! ! This is a full list of vax opcodes but the some non relevant instructions ! are commented out. Primarily these are Priviledged D & H forms. ! !p %constinteger HALT =X'00' %constinteger NOP =X'01' !p %constinteger REI =X'02' %constinteger BPT =X'03' %constinteger RET =X'04' %constinteger RSB =X'05' !p %constinteger LDPCTX=X'06' !p %constinteger SVPCTX=X'07' %constinteger CVTPS =X'08' %constinteger CVTSP =X'09' %constinteger VAXINDEX =X'0A'; ! INDEX is propername but clashes with Ecodes %constinteger CRC =X'0B' !p %constinteger PROBER=X'0C' %constinteger PROBEW=X'0D' %constinteger INSQUE=X'0E' %constinteger REMQUE=X'0F' %constinteger BSBB =X'10' %constinteger BRB =X'11' %constinteger BNEQ =X'12' %constinteger BEQL =X'13' %constinteger BGTR =X'14' %constinteger BLEQ =X'15' %constinteger JSB =X'16' %constinteger JMP =X'17' %constinteger BGEQ =X'18' %constinteger BLSS =X'19' %constinteger BGTRU =X'1A' %constinteger BLEQU =X'1B' %constinteger BVC =X'1C' %constinteger BVS =X'1D' %constinteger BGEQU =X'1E' %constinteger BLSSU =X'1F' %constinteger ADDP4 =X'20' %constinteger ADDP6 =X'21' %constinteger SUBP4 =X'22' %constinteger SUBP6 =X'23' %constinteger CVTPT =X'24' %constinteger MULP =X'25' %constinteger CVTTP =X'26' %constinteger DIVP =X'27' %constinteger MOVC3 =X'28' %constinteger CMPC3 =X'29' %constinteger SCANC =X'2A' %constinteger SPANC =X'2B' %constinteger MOVC5 =X'2C' %constinteger CMPC5 =X'2D' %constinteger MOVTC =X'2E' %constinteger MOVTUC=X'2F' %constinteger BSBW =X'30' %constinteger BRW =X'31' %constinteger CVTWL =X'32' %constinteger CVTWB =X'33' %constinteger MOVP =X'34' %constinteger CMPP3 =X'35' %constinteger CVTPL =X'36' %constinteger CMPP4 =X'37' %constinteger EDITPC=X'38' %constinteger MATCHC=X'39' %constinteger LOCC =X'3A' %constinteger SKPC =X'3B' %constinteger MOVZWL=X'3C' %constinteger ACBW =X'3D' %constinteger MOVAW =X'3E' %constinteger PUSHAW=X'3F' %constinteger ADDF2 =X'40' %constinteger ADDF3 =X'41' %constinteger SUBF2 =X'42' %constinteger SUBF3 =X'43' %constinteger MULF2 =X'44' %constinteger MULF3 =X'45' %constinteger DIVF2 =X'46' %constinteger DIVF3 =X'47' %constinteger CVTFB =X'48' %constinteger CVTFW =X'49' %constinteger CVTFL =X'4A' %constinteger CVTRFL=X'4B' %constinteger CVTBF =X'4C' %constinteger CVTWF =X'4D' %constinteger CVTLF =X'4E' %constinteger ACBF =X'4F' %constinteger MOVF =X'50' %constinteger CMPF =X'51' %constinteger MNEGF =X'52' %constinteger TSTF =X'53' %constinteger EMODF =X'54' %constinteger POLYF =X'55' !%constinteger CVTFD =X'56' %constinteger ADAWI =X'58' %constinteger INSQHI=X'5C' %constinteger INSQTI=X'5D' %constinteger REMQHI=X'5E' %constinteger REMQTI=X'5F' !%constinteger ADDD2 =X'60' !%constinteger ADDD3 =X'61' !%constinteger SUBD2 =X'62' !%constinteger SUBD3 =X'63' !%constinteger MULD2 =X'64' !%constinteger MULD3 =X'65' !