%externalroutine NEWCRCON %alias "C#NEWCRCON" !******************************************************************************* ! ! Undergraduate Control Program Writer ! ------------------------------------ ! This program is designed to help student course supervisors write the ! controlling routines for their student subsystem. It can be used to write ! all the control software that is needed in the simplest case or it can be ! used as a basis for more complicated routines if necessary. ! The program is written in the form of a command to make its use as simple ! and as quick as possible. ! Since it is written using PAM ,full online help ( should ) be available. ! ! Note that it will be neccessary to change the 'HelpFile' constant if the ! program is renamed or moved to another file area. ! ! ( Paul Clenahan August 1986 ) ! !******************************************************************************* !AMENDMENTS !---------- !14/10/86 Russ Green !Changed the TERMINALTYPE message to only 8 from 9 lines to allow it all to be !displayed on the screen. This had the effect of reducing the total number !of program lines output from 145 to 144. !17/10/86 Russ Green !Inserted into SEARCH routine facility for detection of '?' wildcard !characters. This was to allow tutor access without exceeding the PERMIT !limit of 16 permits. !Also inserted default definition of terminaltype 28 !Altered NoProgramLines from 144 to 150 !12-02-87 Russ Green !Extended the ALLOWCONNECT routine to allow callers to connect to object !files belonging to ECXU?? ECYU?? ECZU?? !Altered NoProgramLines from 150 to 166 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %externalroutinespec EMAS3 ( %stringname Command,Params, %integername Flag ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3EXIST( %stringname File, %integername Flag ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3PROMPT ( %stringname Text ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3SETFNAME( %stringname FName ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3SETRETURNCODE ( %integer %name Flag ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3STRING ( %stringname Vector,Value ) %externalroutinespec EMAS3UCSTRING ( %stringname S ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %conststring(255) HelpFile="ECSLIB:COMMANDS.CREATECON.HELPFILE" %constinteger CR=13,EM=25, { Control Characters } Screen = 1, { The channel nos for all } KeyBoard = 2, { the i/o } SpecFileChan = 3, ObjFileChan = 4, SourceFileChan = 5, NewSpecChan = 6, NoErrors=0, { Error Codes } OwnError = 100, FileAlreadyExists = 219, MaxTutors=50, { Array bounding values } MaxCommands=100, MaxOwners=50, MaxFiles=50, DeclPos=28 { Line no where the decl. } { are to be inserted. } !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This next array contains the main bulk of the program to be written. Note ! that it is a simple matter to modify the program : Add,alter or remove the ! required lines, ensuring that they are enclosed in quotes and seperated by ! a comma. Alter the constant 'NoProgramLines' if neccessary. Also check that ! the declarations are still to be inserted in the same place. If this requires ! changing then alter the constant 'DeclPos' above. If any changes are to be ! made to the declarations then alter the array 'Declaration' accordingly. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %constinteger NoProgramLines = 166 %conststring(90) %array Program( 1:NoProgramLines )= %c "!****************************************************************************", "! ", "! Student Subsystem Control Routines ", "! ---------------------------------- ", "! ", "! This file contains the entry points for the routines used in student ", "! subsystem. These are :- S#ALLOWCOMMAND, S#ALLOWCONNECT and S#CSUPINT. ", "! ", "! ( Paul Clenahan August 1986) ", "! ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%externalroutinespec EMAS3( %stringname Command,Params, %integername Flag ) ", "%externalroutinespec EMAS3H( %stringname Command,Params, %integername Flag ) ", " ", "%externalintegerfnspec UINFI %alias ""S#UINFI"" ( %integer Entry ) ", "%externalintegerfnspec DSFI ( %stringname Index, %c ", " %integername Fsys,Type,Set, %c ", " %stringname S, %integerarrayname I ) ", " ", "!