Central Systems Group Although the impression seems to be around that the sole raison d'etre of CSG is to write ever more sophisticated operating systems, it is the other activities that absorbed most effort this term. 1) The Filestore is receiving substantial software effort in preparation for direct attachment to the CPSE. This involves a change of communication protocols from NSI to X25. 2) The 2976 has had a spate of crashes due primarily to faults in the DAPs when acting as store. DAP store appears to go incommunicado after certain hardware faults unlike normal store. To live through such faults the Supervisor has been altered to ensure all vital pages are kept out of DAP store and EMAS now runs through DAP multibit failures. 3) The 2988 is about to move to Kings Buildings and share peripherals with the 2976. The changes needed to device driving and archiving strategies to accommodate shared peripherals are being evaluated. 4) A visit has been made to DEC and CDC to evaluate alternative operating regimes. A separate report is has been written but EMAS still compares exceeding well with these "state of the art" systems. Most EMAS users would get a negative return from the considerable effort needed to transfer their work to a new system. 5) On the VAX/VMS Servive a significant number of the outstanding developments on the service have been completed, the regularisation of the file system backup procedures and the installation of the Cranfield spooling package being amongst the most important. The work on the VMS end of XTALK has been postponed because of changes to the terminal handler in version 4 of VMS, due to be installed later this summer. The two major demands from the users are an archive facility and better utilities for handling IBM magnetic tapes. Whilst these latter topics are being actively considered, the main effort over the next month or two must be to build a VMS version 4 system and gain experience of that before putting it into service later this summer. 6) Work has continued on the Amdahl at as fast a pace as these other activities have permitted. The team are all established on the "final" subsystem and can live with the current restrictions. A few genuine users are now accredited and can be seen working. P.Stephens 20/May/85