AMDAHL 470 V/7 EMAS Packhelp information on 02/09/86 at 15.16.04 GENERAL: A package is invoked by (optionally) defining a number of files, and then typing the package name followed by an (optional) parameter list e.g. SPSSX CONTROL=SCOMM, LISTING=.LP The parameterless command PACKLIST will print a list of all available packages, including pre-release versions. Information necessary to run any package or PLU utility is printed by the command PACKHELP , where is a package or utility name (default GENERAL to list this file), or .ALL (for all help information) and (default .OUT) is the name of the output file or device. E.g. PACKHELP GENSTAT PACKHELP .ALL,.LP A general description of the means of passing parameters to PLU packages is obtained by: PACKHELP PARAMETERS Further information may be obtained from PACKHELP for the following packages and PLU utilities: ASPEX BMDP CAMAPED CAMAPGB CAMFRAME CAMGRID CATALOG CENSUS CLUSCOM CLUSTAN DATAC DATALIB FAMULUS GAZ GAZF GENSTAT GINO GPCP MINITAB SPIDER SPSSX SYMAP SYMVU TSP ASPEX (PLU Release 1) Automated Surface Perspectives (ASPEX) is a package for producing oblique perspective views of three dimensional surfaces. Input data for ASPEX consists of a matrix of data values, and the user describes the desired characteristics of the output image by means of user-oriented keywords and phrases. The program originated at the Laboratory for Computer Graphics, Harvard University. Access to this package is via the command ASPEX A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Line printer output file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,1023,C) Keyword: PLOTTER (Graph plotter output file or device) Default: .GP23 Type: Graph plotter file Unit: 20 (DCB: ,1023,F80) Keyword: OBJECT (File containing object code of FLEXIN subroutine) Default: PLULIB:ASPEX.DUMMY Type: Object file Unit: 0 Reserved channel numbers: 5, 6, 20 BMDP 1985 (PLU Release 1) The BMDP statistical program package was developed in the Department of Bio-mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. The package is widely used in scientific and educational establishments around the world. The letters 'BMDP' stand for 'Biomedical Programs', but the package covers a wide range of standard statistical techniques and is not intended for use only in medical applications. For details of each of the individual programs, see the BMDP Statistical Software manual, 1985 printing; this is so little different from the 1983 edition that there is no need for users of that version to update. The control language is simple and powerful; beginners may get an impression of it from examples on pages 237 and 105 of the 1985 manual. The language is completely free format (manual p. 25-34). The programs now in service consist of all the programs described in the 1985 manual. The BMDP85 release is essentially an updated and corrected version of BMDP83. In the EMAS BMDP command the program names are abbreviated to two (or three) characters, e.g. 2V, AR, or P2V, PAR, etc. Access to this package is via the command BMDP A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: PROGRAM (Name of BMDP program to be run) Default: None Keyword: CONTROL (File containing BMDP control statements) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Line printer output file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None CAMAPED (PLU Release 2) CAMAPED is a program which holds a framework for Edinburgh ED's 1971 boundaries such that the user can initiate square grid mapping on user selected data. CAMAPED can be accessed by the following command: CAMAPED(CONTROL=...,LISTING=...,MAP=...,RESULTS=...) where Default Unit ------- ---- CONTROL= file containing parameter cards .IN 1 LISTING= file for output of statistics .OUT 2 MAP= file for output of map .OUT 10 RESULTS= file containing results to be mapped .NULL 15 Access to this package is via the command CAMAPED A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 1 Keyword: LISTING (Output file for statistics) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 2 Keyword: MAP (Output file for map) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 10 Keyword: RESULTS (File containing results to be mapped) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Unit: 15 Reserved channel numbers: 20, 2 CAMAPGB (PLU Release 2) CAMAPGB1 is a program which holds a framework such that the user can initiate square grid mapping on selected parish data which has been input to the program. The data may have been extracted from the Population CENSUS or the Agricultural CENSUS or may be from any other source at Parish level. CAMAPGB1 is written in IMP, is fast and is recommended for the BUSH environment. (See also PACKHELP CAMAPGB2). CAMAPGB1 can be accessed by the following command: CAMAPGB1(CONTROL=...,LISTING=...,MAP=...,RESULTS=...,PARISHES=...) where Default Unit ------- ---- CONTROL= file containing parameter cards .IN 1 LISTING= output