AI1 TUTORIAL AND PRACTICAL EXERCISE 27 th November 1984 Helen Pain LOG ON AND RUN AI1PROLOG OR P CONSULT THE FILE ECMI04.VISITING ?- ['ecmi04.visiting"]. GET A LISTING OF IT ?- listing. READ THE LISTING AND WORK OUT WHAT THE FILE DOES. WRITE QUESTIONS TO GET THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING; 1. the phone number at place_a 2. ritchie's phone number 3. what place has phone number 229-6031 and who has that number 4. who is visiting the aidept 5. who is thatcher visiting 6. where is bundy 7. where is thatcher 8. where is the aidept 9. where is reagan 10. what number is the number to ring for ross 11. what number is the number to ring for johnson 12. what number is the number to ring for castro 13. what number is the number to ring for reagan TRACE THE PROGRAM AND ASK SOME OF THE SAME QUESTIONS AGAIN eg ?- trace,ring(reagan,N).