Record Formats

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: EMAS 3 Protection From: P.Stephens @ RCO 18 Sep 84 16:10:02 bst To: emasteam Here follows a note about protection on the Amdahl system. PLease read it and report any flaws to PDS ASAP. Protection in EMAS3 ___________________ Apart from a single write protect bit in the segment tables all protection on IBM architecture is provided by keys on the store. Each store page has associated a 4 bit key (0-15) an each program has a similar key in its PSW. Writes to store are only permitted if the key in the PSW matches the key on the store or if the key in the pSW is 0. One extra bit associated with the page is available to extend key protection to read accesses. EMAS3 has the system in segments 0-63 as there is no public address space. Careful use of the keys is needed to allow sharing and give reasonable protection to the system. The scheme may cause some inconvenience to Director and Comms controller since these may have to alter their PSW before writing to certain pages. Fortunately there is a suitable privileged instruction to do this! My plan is thus:- 1) Director to maintain the one bit in the segment table for users read only segments as a vestigial remnant of acr levels. 2) All users pages read or write to be set with key X'F' and no additional read protection. Supervisor can thus read users pages. 3) Director and user to run with key F in the psw but Directors writable area for NNTs and Indexes to be in the last 15 segments. Director removes these but changing control register 1 before exiting to his user. On being called from user Director makes a special Monitor call to Local controller to obtain Priv and his 15 segments. All such calls will be checked for a valid PC from known Director code area. 4) All free list pages to be set with key 7 and read protection THese pages are inaccessible to everyone. 5) All Supervisor and Local controller pages to be set with key 1 and read protection. This to include page 0. The sole exception is that part ot the Local controller stack shared with Director (for CBT SST and ACNT records) . THis will have key 1 but no read protection so Director (and Users!) can read it. To update these tables Director must use his privilege to change his PSW key to zero for the minimum duration of the write. 6) Keys to be set for get epage in P-P3 and not subsequently altered. Peripheral transfers normally to be unprotected except for Comms controller who (PDS thinks) can specify ACR 15 for input on behalf of users unless chaining control information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the latest information on the use of Segments for EMAS3. Segments 0-63 correspond roughly to Public in EMAS2 Segments 64-255 are the equivalent to Local in Emas2 Segments 241-255 vanish from the Segment table when User is running but re-appear when Director is entered. Seg 0 address page 0 and used for the zero page (page 1) and writing to real addresses (page 2) Segs 2-3 Free Seg 4 Supervisor code Segs 5-7 free (for testing on 24 bit machines these contain overflow portions of code) Seg 8 Supervisor Gla Seg 9 Supervisor stack Segs 10-11 Free Segs 12-15 Reserved for SSP Segs 16-19 Fress Seg 20 Parameter (parm) table Seg 21 Active Memory table Seg 22 AMTDD Table Seg 23 Store table Segs 24-29 Free Seg 30 Main Printer Buffer Seg 31 The COM Segment (ex public 48) Segs 32-63 Reserved for real->Virtual Mapping Seg 64 Local Controller STack (incorporating 4 contexts[ssn+1s] and the DIRCSEG formerly local 10) and SEGMENT table !!! Seg 65 Director stack Seg 66 Signal Stack Seg 67 Director Code Seg 68 uinf seg Seg 75 Subsytem code etc Seg 511 Director's 'owns' Seg 497-511 For Director indexes & tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter contains the record formats used by Director. Where appropriate, the fields are described. The record formats are given in alphabetical order. There are also the following constants: %constinteger YES = 1 %constinteger NO = 0 %constinteger AMDAHL = 369 %constinteger XA = 371 %CONSTINTEGER TARGET = xa For 370: - Subclass has a different interpretation in contingencies - Replace HALFintegers by SHORTintegers, which are signed - There are no long integers - Use General regs 0-3 for workspace, 11 is stack top - 8 byte aligned 12 is head of code 13 GLA %constinteger IMP = YES { ie no machine code ! } %if TARGET = 370 %start %constinteger SEC SHIFT = 16 %constinteger SEG SHIFT = 16 %finish %if TARGET = XA %or TARGET = AMDAHL %start %constinteger SEC SHIFT = 17 %constinteger SEG SHIFT = 20 %finish %constinteger OWN SEG = {255}511 %constinteger CBTLEN={499} {380} 480; ! LENGTH OF CBT TABLE %constinteger TOP VM SEG = OWN SEG %constinteger NOT ALLOC MASK = X'0000C000'; ! SST entry used but CBT not allocated mask %constinteger NOT ALLOC = X'00008000'; ! Bits in NOT ALLOC MASK have to have this value if CBT is not allocated %constinteger CBT NOT AVAILABLE = X'00008000'; ! i.e. seg not connected OR no CBT allocated %constinteger NEWCOPY SEG = X'00002000'; ! Bit marker in SST entry for newcopy block %constinteger DENDSST = X'FFFFFFFF'; ! SST entry not used marker %constinteger CBT NEW BLOCK = 128 %constinteger CBT READ ONLY = 64 %constinteger CBT ACTIVE = 32 %constinteger CBT CONTINUATION = 8 %constinteger CBT SEQUENTIAL = 4 %constinteger CBT MULTIPLE = 2 %constinteger LC STK SEG = 3 %constinteger STACK SEG = 65 %constinteger SIG SEG = 66 %constinteger CODE SEG = 67 %constinteger UINF SEG = ownseg-1 { write mode } %constinteger uuinf seg = 68 { read mode only } %constinteger LOG SEG = ownseg - 17 %constinteger SITE SEG = ownseg - 18 %constinteger HOT TOP SEG = ownseg - 19 %constinteger MSG SEG = ownseg - 20 %constinteger BASEFILE SEG = 75 %constinteger GLA SEG = 76 %constinteger LO D SEG = ownseg-15 %constinteger HI D SEG = ownseg-2 %constinteger COM SEG = 31 ! Segment range in which we are prepared to allow non-allocation of CBT entries %constinteger LO CBTDEALSEG = GLA SEG+1, HI CBTDEALSEG = MSG SEG -1 %constinteger lo vss seg = 9 %constinteger hi vss seg = 15 %conststringname DATE = COM SEG << SEG SHIFT + X'3B' %conststringname TIME = COM SEG << SEG SHIFT + X'47' %constinteger VOLUMS SITE = X'400' %constinteger SPOOLR SITE = X'480' %constinteger MAILER SITE = X'500' %constinteger FTRANS SITE = X'580' %constinteger SUBSYS SITE = X'600' %constinteger STUDEN SITE = X'600' %if target = amdahl %start %constinteger psw0mask = x'08003f00' %finish %if target = xa %start %constinteger psw0mask = x'00003f00' %finish %constinteger LOUSEG = 68 %constinteger SEC MASK = (1 << SEC SHIFT) - 1 { some or all of these could } %constinteger SEC P SHIFT = SEC SHIFT - 12 { go into UINF for use by utilities } %constinteger SEC PGS = 1 << SEC P SHIFT %constinteger SECS PER SEG = 1 << (SEG SHIFT - SEC SHIFT) %constinteger SEG P SHIFT = SEG SHIFT - 12 %constinteger SEG MASK = (1 << SEG SHIFT) - 1 %constinteger SEG PGS = 1 << SEG P SHIFT %constinteger ISEPCHL = '{'; %conststring(1) ISEPL = "{" %constinteger ISEPCHR = '}'; %conststring(1) ISEPR = "}" %constinteger USEPCH = ':'; %conststring(1) USEP = ":" %constinteger GSEPCH = '.'; %conststring(1) GSEP = "." ie the format of a file name is: user {index} : group . group . file %constinteger monitork = 64 %constinteger monitor top = 9000 %conststring(8)monitor file = "#MONITOR" %constinteger CODE AD = CODE SEG << SEGSHIFT %constinteger DIRCOM KEY = 5 %constinteger DIRCOMSIZE = 120 %constinteger EPAGE = 4096 { bytes } %constinteger E = 500 { 'base' for second set of error flags } %constinteger FDSIZE = 32 %constinteger FEP IO BUFF SIZE = 2048; ! bytes in each control buffer %constinteger maxproc = 299 { ie range is 0 : 299 } %constinteger MAX LINE = 132 %constinteger MAXTCPNAME = 23 {TCP-name length} %constinteger PDSIZE = 9 %constinteger TOPCONENT = 185 %constinteger TOP FE NO = 8, LO FE NO = 1 %constinteger TOPLOG = 5 %constinteger TOP OPEN = {30} 90 %constinteger ration mask = 1023 %constinteger pre empt shift = 10 %constinteger scarcity shift = 20 %constinteger ABORT = 5 %constinteger AFTER = 2 %constinteger ASYNC TYPE = 3 %constinteger BATCH = 2; ! reason for STARTP %constinteger CLODACT = 8 %constinteger CLOSG = 2 %constinteger CONNECT STREAM DACT = X'370001' %constinteger DAP INS PER SEC = 3300000 %constinteger DATKEY = 4; ! SYSAD %constinteger DEFAULT BMAX = 1 %constinteger DEFAULT IMAX = 1 %constinteger DEFAULT TMAX = 1 %constinteger DELAYED EOT DACT = 15 %constinteger DIRDACT = 5; ! special director async messages %constinteger DIR RW APF = X'22' %constinteger DIR WRITE APF = X'2F' %constinteger DISABLE STREAM DACT = X'370004' %constinteger DISCONNECT STREAM DACT = X'370005' %constinteger DT = 1; ! DATE and TIME required in PRINTSTRING %constinteger ENABLE STREAM DACT = X'370002';!START TRANSFER ON COMMUNICATIONS STREAM %constinteger ENDLIST = 255 %constinteger sendlist = x'3fff' %constinteger ERCC = 1 %constinteger EVERY = 1 %constinteger EX = 5 %constinteger FEP ACTIVITY ADDON = 12 %constinteger FEP INPUT CONNECT = 52 %constinteger FEP INPUT CONNECT REPLY = 53 %constinteger FEP INPUT DISABLE = 57 %constinteger FEP INPUT DISABLE REPLY = 58 %constinteger FEP INPUT DISCONNECT REPLY = 60 %constinteger FEP INPUT ENABLE REPLY = 55 %constinteger FEP INPUT MESS = 50 %constinteger FEP OUTPUT CONNECT REPLY = 54 %constinteger FEP OUTPUT DISABLE REPLY = 59 %constinteger FEP OUTPUT DISCONNECT REPLY = 61 %constinteger FEP OUTPUT ENABLE REPLY = 56 %constinteger FEP OUTPUT REPLY MESS = 51 %constinteger FORK = 5 %constinteger INTDACT = 1; ! INT: messages from supervisor %constinteger INTER = 0; ! reason for STARTP %constinteger INVI = X'80308030' %constinteger KENT = 0 %constinteger LEAVE = 8 %constinteger LOG = 2; ! route PRINTSTRING to MAINLOG %constinteger MAXM1 = 3 %constinteger NEWSTART = 4 %constinteger NULDACT = 6 %constinteger OK = 0 %constinteger OPENG = 1 %constinteger OPERC = 1; ! reason for STARTP %constinteger OPER WIDTH = 39 { max reasonable line length } %constinteger OPTYPE = X'8000000' %constinteger PON AND CONTINUE = 6 %constinteger PON AND SUSPEND = 7 %constinteger PRIVAT = 32 %constinteger REC SEP = 30 %constinteger RESDACT = 2 %constinteger SIG LOOP STOP = 5 %constinteger SITE = ERCC %constinteger SYNC1 TYPE = 1 %constinteger TCP CLOSED = 16 %constinteger TCP INITG = 8 %constinteger TCP PENDG = 4 %constinteger TOP AS ACT = 15 %constinteger TOP EI = 22 %constinteger TOPENT = 3 %constinteger TXTDACT = 3; ! text messages in file, P1 = start/finish %constinteger UHIDACT = 4 {uninhibit async msgs} %constinteger USEDACT = 7 %constinteger WR = 3 %constinteger WRTOF = 4; ! route PRINTSTRING to private log file %constinteger BITKEY = 0 %constinteger DIRLOG KB = 128 %constinteger DLOG = 8; ! route PRINTSTRING to DIRLOG %constinteger LOGKB=64; ! Kbytes for logfiles %constinteger NNTKEY = 1; ! SYSAD %constinteger UNAVA = 1; ! CODES %constinteger VIOLAT = 64; ! CODES %constinteger WRSH = 11 %constinteger ZEROEEP3 = X'03000051' %constinteger ZEROTEMPEEP3 = X'03000055' %constinteger ZEROVTEMPEEP3 = X'0300005B' %constinteger BADKEY = 6; ! SYSAD %constinteger CHERSH = 16; ! CODES %constinteger OLDGE = 4; !CODES2 %constinteger TEMPFS = 12 %constinteger TOPLOST = 80 %constinteger W = B'00000010'; !Write permission %constinteger COM36=X'00100004' %constinteger CLEAR=255,NULL=0,SCREEN2=2,SCREEN SWITCH=1 %constinteger LINES PER PAGE=24 %constinteger GROUPFULLFLAG=5,SYSFULLFLAG=101,ADDEDFLAG=100 %constinteger AMBIFLAG=31,NOFREEFLAG=70,NOTINLISTFLAG=50 %constinteger TOPUG=7,ENDL=-1 %constinteger PROCRESET=1,ADDTO=2,INCRE=4,RESETN=8,OLDSCREEN=16 %constinteger REMOVE=32,DISPLAY=64,CHECKN=128,SIDECHAIN=512 %constinteger ALLOW IC INTS = X'FFFFF7FF' %constinteger ALLOW STACK = X'3000' %constinteger COMMS = 16; ! CODES2 %constinteger DDTSTATES = X'3F0'; ! ie states 4 - 9 valid %constinteger DEFAULT MAXFILE = 1024; ! 1megabyte %constinteger DEFAULT MAXKB = X'8000'; ! 32 megabytes %constinteger GRACE KIC = 3072; ! i.e. 3million instructions %constinteger GRACE MILLI = 1024 { milliseconds for Amdahl } %constinteger INH IC INTS = X'800'; ! bit 20 %constinteger NO ARCH = 128 %constinteger NOT SLAVED = 1 %constinteger OFFER = 2; ! CODES %constinteger PRIVBIT = X'00040000' %constinteger READ ACR = 5 %constinteger RESERVED = 1 %constinteger STACK = 64; ! CODES2 %constinteger STREAM CONTROL MESSAGE = X'370007' %constinteger TEMPFI = 4; ! CODES %constinteger TOP I VALUE = 5 %constinteger TOP J VALUE = 512 %constinteger USER STOPS DACT = 67 %constinteger VEC128 = X'38000000' %constinteger VTEMPF = 8; ! CODES %constinteger WRCONN = 1; ! CODES2 %constinteger WSALLOW = 8; ! CODES2 %CONSTSTRING(5)%ARRAY LM(0:2)="FREE", "READY", "MAIN" %constintegerARRAY WARN AT(0:3) = 16, 6, 3, 2; ! MINS TO GO %CONSTSTRING(1) SNL=" " %constinteger TOPEXEC = 7 The order of these things MATTERS. Values coded into routines in XOP. %CONSTSTRING(6)%ARRAY EXEC(2 : TOPEXEC) = "VOLUMS", "SPOOLR", "MAILER", "FTRANS", "INFORM", "PADOUT" %constintegerarray msgkb(0:topexec) = 4, 0, 16, 16, 16, 128, 16, 16 %constinteger normal = 0 %constinteger info = 1 %CONSTBYTEINTEGERARRAY IN CONTROL STREAM(normal : info) = 8, 0 %CONSTBYTEINTEGERARRAY OUT CONTROL STREAM(normal : info) = 9, 1 %RECORDFORMAT %C ACF(%INTEGER MILLISECS, APTRNS, LLIMIT { milliseconds }, SPARE) %RECORDFORMAT %C CBTF(%INTEGER DA, %BYTE AMTX0, AMTX1, LENGTH, FLAGS) { FLAGS are set as follows } { 128 set for 'new block' } { 64 set for 'read only' } { 32 set for 'active' } { 8 set for 'continuation' } { 4 set for 'advisory sequential' } { 2 set for 'multiple use' }


