;; The following is a tiny Prolog interpreter in MacLisp ;; written by Ken Kahn and modified for XLISP by David Betz. ;; It was inspired by other tiny Lisp-based Prologs of ;; Par Emanuelson and Martin Nilsson. ;; There are no side-effects anywhere in the implementation. ;; Though it is VERY slow of course. (defun prolog (database &aux goal) (do () ((not (progn (princ "Query?") (setq goal (read))))) (prove (list (rename-variables goal '(0))) '((bottom-of-environment)) database 1))) ;; prove - proves the conjunction of the list-of-goals ;; in the current environment (defun prove (list-of-goals environment database level) (cond ((null list-of-goals) ;; succeeded since there are no goals (print-bindings environment environment) (not (y-or-n-p "More?"))) (t (try-each database database (cdr list-of-goals) (car list-of-goals) environment level)))) (defun try-each (database-left database goals-left goal environment level &aux assertion new-enviroment) (cond ((null database-left) nil) ;; fail since nothing left in database (t (setq assertion (rename-variables (car database-left) (list level))) (setq new-environment (unify goal (car assertion) environment)) (cond ((null new-environment) ;; failed to unify (try-each (cdr database-left) database goals-left goal environment level)) ((prove (append (cdr assertion) goals-left) new-environment database (+ 1 level))) (t (try-each (cdr database-left) database goals-left goal environment level)))))) (defun unify (x y environment &aux new-environment) (setq x (value x environment)) (setq y (value y environment)) (cond ((variable-p x) (cons (list x y) environment)) ((variable-p y) (cons (list y x) environment)) ((or (atom x) (atom y)) (cond ((equal x y) environment) (t nil))) (t (setq new-environment (unify (car x) (car y) environment)) (cond (new-environment (unify (cdr x) (cdr y) new-environment)) (t nil))))) (defun value (x environment &aux binding) (cond ((variable-p x) (setq binding (assoc x environment)) (cond ((null binding) x) (t (value (cadr binding) environment)))) (t x))) (defun variable-p (x) (and x (listp x) (eq (car x) '?))) (defun rename-variables (term list-of-level) (cond ((variable-p term) (append term list-of-level)) ((atom term) term) (t (cons (rename-variables (car term) list-of-level) (rename-variables (cdr term) list-of-level))))) (defun print-bindings (environment-left environment) (cond ((cdr environment-left) (cond ((= 0 (nth 2 (caar environment-left))) (prin1 (cadr (caar environment-left))) (princ " = ") (print (value (caar environment-left) environment)))) (print-bindings (cdr environment-left) environment)))) ;; a sample database: (setq db '(((father madelyn ernest)) ((mother madelyn virginia)) ((father david arnold)) ((mother david pauline)) ((father rachel david)) ((mother rachel madelyn)) ((grandparent (? grandparent) (? grandchild)) (parent (? grandparent) (? parent)) (parent (? parent) (? grandchild))) ((parent (? parent) (? child)) (mother (? parent) (? child))) ((parent (? parent) (? child)) (father (? parent) (? child))))) ;; the following are utilities (defun y-or-n-p (prompt) (princ prompt) (eq (read) 'y)) ;; start things going (prolog db)