!  r.d.eager        contains code for output accounts in comm control,
!                   lp adaptor and cp adaptor
!                 version of 13/06/80
!        dec 79: include an oper adaptor
!                have only one service number, x'37'
!        other possible changes
!           make initialisation call of cc initialise adaptors as well
!           make it possible to deallocate/allocate all devices
!* communications record format - extant from chopsupe 20a onwards *
record  format  comf(integer  ocptype, ipldev, sblks, sepgs, ndiscs, ddtaddr, gpctabsize, gpca, sfctabsize, sfca,
   sfck, dirsite, dcodeda, suplvn, wasklokcorrect, date0, date1, date2, time0, time1, time2, epagesize, users,
   cattad, dqaddr, byte  integer  nsacs, resv1, sacport1, sacport0, nocps, resv2, ocpport1, ocpport0,
   integer  itint, contypea, gpcconfa, fpcconfa, sfcconfa, blkaddr, dptaddr, smacs, trans, long  integer  kmon,
   integer  ditaddr, smacpos, supvsn, pstva, secsfrmn, secstocd, sync1dest, sync2dest, asyncdest, maxprocs,
   inspersec, elaphead, commsreca, storeaad, procaad, sfcctad, drumtad, tslice, sp0, sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4, sp5, sp6,
   sp7, sp8, lstl, lstb, pstl, pstb, hkeys, hoot, sim, clkx, clky, clkz, hbit, slaveoff, inhssr, sdr1, sdr2, sdr3,
   sdr4, sesr, hoffbit, s2, s3, s4, end)
record  format  pe(integer  dserv, sserv, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
record  format  parmf(integer  dserv, sserv, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, link)

!*  service numbers and activity numbers                               *

!*  global constants

const  integer  virtual= x'81000000'
const  integer  not allocated= x'F0F0F0F0'
const  integer  empty= x'F0F0'
const  integer  attention= 1
const  integer  normal termination= 8
const  integer  auto= x'00008400'
const  integer  ebc nl= 21
const  integer  ebc lf= 37
const  integer  ebc ff= 12
const  integer  ebc cr= 13
const  integer  ebc vp= 34
const  integer  ebc ms= 32
const  integer  ebc mnl= 33
const  integer  ebc sp= 64
const  string  (1) snl= "

!* comms controller activities

const  integer  init= 0
const  integer  connect= 1
const  integer  connect reply= 13
const  integer  enable= 2
const  integer  claim amt index reply= 14
const  integer  enable reply= 15
const  integer  disable= 4
const  integer  disable reply= 16
const  integer  disconnect= 5
const  integer  disconnect reply= 17
const  integer  control msg6= 6
const  integer  control msg6 reply= 18
const  integer  control msg7= 7
const  integer  control msg7 reply= 19
const  integer  transfer requested= 10
const  integer  page here= 11
const  integer  transfer completed= 12

!* comms controller requests and reply service numbers

const  integer  comms command= x'00370000'
const  integer  claim block= x'00080001'
const  integer  block claimed= comms command!claim amt index reply
const  integer  free block= x'00080002'
const  integer  claim page= x'00040001'
const  integer  page claimed= comms command!page here
const  integer  free page= x'00040002'
const  integer  request transfer= comms command!transfer requested
const  integer  transfer complete= comms command!transfer completed

!* adaptor activities

const  integer  deallocated= x'00000001'
const  integer  allocated= x'00000002'
const  integer  execute fails= x'00000003'
const  integer  initialise= x'00000004'
const  integer  interrupt= x'00000005'
const  integer  go ahead= x'00000006'
const  integer  send control= x'00000007'
const  integer  clock tick= x'00000008'
const  integer  allocate request= x'00000009'
const  integer  oper com reply= x'0000000A'
const  integer  deallocate request= x'0000000B'

!* adaptor service numbers

const  integer  op service= x'32'
const  integer  lp service= x'33'
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr service= x'34'
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp service= x'35'
const  integer  mk1 fe service= x'39'
const  integer  op command= op service<<16
const  integer  lp command= lp service<<16
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr command= cr service<<16
   const  integer  cr command= not allocated
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp command= cp service<<16
   const  integer  cp command= not allocated
const  integer  mk1 fe command= mk1 fe service<<16

!* adaptor requests and replies service numbers

const  integer  gpc command= x'00300000'
const  integer  allocate device= gpc command!x'0000000B'
const  integer  lp allocated= lp command!allocated
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr allocated= cr command!allocated
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp allocated= cp command!allocated
const  integer  mk1 fe allocated= mk1 fe command!allocated
const  integer  deallocate device= gpc command!x'00000005'
const  integer  lp deallocated= lp command!deallocated
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr deallocated= cr command!deallocated
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp deallocated= cp command!deallocated
const  integer  mk1 fe deallocated= mk1 fe command!deallocated
const  integer  execute chain= gpc command!x'0000000C'
const  integer  lp executed= lp command!execute fails
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr executed= cr command!execute fails
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp executed= cp command!execute fails
const  integer  mk1 fe executed= mk1 fe command!execute fails
const  integer  lp interrupt= lp command!interrupt
if  cr fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cr interrupt= cr command!interrupt
if  cp fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  cp interrupt= cp command!interrupt
const  integer  mk1 fe interrupt= mk1 fe command!interrupt
const  integer  elapsed int command= x'000A0001'; !TICK EVERY N SECS
const  integer  mk1 fe clock tick=mk1 fe command!clock tick
const  integer  mk1 fe oper com reply= mk1 fe command!oper com reply
const  integer  oper command req= x'0032000E'
const  integer  secs per tick= 15

if  mon level&2#0 start 
   extrinsic  long  integer  kmon;       !bit 2**sno is set when service sno is to be monitored

external  routine  spec  dump table(integer  table, address, length)
external  routine  spec  dpon(record  (pe) name  mess, integer  secs)
external  routine  spec  pon(record  (pe) name  mess)
external  routine  spec  gdc(record  (pe) name  mess)
external  routine  spec  pkmon rec(string  (20) text, record  (pe) name  mess)
external  routine  spec  op mess(string  (63) s)
external  routine  spec  monitor(string  (63) s)
external  routine  spec  move alias  "S#MOVE"(integer  length, from, to)
external  routine  spec  etoi alias  "S#ETOI"(integer  address, length)
external  routine  spec  i to e alias  "S#ITOE"(integer  address, length)
external  integer  fn  spec  realise(integer  virtual address)
external  integer  fn  spec  new pp cell
external  routine  spec  elapsed int(record  (pe) name  p)
external  string  fn  spec  strint(integer  i)

if  multi ocp=no start 
   routine  spec  comms control(record  (pe) name  mess)
   routine  spec  mk1 fe adaptor(record  (pe) name  mess)
   external  routine  spec  reserve log
   external  routine  spec  release log
external  routine  spec  return pp cell(integer  cell)

if  mon level&256#0 start ;              !include harvesting?
   routine  spec  harvest(integer  event, process, len, a, b, c, d, e)
   external  integer  trace= no;         !initially no trace
   external  integer  trace events= 0;   !initially no events to trace
   external  integer  trace process= 0;  !initially no process to trace

