!********************************************************** !* * !* RCO ITP to GEC Network Management Module * !* * !* Gecgrab * !* * !* * !********************************************************** #options !* Prep options !* b - output binary file, else packed hex+compression !* !* %control 1 ;!No record checking. !* #if ~i %include "deimosperm" #else %include "b_deimosspecs" %control x'4001' #fi %begin %conststring (13) vsn = "GecGrab...2b " #datestring #timestring !* !************************** !* * !* Declarations * !* * !************************** !****** Constintegers ****** !* !States %constinteger estb = 2 %constinteger wait data = 1 %constinteger disconnected = 0 !* modes %constinteger idle = 0 %constinteger sft sent = 1 !estb = 2 %constinteger go sent = 3 %constinteger expect data = 4 %constinteger interact = 0 %constinteger dump = 1 %constinteger hex = 1 %constinteger interp = 2 %include "b_ygatecalls" %constinteger gatex ser = 24 %constinteger buffer manager = 17 %owninteger ts call = 0; ! 0 means it isn't !Various useful consts etc %CONSTINTEGER REQUEST BUFFER = 0 %CONSTINTEGER RELEASE BUFFER = 1 %constinteger data = 5 %constinteger ack = 4 !Reasons for grabbing buffers %constinteger send go = 1 %constinteger send er = 2 %constinteger send ms = 3 %constinteger send sft = 0 %constinteger send connect = 4 !Monitor Calls %constinteger grotted 2 = 2 %constinteger grotted 4 = 6 !* !****** End of Constintegers ****** !* !* !****** Recordformats ****** !* %recordformat qf(%record (qf) %name link, %integer count) %recordformat ts29f(%string (255) s %or %byte octet1 %or %bytearray a(0:255)) %recordformat itpf(%byte cnsl, hb2, hb3, (%string(252) s %or %bytearray a(0:252))) %recordformat mef(%record (mef) %name link, %byte l,type, %c (%bytearray a(0:251) %c %or (%string(4) padding, %byte octet1, lcn, fn ,(%bytearray data(0:243) %or %record (itpf) itp %or %record (ts29f) ts29 %or %string (243) ds)) %c %or %string(250) s )) %recordformat pf( %c (%byte ser, reply, fn, s1, %record (mef) %name m, %byte gate port, task port) %c %or (%integer address, d5, %string (3) facility) %c %or (%byte d6, d7, a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2) %c %or (%integer type, a, b, c)) %recordformat sidef(%byte proc, state, inputs, outputs, %record (qf) outq) %ownbyte param, cnsl, mode %owninteger blocks in, blocks out, bout2 %owninteger gate port %owninteger disc res = 0 %constinteger max lines = 60 %ownintegerarray m fr tx(0:max lines) %ownintegerarray l fr tx(0:max lines) %ownintegerarray o tod a(0:max lines) %ownstring (15) %array swaddr(1:3) = "18888888888003", "28888888888803", "38888888880003" !* !****** Names ****** !* %ownrecord (sidef) gec !* !****** Records and Recordarrays ****** !* %constrecord (*) %name null == 0 %ownrecord (pf) p = 0 %owninteger forg info = 0 %owninteger print all = 1 %owninteger i,logopt, dataopt, stopm, buffers held, stopf, rest = 0 %ownbyteintegerarray inbuff(0:511) %owninteger inp = 0 %owninteger stop on midnight = 0 %ownstring (63) address = "" !* !****** Routine Specs ****** !* %routinespec ask for buffer(%record (mef) %name mes, %byte reason) %routinespec free buffer(%record (mef) %name mes) ;!EXT %routinespec to gatex(%integer type, flag) %routinespec do connect(%record (mef) %name mes) %routinespec handle gec data(%record (pf) %name p) %routinespec handle ts packet(%byte ser) %routinespec read string(%string (*) %name s) %routinespec dump figs %routinespec query process %routinespec send(%record (mef) %name mes, %c %integer fn) %routinespec stop(%integer reason) %routinespec process gec log data(%bytearrayname inb, %integer inpt) !