listing file .OUT 2 MAP= file for output of map .OUT 10 RESULTS= file containing results to be mapped .NULL 15 PARISHES= UPTO75 for parish boundaries before - 20 reorganisation in 1975 76TO79 for parish boundaries after reorganisation FROM80 for parish boundaries after the 1980 amendments Access to this package is via the command CAMAPGB A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 1 Keyword: LISTING (Output listing file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 2 Keyword: MAP (Output file or device for map) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 10 Keyword: RESULTS (File containing results to be mapped) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Unit: 15 Keyword: PARISHES (Parish boundary dates - UPTO75, 76TO79 or FROM80) Default: None Unit: 0 Reserved channel numbers: 18, 21, 22 CAMFRAME (PLU Release 2) This program accepts a framework (and data in suitable format to relate to the framework), both supplied by the user, and then provides square grid mapping facilities. CAMFRAME can be accessed by the following command: CAMFRAME(CONTROL=...,MAP=...) where DEFAULT UNIT ------- ---- CONTROL= file containing parameter cards .IN 1 MAP= file for output of map and statistics .OUT 10 Access to this package is via the command CAMFRAME A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 1 Keyword: MAP (Output file for map and statistics) Default: .NULL Type: Output file Unit: 10 Reserved channel numbers: None CAMGRID (PLU Release 2) This program accepts co-ordinates for a square grid framework and data of format suitable to the grid; this then provides square grid mapping facilities. One example of such use is for survey type data. CAMGRID 3 Version 1 can be accessed by the following command: CAMGRID(CONTROL=...,LISTING=...,MAP=...,RESULTS=...) where Default Unit ------- ---- CONTROL= file containing parameter cards .IN 5 LISTING= file for listing of parameter cards and .OUT 6 histogram output MAP= file for map output .OUT 10 RESULTS= file containing results to be mapped .NULL 15 Unit 20 is automatically defined as a work file. Documentation is available from CAST Data Library Services, 18 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LN Access to this package is via the command CAMGRID A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File of CAMGRID control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Control command and histogram listing file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: MAP (Map output file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 10 Keyword: RESULTS (File containing results to be mapped) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Unit: 15 Reserved channel numbers: 6, 5, 10, 15, 20 CATALOG 7 (PLU Release 1) CATALOG Catalog is an interactive system for the management and retrieval of text information in "catalogue" form: that is, the type of information which could be stored in a card-index system. Catalog is a system of general application, and is a powerful tool for ordering text information which has a regular record structure. The obvious application for it is bibliographic retrieval, and it has also been used for telephone lists, circulation lists and general cataloguing. The functions provided by Catalog can be summarised as follows: - store information. - re-order the information alphabetically by keyword. - search and extract subsets. - classify and tabulate by subject. - print a "catalogue". Access to this package is via the command CATALOG A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: None Reserved channel numbers: None CENSUS (PLU Release 2) 1971 Population CENSUS DATA --------------------------- (Scotland) EDs 1971 Population CENSUS DATA small area statistics (Enumeration Districts) Scotland (100% and 10% samples), mounted for users of the Edinburgh University Library. (Scotland) Parishes 100% and 10% data from the 1971 Population CENSUS DATA, Scotland aggregated to Parish level. A user written program is required to extract data, which may then be input to other programs, e.g. CAMAPGB. Agricultural CENSUS DATA ------------------------ (Scotland) Parishes For Scotland, the DATA is available for the years in the range 1969 to 1976. Permission to use the DATA must be obtained from DAFS. A user written program is required to extract data which may then be input to other programs e.g. CAMAPGB. (England and Wales) Parishes As above for England and Wales, permission for access to Data to be obtained from MAFF. CSO Data Base ------------- See PACKHELP CSODATA and PACKHELP DATAC Access ------ CENSUS DATA can be accessed by the interactive package DATAC. See PACKHELP DATAC Access to this package is via the command CENSUS A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: PROGRAM (Census program required) Default: None Unit: 0 Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Output listing file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: OUTPUT (Data output file) Default: .NULL Type: Output file Unit: 11 (DCB: ,,V4096) Reserved channel numbers: 5, 6, 11 CLUSCOM 4.0 (PLU Release 1) Cluscom is an interactive program which helps the user to set up a file of control statements for Clustan, a cluster analysis program. When Clustan is used directly the user must create a file of cryptic, non- mnemonic codes at particular positions in the records. Cluscom issues a series of English language prompts to which the user replies in English and then it writes the file of Clustan statements. An added advantage of Cluscom is that it makes some checks on the consistency of the Clustan commands and affords the user the opportunity of changing them before entering Clustan. Cluscom has full interactive help facilities and there is no further documentation for the program. It was written by John Illingworth of York University. Access to this package is via the command CLUSCOM A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (Responses to program prompts) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Prompts and messages) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Keyword: CLUSFILE (Output file of CLUSTAN statements) Default: None Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None CLUSTAN 2.1 (PLU Release 22) CLUSTAN is an integrated package for performing various methods of cluster analysis and other multivariate methods. Full details of the program are given in "CLUSTAN User Manual" (Third Edition) by D Wishart, Program Library Unit IU/RC Series Report No 47 (January 1982), Price $7.50. Access to this package is via the command CLUSTAN A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File of CLUSTAN control statements) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: DATA (Raw Data file, if not embedded in control statements) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Printed results file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Keyword: SAVE (File to save CLUSTAN data, for a subsequent restart) Default: .TEMP Type: Output file Keyword: CARD (File to receive CARD output from DUMP, TREE, etc.) Default: .TEMP Type: Output file Keyword: CLUSDECK (CLUSDECK file (see page 5 of manual)) Default: .TEMP Type: Output file Keyword: USER (Source file containing user subroutine) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Keyword: PLOTTER (Graph plotter output file or device) Default: .GP23 Type: Output file Keyword: SPSSFILE (Name of SPSS saved file if CLUSTAN procedure SPSS is used) Default: .NULL Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None DATAC (PLU Release 2) DATAC Data Access Facility -------------------------- This program provides a friendly, interactive interface to the PLU data facilities which are available on the ERCC 2988 EMAS and Amdahl EMAS-A installations only. Entry to the program is via the call: DATAC The program has its own 'HELP' facilities, and introductory information about DATAC can be obtained by responding with the character 'Y' to the initial 'INTRODUCTION?' prompt. Access to this package is via the command DATAC A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: None Reserved channel numbers: None DATALIB (PLU Release 1) Data Library VIEW Facility -------------------------- Current information on the Data Library Service is available by typing DATALIB or VIEW PLUDAT.DATAVIEW Access to this package is via the command DATALIB A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: None Reserved channel numbers: None FAMULUS 77 (PLU Release 1) FAMULUS 77 ------------- A pre-release version of FAMULUS 77 is now available for use. This program is a new program which incorporates all the features of FAMULUS and provides many new features to assist the management of bibliographies, catalogues and any similar databases. The facilities are oriented to the processing of textual material although limited facilities are available for the inclusion of dates and numeric data. It is designed to be easy to use and no knowledge of programming is required. Data is divided into 'citations', where each citation consists of a number of 'fields'. Typically the fields consist of author, title, publisher, date of publication, accession number, cross references etc. Facilities exist for selection of subsets, printing in a variety of formats, sorting on the contents of the fields, index production, generation of key fields and editing of citations. A draft manual fully describing the program has been prepared at Oxford University Computing Service and is available on application to CAST 1 Roxburgh Street Telephone 031-667-1011 Extension 4203. Access to this package is via the command FAMULUS A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing FAMULUS 77 commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LOG (Listing file giving details of this run of FAMULUS) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: REPORTS (File to contain