% File: /u4/peter/prolog/ks299/int % Author: Original by Steven Hardy. Reworked by Peter Ross. % Updated: 6 Sep 84 by Peter Ross % Purpose: a simple rule interpreter in the style of KS-300 % Original code courtesy of Teknowledge Inc. - so don't make use of it % without acknowledging them. % The rule base is made up of assertions of the form % RULE: if PREMISE then CONCLUSION. % where RULE is an atom, % PREMISE is a simple proposition of the form % THING = VALUE % or THING is known % or THING is unknown % or is a combination of simple propositions % built up using "and" and "or", where "or" % binds tighter than "and", % CONCLUSION is a simple conclusion of the form % THING = VALUE % or THING = VALUE cf CONFIDENCE % or is a combination of simple conclusions % built up using "and" only. % THING and VALUE can be any Prolog term of precedence less than 600. % An operator 'of' has been defined for convenience; it has precedence 599. % It allows you to have THINGs of the form ATTRIBUTE of OBJECT. % CONFIDENCE should be a number between 0 (no confidence at all) and 1000 % (completely sure) inclusive. % % You must also provide assertions of the form % QUESTION finds THING. % where QUESTION is an atom giving a question to ask the user to get a value % for the attribute. A question mark will be supplied by the system. If the % system can ask the user for a value, he will be asked as soon as the need is % found, and only once. Valid replies are: % why. % asking for a MYCIN-like justification in terms of the goal tree, or % show THING. % asking for what is known about a THING, or % show RULE. % asking to see the rule identified by the given tag, or % :- Command. % asking for some arbitrary Prolog command to be run, or % anything else, which the system will assume to be the value sought, with cf % 1000 because you said so. % % There are three extra useful predicates: % watch switches on printing of the recording of attribute % values % nowatch turns it off % tidy(Old,New) reads file Old and writes file New (not equal) % so that New contains a nicley laid out version of the % rule base in Old. :- op(980, fx, [sought, find, invoke, seek]). :- op(980, xfy, [concludes, uses, refersto]). :- op(975, xfy, :). :- op(950, fx, if). :- op(949, xfy, then). :- op(948, xfy, because). :- op(800, xfy, and). :- op(750, xfy, or). :- op(725, xfy, cf). % cf => certainty factor :- op(600, xfy, finds). :- op(600, fx, show). :- op(599, xfy, of). find THING :- prompt(Old, ' ==>> '), abolish(active,1), abolish(sought,1), abolish(because,2), seek THING, show THING. seek THING :- sought THING, !. seek THING :- QUESTION finds THING, write(QUESTION), write('?'), nl, read(REPLY), ( REPLY = why -> why, seek THING ; REPLY = help -> help, seek THING ; REPLY = show SOMETHING -> show SOMETHING, seek THING ; REPLY = (:- COMMAND) -> do_without_fail(COMMAND), seek THING ; assert(sought THING), note(THING = REPLY cf 1000 because ['you said so']) ), !. seek THING :- assert(sought THING), ( nonrecursive(RULE, THING) ; recursive(RULE, THING) ), notice(RULE), invoke RULE, fail. seek THING. do_without_fail(COMMAND) :- COMMAND, !. do_without_fail(_). invoke RULE :- RULE : if PREMISE then CONCLUSION, PREMISE cf CONFIDENCE, ( CONFIDENCE < 200 ; note(CONCLUSION cf CONFIDENCE because [RULE]) ), !. notice(RULE) :- (watching -> write('****** Invoking '), write(RULE),nl; true), asserta(active(RULE)). notice(RULE) :- retract(active(RULE)), fail. (P1 or P2) cf CONFIDENCE :- P1 cf C1, ( C1 = 1000 -> CONFIDENCE = C1 ; P2 cf C2, ( C1 > C2 -> CONFIDENCE = C1 ; CONFIDENCE = C2 ) ), !. (P1 and P2) cf CONFIDENCE :- P1 cf C1, ( C1 < 200 -> CONFIDENCE = C1 ; P2 cf C2, ( C1 < C2 -> CONFIDENCE = C1 ; CONFIDENCE = C2 ) ), !. THING = VALUE cf CONFIDENCE :- seek THING, ( THING = VALUE cf CONFIDENCE because REASON ; CONFIDENCE = 0 ), !. THING is known cf CONFIDENCE :- seek THING, ( ( THING = VALUE cf C because REASON, C > 200 ) -> CONFIDENCE = 1000 ; CONFIDENCE = 0 ), !. THING is unknown cf CONFIDENCE :- ( THING is known cf 1000 -> CONFIDENCE = 0 ; CONFIDENCE = 1000 ), !. nonrecursive(RULE, THING) :- RULE concludes THING, not(RULE uses THING). recursive(RULE, THING) :- RULE concludes THING, RULE uses THING. RULE concludes THING :- RULE : if PREMISE then CONCLUSION, CONCLUSION refersto THING. RULE uses THING :- RULE : if PREMISE then CONCLUSION, PREMISE refersto CONCLUSION. note((P1 and P2) cf CONFIDENCE because REASON) :- note(P1 cf CONFIDENCE because REASON), note(P2 cf CONFIDENCE because REASON). note(THING = (VALUE1 and VALUE2) cf CONFIDENCE because REASON) :- note(THING = VALUE1 cf