Alterations to Ilap4s : remove output extension #cif cif stream = 1 instead of 3 insert "impiospecs" instead of existing ones add ".cif" if necessary max boxes = 1000 instead of 2000 all %halfs to %shorts %fn extend only for EMAS [ omit first line ] prefix "ilap4incs" with all %specs in right order fix Version string remove %routinespecs dump comment to c width since already spec-ed date & time to timestamp lambda & setlambda in 100ths of a micron - all inc files specs updated SET DEFAULT GOES OUT outfilename goes out change default widths sheet Alterations to utils : date & time to timestamp no set default any longer no outfilename add write routine (which uses itos) Alterations to contacts : prefix "contactincs" Alterations to plas : prefix "plaincs" Alterations to stacks : prefix "stackincs" Alterations to routes : prefix "routeincs" Alterations to pads : prefix "padincs" Alterations to annotates : prefix "annotincs" -- note name!! remember "warn" & "update bb" still need specs! Alterations to drcs : prefix "check" spec prefix ilapincs file Include arrays file remove %list instrs remove (2)s in %arrayname params initialise nil==0 specially change finding streams part : remove nl:'s remove snl insert impiospecs alter IO calls to meet new specs remove file delete call & spec Alterations to places (altered in VAX version also : maps -> fns; assigned declarations) insert ilapincs add itos spec remove event record & event subname usage Alterations to stables [from djrstable.imp on VAX] specs true & false fault impiospecs (&close parameters) command parser only 2 %signal params no (*) records so comment out free vec & dispose comment out format specs Xpla : plautils, tabutils, roms