When the Editor is called, it positions its file pointer at the start of the first line in the file to be edited and presents the initial display. At the outset, it is in command mode and expects command input to be typed on the command line. The response may take one of three forms: typing a command line followed by RETURN typing a Special command followed by RETURN pressing a control key (including plain RETURN) A command line consists of one or more editing commands, optionally separated by spaces. A command line is terminated by RETURN and errors noticed while typing it may be cancelled by means of the DEL key.

Special commands

Special commands are distinguished by starting with the prefix "%" (percent-sign) followed by a letter. They are used to select options and set modes which modify the effect of subsequent editing commands. The most essential Special command is the Close command "%C" which is used to close off the edit. The Special command "%H" (for Help) provides general Help information on the Editor and its use, and the Special command "%Q" (for Query) allows the user to explore the significance of individual keys. Details of the Special commands are given in the major sections SPECIAL COMMANDS and MACROS.

Control keys

Where a control key has been defined as a command, the effect of pressing the key is effectively the same as if the command sequence for which the key stands had been typed in followed by RETURN. Note, however, the important difference mentioned under 'repetition'. RETURN by itself counts as a control key with the fixed significance of M (Move). One control key has the effect of switching between command mode and data-entry mode. In data-entry mode, only control keys (including RETURN) can be interpreted as commands, since any printing characters and spaces typed in this mode are treated as data to go into the file, overwriting any text already present at the current position.

Command types

There are just two formats for individual editing commands, one for those commands which are accompanied by a text string as parameter and one for those which are not. A command which has no text parameter takes the form of a single character or a single character followed by a minus sign. For most commands the single character is a letter, which is mnemonic for an imperative verb. For example, the Move command is denoted simply by "M" (or "m") and the Move back command by "M-" (or "m-"). A command with a text parameter takes the form of a single letter (or letter followed by minus) followed by whatever string of characters the user wants to specify, enclosed within delimiter characters. For example, "F/cat/" is an instance of the Find command with "cat" as its parameter, and "" is an instance of the Substitute command with "dog" as its parameter.
The user has a choice of several characters for use as delimiters; the oblique stroke and the period illustrated above are popular because of typing convenience, but any character which has no defined significance to the Editor may be used. The opening and closing delimiter for any one parameter must be the same, and the delimiter must be chosen to be distinct from any of the characters which require to be included in the text string. Strings may include any printing characters and spaces, but not line-breaks. The commands which take a text parameter fall into two groups: text-matching commands and text-insertion commands. There is some relaxation of the format rules for the parameters for the latter (Insert, Overwrite, Substitute and Get); details are given in the description of the Insert command.
There are a number of alternative ways of specifying a text parameter: by one of the six text parameter macro letters (X,Y,Z,x,y,z); by the ditto symbol("); by the exclamation-mark (!). The first of these is described in the section on Command and Text Macros. The ditto symbol indicates that the text string to be used is the same as the last string used in a command of the same group (matching or insertion). Using an exclamation-mark in place of a text string indicates that the actual text to be used is not provided within the command, but is to be requested at the time the command is executed. In this case, when the text is requested, it should be typed without delimiters and terminated by RETURN. (For the interpretation of exclamation-mark within command macro sequences, see MACROS).

Case distinctions

In commands, the upper-case letters 'A' to 'W' have a fixed significance as basic editing commands. Initially the lower-case letters 'a' to 'w' have the same meaning as their upper-case counterparts, but this is not fixed and may be changed by re-definition as command macros. The letters 'X' to 'Z' and 'x' to 'z' have no fixed significance to the Editor and are available for definition as text or command macros. Within text strings, case distinctions are always significant for insertions, but are normally ignored for text matching purposes, so that, for example, the string "the" would be considered to match "The" as well as "the" (not to mention "tHe" and so on). However, there is an Option (NOMATCH) which may be selected to prevent this indiscriminate matching.

Multiple commands

When more than one command is typed on a line, they may be, but need not be, separated by spaces. The commands are executed in order from left to right. One point of putting several commands on one line is to control the frequency of feedback. Another is to produce a useful unit for repetition.

Syntactic errors

Before proceeding to execute a command line, the Editor checks that the format of each command in it is correct, for example, that a text matching command is accompanied by a text parameter. If not, an error report is made indicating the nature of the error and no attempt is made to execute any of the commands making up the line. Note the contrast between the treatment of this kind of error and the effect of failures in executing well-formed commands.

Failure conditions

The specification of the individual commands defines not only what happens when the command is carried out but the condition under which the command cannot be carried out -- the failure condition. In the simple case, a failure in command execution counts as an error and a report is made. Any subsequent commands in a command sequence are not executed, but the effect of any earlier commands in a command sequence is not undone, nor that of successfully completed cases of a repeated command. There may also be partial execution of the failing command itself, as defined in the individual descriptions which follow. Failure conditions can be utilised to control command execution in a number of ways, of which the most important is mentioned in the next paragraph. For a few commands, mainly those represented by a character other than a letter, there is no failure condition.

Repetition numbers

Any command may be followed by a repetition number (a decimal integer) indicating that the command is to be repeated the number of times specified. For example, "M5" means Move five times, and "I/ /20" means Insert a space twenty times, that is, in effect, insert twenty spaces. An asterisk may be used in place of a repetition number with the significance: repeat the command until it fails. For typing convenience, the digit zero may be employed in place of an asterisk. For example, the command "E*" (or "E0") means Erase repeatedly until the failure condition for Erase is met, that is, Erase up to the end of the line.

Repetition of last command

Instead of typing in a new command at any point, the user may instead type simply a repetition number. This causes the last genuine command line to be executed again the number of times specified. The whole command line, which may consist of a sequence of several commands, is repeated. In this context, neither Special commands nor control key commands count as genuine command lines, nor do they cause the last genuine command to be lost (although some Special commands may cause the record of it to be erased from the screen). The control key Linefeed is generally defined to have the significance of repeating the last command once.