/* xldebug - xlisp debugging support */ #include "xlisp.h" /* external variables */ extern long total; extern int xldebug; extern int xltrace; extern NODE *s_unbound; extern NODE *s_stdin,*s_stdout; extern NODE *s_tracenable,*s_tlimit,*s_breakenable; extern NODE *s_continue,*s_quit; extern NODE *xlstack; extern NODE *true; extern NODE **trace_stack; /* external routines */ extern char *malloc(); /* forward declarations */ FORWARD NODE *stacktop(); /* xlfail - xlisp error handler */ xlfail(emsg) char *emsg; { xlerror(emsg,stacktop()); } /* xlabort - xlisp serious error handler */ xlabort(emsg) char *emsg; { xlsignal(emsg,s_unbound); } /* xlbreak - enter a break loop */ xlbreak(emsg,arg) char *emsg; NODE *arg; { breakloop("break",NULL,emsg,arg,TRUE); } /* xlerror - handle a fatal error */ xlerror(emsg,arg) char *emsg; NODE *arg; { doerror(NULL,emsg,arg,FALSE); } /* xlcerror - handle a recoverable error */ xlcerror(cmsg,emsg,arg) char *cmsg,*emsg; NODE *arg; { doerror(cmsg,emsg,arg,TRUE); } /* xlerrprint - print an error message */ xlerrprint(hdr,cmsg,emsg,arg) char *hdr,*cmsg,*emsg; NODE *arg; { printf("%s: %s",hdr,emsg); if (arg != s_unbound) { printf(" - "); stdprint(arg); } else printf("\n"); if (cmsg) printf("if continued: %s\n",cmsg); } /* doerror - handle xlisp errors */ LOCAL doerror(cmsg,emsg,arg,cflag) char *cmsg,*emsg; NODE *arg; int cflag; { /* make sure the break loop is enabled */ if (s_breakenable->n_symvalue == NIL) xlsignal(emsg,arg); /* call the debug read-eval-print loop */ breakloop("error",cmsg,emsg,arg,cflag); } /* breakloop - the debug read-eval-print loop */ LOCAL int breakloop(hdr,cmsg,emsg,arg,cflag) char *hdr,*cmsg,*emsg; NODE *arg; int cflag; { NODE *oldstk,expr,*val; CONTEXT cntxt; /* increment the debug level */ xldebug++; /* flush the input buffer */ xlflush(); /* print the error message */ xlerrprint(hdr,cmsg,emsg,arg); /* do the back trace */ if (s_tracenable->n_symvalue) { val = s_tlimit->n_symvalue; xlbaktrace(fixp(val) ? val->n_int : -1); } /* create a new stack frame */ oldstk = xlsave(&expr,NULL); /* debug command processing loop */ xlbegin(&cntxt,CF_ERROR,true); while (TRUE) { /* setup the continue trap */ if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) { xlflush(); continue; } /* read an expression and check for eof */ if (!xlread(s_stdin->n_symvalue,&expr.n_ptr)) { expr.n_ptr = s_quit; break; } /* check for commands */ if (expr.n_ptr == s_continue) { if (cflag) break; else xlabort("this error can't be continued"); } else if (expr.n_ptr == s_quit) break; /* evaluate the expression */ expr.n_ptr = xleval(expr.n_ptr); /* print it */ xlprint(s_stdout->n_symvalue,expr.n_ptr,TRUE); xlterpri(s_stdout->n_symvalue); } xlend(&cntxt); /* restore the previous stack frame */ xlstack = oldstk; /* decrement the debug level */ xldebug--; /* continue the next higher break loop on quit */ if (expr.n_ptr == s_quit) xlsignal("quit from break loop",s_unbound); } /* tpush - add an entry to the trace stack */ xltpush(nptr) NODE *nptr; { if (++xltrace < TDEPTH) trace_stack[xltrace] = nptr; } /* tpop - pop an entry from the trace stack */ xltpop() { xltrace--; } /* stacktop - return the top node on the stack */ LOCAL NODE *stacktop() { return (xltrace >= 0 && xltrace < TDEPTH ? trace_stack[xltrace] : s_unbound); } /* baktrace - do a back trace */ xlbaktrace(n) int n; { int i; for (i = xltrace; (n < 0 || n--) && i >= 0; i--) if (i < TDEPTH) stdprint(trace_stack[i]); } /* xldinit - debug initialization routine */ xldinit() { if ((trace_stack = (NODE **) malloc(TSTKSIZE)) == NULL) xlabort("insufficient memory"); total += (long) TSTKSIZE; xltrace = -1; xldebug = 0; }