!*                                                                     *
!*  stream types.                                                      *
!*                                                                     *
!*  even streams: input streams                                        *
!*  odd  streams: output streams                                       *
!*                                                                     *
!*  stream states.                                                     *
!*                                                                     *
!*  from state      title         to state                             *
!*         1->   0: unused        ->2                                  *
!*         3->   1: disconnecting ->0                                  *
!*         0->   2: connecting    ->3                                  *
!*     2,4,5->   3: connected     ->1,6                                *
!*      8-11->   4: suspending    ->3                                  *
!*      8-11->   5: aborting      ->3                                  *
!*         3->   6: claiming      -> 7                                  *
!*         6->   7: enabling      ->8                                  *
!*         7->   8: enabled       ->4,5,9-11                           *
!*         8->   9: queued        ->4,5,10                             *
!*       8,9->  10: paging in     ->4,5,11                             *
!*      8,10->  11: active        ->4,5,8,10                           *
!*                                                                     *
!*                                                                     *
!*  stream buffer modes.                                               *
!*                                                                     *
!*    bits 2**0 to 2**3                                                *
!*               0: sequential   2: sequential continuation            *
!*               1: circular                                           *
!*                                                                     *
!*    bits 2**4 to 2**7                                                *
!*               0: iso          2: binary                             *
!*               1: ebcidic      3: control                            *
!*                                                                     *
!*  adaptor types.                                                     *
!*                                                                     *
!*  device type        device mnemonic     adaptor name                *
!*        1                  pt            not available               *
!*        2                  pr            not available               *
!*        3                  cp            cp adaptor                  *
!*        4                  cr            cr adaptor                  *
!*        5                  m0            not available               *
!*        6                  lp            lp adaptor                  *
!*        7                  gp            not available               *
!*        8                  op            oper adaptor                *
!*        9                  gu            not available               *
!*       10                  dr            not available               *
!*       11                  na            not available               *
!*       12                  ct            not available               *
!*       13                  su            not available               *
!*       14                  fe            mk1 fe adaptor              *
!*       15                  lk            not available               *
!*                                                                     *
!*  device no.                                                         *
!*                                                                     *
!*    can currently be in the range 0 - 9.                             *
!*    when combined with an adaptor type a device mnemonic is produced *
!*    i.e. lp0 to lp9  or  fe0 to fe9.                                 *
!*                                                                     *

record  format  sr(half  integer  stream no, external stream no, byte  integer  state, mode, adaptor no, device no,
   integer  length, owner, caller, amt index, start, cursor, link)
record  format  br(integer  stream no, external stream no, amt index, offset, length, real address, p5, p6, link)
record  format  comms inff(integer  index addr, next free buffer, queued stream head, queued stream tail)

const  integer  max stream= maxprocs*3-1
own  integer  array  stream index(0:max stream)= c 
empty(max stream+1)
own  record  (sr) array  format  sarf(0:4095); !mapped onto parm table
own  record  (sr) array  name  stream tab; !stream table array
own  record  (br) array  format  barf(0:4095); !mapped onto the parm table
own  record  (br) array  name  buffer tab; !buffer table array
own  record  (parmf) array  format  parf(0:4095); !mapped onto parm table
own  record  (parmf) array  name  parm tab; !parm table array
own  record  (comf) name  com area
own  record  (comms inff) comms

if  sfc fitted=yes start 
   const  integer  drum update= 5;       !drum update and recapture
   const  integer  drum update= 1;       !only recapture
const  integer  no drum update= 0;       !no drum update and no recapture

const  integer  byte mask= x'FF'
const  integer  short mask= x'FFFF'
const  integer  top short mask= x'FFFF0000'
const  integer  top bit mask=x'80000000'
const  integer  cc activity mask=31
const  integer  queued flag=x'40'

!*  stream states

const  integer  disconnecting= 1;        !waiting on adaptor action
const  integer  connecting= 2;           !waiting on adaptor action
const  integer  connected= 3;            !waiting on user action
const  integer  suspending= 4;           !waiting on adaptor action
const  integer  aborting= 5;             !waiting on adaptor action
const  integer  claiming= 6;             !waiting on global controller action
const  integer  enabling= 7;             !waiting on adaptor action
const  integer  enabled= 8;              !waiting on user action
const  integer  queued= 9;               !waiting on a free epage (buffer)
const  integer  paging in= 10;           !waiting on global controller action
const  integer  active= 11;              !waiting on adaptor action

!*  stream buffer modes

const  integer  sequential= 0;           !first enable on a stream possible special adaptor action
const  integer  circular= 1
const  integer  sequential continuation= 2; !a subsequent sequential enable no special action

const  integer  iso= 0
const  integer  ebcidic= 1
const  integer  binary= 2
!*            control = 3

!*  adaptor types

const  integer  cp= 3
const  integer  cr= 4
const  integer  lp= 6
const  integer  op= 8
const  integer  fe= 14

!*  the next array is a mapping from adaptor types to service numbers  *

const  integer  array  adapt(0:15)= c 
not allocated(3),cp command,cr command,not allocated,lp command,
 not allocated,op command,
 not allocated(5),mk1 fe command,not allocated

!*  the next array is a mapping from states to reply activities        *

const  integer  array  sub ident(0:active)= c 
-1,disconnect reply<<16,connect reply<<16,-1,disable reply<<16(2),
-1,enable reply<<16,-1(4)

external  routine  comms control(record  (pe) name  mess)

!*                                                                     *
!*    After initialization, all free buffer records are held on a      *
!*  linked list, the first element of which is pointed at by "next     *
!*  free buffer". the maximum buffer (e page) allocation is            *
!*  given by the global controller at initialisation. the comms        *
!*  controller can then own up to this allocation of epages.           *
!*    if there are no free buffers, streams requiring a buffer are     *
!*  held on a linked list, the first element of which is pointed at    *
!*  by "queued stream head" and the last element of which is pointed   *
!*  at by "queued stream tail".                                        *
!*    if the list is empty, both the head and tail pointers will       *
!*  be set to "empty" (x'f0f0').                                       *
!*    space for stream descriptors and buffer descriptors is allocated *
!*  dynamically by claiming param cells from the dynamically extendable*
!*  param table via a call on "new pp cell". stream descriptors are    *
!*  accessed indirectly through the array "stream index" but buffer    *
!*  descriptors are accessed directly. when descriptors are no longer  *
!*  required the space is returned to the param table via a call on    *
!*  "return pp cell".                                                  *
!*    note: all page sharing and page recapture is handled by the      *
!*  global controller. the comms controller only requests "page ins"   *
!*  and "page outs". it is up to the global controller to supply the   *
!*  latest copy of the page and to update the relevant copies.         *
!*                                                                     *

   !   %if mon level&256 # 0 %start;              !include harvesting?
   integer  proc no
!   %finish

   integer  status
   integer  call proc
   const  integer  successful= 0, unsuccessful = 1

   record  (sr) name  stream; integer  stream no
   record  (br) name  buffer; integer  buffer no

   integer  temp, dserv, dact, old state, link

   if  monlevel&4#0 start 
      own  integer  array  pool size(-19:comms epages)
      own  integer  queued store, queued disc, not queued store, not queued disc, free buffers
      integer  i, l, t


   switch  com(init:control msg7 reply)

   routine  spec  release page(integer  drum up)
   routine  spec  release buffer(integer  drum up)
   integer  fn  spec  unlink stream(integer  stream no)
   routine  spec  get page(integer  stream no)
   routine  spec  release block


   const  integer  check ftp streams=yes

   if  check ftp streams=yes start 
      integer  device no, ext stream


!*                        main program                                 *

!** monitor

   if  mon level&2#0 and  (kmon>>(comms command>>16))&1#0 then  pkmon rec("Comms Control: ", mess)

   dserv = mess_dserv
   dact = dserv&cc activity mask
   ->com(dact) if  dact<=connect;        !connect or init?
   stream no = mess_p1;                  !pull out stream number first always in p1
   if  0<stream no<=max stream start ;   !within range?
      temp = stream index(stream no)
      if  temp#empty start ;             !allocated?
         stream == stream tab(temp)
         proc no = ((stream_owner>>16)-64)&(max procs-1)
         if  dact<transfer requested start 
            call proc = ((mess_sserv>>16)-64)&(max procs-1)
            if  call proc#proc no start 
               unless  proc no<=2 or  (proc no<=5 and  mess_sserv>>16=x'32') start 
                  !This is primarily (the <=5...  bit) to allow OPER ADAPTOR to
                  !muck about with comms streams owned by executives.
                  op mess("Comms: illegal use of stream ".strint(stream no))
                  op mess("Comms: caller ".strint(call proc).", owner ".strint(proc no))
                  printstring("Comms control: offending POFF -".snl)
                  pkmon rec("Comms control: ", mess)
            stream_caller = mess_sserv
         finish  else  status = mess_p2
no stream:

   print string("Comms Control: Stream not allocated ".snl)
   pkmon rec("Comms Control: ", mess)
   return  unless  dact<transfer requested
   mess_dserv = mess_sserv;              !reply to caller
   mess_sserv = dserv
   mess_p2 = unsuccessful