%recordformat %c AFDF(%string(11)NAME, %integer TSN, %shortinteger PGS, DATE, LAST RESTORE, %byteinteger S0, S1, COUNT, EEP, PHEAD, TYPE, %shortinteger PREFIX, CHAP) This the format of a file descriptor in archive index %constrecord(AFDF)%arrayformat %c AFDSF (1:32768) %recordformat %c AGRPF(%string(11)NAME, %shortinteger PREFIX, COUNT) %constrecord(AGRPF)%arrayformat %c AGRPSF(1 : 32767) This is the format of the record array




This is the Supervisor Communications Record Format %recordformat %C COMF(%integer OCPTYPE, SLIPL, TOPS, SEPGS, NDISCS, NSLDEVS, DLVNADDR, DITADDR, SLDEVTABAD, STEER INT, DIRSITE, DCODEDA, exSUPLVN, TOJDAY, DATE0, DATE1, DATE2, TIME0, TIME1, TIME2, PAGESIZE, USERS, CATTAD, SERVAAD, NOCPS, ITINT, RATION, TRANS, %longinteger KMON, %integer SUPVSN, SECSFRMN, SECSTOCD, SYNC1DEST, SYNC2DEST, ASYNCDEST, MAXPROCS, KINSTRS, ELAPHEAD, COMMSRECA, STOREAAD, PROCAAD, TSLICE, FEPS, maxcbt,performad,curproc,inptr, outptr,parm asla,kernelqa,runq1a, runq2a,channelt,proc pictad,schannelq, cpuid,s0,s1,s2, end) %constrecord(COMF)%name COM = 31 << SEG SHIFT


%recordformat %c CTF(%string(31)FULL, %byteinteger FSYS, FLAGS, %shortinteger PREFIX, FDX, seg, gap) Bits in flags are: 2**0 connected in R 1 W 2 E 3 connected shared 4 5 6 7 do not disconnect etc


The Disc Device Table Format, described in EMAS 2900 Supervisor Note 18. %recordformat %C DDTF(%integer ser, mnemonic, cuu, alt cuu, ccwa, csw1, csw2, stick, id, timeout, ua size, ua ad, sense1, sense2, sense3, sense4, sense5, sense6, stats1, stats2, stats3, stats4, { end of common data } { DEVIO : } (%integer trtabad, sensedatad %or %c { DISC : } %integer propaddr, state, concount, repsno, %shortinteger sbase, base, %integer dlvn, %string(6)label, %byteinteger mech, qstate, prio, bsp1, bsp2, %integer lqlink, uqlink, curcyl, sema, trlink)) %constbyteintegerarrayformat DLVNAF(0:99)


