{Decode routine for PDP11} %CONSTINTEGER Absf= 1, Adc = 2, Adcb = 3, Add = 4, Addf = 5, Ash = 6, Ashc = 7, Asl = 8, Aslb = 9, Asr = 10, Asrb = 11, Beq = 12, Bge = 13, Bgt = 14, Bhi = 15, Bhis = 16, Bic = 17, Bicb = 18, Bis = 19, Bisb = 20, Bit = 21, Bitb = 22, Ble = 23, Blo = 24, Blos = 25, Blt = 26, Bmi = 27, Bne = 28, Bpl = 29, Bpt = 30, Br = 31, Bvc = 32, Bvs = 33, Cfcc = 34, Clr = 35, Clrb = 36 %CONSTINTEGER Clrf= 37, Cmp = 38, Cmpb = 39, Cmpf = 40, Com = 41, Comb = 42, Dec = 43, Decb = 44, Div = 45, Divf = 46, Emt = 47, Fadd = 48, Fdiv = 49, Fmul = 50, Fsub = 51, Halt = 52, Inc = 53, Incb = 54, Iot = 55, Jmp = 56, Jsr = 57, Ldcfd = 58, Ldcif = 59, Ldexp = 60, Ldf = 61, Ldfps = 62, Mark = 63, Mfpd = 64, Mfpi = 65, Modf = 66, Mov = 67, Movb = 68, Mtpd = 69, Mtpi = 70, Mul = 71, Mulf = 72 %CONSTINTEGER Neg= 73, Negb = 74, Negf = 75, Nop = 76, Reset = 77, Rol = 78, Rolb = 79, Ror = 80, Rorb = 81, Rti = 82, Rts = 83, Rtt = 84, Sbc = 85, Sbcb = 86, Setd = 87, Setf = 88, Seti = 89, Setl = 90, Sob = 91, Spl = 92, Stcfd = 93, Stcfi = 94, Stexp = 95, Stf = 96, Stfps = 97, Stst = 98, Sub = 99, Subf = 100, Swab = 101, Sxt = 102, Trap = 103, Tst = 104, Tstb = 105, Tstf = 106, Wait = 107, Xor = 108 %CONSTSTRING (5) %ARRAY OpText(1:108)= "Absf ", "Adc ", "Adcb ", "Add ", "Addf ", "Ash ", "Ashc ", "Asl ", "Aslb ", "Asr ", "Asrb ", "Beq ", "Bge ", "Bgt ", "Bhi ", "Bhis ", "Bic ", "Bicb ", "Bis ", "Bisb ", "Bit ", "Bitb ", "Ble ", "Blo ", "Blos ", "Blt ", "Bmi ", "Bne ", "Bpl ", "Bpt ", "Br ", "Bvc ", "Bvs ", "Cfcc ", "Clr ", "Clrb ", "Clrf ", "Cmp ", "Cmpb ", "Cmpf ", "Com ", "Comb ", "Dec ", "Decb ", "Div ", "Divf ", "Emt ", "Fadd ", "Fdiv ", "Fmul ", "Fsub ", "Halt ", "Inc ", "Incb ", "Iot ", "Jmp ", "Jsr ", "Ldcfd", "Ldcif", "Ldexp", "Ldf ", "Ldfps", "Mark ", "Mfpd ", "Mfpi ", "Modf ", "Mov ", "Movb ", "Mtpd ", "Mtpi ", "Mul ", "Mulf ", "Neg ", "Negb ", "Negf ", "Nop ", "Reset", "Rol ", "Rolb ", "Ror ", "Rorb ", "Rti ", "Rts ", "Rtt ", "Sbc ", "Sbcb ", "Setd ", "Setf ", "Seti ", "Setl ", "Sob ", "Spl ", "Stcfd", "Stcfi", "Stexp", "Stf ", "Stfps", "Stst ", "Sub ", "Subf ", "Swab ", "Sxt ", "Trap ", "Tst ", "Tstb ", "Tstf ", "Wait ", "Xor " %CONSTBYTEARRAY OpType(-1:108)= 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3 %CONSTINTEGERARRAY Special(0:127)= 2155, 2588, 3098, 3607, 57, 360, 870, 870, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 71, 45, 6, 7, 108, 1843, 1843, 91, 4125, 4633, 5153, 5656, 6247, 617, 1105, 1105, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 1642, 1608, 1597, 1636, 1632, 1631, 1629, 1595 %CONSTSTRING (3) %ARRAY RegId(0:7)= "R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "LNB", "DS", "SP", "PC" %CONSTBYTEARRAY CLR group(0:7)= Clr, Com, Inc, Dec, Neg, Adc, Sbc, Tst %CONSTBYTEARRAY CLRBgroup(0:7)= Clrb, Comb, Incb, Decb, Negb, Adcb, Sbcb, Tstb %CONSTBYTEARRAY ROR group(0:7)= Ror, Rol, Asr, Asl, Mark, Mfpi, Mtpi, Sxt %CONSTBYTEARRAY RORBgroup(0:7)= Rorb, Rolb, Asrb, Aslb, 0, Mfpd, Mtpd, 0 %CONSTBYTEARRAY Old Fp(0:7)= Fadd, Fsub, Fsub, Fdiv, 0, 0, 0, 0 %CONSTBYTEARRAY Fp Single(0:3)= Clrf, Tstf, Absf, Negf %CONSTBYTEARRAY Floating(0:15)= 0, 0, Mulf, Modf, Addf, Ldf, Subf, Cmpf, Stf, Divf,Stexp,Stcfi,Stcfd,Ldexp,Ldcif,Ldcfd %CONSTBYTEARRAY Fp Sets(0:15)= Cfcc, Setf, Seti, 0(6), Setd, Setl, 0(*) %CONSTBYTEARRAY Halts(0:6)= Halt, Wait, Rti, Bpt, Iot, Reset, Rtt %CONSTBYTEARRAY Pair(10:25)= Bne, Beq, Bge, Blt, Bgt, Ble, Bpl, Bmi, Bhi, Blos, Bvc, Bvs, Bhis,Blo, Emt, Trap %OWNINTEGER alisting= 0 %OWNSTRING (36) %NAME global %EXTERNALROUTINE Print Octal(%INTEGER N,P) %INTEGER J,K %FOR J = 15,-3,0 %CYCLE K = N>>J&7 %IF K#0 %OR P#0 %OR J=0 %START Printsymbol(K+'0') P = 1 %FINISH %REPEAT %END %INTEGERFN More(%INTEGER MB) %INTEGER Base,Mode Base = MB&7 Mode = MB>>3 %RESULT = -1 %IF Mode>=6 %OR (Base=7 %AND Mode!1=3) %RESULT = 0 %END %EXTERNALROUTINE Decode11(%INTEGER C,V,R,Sp) %OWNINTEGER State= 0, Expected = -1 %OWNINTEGER Ca,P= 0, Op, T, Key, Extra, Marker = ' ' %INTEGER N %OWNINTEGERARRAY Val(1:2)= 0(*) %OWNINTEGERARRAY Rel(1:2)= 0(*) %SWITCH Oper(0:9),Spec(0:8) %ROUTINE Space out Spaces(Sp) Printsymbol(Marker); Marker = ' ' %END %ROUTINE Expend(%INTEGER N) Space out Print Octal(Expected,1); Expected = Expected+2 Printstring(": ") Print Octal(N,1); Newline %END %IF C#Expected %START Expected = Expected-2*P Expected = Expected-2 %AND Expend(Op) %IF State#0 Expend(Val(1)) %IF P#0 Expend(Val(2)) %IF P=2 Expected = C State = 0 Marker = '=' %FINISH Expected = Expected+2 %IF State=0 %START Op = V&x'FFFF'; Ca = C P = 0 Key = Special(Op>>9) N = Key>>8 Key = Key&255 ->Spec(N) %IF N<10 N = N+1 %IF Op&8_400#0 Key = Pair(N); ->OK Spec(1):Key = CLRgroup(Op>>6&7); ->OK Spec(2):Key = CLRBgroup(Op>>6&7); ->OK Spec(3):Key = RORgroup(Op>>6&7); ->OK Spec(4):Key = RORBgroup(Op>>6&7); ->OK Spec(6):N = Op>>8&15 %IF N>1 %START Key = Floating(N) %FINISHELSEIF N=1 %START Key = FPsingle(Op>>6&3) %FINISHELSESTART Key = FPsets(Op&15) %FINISH; ->OK Spec(7):Key = Old Fp(Op>>3&7); ->OK Spec(8):%IF Op<=6 %START Key = HALTs(Op) %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_400=8_400 %START Key = Br %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_700=8_300 %START Key = Swab %FINISHELSEIF Op=8_240 %START Key = Nop %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_700=8_100 %START Key = Jmp %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_770=8_200 %START Key = Rts %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_770=8_230 %START Key = Spl %FINISHELSEIF Op&8_177740=8_000240 %START Key = -1 %FINISHELSESTART Key = 0 %FINISH OK: Spec(0):T = OpType(Key) Extra = 0 %IF 1<=T<=3 %START Extra = Extra+1 %IF More(Op&8_77)#0 Extra = Extra+1 %IF T=2 %AND More(Op>>6&8_77)#0 State = Extra %FINISH %FINISHELSESTART V = V!