General information

The command CLEAN can be used to inspect a users files, and perform a variety of file management operations on them. It can be used with both forground and archived files, and also members of partitioned files. A number of options are provided to select which files are to be 'cleaned'. The command has the form : CLEAN mask,options MASK specifies which files names are to be cleaned - eg. CLEAN SS#* CLEAN *TEST CLEAN PDFILE_MEM* CLEAN ECSLIB.CIF* CLEAN T*S OPTIONS specifies which type of files are to be cleaned - A - clean the archived files (in alphabetical order) C - clean only the cherised files D - clean the archived files (in date order) E - clean everything (all forground files even T# ones) F - clean forground files (the default, as for FILES) H - clean only the hazarded files


ARCHIVE This command may be used to archive the current file. (Note that the file is only marked for archive, and it is copied to tape at a later date, at which point it is removed from the users file list)


BACKUP This marks the file to be backed up within a day of each alteration. (It performs the same function as the EMAS command CHERISH)


COPY newfile A copy of the current file is made into 'newfile'. Newfile can be a member of a PDfile up to any depth. Note that the newfile is NOT included in the list of files which are currently being cleaned.


DELETE This command marks the file for deletion. Files are deleted when the CLEAN program terminates, so aborting the program using the ESCAPE key will result in no deletes occuring. If users wishes to change their mind about deleting a file, they can use the SAVE command to remove the delete mark.


EXIT (E or X) QUIT and ^Y These are all ways of terminating the CLEAN program. If any files have been marked for deletion, they are then deleted.


HELP This command calls VIEW on the CLEAN help file.


INFO parm This gives information about the current file. In the case of a file on archive storage, only the date of archiving and the file size are known, but for online files extra information can be obtained by specifying a parameter in the same way as for the EMAS analyse command.


LIST (or LS for UNIX compatability) This command lists all the files which match the current filespec, and also shows if the file is marked for deletion, backup, online etc.


MEMBERS If the current file is a partitioned file, the members command recursively calls CLEAN on the members of the partitioned file.


NEWNAME newname This command renames the current file to be 'newname'. The file is still included in the current list of files, even if the new name does not match the original files spec.


ONLINE This command is used to being an archived file back on-line. (It is the same as the EMAS command RESTORE)


PERMIT user,perm This command calls the EMAS command PERMIT with the parameters specified appended to the current filename. If the parameters are omitted, the file is permitted to all users. HELP PERMIT given outside the CLEAN program gives a detailed description of it. Examples: PERMIT ECS???,R PERMIT ???U??,N PERMIT


EXIT (E or X) QUIT and ^Y These are all ways of terminating the CLEAN program. If any files have been marked for deletion, they are then deleted.


RENAME newname This command renames the current file to be 'newname'. The file is still included in the current list of files, even if the new name does not match the original files spec.


SAVE If the current file has been marked for deletion, the mark is removed.


TOP This returns to the first file in the list, and set the direction to be forwards. (The direction of scan can be reversed by using the command '-').


VOLATILE This removes the request to have the file backed up. (It performs the same function as the EMAS command HAZARD)


EXIT (E or X) QUIT and ^Y These are all ways of terminating the CLEAN program. If any files have been marked for deletion, they are then deleted.