* !****** Others ****** !* %ownstring(1) snil = "" !************************ !* * !* Main Program * !* * !************************ !* %on 9 %start; ! disc full etc. selectoutput(0) printstring("Disc/directory is full! ") -> abo %finish printstring(vsn); printstring(datestring); newline ad again: prompt("Address?"); read(i); skipsymbol %if i < 1 %or i > 3 %start printstring("Between 1 and 3 please ") -> ad again %finish address = swaddr(i) %if i = 1 %then forg info = 1 prompt("Keep Going?"); readsymbol(rest); skipsymbol prompt("Stop at Midnight?"); readsymbol(stopm) %if stopm = 'Y' %then stop on midnight = 1 i = map virt(buffer manager, 6, 5) i = map virt(buffer manager, 5, 4) restart: stopf = 0 ask for buffer(null, send connect) %cycle p_ser = 0 poff(p) %if '0'<=int<='9' %then printall=int-'0' %and int = 0 %if int = 'S' %then stop on midnight=stop on midnight!!1 %if 'M' <= int <= 'O' %start logopt = int-'O'; int = 0 %finish %if int = 'A' %start to gatex(Disconnect, 1); disc res = 1; rest = 'N' %finish %if int = '?' %start query process %finish int = 0 buffers held = buffers held + 1 %unless p_m == null handle ts packet(p_reply) %if stopf # 0 %start; ! GEC has signalled no more data %if rest # 'Y' %then dump figs %and %stop ! no multiple restarts wanted printstring("Waiting one hour ") %cycle i = 1, 1, 60 alarm(60*60); ! 1 minute p_ser = 0; poff(p) %if int = 'A' %then dump figs %and %stop %repeat printstring("Restarting ") -> restart %finish %continue abo: to gatex(disconnect, 1) rest = 'N'; ! don't let it retry %repeat !********************* !* * !* Routines * !* * !********************* %routine ask for buffer(%record (mef) %name mes, %byte reason) !This routine fires off a buffer request to Buffer Manager %record (pf) p %integer i %if mes == null %start p_ser = buffer manager ;p_reply = own id p_fn = request buffer p_c = 0 ponoff(p) buffers held = buffers held+1 mes == p_m %finish #if m %if logopt < 0 %start printstring("ask for buffer, call ="); write(reason, 1); newline %finish #fi %if reason = send sft %start mes_l = 5 mes_data(0) = x'84' ;mes_data(1) = 3 ;mes_data(2) = 0 mes_data(3) = param >>8 ;mes_data(4) = param & 255 %elseif reason = send go mes_l = 3 mes_data(0) = x'82' ;mes_data(1) = 2 ;mes_data(2) = 0 %elseif reason = send er mes_l = 3 mes_data(0) = 0 ;mes_data(1) = 4 ;mes_data(2) = 0 %elseif reason = send ms mes_l = 3 mes_data(0) = 0 ;mes_data(1) = 3 ;mes_data(2) = param %else %if reason = send connect do connect(mes); %return %finish %if ts call # 0 %start %cycle i = mes_l, -1, 1 mes_data(i) = mes_data(i-1) %repeat mes_l = mes_l+1 mes_data(0) = 0 %finish send(mes, data) %return %end ;!of Buffer Arrived %routine free buffer(%record (mef) %name mes) %record (pf) p %if mes == null %then %return ;!No buffer to free p_ser = buffer manager ;p_reply = own id p_fn = release buffer p_m == mes buffers held = buffers held - 1 pon(p) %end ;!of Free Buffer %routine mon mes(%record (mef) %name mes) %integer i, j, k, n k = mes_l write(k, 1); space; space j = 0 %cycle i = 0, 1, k-1 write(mes_data(i), 1) j = j+1; %if j = 20 %then j = 0 %and newline %repeat newline; select output(0) %end %routine to gatex(%integer fn, flag) p_ser = gatex ser; p_reply = id p_fn = fn; p_s1 = flag p_gate port = gate port; p_task port = 1 p_m == null pon(p) #if m %if logopt < 0 %start printstring("To Gatex, call ="); write(fn, 1) printstring(", flag ="); write(flag, 1) newline %finish #fi %end %routine pack(%record(mef) %name mes, %string (*) %name s) string(addr(mes_a(mes_l))) = s mes_l = mes_l+length(s)+1 %end %routine do connect(%record (mef) %name mes) %string (3) facn %ownstring (5) wind = "W=4/4" p_ser = gatex ser; p_reply = id p_fn = Connect p_s1 = 0 p_gate port = 0; p_task port = 1 p_m == mes mes_l = 0 pack(mes, address) pack(mes, snil) pack(mes, wind) pack(mes, snil) %if logopt # 0 %start printstring("Connect to "); printstring(address) newline %finish pon(p) %end %routine dump figs %integer i, j printstring("No of blocks in:"); write(blocks in, 1) printstring(", Blocks out:"); write(blocks out, 1); newline printstring("Max pkts (& per sec)for each line:"); newline %cycle i = 0, 1, max lines %if m frtx(i) # 0 %start printstring("lau"); write(i, 2); write(mfrtx(i), 6) write(mfrtx(i)//(30*60), 6) newline %finish %repeat %end %routine handle gec data(%record (pf) %name p) %integer i, m, n, q, l %record (mef) %name mes mes == p_m to gatex(ack, 1); ! ack the block: NB: Disturbs P %if logopt < 0 %then printstring("From Gate ") %and mon mes(mes) %if ts call # 0 %start %cycle i = 1, 1, mes_l-1 mes_data(i-1) = mes_data(i) %repeat mes_l = mes_l-1 %finish %if mes_l = 0 %then free buffer(mes) %and %return %if mode = sft sent %start %if mes_data(1) = 0 %and mes_data(2) = 0 %start !Rpos rec'd ok ask for buffer(mes, send go) ;mes == null printstring("Rpos ") mode = go sent %else printstring("Rneg ") mes == null mode = idle to gatex(Disconnect, 1) %finish %elseif mode = go sent %if logopt # 0 %then printstring("SS ") mode = expect data %elseif mes_data(0) = 0 %and (mode = estb %or mode = expect data) blocks in = blocks in+1 process gec log data(inbuff, inp) inp = 0 %if mes_data(1) = 1 %start %if blocks out = 10000 %start printstring("File too large, stopping ") to Gatex(Disconnect, 0) rest = 'N'; ! stop it continuing mode = idle free buffer(mes) %return %finish param = mes_data(2) ask for buffer(mes, send ms) ;mes == null %if logopt # 0 %start printstring("MR"); write(param, 1); newline %finish mode = expect data %elseif mes_data(1) = 2 ask for buffer(mes, send er) ;mes == null printstring("ES ") mode = idle to gatex(Disconnect, 0); disc res = 1 %else printstring("Unkn ?") write(mes_data(0), 1) ;write(mes_data(1), 1) ;write(mes_data(2), 1) ;newline %finish %elseif mode = expect data %if mes_data(0) > 127 %then mode = estb %and mes_data(0) = mes_data(0) & 127 q = 1 %if length(mes_ds) # 0 %start l = length(mes_ds) back: select output(1) %for i = 1, 1, l %cycle inbuff(inp) = mes_data(q); inp = inp+1 q = q +1 %repeat select output(0) %if mes_l > q %then l = mes_data(q) %and q = q+1 %and -> back %finish %finish free buffer(mes) %end ;!of Handle GEC Data %routine handle ts packet(%byte ser) %record (mef) %name mes %integer gate port, task port, i mes == p_m task port = p_task port gate port = p_gate port #if m %if logopt < 0 %start printstring("From Gate; Fn ="); write(p_fn, 1) printstring(" flag ="); write(p_s1, 1) newline %finish #fi %if p_fn = accept call %start free buffer(mes) %unless mes == null cnsl = 0 ;mode = 0 dataopt = hex param = 0 ask for buffer(null, send sft) mode = sft sent %elseif p_fn = data %or p_fn = control data handle gec data(p) %elseif p_fn = disconnect free buffer(mes) %unless mes == null %if disc res # 0 %start printstring("Call Disconnected Ok") %else printstring("Call Disconnected (lost) ") to gatex(disconnect, 1) %finish write(p_s1, 1) newline stopf = 1; ! signal to outer level to stop %elseif p_fn = ack %finish %end ;!of Handle TS packet %routine read string(%string (*) %name s) %integer i,j s = "" %cycle readsymbol(i) %return %if i = nl s = s.tostring(i) %repeat %end %routine query process printstring("BH=") ;write(buffers held, 1) ;newline printstring("Blocks