DEPT:= ABJNY^.DEPT; ARRT:= BCJNY^.ARRT; MAKERS; END; COMPOSEJNY := ACJNY; (* the ultimate result *) END; (* of composing a journey *) BEGIN (* of making connexions *) BCJNY := BC^.TRAINS; (* the first bc journey *) WHILE BCJNY <> NIL DO BEGIN IF THEYCONNECT THEN INSERTJNY( COMPOSEJNY ); BCJNY:= BCJNY^.NEXT; END; END; (* of make cons *) BEGIN (* of connect proper *) NEW(AC); WITH AC^ DO BEGIN TITLE := AB^.TITLE; FROM:= AB^.FROM; DEST:= BC^.DEST; TRAINS := NIL; ABJNY:= AB^.TRAINS; (* the first ab journey *) WHILE ABJNY <> NIL DO BEGIN MAKECONS; (* consider all bc trains as posible connexions to this ab train *) ABJNY := ABJNY^.NEXT; END; END; (* with *) CONNECT := AC; (* ultimate result *) END; (* of conect entirely *) (* == PROCEDURE FOR MERGING 2 DIFFERENT ROUTES TO ONE =====*) FUNCTION MERGE (AXB, AYB :REFTT) :REFTT; VAR XJ,YJ :REFJOURNEY; (* Those from axb & ayb to be compared *) XY :REFTT; (* the ultimate result *) JHEAD, LAST :REFJOURNEY; (* used in building new journeys *) FUNCTION COPYJNY ( ORIGINAL :REFJOURNEY) :REFJOURNEY; (* copies a journey , incl. copying rs's *) VAR NEWJ :REFJOURNEY; (* the result *) BEGIN NEW(NEWJ); WITH NEWJ^ DO BEGIN DEPT := ORIGINAL^.DEPT; ARRT := ORIGINAL^.ARRT; RS := COPY( ORIGINAL^.RS); NEXT := NIL; END; COPYJNY := NEWJ; END; (* copying a journey *) BEGIN NEW(XY); WITH XY^ DO BEGIN TITLE := AXB^.TITLE; FROM := AXB^.FROM; DEST := AXB^.DEST; END; (* Now merge copies of the journeys in each *) NEW(JHEAD); (* A dummy first in list - for convenience *) LAST := JHEAD; (* I.e. last in new list so far *) XJ := AXB^.TRAINS; YJ := AYB^.TRAINS; (* the first pair for comparison *) WHILE XJ<>NIL DO BEGIN (* runs to end of xlist *) (* compare the 2 journeys *) IF INORDER(XJ,YJ) THEN BEGIN LAST^.NEXT := COPYJNY(XJ); XJ := XJ^.NEXT; END ELSE BEGIN LAST^.NEXT := COPYJNY(YJ); YJ := YJ^.NEXT; END; LAST := LAST^.NEXT; (* Note latest addition *) END; (* finish off the YJ tail *) WHILE YJ <> NIL DO BEGIN LAST^.NEXT := COPYJNY(YJ); LAST := LAST^.NEXT; YJ := YJ^.NEXT; END; (* List has been copied, attach to XY *) XY^.TRAINS := JHEAD^.NEXT; (* omitting dummy *) DISPOSE(JHEAD); MERGE := XY; (* ALL DONE *) END; (* of merging *) (* === THIRD MAJOR PROCEDURE, VIZ: REDUCE, MARKS USELESS TRAINS *) PROCEDURE REDUCE (VAR TT :TIMETABLE); (* It does so by marking their route synopses!! *) CONST MARKING=TRUE; (* Indicates tjourneys should be marked*) NOTMARKING=FALSE; TYPE OVERTAKESTATE = (IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE, ACTUAL); (* Relationship between 2 journeys v.a.v. overtaking *) VAR LASTDONE :BOOLEAN; (* true whem all journeys have been tried *) LAST :REFJOURNEY; (* last one in journey list *) TRIAL:REFJOURNEY; (* the one being tried *) PROBE:REFJOURNEY; (* trial is compared with possible probes until overtaking is impossible *) USELESS :CHANGE; (* the useless