output from FAMULUS programs) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 8 (DCB: ,,C) Reserved channel numbers: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 31, 32, 33, 34 GAZ (PLU Release 2) GAZ is an interactive facility, which provides grid reference information about places in Great Britain. The information is drawn from a machine-readable copy of the Quarter Inch Gazetteer, supplied by the Ordnance Survey in February 1983. Two facilities are provided, as follows: GAZ - This is the simpler facility, and it is used to obtain grid reference information about placenames entered interactively by the user. It may also be used to obtain distance measurements between places, 'as the crow flies'. GAZF - This facility is a more elaborate version, enabling the user to submit his placenames from a character file. GAZF takes each placename from the file, obtains the appropriate grid reference information and writes it out to a second file in a user-specified format. These facilities are initiated via the commands GAZ and GAZF, respectively. Instuctions for using the facilities are provided in the GAZ User Guide, available from the Program Library Unit, price $1.50. Access to this package is via the command GAZ A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: None Reserved channel numbers: 8, 9 GAZF (PLU Release 2) GAZ is an interactive facility, which provides grid reference information about places in Great Britain. The information is drawn from a machine-readable copy of the Quarter Inch Gazetteer, supplied by the Ordnance Survey in February 1983. Two facilities are provided, as follows: GAZ - This is the simpler facility, and it is used to obtain grid reference information about placenames entered interactively by the user. It may also be used to obtain distance measurements between places, 'as the crow flies'. GAZF - This facility is a more elaborate version, enabling the user to submit his placenames from a character file. GAZF takes each placename from the file, obtains the appropriate grid reference information and writes it out to a second file in a user-specified format. These facilities are initiated via the commands GAZ and GAZF, respectively. Instuctions for using the facilities are provided in the GAZ User Guide, available from the Program Library Unit, price $1.50. Access to this package is via the command GAZF A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: None Reserved channel numbers: 8, 9 GENSTAT 4.04B (PLU Release 1) GENSTAT is a computing language for data manipulation and statistical analysis. Many standard procedures are provided, so that routine analyses can be simply specified. The language can also be used to program more complex or unorthodox procedures. If such procedures are frequently required, they may be stored in a 'macro library' and subsequently retrieved and used by a few simple instructions. The standard GENSTAT macro library is available in the file PLULIB:GENSTAT.MACROLIB. Any backing store files (including the Macro Library) should be connected to any channel from 10 - 16 inclusive. Note that in GENSTAT 4.04 the use of the FILE= option for PUT,GET,SAVE etc. is different from GENSTAT 4.03. For example FILE=3 does NOT point to channel 3, but points to the 3rd channel in the above range, i.e. channel 12. (See GENSTAT User Manual Part I Chapter 9:1.2) Up to four input and output streams may be open simultaneously using the GENSTAT commands 'INPUT' n and 'OUTPUT' n. The corresponding EMAS channel numbers for various values of n are as shown in the table below. 'INPUT' n Channel 'OUTPUT' n Channel --------- ------- ---------- ------- 1 5 1 6 2 7 2 8 3 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 Primary and secondary input and output may be specified using the CONTROL=, DATA=, LISTING= and OUTPUT2= parameters respectively in the GENSTAT command. If it is required to create a GENSTAT Backing store file of a size greater than the default, this can be done using the VDEFINE command prior to running GENSTAT. The command takes the following form: VDEFINE DDNAME=FTnnF001,DSNAME=(Emas File Name,Size,E5996), RECFM=VBS(5996,6000),DISP=NEW where nn is a channel number in the range 10-16 (see above). E.g. To create a file FRED to be 2Mbytes in size, on channel 12, the command would be VDEFINE DDNAME=FT12F001,DSNAME=(FRED,2048,E5996),RECFM=VBS(5996,6000),DISP=NEW If the file already exists, it must be DESTROYed first, otherwise it will retain the characteristics of its original definition. To make use of the third and fourth input/output channels (1-4, as described above), the commands would be, for input, VDEFINE DDNAME=FT01F001,DSNAME=File,RECFM=F(80,80),DISP=OLD and for output, VDEFINE DDNAME=FT02F001,DSNAME=File,RECFM=F(133,133),DISP=NEW A set of GENSTAT Worked Examples is available in the partitioned file PLULIB:GEN404EXAMP Documentation: GENSTAT - A General Statistical Program Published by Statistics