In ="); write(blocks in, 1) newline %end ;!of Query Process %routine send(%record (mef) %name mes, %integer fn) %byte q p_reply = id p_fn = fn p_m == mes p_gate port = gate port p_task port = 1 p_ser = gatex ser %unless p_m == null %start buffers held = buffers held - 1 %finish pon(p) %return %end ;!of Send %routine stop(%integer reason) printstring("Gecgrab Stopped") ;write(reason, 1) #if ~f monitor(null, query) #fi %cycle %repeat %end ;!of Stop %routine process gec log data(%bytearrayname inb, %integer inpt) %constinteger our exchange = 1 %constinteger scd = 0 %constinteger ecd = 1 %constinteger dcd = 2 %constinteger laustats = 3 %constinteger unitstats = 4 %constinteger gate start = 33 %routinespec writehex(%integer n,d) %routinespec dat(%integer dat) %routinespec dump block(%bytearrayname inb, %integer len) %routinespec print name %routinespec tod(%integer d1, d2) %conststring (7) %array units(0:4) = "Max Bf:", "Cur Bf:", "Vcs", "Min Bf:", "Req Dl:" %integer ina,inl,idunit, idexch,idtype ! %recordformat logf(%integer tod1, tod2, seq1, seq2, %c ! ((%integer l, %byte type, spare1, %integer id1, id2, %c ! (%integer callid, spare, %c ! ((%bytearray called, caller(0:7), %byte cdl, crl, facs, res, scause, sdiags, spare2, spare3) %c ! %or (%integer seg tx1, seg tx2, seg rx1, seg rx2, %c ! %integer ints tx, ints rx, res tx, res rx, retries, ecause, ediags)) %c ! %or (%integerarray l stats(0:11)) %c ! %or ((%integer oflo1, oflo2, %c ! %integer l ctrl rx, l ctrl tx, l 1seg rx, l 2seg rx, %c ! l 3seg rx, l 4seg rx, l 1seg tx, l 2seg tx, l 3seg tx, l 4seg tx, l frms rx, %c ! l frms tx, l calls rx, l calls tx, l retries, l ints rx, l ints tx, %c ! l res rx, l res tx, l sups rx, l sups tx, l fcs rx, l abrts rx, %c ! l idle errors, ldcd,lshort,lunder,l l2res, %c ! %integer brx1, brx2, btx1, btx2 %or %integerarray lust(0:42))))) %c ! )) %recordformat logf(%integer tod1, tod2, seq1, seq2, %c %integer l, %byte type, spare1, %integer id1, id2, %c %integerarray lust(0:42)) %record (logf) %name a %conststring(4) %array types(0:4) = "CON ","END ","CHK ","Link","Unit" %integer l,n,j,i,ll,inla,seq,blkno,laun, ins, free, k, ww %integer forget, outp, tod1, tod2, seq1, seq2, x, y %owninteger otod1, otod2 %integer id1, id2 %owninteger count = 0, unitfl = 0 %owninteger maxcalls = 0 %owninteger pt len = 0 %ownbyteintegerarray out(0:600) %return %if inpt = 0 %if inpt # 512 %start %if pt len = 0 %start; ! print message flag printstring("pt ="); write(inpt, 1); newline pt len = 1 %finish %finish ina = addr(inb(0)) inla = ina forget = 0; outp = 0 dump block(inb, 512) %if print all = 9 select output(2) %cycle a == record(inla) ins = 0 tod1 = swab(a_tod1); tod2 = swab(a_tod2) seq1 = swab(a_seq1); seq2 = swab(a_seq2) %if otod2 # 0 %and tod1+tod2#0 %start; ! other way to remove end zeroes? x = tod1 - otod1 %if tod2-otod2>30*60 %and x # 1 %start printstring("Time seq? Old ="); tod(otod1, otod2) printstring(", New ="); tod(tod1, tod2); newline %finish %finish otod1 = tod1; otod2 = tod2 %if a_seq1 = -1 %start newlines(2) spaces(9) ;tod(tod1, tod2) !Initialising log select output(0) printstring(" Date:") spaces(3) ;dat(swab(a_l)) ;spaces(3) ;writehex(a_spare1,4) newline ll = 12; ! no length byte present in Date select output(1) %if stop on midnight # 0 %then int = 'A' %finishelsestart !Anything else inside: seq = swab(a_seq2) ll = swab(a_l) %exit %if ll = 0 id1 = swab(a_id1); id2 = swab(a_id2) idtype = id1 >> 8 &255 idexch = id1 & 255 idunit = id2 >> 8 &255 %if swab(a_seq1) > 2 %or ll > x'100' %c %or ll mfrtx(laun) %and lfrtx(laun)#0 %and %c tod2-otoda(laun)<35*60 %then %c