!*                                                                     *
!*  this section handles:                                              *
!*  1). communications controller initialisation                       *
!*                                                                     *

com(init):                               !** command: initialise (or print monitoring)
   if  mess_p2>0 start 
      stream tab == array(mess_p3, sarf); !address supplied by global controller
      buffer tab == array(mess_p3, barf); !address of parm array supplied by global controller
      parm tab == array(mess_p3, parf);  !parm table array
      com area == record(x'80000000'+48<<18)
      comms_index addr = addr(stream index(0))
      comms_queued stream head = empty
      comms_queued stream tail = empty
      com area_commsreca = addr(comms)
      link = new pp cell;                !get a buffer entry from param table
      comms_next free buffer = link;     !head of list
      for  temp = 1, 1, mess_p2 cycle ;  !get other buffers
         buffer == buffer tab(link);     !map buffer
         buffer = 0
         buffer_stream no = empty
         if  temp=mess_p2 then  link = empty else  link = new pp cell
!last buffer?
         buffer_link = link;             !link buffers together
      if  monlevel&4#0 then  free buffers = comms epages

   else ;                                !print monitoring

      if  monlevel&4#0 start 
         l = 0
         l = l+pool size(i) for  i = 1, 1, comms epages
         t = l
         t = t+pool size(i) for  i = -19, 1, 0
         if  multiocp=yes then  reserve log
         printstring("Buffer use   (on transfer request)  -  100% =")
         write(t, 1); newline
         printstring("buffer pool:  availability =")
         write(l*100//t, 1); printstring("%"); newline
         write(i, 4) for  i = 1, 1, comms epages
         newline; space
         for  i = 1, 1, comms epages cycle 
            write(pool size(i)*100//t, 3)
         printstring("buffer queue:  requests queued =")
         write(100-(l*100//t), 1); printstring("%"); newline
         write(i, 4) for  i = 1, 1, 20
         printstring("+"); newline; space
         for  i = 0, -1, -19 cycle 
            write(pool size(i)*100//t, 3)
         l = queued store+queued disc
         if  l#0 then  l = queued store*100//l
         printstring("Pagein for queued buffers:    ")
         write(l, 1); printstring("% store, ")
         write(100-l, 1); printstring("% disc")
         l = not queued store*100//(not queued store+not queued disc)
         printstring("Pagein for available buffers: ")
         write(l, 1); printstring("% store, ")
         write(100-l, 1); printstring("% disc")
         if  multiocp=yes then  release log
         pool size(i) = 0 for  i = -19, 1, comms epages
         queued store = 0; queued disc = 0
         not queued store = 0; not queued disc = 0

!*                                                                     *
!*  this section handles:                                              *
!*  1). commands from communications users.                            *
!*  2). replies from the global controller in response                 *
!*         to calls generated by commands.                             *
!*  3). replies from an adaptor in response                            *
!*         to calls generated by a command.                            *
!*                                                                     *

com(connect):                            !** command: connect stream to communications user


   if  check ftp streams=yes start 
      ext stream = mess_p3&short mask
      if  (mess_p3>>24)&15=fe and  8<ext stream<350 start 
         stream no = mess_p1&1
         if  stream no#ext stream&1 start 
            op mess("Comms: I/O mismatch in connect".tostring(17))
            ->no stream
         device no = (mess_p3>>16)&byte mask
         for  stream no = stream no+2, 2, max stream-(1-stream no) cycle 
            if  stream index(stream no)=empty then  continue 
            if  stream tab(stream index(stream no))_external stream no=ext stream and  c 
               stream tab(stream index(stream no))_device no=device no and  c 
               stream tab(stream index(stream no))_adaptor no=fe start 
               op mess("Comms: duplicate FEP stream ".strint(ext stream).tostring(17))
               if  stream tab(stream index(stream no))_owner#mess_p2 then  ->no stream
               op mess("Comms: old str ".strint(stream no)." discarded")
               return pp cell(stream index(stream no))
               stream index(stream no) = empty

   stream no = mess_p1&1;                !make even or odd i.e. input or output
   for  stream no = stream no+2, 2, max stream-(1-stream no) cycle 
      if  stream index(stream no)=empty start ; !found a free stream
         stream index(stream no) = new pp cell; !get a stream table entry
         stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
         stream = 0
         stream_stream no = stream no
         stream_caller = mess_sserv
         stream_owner = mess_p2;         !high level control messages sent on this service
         if  mon level&256#0 start ;     !include harvesting?
            proc no = ((stream_owner>>16)-64)&(max procs-1)
            harvest(14, proc no, 8, stream no, mess_p3, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
               trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<14)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
         stream_length = stream no;      !set for replies from front end
         stream_cursor = mess_p5;        !set for reply to connect only
         stream_mode = mess_p6;          !set to pass unit size into the adaptor
         stream_adaptor no = (mess_p3>>24)&15
         if  adapt(stream_adaptor no)=not allocated start 
            status = unsuccessful
            ->return cell
         stream_device no = (mess_p3>>16)&byte mask
         stream_external stream no = mess_p3&short mask
         stream_amt index = not allocated
         stream_link = empty
         stream_state = connecting
         ->update adaptor
   ->no stream

com(connect reply):                      !** adaptor reply: stream connected
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(15, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<15)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  status=successful start 
      stream_state = connected
      ->reply to caller;                 !note, p3 = nsi or x25 indication from fep
   finish  else  ->return cell

com(enable):                             !** command: enable stream

!                p1         p2            p3         p4            p5           p6
!Old format:   stream       da           lim        mode    cursor<<16!start  length
!Newformat:    stream    1<<31!da    lim<<16!mode  cursor        start        length

! Formats are distinguished by top bit in da.  This change is for multi-console
! printer.  Uses a (nominally) circular buffer (as required by fep), hence length
! is limited to '7fff'.  So to access last 32k of a 128k block, halfwords start
! and length are insufficient.
   if  stream_state=connected and  mess_p6>0 start 
      stream_state = claiming
      stream_length = mess_p6-1
      if  mess_p2&top bit mask#0 start ; !new format
         mess_p2 = mess_p2&(¬(top bit mask))
         stream_mode = mess_p3&bytemask
         mess_p3 = mess_p3>>16
         stream_start = mess_p5
         if  stream_mode&15=circular then  stream_cursor = mess_p4 else  stream_cursor = 0
         stream_mode = mess_p4&bytemask
         if  stream_mode&15=circular start 
            stream_start = mess_p5&short mask
            stream_cursor = mess_p5>>16
            stream_start = mess_p5
            stream_cursor = 0
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(16, proc no, 12, stream no, stream_mode, mess_p6, 0, 0) if  c 
            trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<16)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
!** claim block from the global controller
      mess_dserv = claim block
      mess_sserv = block claimed
!** p1=stream no, p2=disc address, p3=flags/epages. user supplied cannot check
   finish  else  status = unsuccessful
   ->reply to caller

com(claim amt index reply):              !** global controller reply: block claimed
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(17, proc no, 8, stream no, status, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<17)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  status<=0 start ;                 !block unsuccessful
!*  0 change block size in situ
!* -1 no amt cells
!* -2 not enough garbage
!* -3 change block size while still in use
      stream_state = connected
      status = status-1;                 !zero normally successful
      ->reply to caller
   stream_amt index = status<<16
   stream_state = enabling
   ->update adaptor

com(enable reply):                       !** adaptor reply: stream enabled
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(18, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<18)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  status=successful start 
      stream_state = enabled
      return  if  stream_mode&15#circular
      stream_state = connected
      release block
   ->reply to caller

com(disable):                            !** command: disable stream (suspend or abort)
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(19, proc no, 12, stream no, mess_p2, stream_state, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<19)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  stream_state>=enabled and  suspending<=mess_p2<=aborting start 
      old state = stream_state;          !remember state
      stream_state = mess_p2;            !set to suspending or aborting
      return  if  old state>=paging in;  !wait for completion of page in or transfer
      stream no = unlink stream(stream no) if  old state=queued
      release block
      ->update adaptor
   finish  else  status = unsuccessful
   ->reply to caller