department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts. Copies of the above manual can be obtained from Numerical Algorithms Group Limited, NAG Central Office, Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DE GENSTAT is available for user service. Access to this package is via the command GENSTAT A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing GENSTAT control statements) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Lineprinter listing file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Keyword: DATA (Secondary input file) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: OUTPUT2 (Secondary output file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None GINO: A preliminary version of GINO is now available. For details type VIEW PLULIB:GINOHELP GPCP 1.0 (PLU Release 1) GPCP is a stand-alone program which draws contour diagrams on a graph plotter or other graphical device. The input typically consists of randomly spaced data points from which a smooth surface is derived and plotted. There are numerous options to allow for such things as missing data, constraints, stereo- scopic output, machine-readable output, output of cross- sections through surfaces, trend surface analysis and so on. The program, which is developed and distributed by Calcomp Ltd, has been used for example on seismic, demographic, geological, thermal and pressure maps and diagrams. Access to this package is via the command GPCP A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Line printer output file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: PLOTTER (Graph plotter output file or device) Default: .GP23 Type: Graph plotter file Unit: 9 (DCB: ,1023,F80) Keyword: CARDS (Punched card output file) Default: .NULL Type: Output file Unit: 7 (DCB: ,,F80) Keyword: SCALE (Scaling factor for tektronix only) Default: 1.0 Type: Real Unit: 0 Reserved channel numbers: 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14 MINITAB 5.1 (PLU Release 1) Minitab is a package of statistical methods available in batch or interactively. It is extremely simple to use, even for those with limited computing experience and has a wide range of facilities, ranging through most statistical techniques, including multiple regression, time series and simulation. It is well documented by the Minitab Reference Manual and the Minitab Student Handbook. The Minitab Reference Manual may be obtained from the program library unit (price $6.00), but the Minitab Student Handbook must be ordered from the publishers at the following address. Duxbury Press North Scituate Massachusetts USA There is also a very comprehensive 'help' faciltity within the package. To find out more about this, simply type the command 'help' to Minitab. Any faults should be reported to Brian Fletcher, CAST, (031-667 1011 ext 4322 or via the packtell facility). many of the sample data sets quoted in the Student Handbook are available for use. the Minitab 'news' command gives details of how to access them.  Access to this package is via the command MINITAB A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing MINITAB control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (File or device for MINITAB output) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None PARAMETERS: The PACKHELP information for any package includes a list of parameter descriptions and a list of fixed file definitions. There are a variety of ways in which the user may specify the required parameters or modify the file definitions. The package entry command may be typed exactly like any other EMAS command, with a number of positional parameters separated by commas e.g. GENSTAT GENIN,,,OUTB The above command enters GENSTAT with the input file GENIN and file OUTB specified as the secondary output file. The PACKHELP text gives the relative position of the parameters and the default values for omitted parameters. As some packages have a long and complicated list of parameters, only some of which will be required in any run, the neccessary parameters may be specified by keyword: GENSTAT INPUT=GENIN,OUTPUT2=OUTB This method helps to avoid errors when a positional list would contain numbers of consecutive commas indicating defaults. This also saves having to remember the order in which the parameters appear in the PACKHELP text - keyword parameters may be typed in any order. The PACKHELP information includes the keyword for each parameter. Note that positional and keyword parameters may be mixed randomly in the same command - the implied position being derived from the most recent keyword parameter. Most parameters specify the name of a file to be connected to a particular channel, as indicated by PACKHELP. Such parameters may be set by typing appropriate DEFINE commands before entering the package itself. Existing channel definitions corresponding to file type parameters will be treated as the 'primary' default value for the parameter, and will