mfrtx(laun) = k l frtx(laun) = n otoda(laun) = tod2 %if print all > 5 %start %if a_lust(12)+a_lust(13)#0 %start print name printstring(" Frms (RX/TX):") write(swab(a_lust(12)), 6); write(swab(a_lust(13)), 6) printstring(", Calls:") write(swab(a_lust(14)), 6); write(swab(a_lust(15)), 6) newline %finish %finish %finishelseif a_type = unitstats %start %if unitfl = 0 %or printall # 0 %start select output(0) tod(tod1, tod2); spaces(3) x = 2; y = 3 %if unitfl = 0 %then x = 0 %if a_lust(4) # 0 %then y = 4 %for i = x, 1, y %cycle spaces(3); printstring(units(i)) write(swab(a_lust(i)), 4) %repeat newline select output(2) unit fl = 1 %finish %finish %finish x = ((inla-ina+ll+10)&x'fffc')+ina; ! long word align wrt data %if forget = 0 %start %cycle i = inla, 1, x-1 out(outp) = byteinteger(i); outp = outp+1 %if outp > 600 %start select output(0) printstring("outp ="); write(outp, 1) writehex(inla, 4); space; writehex(x, 4); space writehex(ll, 4); newline dump block(inb, 512); newlines(2) dump block(out, 600) %exit %finish %repeat %finish inla = x %if inla >= ina+500 %then %exit; ! 512-safety margin a == record(inla) forget = 0 %if swab(a_tod1)&x'fff0'#0 %start; ! sub-record inla = inla-8 a == record(inla) a_tod1 = swab(tod1); a_tod2 = swab(tod2) a_seq1 = swab(seq1); a_seq2 = swab(seq2) ins = 1 -> inside %finish inla = inla+4 %if a_tod1+a_tod2 = 0; ! skip the zero word %repeat %if outp > 0 %start select output(1) %cycle i = 0, 1, outp-1 printsymbol(out(i)) %repeat bout2 = bout2+outp %if bout2 >= 512 %then blocks out = blocks out+1 %c %and bout2 = bout2-512 %finish select output(0) dump block(out, outp) %if print all = 9 %return %routine print name write(seq, 5) printstring(" ("); writehex(seq, 3); printsymbol(')') spaces(3) ;tod(tod1, tod2) spaces(3); writehex(inla,4); spaces(2) %if 0 <= a_type <= 4 %then printstring(types(a_type)) %else write(a_type, 3) spaces(3) %if idtype & 255 = 2 %start !LAU printstring("LAU") ;writehex(idunit, 2) %if idexch # our exchange %start printsymbol('/'); writehex(idexch, 2) %finishelse spaces(3) %finishelseif idtype = 3 %start !GW printstring(" GW") ;writehex(idunit, 2) %if idexch # our exchange %start printsymbol('/'); writehex(idexch, 2) %finishelse spaces(3) %finishelsestart writehex(a_id2, 4) %finish %end %routine dump block(%bytearrayname inb, %integer len) %integer i, j %cycle i = 0, 1, len-1 writehex(inb(i), 2) space %if i&3 = 3 newline %if i&31 = 31 %return %if int # 0 %repeat newline %end %routine tod(%integer sec1, sec2) %integer hour, min, secs, h, m, s h = 0; m = 0; s = 0 %if sec1 > 1 %then writehex(sec1,4) %and writehex(sec2,4) %and %return %if sec1 = 1 %start h = 18; m = 12; s = 16 %finish %if sec2&x'8000' # 0 %start sec2 = sec2&x'7fff' h = h+9; m = m+6; s = s+8 %finish hour = sec2//3600 min = (sec2 - hour*3600)//60 secs = sec2 - (hour *60 + min)* 60 hour = hour+h; min = min+m; secs = secs+s %if secs > 60 %then min = min+1 %and secs = secs-60 %if min > 60 %then hour = hour+1 %and min = min-60 printsymbol(hour//10 + '0') ;printsymbol(hour - (hour//10)*10 + '0') printsymbol(':') printsymbol(min//10 + '0') ;printsymbol(min - (min//10)*10 + '0') printsymbol(':') printsymbol(secs//10 + '0') ;printsymbol(secs - (secs//10)*10 + '0') %end %routine writehex(%integer n,d) %integer i,j,mask mask=15<<((d-1)<<2) %cycle i=0,1,d-1 j=(n&mask)>>((d-i-1)<<2) ;mask=mask>>4 %if j>9 %then j=j+7 j=j+'0' printsymbol(j) %repeat %end %routine dat(%integer dat) %integer d, m, y d = dat & 31 ;m = (dat>>5) & 15 ;y = (dat>>9) & 63 y = y + 1972 write(d, 2); printsymbol('/') ;write(m, 2) ;printsymbol('/') ;write(y, 4) %end %end %endofprogram