com(disable reply):                      !** adaptor reply: disabled
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(20, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<20)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   stream_state = connected
   status = successful;                  !always successful
   ->reply to caller;                    !note, p3 = accounting info from adaptor

com(disconnect):                         !** command: disconnect stream
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(21, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<21)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  stream_state=connected start 
      stream_state = disconnecting
      ->update adaptor
   finish  else  status = unsuccessful
   ->reply to caller

com(disconnect reply):                   !** adaptor reply: stream disconnected
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(22, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<22)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   status = successful;                  !always successful
   ->return cell;                        !note, p3 = disconnect reason from fep

com(control msg6):                       !** command: send high level control message which generates no reply
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(23, proc no, 12, stream no, dact, stream_state, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<23)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   mess_sserv = comms command!control msg6 reply
   ->pon adaptor

com(control msg7):                       !** command: send high level control message which generates a reply
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(23, proc no, 12, stream no, dact, stream_state, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<23)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   status = mess_sserv&x'80000000';      !called or ponned?
   mess_dserv = send control!adapt(stream_adaptor no)
   mess_sserv = comms command!control msg7 reply
   if  multiocp=no and  stream_adaptor no=fe then  mk1 fe adaptor(mess) else  pon(mess)
   if  status=0 then  ->reply to caller; !ponned, so pon a reply
   mess_p2 = 0;                          !status
   mess_p5 = stream_cursor
   return ;                              !back to caller

!*                                                                     *
!*  this section handles:                                              *
!*  1). transfer requests from an adaptor.                             *
!*  2). replies from the global controller in response                 *
!*         to calls generated by transfer requests.                    *
!*  3). transfer complete replies from an adaptor.                     *
!*                                                                     *

com(transfer requested):                 !** adaptor request: transfer request
   if  stream_state=enabled start ;      !ignore if suspending or aborting
      stream_cursor = status&short mask if  c 
         status#0 and  stream_mode&15=circular and  0<=status&short mask<=stream_length
      if  comms_next free buffer=empty start ; !no buffer available
         if  mon level&256#0 start ;     !include harvesting?
            harvest(27, proc no, 4, stream no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
               trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<27)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
         stream_state = queued;          !so wait.
         stream_link = empty
         if  comms_queued stream head=empty then  comms_queued stream head = stream no else  c 
            stream tab(stream index(comms_queued stream tail))_link = stream no
         comms_queued stream tail = stream no
      else ;                             !buffer available
         buffer no = comms_next free buffer
         buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
         comms_next free buffer = buffer_link
         buffer = 0
         buffer_link = empty
         stream_link = buffer no
         get page(stream no)
      if  monlevel&4#0 start 
         if  free buffers<-19 then  pool size(-19) = pool size(-19)+1 else  c 
            pool size(free buffers) = pool size(free buffers)+1
         free buffers = free buffers-1

com(page here):                          !** global controller reply: current owner's page here
   if  stream_state=paging in start ;    !check buffer not disabled (suspend or abort)
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(30, proc no, 8, stream no, (mess_sserv&255)<<24!(mess_p5&255)<<16!(mess_p6&short mask), 0, 0,
            0) if  trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<30)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
      op mess("Comms page in fails") if  mess_p3#0
!* should deal with transfer failures here?
!* p_p3 = 0 ok
!* p_p3 = 1 parity error
!* p_p3 > 1 zero page
      if  status=-1 start 
         op mess("Comms: deadlock page recovery")
         mess = 0
         mess_dserv = claim page
         mess_sserv = page claimed
         mess_p1 = buffer tab(stream_link)_amt index
         mess_p2 = stream no
         dpon(mess, 2);                  !2 secs delay
      if  monlevel&4#0 start 
         t = mess_sserv&255
         if  dserv&queued flag#0 start 
            if  t=1 then  queued store = queued store+1 else  queued disc = queued disc+1
            if  t=1 then  not queued store = not queued store+1 else  not queued disc = not queued disc+1
      buffer tab(stream_link)_real address = status; !real page address
      stream_state = active
      mess_sserv = transfer complete
      mess_dserv = go ahead!adapt(stream_adaptor no)
      mess_p2 = stream_link
      mess_p5 = stream_device no;        ! for use by OPER
      if  multi ocp=no and  stream_adaptor no=fe then  mk1 fe adaptor(mess) else  pon(mess)
   else ;                                !buffer disabled
      buffer no = stream_link
      buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
      release buffer(no drum update)
      release block
      ->update adaptor

com(transfer completed):                 !** adaptor reply: transfer complete
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(31, proc no, 12, stream no, mess_p2, mess_p3, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<31)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)

!* p2 has bits set with significance 2**0 next page required
!*                                   2**1 page not eligible for recapture
!*                                   2**2 update users cursor
!* p3 has number of bytes transfered

   buffer no = stream_link
   buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
   stream_cursor = stream_cursor+mess_p3; !add in length transfered
   if  mess_p3>=buffer_length or  stream_state#active start 
      !end of buffer or buffer disabled
      if  stream_cursor>=(stream_length+1) start ; !end of section (wrap round or suspend)
         if  stream_mode&15=circular then  stream_cursor = mess_p3-buffer_length { only OPERs can wrap round } else  c 
            stream_state = suspending
      if  stream_state=active start ;    !check not disabled (suspend or abort)
         if  status&1#0 start ;          !get the next page.
            release page(no drum update); !release page to get another
            get page(stream no)
      else ;                             !disabled (suspend or abort)
         release buffer(no drum update)
         release block
         ->update adaptor
   if  status&2=0 then  temp = drum update else  temp = no drum update
   release buffer(temp)
   stream_state = enabled
   if  status&4#0 start ;                !update users cursor
      mess_dserv = stream_owner
      mess_sserv = dserv
      mess_p2 = stream_cursor
      mess_p3 = 0;                       !must be zero otherwise signifies an abort

update adaptor:

   !send low level control info to the adaptor
   mess = 0
   mess_p1 = sub ident(stream_state)!stream no
   mess_p2 = stream_state<<24!stream_mode<<16!(stream_length&x'FFFF')
   mess_p3 = stream_cursor
   mess_p4 = stream index(stream no);    ! when connecting, set to cell
   mess_p5 = stream_device no;           ! for OPER
   mess_p6 = stream_length
   mess_sserv = dserv
pon adaptor:

   mess_dserv = send control!adapt(stream_adaptor no)
   if  multi ocp=no and  stream_adaptor no=fe then  mk1 fe adaptor(mess) else  pon(mess)

com(control msg6 reply):                 !** adaptor reply: control message 6 reply
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(24, proc no, 12, stream no, dact-12, stream_state, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<24)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   if  status=successful then  return  else  ->reply to caller; !??????

com(control msg7 reply):                 !** adaptor reply: control message 7 reply
   if  mon level&256#0 start ;           !include harvesting?
      harvest(24, proc no, 12, stream no, dact-12, stream_state, 0, 0) if  c 
         trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<24)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)

reply to caller:

   stream no = -1
return cell:

   mess_sserv = dserv
   mess_dserv = stream_caller
   mess_p2 = status
   mess_p6 = mess_p3;                    !see connect reply, disable reply, disconnect reply
   mess_p3 = stream_owner
   mess_p4 = stream_state
   mess_p5 = stream_cursor
   unless  stream no<0 start 
      return pp cell(stream index(stream no))
      stream index(stream no) = empty

   routine  release page(integer  drum up)
!*                                                                     *
!*  send a page out request to the global controller. specifying       *
!*  whether the drum copy is to be updated, whether the page has been  *
!*  written to and whether the page is eligible for recapture.         *
!*  no reply is given by the global controller                         *
!*  bit significance:                                                  *
!*       2**0 - recapturable                                           *
!*       2**1 - make new                                               *
!*       2**2 - drum update                                            *
!*       2**3 - written to                                             *
!*                                                                     *
      record  (pe) mess
      mess = 0
      mess_dserv = free page
      mess_sserv = dserv
      mess_p1 = buffer_amt index;        !index<<16!epage
      mess_p2 = (1-(stream no&1))<<3!drum up
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(25, proc no, 12, stream no, mess_p1, mess_p2, 0, 0) if  c 
            trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<25)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   end ;                                 !of routine release page