On the IPL disc, the first X'900 pages are not covered by the 'BITMAP' this means that as many bits (=288 bytes) may be used for other purposes. All discs have X'140 bits (40 bytes) available. The remaining 248 bytes are described by this format. The address of the record is given by SYSAD(DIRCOMKEY, -1). %recordformat %c DIRCOMF(%integer DIRLOG SEMA, FEP SEMA, {..8} %integer i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, {.20} %integer SUBSYS SITE COUNT, %string(19)DEFAULT SUBSYS) {.78} integer(1) is CLAIM Q LIMIT 2 INTER 3 LO BATCH 0 4 HI BATCH 0 5 LO BATCH 1 6 HI BATCH 1


%recordformat %c DISCDATAF(%integer START, BITSIZE, NNTSTART, NNTSIZE, NNTTOP, NNTHASH, INDEXSTART, FILESTART, END) This format is used in the procedure FBASE2 to return a record giving addresses and lengths of the various parts of the disc. START indicates whether an IPL disc or not, value X40 or X800 BITSIZE size of the bitmap, X1000, X2000 or X5000 NNTSTART where the NNT starts NNTSIZE the size of the name-number table, X1000, X2000 or X4000 NNTTOP the NNT is a record array declared 0:n, this is n: 340, 681 or 1364 NNTHASH the largest prime less than NNTTOP, 331, 677 or 1361 INDEXSTART the total number of pages used for bitmaps and NNTs FILESTART the number of pages used for bitmaps, NNTs and indexes END the highest numbered page


%recordformat %c FDF(%string(11)NAME, %integer SD, %shortinteger PGS, usecount, %byteinteger CODES, CODES2, DAYNO, sp2, OWNP, EEP, PHEAD, ARCH, CCT, SSBYTE, %shortinteger PREFIX) This the format of a file descriptor in an online file index Note: CODES CODES2 1 unava wrconn 2 offer 4 temp oldgen 8 vtemp wsallow 16 chersh comms ??? 32 privat disc ??? 64 violat stack ??? 128 noarch dead ??? ! %constrecord(FDF)%arrayformat %c FDSF (1:32768)


%recordformat %c FF (%integer SDSTART, PDSTART, FDSTART, SEMA, RESERVE1, RESERVE2, SEMANO, RESTORES, %string(6)OWNER, %byteinteger SIZE, %string(11)NAME, %byteinteger b3, FIPHEAD, b2, EEP, %integer FILES, MAXFILE, MAXKB, CHERFILES, CHERKB, TOTKB, TEMPKB, CHKSUM, FILES0, FILES1, AFILES, ATOTKB, ASEMA, %byteinteger ATTRIBUTES, DAY42, fsys, b1, %shortinteger tempfiles) only 20 more bytes spare PDSTART etc Add to FINDAD to get addr of array FILES Number of usable files, ie not 'oldgens'










%recordformat %c HF (%string(6)OWNER, %byteinteger MARK, {8} %integer SPARE1, MSGSEMA, {10} SPARE2, SPARE3, INUTS, SPARE6, {20} %byteinteger ACR, DIRVSN, spare8, PASSFAILS, {24} IMAX, BMAX, TMAX, STKSECS, {28} IUSE, BUSE, ISESSM, GPFSYS, {2C} FSYS, SB0, SB1, TYPE, {30} %integer TOP, DWSPK, BWSPK, sigmon, {40} TRYING, SPARE7, IPTRNS, BPTRNS, {50} IMSECS, BMSECS, NKBIN, NKBOUT, {60} MAIL COUNT, CONNECTT, DIRMON, LASTLOGON, {70} LAST NON INT START, TELL REJ, DWSPDT, BWSPDT, {80} twspk, twspdt, {88} %longinteger TWSP, DWSP, BWSP, {A0} %string(6)GPHOLDR, {A7} %string(31)SURNAME, DELIVERY, {E7} %string(18)BATCHSS, BASEFILE, RULE1, TESTSS, {133} %string(11)LOGFILE, MAIN, {14B} %string(15)DEFAULTLP, {15B} %string(63)DATA, {19B} %string(6)SUPERVISOR, {1A2} %string(15)GATEWAY ACCESS ID, {1B2} %string(31)control file)

