Notes for implementors of drivers --------------------------------- Before recompiling source files, new EXT files should be generated. This reduces the chances of cross-module confusion. When recompiling all the source files, one should be careful that the include files are all in the correct state. Especially, MACHINE.CST, which contains machine dependent timing loop variables, which are mainly used in the screen drivers. In order to set these variables, a version of the SOFT terminal is compiled. There are two loop constants. 1. NLOOPS. When in setup mode, and Ctrl G is keyed, there should be a delay of 10 seconds, then a bell. 2. NWAIT. When in normal terminal mode, ESC ?, should attempt to restart an SSMP session, giving a 20 second delay between the messages on the screen. Files MDRV: APRICOT.LIB, NIMBUS.LIB, IBM.LIB, NIMDCC.LIB, AMSTRAD.LIB contain details of how to produce the object libraries using PROLIB. e.g. PROLIB @APRICOT.LIB will produce APRICOT.OBJ. Nimbus line-drivers are now implemented for AUX RS422, Piconet COM1, and DCC card, (Data Comms Controller). Hence there are now two different versions of the Nimbus object libraries. NIMAUX.OBJ and NIMDCC.OBJ. These are now linked using ZLAUX.OBJ, ZLASM.OBJ and COMMS.OBJ, for NIMAUX, and ZLDCC.OBJ ZLASMD.OBJ and DCOMMS.OBJ for NIMDCC. NIMBUS.OBJ is retained as a direct copy of NIMAUX, so as not to confuse naive users. Likewise, ZLASM.ASM is retained as a copy of ZL422.OBJ.