   routine  release buffer(integer  drum up)
!*                                                                     *
!*  release a comms page from its allocation. if a transfer request is *
!*  queued request another page.                                       *
!*                                                                     *
      integer  tempst no
      release page(drum up)
      buffer_stream no = empty
      stream_link = empty
      if  comms_queued stream head#empty start ; !page frame required
         tempst no = unlink stream(comms_queued stream head)
         stream tab(stream index(tempst no))_link = buffer no
         if  monlevel&4#0 then  tempst no = tempst no!queued flag<<24
         get page(tempst no)
      else ;                             !return buffer to free list
         buffer_link = comms_next free buffer
         comms_next free buffer = buffer no
         if  monlevel&4#0 then  free buffers = free buffers+1
   end ;                                 !of routine release buffer

   integer  fn  unlink stream(integer  tempst no)
!*                                                                     *
!*  remove a queued transfer from the linked list                      *
!*                                                                     *
      integer  stream id, stream link, link
      record  (sr) name  tempst
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(28, proc no, 4, tempst no, 0, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
            trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<28)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
      if  monlevel&4#0 then  free buffers = free buffers+1
      link = stream tab(stream index(tempst no))_link
      stream tab(stream index(tempst no))_link = empty
      if  comms_queued stream head=tempst no start 
         comms_queued stream head = link
         comms_queued stream tail = empty if  comms_queued stream head=empty
         stream link = comms_queued stream head
         until  stream link=tempst no cycle 
            stream id = stream link
            tempst == stream tab(stream index(stream id))
            stream link = tempst_link
         tempst_link = link
         comms_queued stream tail = stream id if  comms_queued stream tail=tempst no
      result  = tempst no
   end ;                                 !of integerfn unlink stream

   routine  get page(integer  tempst no)
!*                                                                     *
!*  calculate the next page required and request it from the global    *
!*  controller.                                                        *
!*                                                                     *
      record  (pe) mess
      record  (sr) name  tempst
      integer  epage, length, offset, esize
      if  monlevel&4#0 start 
         integer  queued flag
      if  monlevel&4#0 then  queued flag = tempst no>>24 and  tempst no = tempst no&short mask
      tempst == stream tab(stream index(tempst no))
      tempst_state = paging in
      esize = com area_epagesize<<10;    !calculate the epage size in bytes
      offset = tempst_cursor+tempst_start; !offset in the file section
      epage = offset//esize;             !calculate in which page
      offset = offset-epage*esize;       !offset in page
      length = (tempst_length+1)-tempst_cursor; !calculate length
      length = esize-offset if  offset+length>esize
      !length within page
      buffer_stream no = tempst no
      buffer_external stream no = tempst_external stream no
      buffer_amt index = tempst_amt index!epage
      buffer_offset = offset
      buffer_length = length
      mess = 0
      mess_dserv = claim page
      if  monlevel&4#0 then  mess_sserv = page claimed!queued flag else  mess_sserv = page claimed
      mess_p1 = buffer_amt index
      mess_p2 = tempst no
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(29, proc no, 12, stream no, mess_p1, buffer_length, 0, 0) if  c 
            trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<29)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
   end ;                                 !of routine get page

   routine  release block
!*                                                                     *
!*  release the page and buffer if the stream has one and then release *
!*  the file section from the active memory table                      *
!*                                                                     *
      record  (pe) mess
      mess = 0
      mess_dserv = free block
      mess_sserv = dserv
      mess_p1 = stream no
      mess_p2 = stream_amt index>>16
      if  mon level&256#0 start ;        !include harvesting?
         harvest(26, proc no, 8, stream no, mess_p2, 0, 0, 0) if  c 
            trace=yes and  trace events&(1<<26)#0 and  (trace process=-1 or  trace process=proc no)
      stream_amt index = not allocated
   end ;                                 !of routine release block

end ;                                    !of routine comms control

external  routine  mk1 fe adaptor(record  (pe) name  mess)
!*    service 57 (x39)                                                 *
!*    drives the mk1 front end to comms controller spec                *
!*    can manage up to 10 front ends (fe0-fe9) using a 512 byte area   *
!*    for each which is provided on allocation                         *
   if  sseries=no start 
      record  format  daf(integer  lst0, lst1, rcb0, rcb1, rcb2, rcb3, rcb4, rcb5, rcb6, rcb7, lb0, lb1, al00, al01,
         al10, al11, stream, name, cob start, cob index, head, tail, ident, co head, co tail, max qd transfers,
         max qd control msgs, total qd transfers, total qd control msgs, bytes of control input,
         bytes of control output, bytes of data input, bytes of data output, control input transfers,
         control output transfers, data input transfers, data output transfers, output updates, update overwrites,
         control input xbit set, control output xbit set, data input xbit set, data output xbit set,
         byte  integer  attn set, spare, device no, failures, byte  integer  array  cib, cob(0:167),
         integer  array  buffqsize(0:20))
      record  format  daf(integer  tcb0 command, tcb0 ste, tcb0 length, tcb0 address, tcb0 next tcb, tcb0 response,
         integer  array  tcb0 preamble, tcb0 postamble(0:3), integer  tcb1 command, tcb1 ste, tcb1 length,
         tcb1 address, tcb1 next tcb, tcb1 response, integer  array  tcb1 preamble, tcb1 postamble(0:3),
         integer  stream, name, cob start, cob index, head, tail, ident, co head, co tail, max qd transfers,
         max qd control msgs, total qd transfers, total qd control msgs, bytes of control input,
         bytes of control output, bytes of data input, bytes of data output, control input transfers,
         control output transfers, data input transfers, data output transfers, output updates, update overwrites,
         control input xbit set, control output xbit set, data input xbit set, data output xbit set,
         byte  integer  attn set, spare, device no, failures, byte  integer  array  cib, cob(0:167))
   record  format  gpcf(integer  ser, gptsm, propaddr, ticks, caa, grcb ad, lba, ala, state, resp0, resp1, sense1,
      sense2, sense3, sense4, repsno, base, id, dlvn, mnemonic, entsize, paw, usaw0, urcb ad, sense ad, logmask,
      trt ad, ua size, ua ad, timeout, props0, props1)
   record  format  cr(integer  message ident, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
   record  format  oper command f(integer  dest, srce, string  (23) txt)
   own  integer  array  device to da ad(0:9)= c 
      not allocated(10)
   own  integer  timer started
   const  integer  cib length= 168;      !7 control messages
   const  integer  cob length= 168
   const  integer  max failures= 5
   const  byte  integer  array  retry delay(0:max failures)= c 
   const  integer  control msg length= 24
   const  integer  control msg descriptor= control msg length!x'18000000'
   const  integer  control in msg descriptor= control msg descriptor - 4
   const  integer  idle= x'F0F0F0F0'
   const  integer  control in=-2
   const  integer  control out=-1
   const  integer  data stream= 0
   if  sseries=no start 
      const  integer  long block mask= x'0400'
      const  integer  x mask= x'0200'
      const  integer  y mask= x'0100'
      const  integer  long block mask= x'04000000'
      const  integer  x mask= x'02000000'
      const  integer  y mask= x'01000000'
   integer  stream no, buffer no, device no
   integer  temp, length, message ident, s ident, search index, cib index, dact, control addr, l, f, t, x,
      interrupt analysis flags, xbit set
   record  (pe) gpc req
   record  (pe) cmes
   record  (gpcf) name  gpc entry
   record  (daf) name  device area
   record  (sr) name  stream
   record  (br) name  buffer
   record  (cr) name  control
   record  (parmf) name  parm cell
   record  (oper command f) oper command
   record  (pe) name  oc
   switch  act(0:deallocate request)
   const  integer  testing=yes