Logfile formats

{Kent TCP names have max 15 chars). %recordformat %c FEP DETAILF(%integer INPUT STREAM, OUTPUT STREAM, IN BUFF DISC ADDR, OUT BUFF DISC ADDR, IN BUFF DISC BLK LIM, OUT BUFF DISC BLK LIM, IN BUFF CON ADDR, OUT BUFF CON ADDR, IN BUFF OFFSET, OUT BUFF OFFSET, IN BUFF LENGTH, OUT BUFF LENGTH, INPUT CURSOR, OUTPUT CURSOR) %recordformat %c FEPF(%record(FEP DETAILF)%array FEP DETAILS(normal : info), %integer AVAILABLE) %recordformat %c LF(%string(11)NAME, %integer FSYS, DISC ADDR, STATE) %recordformat %C PROCDATF(%string(6)USER, %string(MAXTCPNAME)TCPNAME, %byteinteger LOGKEY, {32} %byteinteger INVOC, PROTOCOL, NODENO, FSYS, {36} %integer LOGSNO, {40} %byteinteger SITE, REASON, CONSOLE1, CONSOLE2, {44} %integer ID, {48} %shortinteger SPROCESS, SBLNK, {52} %integer PREV WARN, SESSEND, {60} %byteinteger GETMODE, PREEMPT, {62} %shortinteger SLINK) %constrecord(PROCDATF)%arrayformat PROCLF(0 : maxproc) %recordformat %c LOGF HDF(%integer LOGMAPST, %shortinteger SFREEHD,SLIVEHD,SXBACKHD,SPARE, %integer FES FOUND, %byteintegerarray FE USECOUNT(LO FE NO:TOP FE NO), %record(LF)%array LOGS(0:TOPLOG), %record(FEPF)%array FEPS(LO FE NO:TOP FE NO), %record(PROCDATF)%array PROCLIST(0:maxproc), %integer LEND) %recordformat %c TMODEF(%byte FLAG0, FLAG1, FLAG2, FLAG3, {.04} %byteinteger PROMPTCHAR, ENDCHAR, {.06} %bytearray BREAKBIT1(0:3) {%or %halfintegerarray BREAKBIT2(0:1))} , {.0A} %byteinteger PADS, RPTBUF, LINELIMIT, PAGELENG, {.0E} %byteintegerARRAY TABVEC(0:7), {.16} %byteinteger CR, ESC, DEL, CAN, {.1A} %byteinteger FLAGS, INTERNAL STATE, LEADIN1, LEADIN2, XLO, XHI) {.20} %recordformat %c lostf(%string(8)date, time, %string(19)fileindex, %string(255)file, %byteinteger codes2, codes, cherished) %constinteger lostflen = 300 %recordformat %c MAGF(%string(7)TSN, %integer SNO)


%recordformat %c NNF(%string(6)NAME, %byteinteger KB, TAG, MARKER, %shortinteger INDNO)


%recordformat %c OPENF(%string(MAXTCPNAME)NAME, %integer DATA)


The standard format for system messages %recordformat %c PARMF(%integer DEST, SRCE, (%integer P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 %or %string(23)S))


%recordformat %c PDF (%string(6)NAME, %byteinteger bp, bl) { use top 4 bits of perm for more link } %constrecord(PDF)%arrayformat PDSF(1:4096)


%recordformat SDF(13-bit LINK, 19-bit DA) %constintegerarrayformat SDSF(1:8191)


%recordformat %c SECUREF(%integer BYTES, INDEXKB, %byteinteger MARK, %string(6)OWNER, %string(11)FILE INDEX NAME, %longinteger DWSP, BWSP, %integer DWSPK, BWSPK, TRYING, LAST LOG ON, LAST NON INT START, TELLREJ, DWSPDT, BWSPDT, RESTORES, MAXFILE, MAXKB, SIZE, %string(6)GPHOLDR, %string(31)SURNAME, DELIVERY, %string(18)BATCHSS, BASEFILE, rule1, %string(11)LOGFILE, %string(15)DEFAULT LP, %string(63)DATA, %string(6)SUPERVISOR, %string(15)GATEWAY ACCESS ID, %byteinteger imax, bmax, tmax, attributes, %longinteger twsp, %integer twspk, twspdt, %string(31)controlfile, %byteinteger end)




%recordformat %c UINFF (%string(6)USER, %string(31)JOBDOCFILE, %byteinteger CONTEXT, {.28} %integer MARK, FSYS, {.30} PROCNO, ISUFF, REASON, BATCHID, {.40} SESS LIMIT, INT COUNT, I2, STARTCNSL, {.50} AIOSTAT, SCT DATE, SYNC1 DEST, SYNC2 DEST, {.60} ASYNC DEST, AACCT REC, I3, {.6C} %string(15)JOBNAME, {.7C} %string(31)BASEFILE, {.9C} %byteinteger b1, b2, b3, top exec, {.A0} %integer ITADDR0, ITADDR1, ITADDR2, ITADDR3, {.B0} ITADDR4, STREAM ID, i4, SCARCITY, {.C0} PREEMPTAT, %string(11)SPOOLRFILE, {.D0} %integer FUNDS, SESSLEN, PRIORITY, DECKS, {.E0} DRIVES, PART CLOSE, {.E8} %record(TMODEF)TMODES, {108} %integer PSLOT, {10C} %string(63)ITADDR, {14C} %integerarray FCLOSING(0:3), %integer CLO FES, {160} %integer OUTPUT LIMIT, ACONTEXT1, ACONTEXT3, ACONTEXT4, {170} %integer OUT, %string(15)OUTNAME, {184} %integer HISEG, {188} %string(31)FORK, {1A8} %integer INSTREAM, OUTSTREAM, {1B0} %integer DIRVSN, I8, SCT BLOCK AD, %integer PROTOCOL, %byteinteger ISEPCHL, ISEPCHR, USEPCH, GSEPCH, %string(1)ISEPL, ISEPR, USEP, GSEP, { thus a simple filename has the form: } { user USEP file } { while a complex one has the form: } { user ISEPL index ISEPR USEP group GSEP group GSEP file } %integer CLASS, SUBCLASS, %string (31) jobname31, outname31, %integer WO BASE, {Subsystem uses this to implement Customised Subsysteem} %string (63) full user, %integer last logon, last nonint start, %integer WO PTR1, WO PTR2, UEND) %constrecord(UINFF)%name UINF = UINF SEG << SEG SHIFT


