! ! Compile time options for EMAS/370 ! %constinteger YES=1,NO=0,AMDAHL=2 %constinteger XA=YES; ! yes for 370/XA %constinteger VA MODE=YES; ! yes for Supervisor, no for Chopsupe %constinteger MULTI OCP=NO; ! yes to include semaphoring %constinteger CRFITTED=NO; ! card reader %constinteger CPFITTED=NO; ! card punch %constinteger SNOOZING=YES; ! allow suspend in store %constinteger PRODUCTION=NO; ! yes for continuing after S/W errors %constinteger MONLEVEL=x'3F'; ! 0 = no monitoring ! 2**0 = video updating ! 2**1 = KMONning ! 2**2 = sup timing measurements ! 2**3 = a-c for cross calls ! 2**4 = strobing ! 2**5 = cat table transitions ! 2**8 = event harvesting %constinteger P4PERCENT=11; ! max % of free store for large jobs %constinteger MAXPROCS=256; ! max concurrent procs (64,128 or 256) %constinteger MINS INACTIVE=30; ! before being chopped (5-60) %constinteger CCW FORMAT=1; ! 0 for frormat0 ccws,=1 for Format1 %constinteger COMMS EPAGES=4+MAXPROCS//32 %include "ercc07:ibmsup_seguse2" ! ! Global system constants ! %if XA=YES %Then %Start %constlonginteger PSW0=x'041c0e0080000000' %constlonginteger upsw0=x'07fd0c0080000000' %finish %else%if XA=AMDAHL %start %constlonginteger PSW0=x'0c1c0e0000000000'; ! EC PSW word 0 %constlonginteger upsw0=x'0ffd0c0000000000' %finish %else %start %constlonginteger PSW0=x'041c0e0000000000'; ! EC PSW word 0 %constlonginteger upsw0=x'07fd0c0000000000'; ! user PSW ! interruptible, key 15, pmask c %finish %constlonginteger MAX CPU TIMER=x'000007fffffff000' ! %constinteger MAXBLOCK=32; ! max epages in CBT block %constinteger PAGESIZE=4096 %constinteger SEGEPSIZE=256; ! pages/segment %constinteger SSHIFT=20; ! 31 bit addressing %constinteger PTE SIZE=4; ! 2 or 4 byte PT entries %constinteger MIN PT SIZE=64; ! minimum PT size %constinteger PAGE0 VA=PAGE0 SEG<