   routine  start device(integer  stream no, ext stream no, real address, start, length)
      if  sseries=no start 
         const  integer  array  lb mask(0:1)= c 
        x'00F00202', x'80F00302'
         const  integer  array  lb mask(0:1)= c 
        x'2F004002', x'2F004083'
      if  sseries=no start 
         device area_lst1 = x'80000001'!real address
         device area_lb1 = lb mask(stream no&1)
         device area_al10 = length
         device area_al11 = start
         device area_tcb0 response = 0
         device area_tcb1 command = lb mask(stream no&1)
         if  real address=0 then  device area_tcb1 ste = device area_tcb0 ste else  c 
            device area_tcb1 ste = real address!1
         device area_tcb1 length = length
         device area_tcb1 address = start
         device area_tcb1 response = 0
      device area_stream = stream no
      device area_name = ext stream no<<16!length
      gpc req = 0
      gpc req_dserv = execute chain
      gpc req_sserv = mk1 fe executed
      if  sseries=no start 
         gpc req_p1 = addr(device area_rcb0)
         gpc req_p1 = addr(device area_tcb0 command)
      gpc req_p2 = device area_ident
      if  sseries=no start 
         gpc req_p3 = x'11';             !paw function<<4!saw flags
!!    %if monlevel&2#0 %and (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 %then
!!      printstring("FE: start device, st=".strint(stream no)." xst=".strint(ext stream no)." len=".strint(length).snl)
      if  multi ocp=yes then  pon(gpc req) else  gdc(gpc req)
   end ;                                 !of routine start device

   routine  queue
!* queue a high or low level control message for output as the cob is full
      integer  temp
      temp = new pp cell
      parm cell == parm tab(temp)
      control addr = addr(parm cell_p1)
      if  device area_co head=empty then  device area_co head = temp else  parm tab(device area_co tail)_link = temp
      parm cell_link = empty
      device area_co tail = temp
      if  mon level&4#0 start 
         device area_total qd control msgs = device area_total qd control msgs+1
         l = device area_co head
         f = 1
         while  l#device area_co tail cycle 
            f = f+1
            l = parm tab(l)_link
         if  f>device area_max qd control msgs then  device area_max qd control msgs = f
   end ;                                 !of routine queue

   routine  log event(string (63) text, record  (pe) p)
      op mess("FE".tostring(device no+'0').": ".text)
      pkmon rec("Mk1 FE Adaptor:",p)
   end ;                                 !of log event

!*                            main program                             *
   if  mon level&2#0 and  (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 then  pkmon rec("Mk1 FE Adaptor: ", mess)
   dact = mess_dserv&short mask
   ! nothing from DCU will make any sense 'till I redo DCU!!!!
   if  dact=interrupt start ;            !from gpc mess_p3=gpc area adrress
      interrupt analysis flags = mess_p1>>20&15
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3);      !map device area
      device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad); !map private device area
      device no = device area_device no
      stream no = device area_stream
      if  go ahead<=dact<=send control start ; !from comms mess_p1=strm&short mask
         stream no = mess_p1&short mask
         temp = stream index(stream no)
         if  temp=empty then  return ;   !can happen on fepdown
         stream == stream tab(temp)
         device no = stream_device no
         if  device to da ad(device no)=not allocated start 
            !send failure replies
            cmes = 0
            if  mess_p1&top short mask#0 then  cmes_dserv = comms command!mess_p1>>16 else  cmes_dserv = mess_sserv
            cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
            cmes_p1 = stream no
            cmes_p2 = 1
         finish  else  device area == record(device to da ad(device no))

act(0):                                  !** print monitoring if collected
   if  mon level&4#0 start 
      if  multi ocp=yes then  reserve log
      for  device no = 0, 1, 9 cycle 
         if  device to da ad(device no)#not allocated start 
            device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
            print string("FE".to string(device no+'0'). c 
               " Log              Bytes  Transfers   XBIT Set   Bytes/Transfer")
            print string("Data Input     ")
            f = device area_bytes of data input
            write(device area_bytes of data input, 10)
            t = device area_data input transfers
            write(device area_data input transfers, 10)
            x = device area_data input xbit set
            write(device area_data input xbit set, 10)
            write(device area_bytes of data input//device area_data input transfers, 10) if  c 
               device area_data input transfers#0
            print string("Data Output    ")
            f = f+device area_bytes of data output
            write(device area_bytes of data output, 10)
            t = t+device area_data output transfers
            write(device area_data output transfers, 10)
            x = x+device area_data output xbit set
            write(device area_data output xbit set, 10)
            write(device area_bytes of data output//device area_data output transfers, 10) if  c 
               device area_data output transfers#0
            print string("Control Input  ")
            f = f+device area_bytes of control input
            write(device area_bytes of control input, 10)
            t = t+device area_control input transfers
            write(device area_control input transfers, 10)
            x = x+device area_control input xbit set
            write(device area_control input xbit set, 10)
            write(device area_bytes of control input//device area_control input transfers, 10) if  c 
               device area_control input transfers#0
            print string("Control Output ")
            f = f+device area_bytes of control output
            write(device area_bytes of control output, 10)
            t = t+device area_control output transfers
            write(device area_control output transfers, 10)
            x = x+device area_control output xbit set
            write(device area_control output xbit set, 10)
            write(device area_bytes of control output//device area_control output transfers, 10) if  c 
               device area_control output transfers#0
            print string("Totals         ")
            write(f, 10)
            write(t, 10)
            write(x, 10)
            write(f//t, 10) if  t#0
            print string("Output Updates ")
            write(device area_output updates, 10)
            print string("Update Overwrites")
            write(device area_update overwrites, 8)
            print string("Overwrite Ratio")
            if  device area_update overwrites>0 then  c 
               write(device area_output updates//device area_update overwrites, 10) else  write(0, 10)
            print string(":1")
            print string("Queued Transfers")
            write(device area_total qd transfers, 9)
            print string("Queued Control ")
            write(device area_total qd control msgs, 10)
            print string("Max Queued Trans")
            write(device area_max qd transfers, 9)
            print string("Max Queued Control")
            write(device area_max qd control msgs, 7)
            if  sseries=no start 
               t = 0
               t = t+device area_buffqsize(l) for  l = 0, 1, 20
               printstring("Transfer queue sizes      (idle =")
               if  t=0 then  printstring(" 100%)") else  start 
                  write(device area_buffqsize(0)*100//t, 1)
                  write(f, 4) for  f = 1, 1, 20
                  newline; space
                  for  f = 1, 1, 20 cycle 
                     write(device area_buffqsize(f)*100//t, 3)
               device area_buffqsize(f) = 0 for  f = 0, 1, 20
            device area_max qd transfers = 0
            device area_max qd control msgs = 0
            device area_total qd transfers = 0
            device area_total qd control msgs = 0
            device area_bytes of control input = 0
            device area_bytes of control output = 0
            device area_bytes of data input = 0
            device area_bytes of data output = 0
            device area_control input transfers = 0
            device area_control output transfers = 0
            device area_data input transfers = 0
            device area_data output transfers = 0
            device area_output updates = 0
            device area_update overwrites = 0
            device area_control input xbit set = 0
            device area_control output xbit set = 0
            device area_data input xbit set = 0
            device area_data output xbit set = 0
      if  multi ocp=yes then  release log

act(interrupt):                          !** device interrupt (normal, abnormal or attention)
   ->atten if  interrupt analysis flags=attention
   ->abnormal termination unless  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=normal termination
!** normal termination interrupt
   if  device area_failures#0 start 
      op mess("FE".to string(device no+'0')." Transfer Recovered")
      device area_failures = 0

   if  sseries=no start 
      length = device area_al10-gpc entry_resp1&short mask
      !number of bytes transfered
      xbit set = gpc entry_resp0&x mask
      length = device area_tcb1 length-device area_tcb1 response&short mask
!number of bytes transfered
      xbit set = device area_tcb1 response&x mask
!! %if monlevel&2#0 %and (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 %then
!!   printstring("FE: termination, st=".strint(stream no)." bytes=".strint(length)." xbit=".strint(xbit set).snl)