%constinteger LSTLEN=ownseg+1; ! LOCAL SEGMENT TABLE LENGTH %constinteger OUTPLEN=48 %constinteger LCONTN=5; ! NO OF LOCAL CONTEXTS %recordformat LCFORM(%integerarray SEGTABLE(0:LSTLEN-1), (%integerarray LCPTABLE(0:15) %OR %shortarray LCHPTABLE(0:31)), %integer CURCONTEXT,PROCNO,SEMAHELD,PROCBITS, %record(CONTEXTF)%array CONTEXT(0:LCONTN-1), %record(SIGOUTPF)%array OUTP(1 : LCONTN-1), %record(ACF) ACCTS, %record(IOSTATF) IOSTAT, %record(CBTF)%array CBT(0:CBTLEN-1), %shortarray SST(0:LSTLEN-1), %integer END) %constinteger LCTABLESAD = LCSTKSEG << SEGSHIFT %constinteger CURCONTEXTAD = LCTABLESAD + 4*LSTLEN + 64 %constinteger CONTEXTAD = CURCONTEXTAD + 16 %constinteger OUTPAD = CONTEXTAD + LCONTN*CONTEXTL %constinteger ACCTSAD = OUTPAD + OUTPLEN * (LCONTN-1) %constinteger IOSTATAD = ACCTSAD + 16 %constinteger CBTAD = IOSTATAD + 40 %constinteger SSTAD = CBTAD+8*CBTLEN %constrecord(LCFORM)%name LCTABLES = LCTABLESAD %constintegerarrayname SEGMENT TABLE = LCTABLESAD %constintegername CURCONTEXT = CURCONTEXTAD %constrecord(CONTEXTF)%arrayname CONTEXT = CONTEXTAD %constrecord(SIGOUTPF)%arrayname OUTP = OUTPAD - OUTPLEN %constrecord(ACF)%name ACCTS = ACCTSAD %constrecord(IOSTATF)%name IOSTAT = IOSTATAD %constrecord(CBTF)%arrayname CBTA = CBTAD %constshortintegerarrayname SST = SSTAD