not be overwritten by the system unless the user explicitly supplies a value in the package command. The default value given in the PACKHELP text is used only when no value is given in the package command and the channel is undefined on entry. This means of supplying parameters is particularly useful when the default 'DCB' characteristics (maximum file size and format parameters to the DEFINE command) are not suitable. This also applies to the fixed channel assignments required for some packages. Note that, on exit from the package, the system will CLEAR any definitions which it has set up itself (e.g. in the course of interpreting the parameter list) but will not disturb any pre-existing definitions. Parameters can also be entered in a conversational mode, whereby the system uses the keywords to prompt the user. This will happen if any error is found (except in batch mode), or if the package is entered with a question mark in place of the parameter list e.g. GENSTAT ? In the formar case, the system prompts for a replacement value for the parameter which caused the error, in the latter case, all parameters are prompted for in turn. The reply may consist of any valid parameter list (keyword and/or positional), allowing the user to respecify earlier parameters or to speed up the process by entering several parameters in reply to one prompt. The default value may be accepted by replying with a 'return'. A brief description of the parameter and its default value (derived from the PACKHELP information) may be printed by replying with a question mark. There is also available a shorthand method of entering a package repeatedly with the same parameter list: GENSTAT .. This sets up the same parameter list as was used for the last call of GENSTAT in this session. The generated parameters include any modifications entered in conversational mode - i.e. the parameters which were actually effective for the last call, rather than those entered in the last parameter list. This form is useful when a run fails due to an error in a data file - the file can be altered and the package re-entered without typing the entire parameter list again. This can also be done using the EMAS-3 Command History Mechanism (see Computing Newsletter (January 1986) page 4). SPIDER: SPIDER (Subroutine Package for Image Data Enhancement and Recognition) was produced at the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Japan. It is available on EMAS as a library of 442 subroutines, both in Fortran source and object form. In order to access SPIDER you must first become a registered user. Applications for registration should be made to Joyce Anderson, CAST, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh, tel. 031-667 1011 ext. 4423. Queries on the technical content of the package should be addressed to Mike Worling, CAST, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh, tel. 031-667 1011 ext.4289 A SPIDER Users' Manual is available from Joyce Anderson at the above address and costs 25 pounds. SPSSX 2.1 (PLU Release 1) The major difference between the EMAS-A version of SPSSX and the EMAS2900 version is the use of the FILE HANDLE command which is NOT supported on EMAS-A. To allocate File Handles on EMAS-A, you must use one of the new SPSSX parameters FH1, FH2 or FH3. The syntax is very similar to that of the FILE HANDLE command as the following example illustrates. If your SPSSX control file contained the command FILE HANDLE FRED/NAME='EPAQ19.FREDDY' then on EMAS-A this line would have to be removed and replaced by a parameter on the SPSSX command i.e. SPSSX CONTROL=..., FH1=FRED/EPAQ19:FREDDY Up to 3 File Handles may be specified in this way by making use of the other two parameters, FH2= and FH3=. Note that for reading raw input data from a file, i.e. using DATA LIST FILE=JIM... the parameter DATA=JIM/filename should be used instead of one of the FH's. Any user who has any difficulty with File Handles should contact Brian Fletcher at CAST for help (telephone 031-667 1011 x 4322). If it is required to create an SPSSX system file of a size greater than the default, this can be done using the VDEFINE command prior to running SPSSX. The command takes the following form: VDEFINE DDNAME=File Handle,DSNAME=(Emas File Name,Size,E1024),RECFM= V(1024,1028),DISP=NEW E.g. To create a file FRED to be 2Mbytes in size, which will be referenced by File Handle FFF inside SPSSX, the command would be VDEFINE DDNAME=FFF,DSNAME=(FRED,2048,E1024),RECFM=V(1024,1028),DISP=NEW If VDEFINE is being used, then the File Handle and File Name must not be specifed in an FH-type parameter to SPSSX, which would cause the file to be redefined with default size. Note also that if the file aleady exists, it should be DESTROYed before issuing the VDEFINE command, otherwise the file will retain its original maximum size. The SPSSX User's manual may be ordered from PLU, by phoning extension 4423 (on 031-667 1011) or by calling at 1 