   if  stream no=control out start ;     !control output termination
      if  length#(length//control msg length)*control msg length start 
         if  length#1 start ;            !due to a quirk of the gpc 1 is not an error
            op mess("FE".tostring(device no+'0')." partial control msg output".tostring(17))
            dump table(80, mess_p3, gpc entry_entsize)
         length = (length//control msg length)*control msg length
      if  mon level&4#0 start 
         device area_bytes of control output = device area_bytes of control output+length
         device area_control output transfers = device area_control output transfers+1
         device area_control output xbit set = device area_control output xbit set+1 if  xbit set#0
      device area_cob index = device area_cob index-length
!*mc      move(device area_cob index,addr(device area_cob(length)),           %c
addr(device area_cob(0))) if  device area_cob index > 0
      !shuffle down?
      if  device area_cob index>0 start 
         l = device area_cob index
         f = addr(device area_cob(length))
         t = addr(device area_cob(0))
         *mv_ l  = dr 
      device area_cob start = 0
      while  device area_co head#empty and  device area_cob index<cob length cycle 
         parm cell == parm tab(device area_co head)
!*mc         move(control msg length,addr(parm cell_p1),addr(           %c
device area_cob(device area_cob index)))
         t = addr(device area_cob(device area_cob index))
         *lsd_parm cell
         *ldtb_control msg descriptor
         *mv_ l  = dr 
         device area_cob index = device area_cob index+control msg length
         temp = parm cell_link
         return pp cell(device area_co head)
         device area_co head = temp
         device area_co tail = empty if  temp=empty
      ->make idle

   if  stream no=control in start ;      !control input termination
      if  length#(length//control msg length)*control msg length start 
         if  length#1 start ;            !due to a quirk of the gpc not an error if 1
            op mess("FE".tostring(device no+'0')." partial control msg input".tostring(17))
            dump table(80, mess_p3, gpc entry_entsize)
         length = (length//control msg length)*control msg length
      if  mon level&4#0 start 
         device area_bytes of control input = device area_bytes of control input+length
         device area_control input transfers = device area_control input transfers+1
         device area_control input xbit set = device area_control input xbit set+1 if  xbit set#0
      cib index = 0
      cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
      while  cib index<length cycle 
         control == record(addr(device area_cib(cib index)))
         temp = control_message ident
         s ident = temp&short mask
         stream no = temp>>16
         if  0<=stream no<=max stream and  stream index(stream no)#empty start 
            !valid stream?
            cmes_p1 = stream no
!*mc            move(control msg length-4,addr(control_p2),addr(cmes_p2))
            t = addr(cmes_p2)
            *ldtb_control in msg descriptor
            *mv_ l  = dr 
            if  s ident=0 then  cmes_dserv = stream tab(stream index(stream no))_owner else  c 
               cmes_dserv = comms command!s ident
!!         %if monlevel&2#0 %and (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 %then pkmon rec("FE pons:", cmes)
            if  testing=yes start 
               stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
               if  stream_adaptor no#fe or  stream_device no#device no or  (0#s ident#transfer requested and  c 
                  sub ident(stream_state)#s ident<<16) start 
                  pkmonrec("Comms: stream ", record(addr(stream)))
                  log event("bad low level con".tostring(17), cmes)
               finish  else  pon(cmes)
            finish  else  pon(cmes)
            print string("Mk1 FE Adaptor: FE".to string(device no+'0')." Bad stream number ".strint(stream no).snl)
         cib index = cib index+control msg length
      ->make idle

   if  mon level&4#0 start 
      if  stream no&1=1 start ;          !output
         device area_bytes of data output = device area_bytes of data output+length
         device area_data output transfers = device area_data output transfers+1
         device area_data output xbit set = device area_data output xbit set+1 if  xbit set#0
         device area_bytes of data input = device area_bytes of data input+length
         device area_data input transfers = device area_data input transfers+1
         device area_data input xbit set = device area_data input xbit set+1 if  xbit set#0
   cmes = 0
   cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
   cmes_dserv = transfer complete
   cmes_p1 = stream no
   if  sseries=no start 
      cmes_p2 = 3 if  gpc entry_resp0&long block mask#0
      !next page required and dont recapture
      cmes_p2 = 3 if  device area_tcb1 response&long block mask#0
!next page required and dont recapture
   cmes_p3 = length
   if  sseries=no start 
      temp = gpc entry_resp0&y mask;     !send high level control message to signal end of message
      temp = device area_tcb1 response&y mask; !send high level control message to signal end of message
   cmes_p2 = cmes_p2!4 if  temp#0
   ->make idle

abnormal termination:                    !** abnormal termination interrupt
   print string("Mk1 FE Adaptor: Abterm FE".to string(device no+'0')." ".strint(device area_failures).snl)
   pkmon rec("Mk1 FE Adaptor: ", mess)
   if  device area_failures<=max failures start 
      !try again?
      gpc req = 0
      gpc req_dserv = execute chain
      gpc req_sserv = mk1 fe executed
      if  sseries=no start 
         gpc req_p1 = addr(device area_rcb0)
         gpc req_p1 = addr(device area_tcb0 command)
      gpc req_p2 = device area_ident
      if  sseries=no start 
         gpc req_p3 = x'11';             !paw function<<4!saw flags
      dpon(gpc req, retry delay(device area_failures))
      !try again in ? seconds
      device area_failures = device area_failures+1
      op mess("FE".to string('0'+device no)." DOWN".to string(17));      !flash
      dump table(80,mess_p3,gpc entry_ent size)
      if  stream no>=data stream start ; !fail transfer in progress
         cmes = 0
         cmes_dserv = transfer complete
         cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
         cmes_p1 = stream no
         cmes_p2 = 2;                    !dont recapture
      while  device area_head#empty cycle ; !fail all queued transfers
         buffer == buffer tab(device area_head)
         device area_head = buffer_link
         device area_tail = empty if  device area_head=empty
         cmes = 0
         cmes_dserv = transfer complete
         cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
         cmes_p1 = buffer_stream no
         cmes_p2 = 2;                    !dont recapture
      for  stream no = 0, 1, max stream cycle 
         if  stream index(stream no)#empty start 
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            if  stream_adaptor no=fe and  stream_device no=device no start 
!connected thru this front end
               cmes = 0
               cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
               cmes_p1 = stream no
               if  stream no&1=0 and  sub ident(stream_state)=-1 start 
!input stream not waiting on a reply
                  cmes_dserv = stream_owner; !then send a high level control msg
                  cmes_p2 = stream_cursor
                  cmes_p3 = x'01590000'; !control (e o t) y
               else ;                    !waiting on a reply
                  if  sub ident(stream_state)#-1 start 
                     cmes_dserv = comms command!sub ident(stream_state)>>16
!simulate one
                     cmes_p2 = 1;        !failure
      device area_stream = idle
      device area_cob start = 0
      device area_cob index = 0
      device area_failures = 0
      gpc req = 0
      gpc req_dserv = deallocate device
      gpc req_sserv = mk1 fe deallocated
      gpc req_p1 = m'FE0'!device no
      pon(gpc req)
      device to da ad(device no) = not allocated
      if  com area_ipldev<0 start 
         oper command_dest = oper command req
         oper command_srce = mk1 fe oper com reply
         oper command_txt = "FEPUP 0"
         oc == oper command
         oc_p2 = oc_p2!device no
         dpon(oper command, 600);        !after 10 mins

atten:                                   !** attention interrupt
!!%if monlevel&2#0 %and (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 %then printstring("FE: atten from device".snl)
   if  mess_p1&x'1FF00'=x'08000' start ; !expected attn ?
      if  stream no=idle start 
         if  device to da ad(device no)=not allocated start 
!            mess_dserv = x'32000b'
            !flash off
!            pon(mess)
            op mess("FE".to string(device no+'0')." UP")
            device to da ad(device no) = addr(device area)
make idle:
         device area_stream = idle
         if  interrupt analysis flags=attention or  xbit set#0 or  device area_attn set#0 start 
            !control input pending
            device area_attn set = 0
            start device(control in, control in, 0, addr(device area_cib(0)), cib length)

         if  device area_cob index>0 start ; !control output pending.
            start device(control out, control out, 0, addr(device area_cob(0)), device area_cob index)
            device area_cob start = device area_cob index