****************************************************************************", "! ", "! Under normal year to year changes it should only be neccessary to change ", "! the following constant arrays, constant integers and constant strings :- ", "! ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", " ", " ", "%constinteger NoMessageLines=8 ", "%conststring(90) %array TerminalMessage( 1:NoMessageLines )= %c ", " "" "", ", " ""***********************************************************************"",", " ""* EMAS-A doesnt know what kind of TERMINAL you are logged onto at the *"",", " ""* moment. Please answer the following query. You should find the make *"",", " ""* and MODEL of this terminal CLEARLY VISIBLE in front of you. *"",", " ""* THE TERMINALS ON THE 3RD FLOOR A.T. ARE TYPE 28 (ANSI COMPATIBLE) *"",", " ""***********************************************************************"",", " "" "" ", " ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%integerfn Search( %stringarrayname Table, %integer Lolim,Hilim, %c ", " %string( 30 ) Queried ) ", " ", " %integer Pos ", " %string(30) pattern, extra char {RJG 17-10-86} ", " ", " Hilim = Hilim + 1 ", " ", " %while Hilim-Lolim-1 > 0 %cycle ", " Pos = ( Lolim+Hilim )//2 ", " %result=1 %if Table( Pos )=Queried ", " {*** check for userno form ECYUx? *****} {RJG 17-10-86} ", " %if Table( Pos )->pattern.(""?"") %then %start {RJG 17-10-86} ", " %result=1 %if Queried->(pattern).extra char {RJG 17-10-86} ", " %finish {RJG 17-10-86} ", " %if Queried < Table(Pos) %thenstart ", " Hilim=Pos ", " %finishelsestart ", " Lolim=Pos ", " %finish ", " %repeat ", " %result=0 ", " ", "%end { of Search }", " ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%externalroutine CSUPINIT %alias ""S#CSUPINIT""( %stringname Caller,Date, %c ", " Time, %integername Flag ) ", " ", " %integer TerminalType,I,Status ", " %string(6) Supervisor ", " %integerarray Dummy(1:1) ", " ", " Status=DSFI( Caller,-1,44,0,Supervisor,Dummy ) ", " Status=0 ", " EMAS3( ""PERMIT"","".ALL,"".Supervisor,Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then -> fail ", " %if Search( Tutors,0,TutorLimit,Caller ) = 0 %then %start ", " %for I=1,1,TutorLimit %cycle ", " EMAS3( ""PERMIT"","".ALL,"".Tutors(I),Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then %exit ", " %repeat ", " %finish ", " %if Status#0 %then -> fail ", " ", " EMAS3( ""TERMINALTYPE"",""28"",I ) {RJG 17-10-86} ", " TerminalType = UINFI( 23 ) ", " %if ( TerminalType=0 %or TerminalType=4 ) %then %start ", " printstring( TerminalMessage(I) ) %and newline %for I=1,1,NoMessageLines", " EMAS3H( ""TERMINALTYPE"","""",Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then -> fail ", " %finish ", " ", " %if AlertFile#"""" %then %start ", " EMAS3( ""LIST"",AlertFile,Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then -> fail ", " EMAS3( ""DISCONNECT"",AlertFile,Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then ->fail ", " %finish ", " ", " %if InitialiseRoutine#"""" %then %start ", " EMAS3( InitialiseRoutine,Caller."","".Date."","".Time,Status ) ", " %if Status#0 %then -> fail ", " %finish ", " ", " fail : %if Status#0 %then Flag=1 %else Flag=0 ", " ", "%end { of CSUPINIT }", " ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%externalroutine ALLOWCONNECT %alias ""S#ALLOWCONNECT"" %c ", " (%stringname Caller,FileOwner,FileName, %integername Mode,Flag ) ", " ", " ! Caller is only allowed to connect the FileName if : ", " ! - the file belongs to the Caller or ", " ! - the Caller is a tutor or ", " ! - the FileOwner is in the list of allowed owners or ", " ! - the FileName is in the list of allowed filenames. ", " ! - the file is an object file belonging to another student {RJG 12-02}", " ", " %integerfunction allow obj(%string(31) fname) {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %externalroutinespec EMAS3EXISTTYPE %c {RJG 12-02-87} ", " (%stringname file, %integername flg) {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %constinteger object file type=1 {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %string(4) base {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %integer ftype {RJG 12-02-87} ", " EMAS3EXISTTYPE(Fname,ftype) {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %if ftype#object file type %then %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %if length(FileOwner)<4 %then %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} ", " base=substring(FileOwner,1,4) {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %if base=""ECXU"" %or base=""ECYU"" %or base=""ECZU"" %c {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %then %result=0 %c {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %else %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %end {RJG 12-02-87} ", " {RJG 12-02-87} ", " %if FileOwner=Caller %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " %if Search( Tutors,0,Tutorlimit,Caller ) = 1 %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " %if Search( Owners,0,OwnerLimit,FileOwner )= 1 %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " %if Search(Files,0,FileLimit,FileOwner."":"".FileName)=1 %c ", " %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " Flag=allow obj(FileOwner."":"".FileName) {RJG 12-02-87} ", " ", "%end { of AllowConnect }", " ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%externalroutine ALLOWCOMMAND %alias ""S#ALLOWCOMMAND"" %c ", " ( %stringname Caller,CommandName,Parameters, %integername Flag )", " ", " ! The CommandName is allowed to be called only if : ", " ! - the Caller is a tutor or ", " ! - the CommandName is on the list of allowed commands. ", " ", " %if Search( Tutors,0,TutorLimit,Caller ) = 1 %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " %if Search(Commands,0,CommandLimit,CommandName)=1 %then Flag=0 %else %c ", " Flag = 1 ", " ", "%end { of Allowcommand }", " ", "!****************************************************************************", " ", "%endoffile " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Part of the declarations for the constants to be used in the new program } { are contained in this array. The rest of the declarations come from the } { control specification input file. } %constinteger NoDeclLines = 10 %conststring(90) %array Declaration( 1:NoDeclLines ) = %c "%conststring(30) InitialiseRoutine= ", "%conststring(30) AlertFile= ", "%conststring(6)%array Tutors(1:)= %c { All the tutor user nos } ", "%constinteger TutorLimit= { Number of tutors } ", "%conststring(30)%array Commands(1:)= %c { All the allowed commands } ", "%constinteger CommandLimit= { Number of allowed commands } ", "%conststring(6) %array Owners(1:)= %c { Allowed connect owners } ", "%constinteger OwnerLimit= { Number of owners } ", "%conststring(30) %array Files(1:)= %c { Allowed connect files } ", "%constinteger FileLimit= { Number of files } " !******************************************************************************* %string( 255 ) SpecFile, { Names for the various i/o } SourceName, { files. } ObjName, NewSpecFile, InitialiseCommand, { The control spec names } AlertFile %string(255) %array Tutors(1:MaxTutors), Commands(1:MaxCommands), Owners(1:MaxOwners), Files(1:MaxFiles) %integer TutorCount, CommandCount, OwnerCount, FileCount !******************************************************************************* ! The Routines............... !******************************************************************************* %routine UserMessage( %string(255) Message ) selectoutput( Screen ) newline printstring( Message ); newline %end !******************************************************************************* %routine Error( %integer ErrorNo,%string(255) ErrorMessage ) { Sets the error flag before exiting the command. Note if the error flag } { is equal to OwnError then the ErrorMessage is passed to the subsystem, } { otherwise the error message is ignored and the subsystem error message } { will be used. } selectoutput( Screen ) %if ErrorNo=OwnError %then EMAS3SETFNAME( ErrorMessage ) EMAS3SETRETURNCODE( ErrorNo ) UserMessage( "Use VIEW ".HelpFile." for information on CREATECON" ) %stop %end { of Error } !******************************************************************************* %routine EMAS( %string(255) Command,Params ) { Used to call the EMAS3 routine. Once the routine has been called it } { then checks if the command was executed successfully. If it wasnt then } { it calls the error routine. } %integer Flag EMAS3( Command,Params,Flag ) Error( Flag,"" ) %if Flag#NoErrors %end { of EMAS } !