program dumptext(intext,input,output); label 10,20; var intext:text; i,j,k,intch2:integer; byte:packed array[0..7] of char; objname,outname:string; { *auto-} begin writeln('enter name of file to dump'); reset(input); readln(objname); writeln('enter name of dump file'); readln(outname); reset(intext,objname); rewrite(output,outname); while true do begin for i:=0 to 7 do begin byte[i]:=intext^; write(ord(byte[i]):2:-16); write(' '); if eof(intext) then goto 10; get(intext); end; write(' '); i:=7; 10: write(' ['); {now put out ascii equivelant} for j:=0 to i do begin case byte[j] of 'a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9': write(byte[j]); otherwise: write('.'); end; end; writeln(']'); if i<>7 then goto 20; end; 20: close(output); end.