List of TelePAC faults (Position as of 23 Sep 86) 1.2 Points addressed with Mr Gilmour regarding JNT Spec (Telefile) Guaranteed PSS compatibility (BG 1) Ok Call statistics in Clear packet (BG 2) Ok, but see N7 Call redirection (BG 3) Ok Load Sharing (BG 4) Ok, but see N6 Performance monitor (BG 6) Ok Fault warning (BG 7) Ok (but could be more) Network management (BG 8) Ok, but multiple PSE not tried Various packet counts (BG 9) Clear,Int,Rst SENT not counted Displayable DTE addresses (BG 11) Ok Password on BASE: (BG 12) Ok MTBF (BG 13) Ok Crash on buffer exhaustion (BG 14) Ok Hold link down (BG 15) Ok Change of line speeds (BG 16) Ok 1.3 Gilmore/Cheney-reported bugs not dealt with above (Telefile) Reset code of 0/0 on errors (BG 3) Ok Clear code of 0/0 on link down (BG 4) Ok (get 09/00) Packet size of 256 Ok No response to REJ command (CJC 1) No Spurious pairs of Clears (CJC 2) Ok Crash because of incorrect configuration (CJC 4) Ok - but see N3 Delays on response to Call Request (BG 9, CJC 5a, 13) Ok Wrong LCN used after Clear to Call Request (CJC 5b) Ok Clear held up until after Accept (CJC 6b) No Reset is not propagated (CJC 7) Ok 1.4 Gilmore/Cheney-reported deficiences not dealt with above Session statistics from call setup (BG 2) Ok Unmatched called addresses (BG 5, CJC 12) No response to illegal LCGN (BG 6) DTE sends network clearing codes (BG 7) Display of link output queue size (BG 8) Change number of LCNs should not require reboot (BG 10) Documentation (BG 11, CJC 22) Respond Clear Conf. to Clear after Call Req. (CJC 6a) Need multiple LCGs (CJC 9) Supervisory command recovery after REJ (CJC 10) Lower and upper case (CJC 11a) DEL (CJC 11b) Non-immediate configuration (CJC 15) Selection of address table entries (CJC 16) Configuration of address table (CJC 17) DTE/DCE instead of A/B (CJC 19) Physical DCE presentation (CJC 20) X.25 subscription options (CJC 21) Unmatched called addresses (BG 5, CJC 12) Addresses in billing records are zero-filled (CJC 8) New Faults (post meeting) N1 When a call is 'timed out', the TelePAC repeats the call attempt 5 times. It should not repeat the call attempt. N2 When a 'simple' error occurs on a line, eg an incorrect L2 address is seen, the TelePAC is too quick in disconnecting the link (PSS will ignore a frame with an incorrect address) It appears that when line faults are occuring, some bad packets can get through the CRC check & this causes then provokes the TelePAC to disconnect the link. *** CRC problem fixed by a mod to the V24 board - July 86 N3 Configuration. If a large number of Billing records are asked for (but less than the stated max), the TelePAC crashes on BOOT & it can be very difficult to stop it looping in the diagnostics. N4 After the above, the only way of restoring the TelePAC is to reset the memory, it is NOT enough to simply reset the number of billing records and re-boot N5 Buffers dropped from almost 400 to 173 for no apparent reason. The number stayed that from 5pm to 1pm the next day. It then rose again to 260, again for no apparent reason. N6 Load Sharing. When a load shared line has gone down and up, calls do not appear to then use that line. N7 PSS Statistics. Only operate one way round. N8 When a line attached to a line driver goes down, the switch puts out a constant stream of meesages in the form "Input too long". This is thought to be caused by the switch not searching for a flag packet after the 1st error. N9 Whan a call is nogotiated with a packet size of 128 and a packet > 128 is sent to the Telepac, a) it is not reset and b) the oversize packet is sent to the receiving host. (version 0451) N10 When a call is made to a line which is up, but the host then makes no response (ie, really is down), then after the timeout period, the call is cleared with the code 00/00. N11 On a busy line, ie with approx 64 calls in progress, a single call or several of them can stick. The effect is that the call accept packet is sent back to the originator of the call but there is disagrement between the two channels on the TelePAC as to the state of data which has been transmitted by the called address but not transmitted to the caller. Evidence was sent to Telefile. N12 A DELE of the stats of a line does not properly clear the numbe rof packets received & transmitted and leaves the numbers output by the commands STAT and POLL different. N13 When a Call Accept is sent to the TelePAC negotiating a window size of zero, the TelePAC 'accepts' it rather than sending a RESET 05/C6 N14 When a Call is made to a line in the state 'FRMR', the call is rejected by the TelePAC after a short delay with the code 00/00 rather than 09/00 N15 When a line is disconnected, a line can go into the FRMR state and remain 'for ever' in that state. N16 On release 664, when a call is made with packet size 128/128, no RESET is generated if a packet of > 128 is then used. N17 When the TelePAC is powered on, a line can fail to start properly, ie with correct timing present, the TelePAC does not transmit flags etc. N18 Call setup is too slow N19 Two concatenated packets were output by the Telepac, the packet, 209 bytes in length had a correct checksum and the entire header of the 'second' packet was present. The next packet transmitted had a transmit sequence count of 3. N20 (The original N10) When a call is made to an address not set-up in the TelePAC, it is routed to an internal service and there is a delay until the call is cleared. N21 The current number of calls on a link can be grossly wrong, an example where > 500 calls were seen on a link was sent to Telefile. N22 A restart packet from the TelePAC contains a 'DTE originated' cause field (from a DCE). Faults reported on SEEL forms, My ref no 1. Disconecting a terminal while it is outputting causes a large number of echo characters, including multiple '?'s, which causes constant output from the console for a long period of time (> 2 hours)