%constinteger DIVD2 =X'66' !%constinteger DIVD3 =X'67' !%constinteger CVTDB =X'68' !%constinteger CVTDW =X'69' !%constinteger CVTDL =X'6A' !%constinteger CVTRDL=X'6B' !%constinteger CVTBD =X'6C' !%constinteger CVTWD =X'6D' !%constinteger CVTLD =X'6E' !%constinteger ACBD =X'6F' !%constinteger MOVD =X'70' !%constinteger CMPD =X'71' !%constinteger MNEGD =X'72' !%constinteger TSTD =X'73' !%constinteger EMODD =X'74' !%constinteger POLYD =X'75' %constinteger CVTDF =X'76' %constinteger ASHL =X'78' %constinteger ASHQ =X'79' %constinteger EMUL =X'7A' %constinteger EDIV =X'7B' %constinteger CLRQ =X'7C' %constinteger MOVQ =X'7D' %constinteger MOVAQ =X'7E' %constinteger PUSHAQ=X'7F' %constinteger ADDB2 =X'80' %constinteger ADDB3 =X'81' %constinteger SUBB2 =X'82' %constinteger SUBB3 =X'83' %constinteger MULB2 =X'84' %constinteger MULB3 =X'85' %constinteger DIVB2 =X'86' %constinteger DIVB3 =X'87' %constinteger BISB2 =X'88' %constinteger BISB3 =X'89' %constinteger BICB2 =X'8A' %constinteger BICB3 =X'8B' %constinteger XORB2 =X'8C' %constinteger XORB3 =X'8D' %constinteger MNEGB =X'8E' %constinteger CASEB =X'8F' %constinteger MOVB =X'90' %constinteger CMPB =X'91' %constinteger MCOMB =X'92' %constinteger BITB =X'93' %constinteger CLRB =X'94' %constinteger TSTB =X'95' %constinteger INCB =X'96' %constinteger DECB =X'97' %constinteger CVTBL =X'98' %constinteger CVTBW =X'99' %constinteger MOVZBL=X'9A' %constinteger MOVZBW=X'9B' %constinteger ROTL =X'9C' %constinteger ACBB =X'9D' %constinteger MOVAB =X'9E' %constinteger PUSHAB=X'9F' %constinteger ADDW2 =X'A0' %constinteger ADDW3 =X'A1' %constinteger SUBW2 =X'A2' %constinteger SUBW3 =X'A3' %constinteger MULW2 =X'A4' %constinteger MULW3 =X'A5' %constinteger DIVW2 =X'A6' %constinteger DIVW3 =X'A7' %constinteger BISW2 =X'A8' %constinteger BISW3 =X'A9' %constinteger BICW2 =X'AA' %constinteger BICW3 =X'AB' %constinteger XORW2 =X'AC' %constinteger XORW3 =X'AD' %constinteger MNEGW =X'AE' %constinteger CASEW =X'AF' %constinteger MOVW =X'B0' %constinteger CMPW =X'B1' %constinteger MCOMW =X'B2' %constinteger BITW =X'B3' %constinteger CLRW =X'B4' %constinteger TSTW =X'B5' %constinteger INCW =X'B6' %constinteger DECW =X'B7' %constinteger BISPSW=X'B8' %constinteger BICPSW=X'B9' %constinteger POPR =X'BA' %constinteger PUSHR =X'BB' !p %constinteger CHMK =X'BC' !p %constinteger CHME =X'BD' !p %constinteger CHMS =X'BE' !p %constinteger CHMU =X'BF' %constinteger ADDL2 =X'C0' %constinteger ADDL3 =X'C1' %constinteger SUBL2 =X'C2' %constinteger SUBL3 =X'C3' %constinteger MULL2 =X'C4' %constinteger MULL3 =X'C5' %constinteger DIVL2 =X'C6' %constinteger DIVL3 =X'C7' %constinteger BISL2 =X'C8' %constinteger BISL3 =X'C9' %constinteger BICL2 =X'CA' %constinteger BICL3 =X'CB' %constinteger XORL2 =X'CC' %constinteger XORL3 =X'CD' %constinteger MNEGL =X'CE' %constinteger CASEL =X'CF' %constinteger MOVL =X'D0' %constinteger CMPL =X'D1' %constinteger MCOML =X'D2' %constinteger BITL =X'D3' %constinteger CLRL =X'D4' %constinteger TSTL =X'D5' %constinteger INCL =X'D6' %constinteger DECL =X'D7' %constinteger ADWC =X'D8' %constinteger SBWC =X'D9' %constinteger MTPR =X'DA' %constinteger MFPR =X'DB' %constinteger MOVPSL=X'DC' %constinteger PUSHL =X'DD' %constinteger MOVAL =X'DE' %constinteger PUSHAL=X'DF' %constinteger BBS =X'E0' %constinteger BBC =X'E1' %constinteger BBSS =X'E2' %constinteger BBCS =X'E3' %constinteger BBSC =X'E4' %constinteger BBCC =X'E5' %constinteger BBSSI =X'E6' %constinteger BBCCI =X'E7' %constinteger BLBS =X'E8' %constinteger BLBC =X'E9' %constinteger FFS =X'EA' %constinteger FFC =X'EB' %constinteger CMPV =X'EC' %constinteger CMPZV =X'ED' %constinteger EXTV =X'EE' %constinteger EXTZV =X'EF' %constinteger INSV =X'F0' %constinteger ACBL =X'F1' %constinteger AOBLSS=X'F2' %constinteger AOBLEQ=X'F3' %constinteger SOBGEQ=X'F4' %constinteger SOBGTR=X'F5' %constinteger CVTLB =X'F6' %constinteger CVTLW =X'F7' %constinteger ASHP =X'F8' %constinteger CVTLP =X'F9' %constinteger CALLG =X'FA' %constinteger CALLS =X'FB' %constinteger XFC =X'FC' %constinteger bcond=255; ! Pseudo operation !%constinteger CVTDH =X'FD32' %constinteger CVTGF =X'FD33' %constinteger ADDG2 =X'FD40' %constinteger ADDG3 =X'FD41' %constinteger SUBG2 =X'FD42' %constinteger SUBG3 =X'FD43' %constinteger MULG2 =X'FD44' %constinteger MULG3 =X'FD45' %constinteger DIVG2 =X'FD46' %constinteger DIVG3 =X'FD47' %constinteger CVTGB =X'FD48' %constinteger CVTGW =X'FD49' %constinteger CVTGL =X'FD4A' %constinteger CVTRGL=X'FD4B' %constinteger CVTBG =X'FD4C' %constinteger CVTWG =X'FD4D' %constinteger CVTLG =X'FD4E' %constinteger ACBG =X'FD4F' %constinteger MOVG =X'FD50' %constinteger CMPG =X'FD51' %constinteger MNEGG =X'FD52' %constinteger TSTG =X'FD53' %constinteger EMODG =X'FD54' %constinteger POLYG =X'FD55' !%constinteger CVTGH =X'FD56' %constinteger ADDH2 =X'FD60' %constinteger ADDH3 =X'FD61' %constinteger SUBH2 =X'FD62' %constinteger SUBH3 =X'FD63' %constinteger MULH2 =X'FD64' %constinteger MULH3 =X'FD65' %constinteger DIVH2 =X'FD66' %constinteger DIVH3 =X'FD67' %constinteger CVTHB =X'FD68' %constinteger CVTHW =X'FD69' %constinteger CVTHL =X'FD6A' %constinteger CVTRHL=X'FD6B' !%constinteger CVTBH =X'FD6C' !%constinteger CVTWH =X'FD6D' !%constinteger CVTLH =X'FD6E' !%constinteger ACBH =X'FD6F' !%constinteger MOVH =X'FD70' !%constinteger CMPH =X'FD71' !%constinteger MNEGH =X'FD72' !%constinteger TSTH =X'FD73' !%constinteger EMODH =X'FD74' !%constinteger POLYH =X'FD75' %constinteger CVTHG =X'FD76' %constinteger CLRO =X'FD7C' %constinteger MOVO =X'FD7D' %constinteger MOVAO =X'FD7E' %constinteger PUSHAO=X'FD7F' !%constinteger CVTFH =X'FD98' %constinteger CVTFG =X'FD99' %constinteger CVTHF =X'FDF6' !%constinteger CVTHD =X'FDF7'