One of the objectives of the design of ECCE is that it should not be system-dependent, but should be implementable on a range of machines. This video version as described in earlier sections is implemented uniformly on EMAS 2900, VAX/VMS and the Computer Science Department's Advanced Personal Machine. The syntax checking capability is a by-product of work on the programming environment for the APM. The detail of some features, for example those involving naming of files, is inevitably bound up with a particular operating system. The performance of the editor as seen by the user is also affected by the system, and, more especially, the mode of connection.

Mode of connection

The most important factor affecting editor performance is the mode of connection of the user's terminal. In general, the more direct the connection, the better the performance will be. ECCE has a number of options which make it possible to exercise some control over the frequency of interaction and the volume of data transferred. In addition to affecting the responsiveness of the editor, an indirect connection over the network involves an increased possibility of unintended modification of the data stream sent to the terminal, leading to an erroneous screen image which does not match the state of the file. It may also rule out the use of cursor controls and function keys. If the screen image looks curious at any time, the "%D" command should be used to re-display it.

Network Terminal Controllers

New software on some of the Terminal Controllers on the ERCC network provides a much improved screen handling mode which the editor uses if available. On other TCPs, as an interim measure, interference with data may be reduced by entering TCP Graph mode and input of control characters may be enabled by entering Z mode. With the old TCP software, the screen image is particularly susceptible to corruption as a result of typing ahead; this should be avoided as much as possible. ****** NB ***** In order to permit the use of Escape sequence controls, while the editor is being run the system Attention character is changed from Escape to Null, which is keyed by CONTROL+@. Any use of this Attention character cancels video mode, so that it should be used only in extremis.

Supported Terminals

The list of terminals currently supported as videos in ECCE is as follows (ERCC enumeration): code terminal highlight part-screen scroll 6 Perkin-Elmer Bantam - - 8 DEC VT52 - - 11 Visual 200 reduced yes 12 VT100 reduced yes 13 Hazeltine Esprit increased yes 15 Newbury 8000 - yes 20 Volker Craig 404 - - 21 ICL KDS7362 reduced yes