******************************************************************************* %routine ReadLine ( %string( 255 ) %name Line ,%integername Flag ) { Read a line from the current input stream into 'Line' ,Flag is set } { to 1 if the EM ( End of Message ) character is encoutered. } %integer Ch %if Flag=1 %then %c Error( OwnError,"Unexpected End of Message character in input" ) Line="" %cycle readch( Ch ) %until Ch#' ' %if Ch=NL %or Ch=EM %or Ch=CR %then %exit Line=Line.tostring( Ch ) %repeat EMAS3UCSTRING( Line ) %if Ch = EM %then Flag=1 %end { of ReadLine } !******************************************************************************* %routine Initialise { Set the initial values for various variables and sets up the basic } { i/o channels. } InitialiseCommand="U" { Label these as Unassigned } AlertFile="U" Tutors(1)="U" Commands(1)="U" Owners(1)="U" Files(1)="U" EMAS( "DEFINE", tostring( '0'+Screen ).",.out" ) { Setup basic channels } EMAS( "DEFINE", tostring( '0'+KeyBoard ).",.in" ) %end { of Initialise } !******************************************************************************* %routine GetCommandParams { Get the command parameters from the user and check that they are OK } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine CheckFileName( %string(255) File, ParamName ) { Check to see if a file to be written to already exists. If it does } { then ckeck with user that it is OK to overwrite the file. If that } { is the case then get rid of the current file with that name. } %integer Value , Flag %string(255) Answer Flag = 0 %if File#"" %then %start EMAS3EXIST( File,Value ) %if Value=1 %then %start newline printstring( " - The ".ParamName." ".File." already exists. " ) newline EMAS3PROMPT( " Are you happy to overwrite it ( Y/N ) ? " ) ReadLine( Answer,Flag ) %if Answer = "Y" %or Answer = "YES" %then %start EMAS( "DESTROY",File ) %finish %else Error( FileAlreadyExists,"" ) %finish %finish %end { of CheckFileName } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- selectinput( KeyBoard ) EMAS3STRING( "SpecFile ; fileormem,read,char ;?;". %c "call pamhelp(".HelpFile.")", SpecFile ) EMAS3STRING( "SourceName ; fileormem ;?;". %c "call pamhelp(".HelpFile.")", SourceName) EMAS3STRING( "ObjName ; fileormem,ornull ;;". %c "call pamhelp(".HelpFile.")", ObjName ) EMAS3STRING( "NewSpecFile ; fileormem,ornull ;;". %c "call pamhelp(".HelpFile.")", NewSpecFile ) CheckFileName( SourceName ,"Source file name" ) CheckFileName( ObjName ,"Object file name" ) CheckFileName( NewSpecFile,"New spec file" ) %end { of GetCommandParams }{ !******************************************************************************* %routine SetupChannels { defines the channels and files to be used for the i/o } %string(2) SpecString, SourceString, ObjString, NewSpecString SpecString = tostring( '0' + SpecFileChan ) SourceString = tostring( '0' + SourceFileChan ) ObjString = tostring( '0' + ObjFileChan ) NewSpecString = tostring( '0' + NewSpecChan ) EMAS( "DEFINE", SpecString.",".SpecFile ) EMAS( "DEFINE",SourceString.",".SourceName ) EMAS( "DEFINE",ObjString.",".ObjName ) %if ObjName # "" EMAS( "DEFINE",NewSpecString.",".NewSpecFile ) %if NewSpecFile # "" %end { of Setup Channels } !******************************************************************************* %routine ReadSpecFile { Reads the control specification from 'SpecFile' into arrays and } { variables. Note that the reading routine allows for relaxed ordering } { of the control specifications and is case independant. } %string( 255 ) Line, { Current input line } Front,Back { Sub parts of current line } %integer EOFFlag, { 1 if EOF is true } LineNo { Holds the current line no. } { } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine SyntaxError( %integer LineNo ) newline printstring( "*******************************************************") newline printstring( "Syntax error in line " ) write(LineNo,3) printstring( " of ".SpecFile ) newline printstring( "*******************************************************") newline %end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine SetConst( %string(255) %name Variable ) %if Variable # "U" %thenstart { Check if already assigned } SyntaxError( LineNo ) ERROR( OwnError,"Multiple assignment of control specification parameter") %finishelsestart Variable = Back %finish %end { of setconst } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine SetList( %string(255) %arrayname List ,%integername Count ) %if List(1) # "U" %thenstart { Check if already assigned } SyntaxError( LineNo ) ERROR( OwnError,"Multiple assignment of control specifiction parameter") %finish %else %start List(1)="" Count=0 %cycle %if EOFFlag=1 %then %exit ReadLine(Line,EOFFlag) %and LineNo=LineNo+1 %until Line#"" %or EOFFlag=1 %if Line = "*" %or EOFFlag=1 %then %start %if EOFFlag=1 %then %start SyntaxError( LineNo ) ERROR( OwnError,"Unexpected end of file in ".SpecFile ) %finish %exit %finish %else %start Count = Count + 1 List( Count ) = Line %finish %repeat %finish %end { of SetList } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %integerfn AllAssigned %if InitialiseCommand="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %if AlertFile="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %if Tutors(1)="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %if Commands(1)="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %if Owners(1)="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %if Files(1)="U" %then %result=0 %else %c %result=1 %end { of allassigned } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UserMessage( "Reading the control program specifictions from ".SpecFile ) selectinput( SpecFileChan ) EOFFlag=0 LineNo=0 %cycle ReadLine( Line,EOFFLag ) %and LineNo=LineNo+1 %until Line#"" %or EOFFlag=1 %if Line -> Front.("=").Back %thenstart %if Front = "INITIALISECOMMAND" %then SetConst( InitialiseCommand ) %else %c %if Front="ALERTFILE" %then SetConst( AlertFile ) %else %c %if Front="TUTORS" %then SetList( Tutors,TutorCount ) %else %c %if Front="COMMANDS" %then SetList( Commands,CommandCount ) %else %c %if Front="OWNERS" %then SetList( Owners,OwnerCount ) %else %c %if Front="FILES" %then SetList( Files,FileCount ) %else %start SyntaxError( LineNo ) ERROR( OwnError,"Unknown Keyword in ".SpecFile ) %finish %else %if Line # "" %then %start SyntaxError( LineNo ) ERROR( OwnError,"Cannot Parse ".SpecFile ) %finish %finish %repeat %until EOFFlag=1 Error(OwnError,"Unassigned control parameter in ".SpecFile ) %if AllAssigned=0 %end { of ReadSpecFile } !******************************************************************************* %routine SortLists { Ensures that the lists are in correct alphabetic ordering. } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine Sort( %string(255) %arrayname List, %integername NumberofItems ) { Uses Bubble Sort. Not the quickest, but the time overhead is not } { important in this application. } %integer I,J %string(255) Temp %for I = NumberofItems,-1,2 %cycle %for J = 1,1,I-1 %cycle %if List(J)>List(J+1) %then %start Temp = List(J) List(J) = List(J+1) List(J+1) = Temp %finish %repeat %repeat %end { of Sort } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort( Tutors ,TutorCount ) Sort( Commands ,CommandCount ) Sort( Files,FileCount ) Sort( Owners, OwnerCount ) %end { of Sort Lists } !******************************************************************************* %routine WriteSpecFile { Writes out the tidied up version of the control specification file. } { ie writes out the lists after they have been sorted etc. } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine PrintSpecList( %string(255) Heading, %c %string(255) %arrayname List, %integer Count ) %integer I printstring( Heading ) ; newline %for I=1,1,Count %cycle printstring( " ".List(I) ) ; newline %repeat printstring( " *" ) ; newline %end { of PrintSpecList } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- selectoutput( NewSpecChan ) printstring( "INITIALISECOMMAND = ".InitialiseCommand ) ; newline printstring( "ALERTFILE = ".AlertFile ) ;newline PrintSpecList( "TUTORS =",Tutors,TutorCount ) PrintSpecList( "COMMANDS =",Commands,CommandCount ) PrintSpecList( "OWNERS =",Owners,OwnerCount ) PrintSpecList( "FILES =",Files,FileCount ) %end { WriteSpecFile } !******************************************************************************* %routine GenerateSource { Generates the source code for the control program ( in imp ) . } { Basically, the routine prints out the 'Program' array verbatim until } { it reaches the line given in 'DeclPos'. At this point it then inserts } { the declarations. These come partly from the 'Declaration' array and } { partly from the arrays constructed from user input. Once this is done } { the routine then continues to output 'Program' from one line after } { 'DeclPos'. } %integer I, DeclLine !