marker values *) FUNCTION PASSER :OVERTAKESTATE; (* could probe overtake trial ? *) VAR TARRT,PDEPT,PARRT :INTEGER; (* set up to allow for trains which cross midnight *) BEGIN TARRT := TRIAL^.ARRT; IF TARRT < TRIAL^.DEPT THEN TARRT := TARRT+MINSPERDAY; (* trial crosses midnight *) PDEPT := PROBE^.DEPT; PARRT := PROBE^.ARRT; IF PARRT < PDEPT THEN PARRT:= PARRT+MINSPERDAY; (* probe crosses midnight *) IF PDEPT < TRIAL^.DEPT THEN BEGIN (* probe is a next day train *) PDEPT := PDEPT+MINSPERDAY; PARRT:= PARRT+MINSPERDAY; END; PASSER := IMPOSSIBLE; IF PDEPT < TARRT THEN IF PARRT <= TARRT THEN PASSER:= ACTUAL ELSE PASSER := POSSIBLE; END; (* of deciding passing state *) PROCEDURE ADVANCETRIAL ( MARKING :BOOLEAN); (* advances trial to next train, possibly marking original as useless, plus noting if it passes last *) VAR MARKER :REFCHANGE; (* copy of useless *) BEGIN REPEAT IF MARKING AND NOT LASTDONE THEN BEGIN NEW(MARKER); MARKER^ := USELESS; MARKER^.NEXT := TRIAL^.RS; TRIAL^.RS:=MARKER; (* link in the marker *) END; IF TRIAL = LAST THEN LASTDONE:=TRUE; TRIAL:=TRIAL^.NEXT; UNTIL TRIAL = PROBE; END; (* of advancing trial *) BEGIN (* of reduce proper *) (* set up useless marker *) WITH USELESS DO BEGIN AT := EDINB; ARRT := 0; WAIT := 0; NEXT := NIL; END; (* link journeys in circular list, noting end *) LAST := TT.TRAINS; WHILE LAST^.NEXT <> NIL DO LAST:= LAST^.NEXT; LAST^.NEXT := TT.TRAINS; (* noted & linked around *) (* N.B. Assumptions are that:- 1. journeys <24hours long. 2. >1 train in table. 3. for any given journey there always exists another journey which could not possibly overtake it, or it is overtaken. *) LASTDONE := FALSE; TRIAL := TT.TRAINS; PROBE := TRIAL^.NEXT; (* first & 2nd journeys resp. *) REPEAT CASE PASSER OF ACTUAL: BEGIN ADVANCETRIAL(MARKING); PROBE:= PROBE^.NEXT; END; POSSIBLE: PROBE:= PROBE^.NEXT; IMPOSSIBLE: BEGIN IF TRIAL=LAST THEN LASTDONE := TRUE; TRIAL := TRIAL^.NEXT; PROBE := TRIAL^.NEXT; END; END; (* of case *) UNTIL LASTDONE; (* all journeys have been tried *) LAST^.NEXT := NIL; (* break the circular list *) END; (* of reducing *) BEGIN (* MAIN PROGRAM *) READIN7; TEMP := CONNECT(ELKX,LKXR,10,120); WRITELN('Edinburgh to Roystong via King''s Cross'); PRINTT(TEMP); EXRC := CONNECT(TEMP,RC,10,120); WRITELN('Edinburgh to Cambridge via King''s Cross & Royston'); PRINTT(EXRC); TEMP:= CONNECT(EP,PELY,10,120); WRITELN(' to Ely via Peterborough'); PRINTT(TEMP); EPEC := CONNECT (TEMP,ELYC,10,120); WRITELN(' to Cambridge via Peterboro'', Ely'); PRINTT(EPEC); TEMP := MERGE(EXRC,EPEC); WRITELN( ' via Ely or via Royston '); PRINTT(TEMP); ELSC := CONNECT( ELKX, LLSC, 30,240); WRITELN(' via Liverpool St.'); PRINTT(ELSC); TEMP := MERGE (TEMP,ELSC); WRITELN(' complete table via 3 routes'); PRINTT(TEMP); REDUCE (TEMP^); WRITELN(' The final, reduced, timetable '); PRINTT(TEMP); END.