This section describes the various options which may be selected to control or qualify the operation of the Editor. The initial parameters in the list marked with an asterisk can be specified only in the command line when the Editor is called (see CALLING THE EDITOR); that is, once established, they cannot be changed. The others may be freely altered at any time, by means of the Environment command "%E"(below).

Pre-definition file *PRE

This Option is provided to make it possible to specify a file of editing commands which are to be obeyed at the outset of the editing session. Its main use is to permit frequently used definitions to be recovered from a file, but the file may contain any editing commands and may in fact comprise a complete edit ending with the Close command ("%C"). Values for this parameter must be valid file-names. Although PRE may be specified at the outset only, the %G command (Get editing commands from file) is available at any time. Examples: -PRE=WPPREDEF -PRE=ECUU99.PROJ_DEF1

Terminal type *TTYPE

The parameter TTYPE informs the Editor what type of interactive terminal is being used and hence defines the terminal characteristics, including the screen length and screen width. Values for this parameter are numbers in the ERCC enumeration; the default value is the system-defined TERMINALTYPE, and in general this should be appropriate. Examples: -TTYPE=12 -TTYPE=13 {VT100} {Esprit}

Window dimensions *WTOP, *WROWS, etc

* WTOP -- window top Default: 0 Range: 0..VROWS-1 * WROWS -- window rows Default: VROWS-2 Range: 1..VROWS-2 * WLEFT -- window left Default: 0 Range: 0..VCOLS * WCOLS -- window columns Default: VCOLS Range: 0..VCOLS * CTOP -- command top Default: WROWS Range: 0..VROWS-2 * CLEFT -- command left Default: 0 Range: 0..39 * CCOLS -- command columns Default: VCOLS Range: 40..VCOLS These parameters define the two screen regions to be used by the Editor. The 'top' values are in terms of row numbers ranging from zero at the top of the actual screen to VROWS-1 at the bottom; VROWS is typically 24. The 'left' values relate to columns, numbered from zero at the left of the actual screen to VCOLS-1 at the right; VCOLS is typically 80. The first four define the total extent of the screen region to be used for displaying the file being edited. The window height, as defined by WROWS, may be anything from one row up to the full screen height less two rows. A one row window obviously gives a rather blinkered view of the file.
The width of the window, as defined by WCOLS, may be anything from one column to the full screen size. A one column window is obviously daft. The parameters CTOP, CLEFT and CCOLS define the position and width of the two-row region used for commands and reports. CTOP specifies the first of the two rows. The minimum width for the command region, as defined by CCOLS, is 40. Usually when the Editor is called directly by the user from system command level, it is appropriate for these two regions to occupy the full screen, but when the Editor is called from within another package or if the user wants to preserve other information on the screen, a smaller effective screen area may be specified. The Editor neither clears nor wittingly modifies areas outside the regions specified by these parameters. With the default values, the command region occupies the last two rows on the screen and the file window the remainder.

Effective window *MAXWIN, MINWIN

* MAXWIN -- maximum window Default: WROWS Range: 1..WROWS MINWIN -- minimum window Default: ? Range: 1..WROWS The purpose of these Options is to make it possible to control the volume of text which is transferred to the screen at any one time to show the state of the file. The number of lines used within the available window area is allowed to vary between the limits specified by MINWIN and MAXWIN. The principle is that when the focus of editing moves to a completely new site in the file, only MINWIN rows are displayed in the lower part of the available window area. During local manoeuvres, this minimum display is extended as appropriate up to the selected maximum. (What operations permit extension depends on the video characteristics and the position and width of the window). MAXWIN determines the maximum number of lines to be used for the time being, the remainder of the The MAXWIN parameter selects the amount of the file window which is to be used at the outset, the remainder being reserved for secondary input, or subsequent expansion through increasing MINWIN.
When a secondary input file is being processed, it has its own varying size window at the top of the overall file display region defined by WTOP and WROWS, originally as determined by MAXWIN (or a default value if MAXWIN is zero). When a new MINWIN value is selected (by %D or %E), it alters the secondary input value if secondary input is selected at the time, rather than the main file MINWIN value. Whenever an increased minimum value is selected for secondary input, this has the effect of constraining the maximum size of the main file's effective window, and conversely. Where there are no performance restrictions imposed by communication or processing systems, the upper limit value (WROWS) is usually appropriate for MINWIN. The default value is chosen according to the system.

Text line width WIDTH, MARGIN

The parameter WIDTH specifies the maximum line length to be used in connection with the Adjust and 'At' commands (and for failure conditions in the case of Insert and Join). The initial default value is 80. The parameter MARGIN specifies a left margin position, which defines the effective start of the line. This determines where the file pointer is placed following a Move or Move back command, and is also relevant to the operation of the Adjust command. WIDTH is inclusive of MARGIN. The initial default value is zero.

Letter-case matching MATCH/NOMATCH

When matching text strings in the course of executing any of the commands Find, Delete, Traverse, Uncover or Verify, the Editor may or may not ignore case distinctions between letters. By default it ignores them. This mode of matching may be switched off by selecting the option NOMATCH and re-established by selecting the alternative option MATCH. When it is switched off, letters in text parameters are matched exactly as typed against letters in the file. The setting of this mode does not affect text parameters for the insertion commands, which are always inserted exactly as typed.

Displaying pointer HILIGHT/MARK

This parameter controls how the current position of the file pointer is displayed when the Editor is in command mode. The options are HILIGHT or MARK. HILIGHT implies use of whatever capability a video has for distinguishing arbitrary characters, for example, reduced or increased intensity, underline, or (preferably) reverse video. Its use may require particular switch settings or intensity adjustments on the terminal. MARK implies the technique of overwriting the character immediately to the left of the current position with a distinguished character (splodge or tilde). An additional column is inserted at the beginning of each line in this mode, for use when the pointer is at the beginning of the line. MARK is appropriate for terminals which have no means of highlighting individual character positions.

Updating strategy LATE/EARLY

The default strategy for updating the window is to do so only when the material in it is changed or the file pointer is moved outside it. Selecting EARLY causes the window to be extended or refreshed when the bottom line is reached rather than when it is passed. The default may be restored by selecting LATE.