%recordformat %c DIROWNF(%integerarray I(0 : 7), { used for param passing, see INTO } %string(255)%array S(0 : 3), %integer ALLOC DSEG N, AQD, ASL, { -2 } ASYNC INHIB, { 100 } AUTO DAY, AUTO END, AUTO FAD, AUTO INHIBIT, AUTO NORMAL, AUTO PREV, AUTO PROCEED FROM, AUTO START, AUTO STATE, BATCH PROCESSES, BATCH STREAMS, BLKSI, CBT1, CBT2, CBTASLO, { its a letter O } CBTOP, CLO FES, CLO FSYS, CLO NODES, CLOSE TIME, { -1 } cpuid, { set to 'A', 'B' or 'C' } CURIUSERS, D CALLERS ACR, D CALLERS PSR, DDVSN, DEFAULT SESSLEN, DEFAULT SS ACR, {10} DINSTRS, DIRFLAG, DIRFN, DIRLEVEL, DIRLOGAD, DIRMON, DIRSITE, DMODE N, { number of calls in rapid succession } DMODE PREV, { time of previous call or zero } DSTOPS, DTRYING, {-1} EOT MSG ID, exec process, { set to 1 for an executive process } FACILITY A, FCHECK PROCS, FES CLOSED, FES FOUNDI, FILE1AD, FILE1 SIZE, FIND NNT SAVES, FIND NNT TIMES, FSYS WARN, GOT SEMA, HEAD, { ENDL } HISEG, { the highest available to users } HOT TOP A, HOT TOP ADR, HOT TOP N, IN BUF A, IN BUF LEN, INCREASING, INITIAL DELAY, { initialised to -1, may be set to 0 by D/CLOSEUSERS } { or D/OPENUSERS. If still -1 after the} { executives have been started at IPL, } { it is set to 2 and subsequently decremented } { at each regular clock tick (minute) PR(29). } { When it does get to zero, the service is } { opened and the autofile connected. } INVOC, IUPDATE INIT, JOURNL DEST, LINE NO, LOG ACTION, LOGLINK INITIALISED, LOG NO, LOSTARAD, LOSTFILE COUNT, MAIN LP, { 1 } MAPAD, MAXIUSERS, MONITORAD, NEWPAGE CDEX, NEWPAGE STATE, NODES CLOSED, OPEN FEP INIT, OUT BUF A, OUT BUF LEN, OWNIND, PAGEMON, PENDG CLO FES, PENDG CLO FSYS, PENDG CLO NODES, PFACTOR, PREFIX, PREV FRMN, PREV MINS TO GO, PRINTER DEST, PRINT ON, PROC1LNB, PROCESS, PROCFSYS, READY FILES, REASON, SAINDAD, SCTIAD, SEARCHENT, { 2 } SEMADDRHELD, SEMANOHELD, SESSION PENCE, SFINDAD, SFSYS, SIGMON, SIGNAL IN, SIGNAL LOOP COUNT, SIGNAL LOST COUNT, SIGNAL NEXT, SIGNAL TIME, { remember time to avoid looping } SRCE ID, { 5000 } SRES, STOP LOGFILE, SUPLVN S START, SUPPRESS EXEC STOP, SUPPRESS NL, SYMBOL COUNT, TAPES CLAIMED, TIMES CHECKED, TIMES ENTERED, USE COUNTS, VSERR, WORKBASE, XOPER ACT, XOPER CONUSE, XOPER FSYS, XOPER MSTATE, XOPER TYPE, xop owns mapped, %integername FES FOUND, %integerarray alloc from here(0:3), %shortinteger SXBACKHDI, { ENDLIST } SFREEHDI, {1} SLIVEHDI, {0} %shortintegername SXBACK HD, SFREE HD, SLIVE HD, %string(31)AUTOFILE, { "AUTOFILE" } %string(6)AUTOUSER, { "MANAGR" } %string(31)DELIV, { "Machine Room" } %string(15)LAST DAP STATE, %string(MAXLINE + 1)LOG LINE, %string(23)LOUTP STATE, %string(6)PASSU, %string(6)PASSW, %string(42)PROCESS1 PROM, %string(6)PROCUSER, %string(63)SEMAHOLDER, %string(19)SINDEX, %string(3)TAG, { invocation as string } %string(15)VSN, %string(41)XOPER FILE, %string(255)XOPER MSG, %string(41)XOPER USER, %byteinteger IPL FSYS, %byteintegerarrayname FE USE COUNT, %byteintegerarray DEF HOT TOP(0 : 383), { ie 16*24 } %byteintegerarray FE USE CTI(LO FE NO : TOP FE NO), %byteintegerarray CPOINT(0 : ownseg), %byteintegerarray STATE SET(3:4), %record(MAGF)%array CLAIMED(0 : TOPENT), %integerarray FSYS USE COUNT(0 : 99), %record(DRF)%array DRS LOCKED(0 : 2), %record(FEPF)%arrayname FEPS, %record(HOT TOPF)%arrayname HOT TOP, %record(FDF)LAST FD, %record(LOGFHDF)%name LOGH, %record(LF)%arrayname LOGS, %record(PARMF)LOUTP, %record(CONTEXTF)NEWCONTEXT, %record(OPENF)%array OPENS(0 : TOP OPEN), %record(ACF)PREVA, %record(PROCDATF)%arrayname PROCLIST, %record(PARMF)SAVE DIROUTP, %record(SIGOUTPF)%array SIGNAL AMS(0 : 3), %record(UGF)%array UG(0 : TOPUG), %integerarray DIRFNS(1 : 16), %integerarray ENABLED(0 : 1), %integerarray ENVIRON(0:15), { to save the environment of ONTRAP routine } %integerarray ENVIRON0(0:15), %integerarray FCLOSING(0 : 3), %integerarray OPSTAT(0 : 3), %integerarray PENDG FCLOSING(0 : 3), %integerarray PR SRCE(0 : 10), %integerarray SEGUSE(LO D SEG : HI D SEG), { -2 * 16 } %string(11)%array TEMPLATE(1 : 16), %record(CTF)%array CONLIST(0 : TOPCONENT), %string(63)info alert, %integer END OF DIROWNF) %constinteger D AD = OWN SEG << SEG SHIFT %constintegerarrayname I = D AD %conststring(255)%arrayname S = D AD + 32 %constrecord(DIROWNF)%name D = OWN SEG << SEG SHIFT