CONFIDENCE because REASON), note(THING = VALUE2 cf CONFIDENCE because REASON). note(THING = (VALUE cf CONFIDENCE1) cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON) :- note((THING = VALUE) cf CONFIDENCE1 cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON). note((PROPOSITION cf CONFIDENCE1) cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON) :- note(PROPOSITION cf CONFIDENCE1 cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON). note(THING = (VALUE cf CONFIDENCE1) cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON) :- note(THING = VALUE cf CONFIDENCE1 cf CONFIDENCE2 because REASON). note(THING is unknown cf CONFIDENCE because REASON). note(PROPOSITION cf C1 cf C2 because REASON) :- C3 is (C1 * C2)/1000, note(PROPOSITION cf C3 because REASON). note(PROPOSITION cf C1 because [REASON1]) :- remove(PROPOSITION cf C2 because REASON2), !, C3 is C1 + C2 - (C1 * C2)/1000, add(PROPOSITION cf C3 because [REASON1|REASON2]). note(PROPOSITION cf C1 because [REASON1]) :- add(PROPOSITION cf C1 because [REASON1]). remove(Item) :- retract(Item), (watching -> write('--- deleted '), write(Item), nl; true). add(Item) :- assert(Item), (watching -> write('+++ added '), write(Item), nl; true). why :- listof(R,active(R), [CURRENT|OTHERS]), tab(8), write('Your answer to this question will help me determine if the'), nl, tab(16), write('following rule is applicable:'), nl, show CURRENT, ( OTHERS = [] ; nl, tab(8), write('Other relevant rules are: '), write(OTHERS), nl ). help :- tab(8), write('When you get the prompt ==>> vaild replies are:'), nl, tab(16), write('- an answer to the question'), nl, tab(16), write('- why. to get a justification'), nl, tab(16), write('- show RULE. to have that rule printed'), nl, tab(16), write('- show THING. to see what is known about it'), nl, tab(16), write('- (:- COMMAND). to have a Prolog command run'), nl. P1 and P2 refersto THING :- ( P1 refersto THING ; P2 refersto THING ), !. P1 or P2 refersto THING :- ( P1 refersto THING ; P2 refersto THING ), !. PROPOSITION cf CONFIDENCE refersto THING :- PROPOSITION refersto THING, !. THING = VALUE refersto THING :- !. THING is STATUS refersto THING :- !. show RULE :- RULE : if PREMISE then CONCLUSION, !, tab(8), write(RULE), write(':'), nl, tab(10), write('if '), pwrite(PREMISE, 16), nl, tab(10), write('then '), pwrite(CONCLUSION, 16), nl. pwrite(P1 and P2, Indent) :- !, pwrite(P1, Indent), nl, tab(Indent), write('and '), pwrite(P2, Indent). pwrite(P, _) :- write(P). show THING :- G = (THING = VALUE cf CONFIDENCE because R), listof([CONFIDENCE, G], G, GS), !, sort(GS, SGS), tab(8), write('This is what is known about '), write(THING), write(':'), nl, bwrite(SGS). show THING :- sought(THING), !, tab(8), write(THING), write(' is unknown.'), nl. watch :- assert(watching). nowatch :- abolish(watching, 0). bwrite([]). bwrite([[A,B]|C]) :- bwrite(C), tab(16), write(B), nl. tidy(OLD, NEW) :- (OLD == NEW -> write('Files must differ'), nl, fail; true), (exists(OLD) -> true; write('First file does not exist'), nl, fail), assert(rulenumber(1)), see(OLD), tell(NEW), repeat, read(FACT), tidyprocess(FACT), seen, told, abolish(rulenumber, 1). tidyprocess(end_of_file). tidyprocess(FACT) :- output(FACT), nl, nl, !, fail. output(NAME : if PREMISE then CONCLUSION) :- retract(rulenumber(N)), N1 is N + 1, assert(rulenumber(N1)), write(rule), write(N), write(':'), nl, tab(8), write('if '), pwrite(PREMISE, 14), nl, tab(8), write('then '), pwrite(CONCLUSION, 14), write('.'), nl. output(QUESTION finds THING) :- write(''''), write(QUESTION), write(''''), nl, tab(4), write('finds '), write(THING), write('.'), nl, nl. output(P) :- write(P), write('.'), nl. % listof/3 behaves very like bagof/3, except that the collection of % answers it comes up with will never be empty. It will fail instead. listof(X,P,Set) :- bagof(X,P,Set), !, X \== []. % sort/2 is a vrsion of Hoare's "Quicksort" algorithm designed to sort % terms of the form THING=VALUE cf CONFIDENCE because LIST into % decreasing order of CONFIDENCE. The only specific reference to this % kind of term occurs within the definition of lesser/2, which succeeds % only if its first argument is 'less' than its second. So, you could % easily adapt sort/2 to many other sorting jobs. sort(L,Sorted) :- sort(L,[],Sorted). sort([X|L],R0,R) :- partition(L,X,L1,L2), sort(L2,R0,R1), sort(L1,[X|R1],R). sort([],R,R). partition([X|L],Y,[X|L1],L2) :- lesser(X,Y), !, partition(L,Y,L1,L2). partition([X|L],Y,L1,[X|L2]) :- !, partition(L,Y,L1,L2). partition([],_,[],[]). lesser(X = _ cf C1 because _, X = _ cf C2 because _) :- C1 < C2.