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine printline( %integer LineNo,Flag %string(255) Value,%integer IntValue) { The Flag is used to signify if it is an integer or a string that is to } { be printed. } %string(255) Front,Back %if Declaration( LineNo ) -> Front.("=").Back %then %start %if Flag=0 %then %start printstring( Front."=" ) write( IntValue,3 ) printstring( Back ) %else printstring( Front."= """.Value."""".Back) %finish newline %else ERROR( OwnError,"Constants setup wrong in main prog" ) %finish %end { of PrintLine } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %routine printlist ( %integer LineNo,%string(255) %arrayname List, %c %integer Count ) %string(255) Front,Back %integer I newline %if Declaration( LineNo ) -> Front.(":").Back %then %start printstring( Front.":" ) write( Count+1,3 ) printstring( Back ) newline %for I=1,1,Count %cycle printstring( " """.List(I)."""," ) newline %repeat printstring( " """"(*)") newline %else Error( OwnError,"Constants setup wrong in program writer" ) %finish %end { of printlist } !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UserMessage( "Creating the imp source file ".SourceName ) selectoutput( SourceFileChan ) printstring( Program(I) ) %and newline %for I=1,1,DeclPos DeclLine=1 printline( DeclLine, 1,InitialiseCommand,0 ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printline( DeclLine, 1,AlertFile,0 ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printlist( DeclLine, Tutors ,TutorCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printline( DeclLine, 0,"",TutorCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printlist( DeclLine, Commands ,CommandCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printline( DeclLine, 0,"",CommandCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printlist( DeclLine, Owners ,OwnerCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printline( DeclLine, 0,"",OwnerCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printlist( DeclLine, Files ,FileCount ) ; DeclLine=DeclLine+1 printline( DeclLine, 0,"",FileCount ) printstring( Program(I) ) %and newline %for I=DeclPos+1,1,NoProgramLines selectoutput( Screen ) closestream( SourceFileChan ) %end { of Generate Source } !******************************************************************************* %routine GenerateObject UserMessage( "Calling IMP on ".SourceName." to create ".ObjName ) selectoutput( Screen ) EMAS( "IMP", SourceName.",".ObjName ) UserMessage( "Allowing all users read access to ".ObjName ) EMAS( "PERMIT", ObjName.",.ALL,R" ) %end { of generate object } !******************************************************************************* %routine Finish UserMessage("Use VIEW ".HelpFile." for information on CREATECON." ) UserMessage( "Command executed successfully" ) EMAS3SETRETURNCODE( NoErrors ) %stop %end !******************************************************************************* ! NOW WE HAVE THE MAIN PROGRAM..... !******************************************************************************* Initialise GetCommandParams SetupChannels ReadSpecFile SortLists WriteSpecFile %if NewSpecFile#"" GenerateSource GenerateObject %if ObjName#"" Finish %end { of program body } %endoffile integerfunction allow obj(%string(255) fname) {RJG 12-02-87} %externalintegerfnspec EXISTTYPE %alias "S#EXISTTYPE" %c {RJG 12-02-87} (%string(255) file) {RJG 12-02-87} %constinteger object file type=1 {RJG 12-02-87} %string(4) base {RJG 12-02-87} %integer ftype {RJG 12-02-87} %if Caller#"ECXU03" %then %result=1 printstring(fname);newline ftype=EXISTTYPE(Fname) {RJG 12-02-87} write(ftype,10);newline %if ftype#object file type %then %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} %if length(FileOwner)<4 %then %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} base=substring(FileOwner,1,4) {RJG 12-02-87} printstring(base);newline %if base="ECXU" %or base="ECYU" %or base="ECZU" %c {RJG 12-02-87} %then %result=0 %c {RJG 12-02-87} %else %result=1 {RJG 12-02-87} %end {RJG 12-02-87} {RJG 12-02-87}