Location System Help Info

Current Version Of Location System 27/09/83

Descriptions Of Commands

The Command Addname

This command is used to construct a name list in your ss#profile file, this name list being used in conjunction with the FIND command (see below) The name list contains a user number and string associated with each entry , these data elements being entered in the following way. Command:ADDNAME ECTU74,"G.Wallace Number Of Names Inserted = 1

The Command Removename

This command is the opposite of ADDNAME and simply removes a user from your name list.e.g. Command:REMOVENAME ECTU74 Number Of Names Inserted = 0

The Command Find

How to FIND your friends

FIND entered with no parameters assumes that you wish to find the users that you have set up in a list in you ss#profile file using ADDNAME. For each user in the list the program searches through the local supervisor process list table to find out if the user is logged on. (This Table Is Obtained By Using The Function DPROCEDURE) If the user is found then the user's tcp and console number is passed to the location translating function that produces a location string that can be understood i.e. in George Square Terminal 10 . If the console number cannot be found then the name of the tcp is printed which at least gives a rough idea of where the user is. In some cases the TCP name given by DPROCEDURE is null whereby the users location is deemed to be unknown If the user is not logged on then the program will look in the users ss#profile file to see if they have left GONE message .i.e. Mr Conlib(ERCI16) went to update Conlib at 16.10.13 on 15/09/83

Using MASKS With Find

If a more global list of users is required rather than just your friends then find can be used in conjunction with a mask parameter i.e. Find * or FIND ?????? will print out all the users logged on Find ercc?? will print out all the ERK's logged on Find ec?u?? will print out all the CS students

The Command Gone

This command is used to log you off . If you want to leave a message for others using find then use GONE "<msg> i.e. Command:GONE G.Wallace(ECTU74) went away at 02:00:00 on 07/06/83 or Command:GONE "to sleep it off G.Wallace(ECTU74) went to sleep it off at 02.02.00 on 07/06/83 The quote is needed to avoid having the loader splice out the spaces in your message .

The Command Status

This command takes one parameter namely the process number of a user which is then search for in the process list table obtained from DPROCS If the user is logged on then a message relating to his/her current state i.e. How long since a command was executed is printed out The states are as follows: Yawning->Dozing->Napping->Sleeping->Comatose ->Gone AWOL (which means about to be logged off!

The Command Renew

This command enables users to update invalid locations that are returned to them by find. The command takes no parameters and prompts for TCP name (you can find this from the HOST prompt or the command QENV) Console number (this must be supplied in decimal not hex form as in QENV) Location (the string that represents best where you are) Once these 3 have been read in the program changes the location specifies and records your user name,terminal address and what location you changed This is done in case of MINOR discrepancies! Alternatively the database can be read for a specified location. This is done by typing RENEW ?

How To Access The System

To access the system you need to use the command INSERT ECMU23.LOCSYS to enable you to access the relevant commands

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