Roxburgh Street. Access to this package is via the command SPSSX A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing SPSSX control statements) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Lineprinter listing file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Keyword: FH1 (File Handle/EMAS File Name) Default: NONE/NONE Keyword: FH2 (File Handle/EMAS File Name) Default: NONE/NONE Keyword: FH3 (File Handle/EMAS File Name) Default: NONE/NONE Keyword: DATA (File Handle/Raw data input file) Default: NONE/NONE Keyword: SIZE (VSS REGION SIZE) Default: 1024 Type: Integer Reserved channel numbers: None SYMAP 5.20 (PLU Release 2) SYMAP is a general purpose graphics display program for mapping spatially disposed quantitative or qualitative data. Maps are printed on a standard lineprinter, using varying shades of grey (produced by overprinting) to represent data value classes. Five different types of map may be produced: conformant, contour, trend surface, residual, proximal (thiessen polygon). SYMAP can also be used to prepare data for input to the SYMVU program. Note that the arrangements for output to a SYMVU file differ from the description given in the manual, in the case where more than one SYMVU file is produced in one SYMAP run. It is only possible to save a single data set in one EMAS file. The SYMVUFILE parameter may thus contain a list of files (separated by ampersands), one for each map which specifies elective 21 (SYMVU output): SYMAP . . .,SYMVUFILE=FILEA&FILEB&FILEC Documentation: SYMAP User's reference manual Laboratory for computer graphics; Graduate school of design; Harvard university; 520 Gund hall; 48 Quincy street; Cambridge Massachussetts 02138. Access to this package is via the command SYMAP A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing SYMAP control cards) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Lineprinter output file) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: OBJECT (File containing object code of subroutine FLEXIN) Default: PLULIB:SYMAP.FLEXINY Type: Object file Unit: 0 Keyword: SYMVUFILE (Output file(s) for subsequent input to SYMVU package) Default: .NULL Unit: 0 Reserved channel numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SYMVU (PLU Release 1) SYMVU is a mapping program which uses the graph plotter to draw a representation of a three dimensional surface. The data input consists of a matrix (up to 130 x 130) of values, giving e.g. height above sea level. The plotter output shows the surface viewed from any given angle. There are a variety of options including scaling, annotation, truncation and tilting of the surface. Data may be input in a standard format or may be read (or generated) by a user- supplied subroutine. Data in the standard format may be prepared by the SYMAP program, particularly if the available data is irregularly spaced and requires interpolation. A number of data files may be produced by SYMAP, using a call of the form: SYMAP . . .,SYMVUFILE=FILEA&FILEB&FILEC (See PACKHELP SYMAP) and subsequently plotted by: SYMVU . . .,DATA=FILEA&FILEB&FILEC Where the SYMVU control cards specify an FDATA option of 1, 2, 3 to plot the successive data sets. This technique is especially useful in conjunction with the SAMEH option, to plot each file with the same vertical scale. Documentation: User's guide to SYMVU (PLS 24) CAST, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TA Access to this package is via the command SYMVU A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing SYMVU control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Unit: 5 Keyword: LISTING (Line printer listing file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Unit: 6 (DCB: ,,C) Keyword: DATA (File(s) of data from SYMAP package) Default: .NULL Type: Input file Unit: 0 Keyword: PLOTTER (Graph plotter output file or device) Default: .GP23 Type: Graph plotter file Unit: 4 (DCB: ,1023,F80) Keyword: OBJECT (File containing object code of subroutine DATA) Default: PLULIB:SYMVU.DUMMYOBJ Type: Object file Unit: 0 Keyword: SCALE (Scaling factor for plot (0.5 gives half-size plot)) Default: 1.0 Type: Real Unit: 0 Reserved channel numbers: 1, 4, 5, 6 TSP 4.0E (PLU Release 2) TSP Version 4.0E is available for use on the Amdahl EMAS-A service. The specification is as for the corresponding IBM release documented in 'Time Series Processor Version 4.0 Users Manual' and 'Time Series Processor Version 4.0 Reference Manual' both by Bronwyn H. Hall. Currently the DATABASE feature is not implemented in this release of TSP, but it is hoped that this facility may be provided at a future date. Access to this package is via the command TSP A description of the parameters (if any) for this command appears below Parameters: Keyword: CONTROL (File containing TSP control commands) Default: .IN Type: Input file Keyword: LISTING (Line printer listing file or device) Default: .OUT Type: Output file Reserved channel numbers: None