(-1)<<16 %IF V&x'8000'#0 P = P+1; Val(P) = V; Rel(P) = R State = State-1 %FINISH %RETURNIF State#0 %ROUTINE Print Reloc(%INTEGER R) %IF R>0 %START Printstring("-Pc") %IF R&1#0 R = R>>1 %IF R#0 %START Printsymbol('+') Write(R,0) %FINISH %FINISH %END %ROUTINE Print Oper(%INTEGER MB) %INTEGER M,B,V,R M = MB>>3 B = MB&7 %IF M>=6 %START P = P+1; V = Val(P); R = Rel(P) Ca = Ca+2 Printsymbol('@') %IF M=7 %IF B=7 %START Printsymbol('=') Print Octal(V+Ca,0) %FINISHELSESTART Print Octal(V,0) Print Reloc(R) Printsymbol('(') Printstring(RegId(B)) Printsymbol(')') %FINISH %FINISHELSEIF M<=1 %START Printsymbol('(') %IF M#0 Printstring(RegId(B)) Printsymbol(')') %IF M#0 %FINISHELSEIF B=7 %AND M!1=3 %START Printsymbol('@') %IF M&1#0 Printsymbol('#') P = P+1; V = Val(P); R = Rel(P) Ca = Ca+2 %IF V<0 %START V = -V Printsymbol('-') %FINISH %IF addr(global)#0 %START printstring(global) %IF v#0 %START printstring(" + ") print octal(v,0) %FINISH %FINISHELSE print octal(v,0) Print Reloc(R) %FINISHELSESTART Printsymbol('@') %IF M&1#0 Printsymbol('-') %IF M!1=5 Printsymbol('(') Printstring(RegId(B)) Printsymbol(')') Printsymbol('+') %IF M!1=3 %FINISH %END %ROUTINE Print Jump(%INTEGER D) D = D!(-1)<<8 %IF D&128#0 Print Octal(D*2+Ca,0) %END Space out Print Octal(Ca,1); Printstring(": ") Print Octal(Op,1) ->Done %IF Key=0 {illegal instruction} Space %IF Extra#0 %THEN Print Octal(Val(1),1) %ELSE Spaces(6) Space %IF Extra=2 %THEN Print Octal(Val(2),1) %ELSE Spaces(6) Space %IF Key<0 %START %IF Op&8_20=0 %THEN Printstring("Clear") %ELSE Printstring("Set") Printstring(" N") %IF Op&8#0 Printstring(" Z") %IF Op&4#0 Printstring(" V") %IF Op&2#0 Printstring(" C") %IF Op&1#0 %FINISHELSESTART Printstring(OpText(Key)); Ca = Ca+2 Space %UNLESS T=0 %FINISH P = 0 ->Oper(T) Oper(2):Print Oper(Op>>6&8_77) Printstring(", ") Oper(1):Print Oper(Op&8_77); ->Done Oper(3):Op = Op&8_377 %IF Op&8_170000=8_170000 Printstring(RegId(Op>>6&7)) Printstring(", ") Print Oper(Op&8_77); ->Done Oper(4):Printstring(RegId(Op&7)); ->Done Oper(5):Print Jump(Op&255); ->Done Oper(6):Write(Op&7,1); ->Done Oper(7):Write(Op&8_77,1); ->Done Oper(8):Print Jump(-(Op&8_77)); ->Done Oper(9):Write(Op&255,1) Oper(0): Done:Newline P = 0 %END %EXTERNALROUTINE Code11 %alias "c#code11"(%STRING (63) File) %ROUTINE fspec(%STRING (255) s, %STRING (33) %NAME sfile,ofile,lfile) %EXTERNALINTEGERFUNCTIONSPEC exist %ALIAS "S#EXIST"(%STRING (255) file) %STRING (7) fu %STRING (15) pd %STRING (255) f1,f2,f3 %STRING (15) ext %STRING (15) fn %CONSTSTRING (4) dfext="#imp" %IF s->f1.(",").f2.("/").f3 %THEN s = f1.",".f2.",".f3 %IF s->f1.("/").f2 %THEN s = f1.",,".f2 s = s."," s -> f1.(",").f2 %IF f2#"" %THEN f2 -> f2.(",").f3 %ELSE f3 = "" %IF f1->fu.(".").f1 %THEN fu = fu."." %ELSE fu = "" %IF f1->pd.("_").f1 %THEN pd = pd."_" %ELSE pd = "" %IF f1->f1.("#").ext %THEN ext = "#".ext %ELSE ext = "" %IF exist(fu.pd.f1.ext)=0 %START %IF ext="" %AND exist(fu.pd.f1.dfext)=0 %START printstring("Source file ".fu.pd.f1.ext. %C " does not exist or no access") newline sfile = ""; ofile = ""; lfile = ""; %RETURN %FINISHELSE ext = dfext %FINISH %IF f2="" %START %IF exist(f1."#rel")#0 %THEN f2 = f1."#rel" %ELSE f2 = fu.pd.f1."#rel" %FINISH %IF exist(f2)=0 %START printstring("Object file ".f2." does not exist or no access") newline sfile = ""; ofile = ""; lfile = ""; %RETURN %FINISH %IF f3="" %THEN f3 = f1."#LST" sfile = fu.pd.f1.ext ofile = f2 lfile = f3 %END %ROUTINE Print Octal(%INTEGER N,P) N = N&x'FFFF' printsymbol(N>>P&7+'0') %FOR P = 15,-3,0 %END %EXTERNALROUTINESPEC prompt %ALIAS "S#PROMPT"(%STRING (255) s) %ROUTINE define(%STRING (255) s) %EXTERNALROUTINESPEC emas3(%STRINGNAME command,params, %INTEGERNAME flag) %INTEGER flag emas3("DEFINE",s,flag) %END; ! Of %ROUTINE define. %INTEGER Code Base,Gla Base,Constant Base %OWNINTEGER Type=0, Chain, Module, glob %CONSTINTEGER maxglobals=40 %OWNSTRING (36) %ARRAY externals(1:maxglobals) %STRING (63) Listing,Object,Source %OWNINTEGER Ca= 0, Start = 0 %SWITCH T(0:15) %INTEGER Sym,N,Line %ROUTINE Get Source Line(%INTEGER L) %INTEGER S %OWNINTEGER Here= 0 %RETURNIF Here>=L Select Input(1) %CYCLE Here = Here+1 %IF Start<=Line %START Write(Here,4); Space %IF alisting#0 %THEN print octal(ca,7) %AND spaces(5) %FINISH %CYCLE Readsymbol(S) Printsymbol(S) %IF Start<=Line %REPEATUNTIL S=NL %REPEATUNTIL Here=L Select Input(2) %END %INTEGERFN Two Bytes %INTEGER B1,B2 Readch(B1); Readch(B2) %RESULT = B2<<8+B1 %END %STRING (36) %FN Qstring %STRING (36) P %INTEGER L,S P = "" Readch(L) %WHILE L>0 %CYCLE Readch(S) Printsymbol(S) P = P.Tostring(S) L = L-1 %REPEAT %RESULT = P %END %ROUTINE Pstring %STRING (36) s s = Qstring %END %ROUTINE Dump Definitions %INTEGER N,J,Code N = Two Bytes %IF N=0 %START Printstring("No external definitions") Newline %FINISHELSESTART Printstring("External definitions:"); Newline %FOR J = 1,1,N %CYCLE Readch(Code) %IF Code=5 %START {code reloc} Printstring("Code+") %FINISHELSEIF Code=6 %START {Gla reloc} Printstring(" Gla+") %FINISHELSESTART Printstring(" ?+") %FINISH Print Octal(Two Bytes,0) Space Pstring Newline %REPEAT %FINISH Newline %END %ROUTINE Dump References %INTEGER N,J N = Two Bytes %IF N=0 %START Printstring("No external references") Newline %FINISHELSESTART Printstring("External references:"); Newline %FOR J = 1,1,N %CYCLE Write(J,3); Space %IF jT(Sym) %IF 1<=Sym<=15 Printstring("Corrupt object file"); Write(Sym,1); Newline %STOP T(1): Type = 0; Ca = Two Bytes; %CONTINUE T(2): Type = 'G'; Ca = Two Bytes; %CONTINUE T(3): Type = 'D'; Ca = Two Bytes; %CONTINUE T(4): Type = 'L'; Ca = Two Bytes; %CONTINUE T(5): %CONTINUE T(6): %CONTINUE T(7): %CONTINUE T(8): %CONTINUE T(9): N = Two Bytes; Global == Externals(N) %IF NGo %FINISH Printstring("End of file") Newline %END %EXTERNALROUTINE dalist11 %alias "c#dalist11"(%STRING (63) file) alisting = 1 code11(file) %END %ENDOFFILE