         if  device area_head#empty start ; !data transfer queued
            buffer == buffer tab(device area_head)
            device area_head = buffer_link
            device area_tail = empty if  device area_head=empty
            start device(buffer_stream no, buffer_external stream no, buffer_real address, buffer_offset,
      finish  else  device area_attn set = 1
      op mess("FE".to string(device no+'0')." Unexpected attention")
      pkmon rec("Mk1 FE Adaptor: ", mess)

act(deallocate request):                 !** operator can now invoke reallocation following
   !   a disconnect/reconnect sequence by gpc
   device no = mess_p1
   if  0<=device no<=9 and  device to da ad(device no)#not allocated start 
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      stream no = device area_stream
   opmess("FE".tostring(device no+'0')." not allocated")

act(deallocated):                        !** reply from gpc
   if  mess_p1#0 then  opmess("FE: Dealloc fails ".strint(mess_p1&short mask))

act(allocate request):                   !** operator request to recover fe
   device no = mess_p1
   if  device to da ad(device no)=not allocated start 
      gpc req = 0
      gpc req_dserv = allocate device
      gpc req_sserv = mk1 fe allocated
      gpc req_p1 = m'FE0'!device no
      gpc req_p2 = mk1 fe interrupt
      pon(gpc req)
   finish  else  opmess("FE".tostring(device no+'0')." Already allocated")

act(allocated):                          !** device allocated by gpc
   if  mess_p1=0 start ;                 !allocated
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
      device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
      device no = gpc entry_mnemonic&byte mask-'0'
      device to da ad(device no) = gpc entry_ua ad
      if  sseries=no start 
         device area_lst0 = x'02201000'; !local segment table entry r2, w2, max len 1 epage
         device area_lst1 = x'00000000'
         device area_rcb0 = x'00000002'; !rcb flags etc
         device area_rcb1 = realise(addr(device area_lst0))
         !segment table (real address)
         device area_rcb2 = 8;           !logic block byte count
         device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb0); !logic block address (virtual)
         device area_rcb4 = 16;          !address list byte count
         device area_rcb5 = addr(device area_al00)
         !address list address (virtual)
         device area_rcb6 = 0;           !unused
         device area_rcb7 = 0;           !unused
         device area_lb0 = x'84300500';  !write control (ext stream no)<<16!length
         device area_lb1 = x'00000000';  !read or write data
         device area_al00 = 4;           !length of ext stream no and length field
         device area_al01 = addr(device area_name)
         !address of stream field
         device area_al10 = 0;           !length of read / write area
         device area_al11 = 0;           !address of read / write area
         com area == record(x'80000000'!48<<18)
         device area_tcb0 command = x'2F404085'; !write control chained
         device area_tcb0 ste = integer(addr(device area)<<1>>19<<3+com area_pstva+4)!1
         device area_tcb0 length = 4
         device area_tcb0 address = addr(device area_name)
         device area_tcb0 next tcb = addr(device area_tcb1 command)
         device area_tcb0 response = 0
         device area_tcb1 command = 0
         device area_tcb1 ste = 0
         device area_tcb1 length = 0
         device area_tcb1 address = 0
         device area_tcb1 next tcb = 0
         device area_tcb1 response = 0
      device area_ident = mess_p2
      device area_name = 0;              !control information sent written here
      device area_stream = idle
      device area_cob start = 0
      device area_cob index = 0
      device area_head = empty
      device area_tail = empty
      if  mon level&4#0 start 
         device area_max qd transfers = 0
         device area_max qd control msgs = 0
         device area_total qd transfers = 0
         device area_total qd control msgs = 0
         device area_bytes of control input = 0
         device area_bytes of control output = 0
         device area_bytes of data input = 0
         device area_bytes of data output = 0
         device area_control input transfers = 0
         device area_control output transfers = 0
         device area_data input transfers = 0
         device area_data output transfers = 0
         device area_output updates = 0
         device area_update overwrites = 0
         device area_control input xbit set = 0
         device area_control output xbit set = 0
         device area_data input xbit set = 0
         device area_data output xbit set = 0
      device area_co head = empty
      device area_co tail = empty
      device area_attn set = 0
      device area_device no = device no
      device area_failures = 0
   if  timer started=no start 
      mess = 0
      mess_dserv = elapsed int command;  !tick every n secs
      mess_sserv = mk1 fe clock tick
      mess_p1 = mk1 fe clock tick
      mess_p2 = secs per tick
      if  multi ocp=no then  elapsed int(mess) else  pon(mess)
      timer started = yes

act(execute fails):                      !** execute chain fails
   gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
   dump table(80, mess_p3, gpc entry_ent size)
   device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
   device no = device area_device no
   stream no = device area_stream
   ->abnormal termination;               ! treat as abterm for better diagnostics

!* above entries are called by gpc

!* below entries are called by comms control

act(go ahead):                           !** transfer go ahead
   buffer no = mess_p2
   buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
   if  device area_stream#idle start ;   !queue a transfer
      buffer_link = empty
      if  device area_head=empty then  device area_head = buffer no else  c 
         buffer tab(device area_tail)_link = buffer no
      device area_tail = buffer no
      if  mon level&4#0 start 
         device area_total qd transfers = device area_total qd transfers+1
         l = device area_head
         f = 1
         while  l#device area_tail cycle 
            f = f+1
            l = buffer tab(l)_link
         if  f>device area_max qd transfers then  device area_max qd transfers = f
         f = 20 if  f>20
      start device(stream no, buffer_external stream no, buffer_real address, buffer_offset, buffer_length)
      if  monlevel&4#0 then  f = 0
   if  monlevel&4#0 and  sseries=no then  device area_buffqsize(f) = device area_buffqsize(f)+1

act(send control):                       !** control message
   message ident = stream_external stream no<<16!mess_p1>>16
   mess_p1 = message ident
!!%if monlevel&2#0 %and (kmon>>mk1 fe service)&1#0 %then pkmon rec("FE co msg:", mess)
   if  message ident&short mask=0 and  mess_sserv&short mask=control msg7 reply start 
!high level and update message
      device area_output updates = device area_output updates+1 if  mon level&4#0
      search index = device area_cob start
         control addr = addr(device area_cob(0))+search index
         if  search index>=device area_cob index start 
            !end of whats in buffer?
            if  device area_cob index>=cob length start 
               !cob buffer full
               temp = device area_co head
               while  temp#empty cycle ; !scan down existing queue
                  parm cell == parm tab(temp)
                  if  message ident=parm cell_p1 start 
                     device area_update overwrites = device area_update overwrites+1 if  mon level&4#0
                     control addr = addr(parm cell_p1)
                  finish  else  temp = parm cell_link
            finish  else  device area_cob index = device area_cob index+control msg length
         if  integer(control addr)=message ident start 
            device area_update overwrites = device area_update overwrites+1 if  mon level&4#0
         search index = search index+control msg length
!         cmes = 0
!         cmes_dserv = mess_sserv
!         cmes_sserv = mess_dserv
!         cmes_p1 = stream no
!         %if multi ocp = no %then comms control(cmes) %else pon(cmes)
      !reply message updated
      if  device area_cob index<cob length start 
         !cob buffer full?
         control addr = addr(device area_cob(device area_cob index))
         device area_cob index = device area_cob index+control msg length
      finish  else  queue
!*mcmove(control msg length,addr(mess_p1),control addr)
   *ldtb_control msg descriptor
   *lda_control addr
   *mv_ l  = dr 
   start device(control out, control out, 0, addr(device area_cob(0)), device area_cob index) and  c 
      device area_cob start = device area_cob index if  device area_stream=idle

act(clock tick):                         !send control msg every n secs to confirm fes are up
   for  device no = 0, 1, 9 cycle 
      unless  device to da ad(device no)=not allocated start 
         device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
         if  device area_cob index=0 and  device area_stream=idle start 
            mess = 0
            mess_p1 = -1;                !dummy stream no for fe to ignore
            control addr = addr(device area_cob(0))
            device area_cob index = control msg length
!*mcmove(control msg length,addr(mess_p1),control addr)
            *ldtb_control msg descriptor
            *lda_control addr
            *mv_ l  = dr 
            start device(control out, control out, 0, addr(device area_cob(0)), control msg length)
            device area_cob start = control msg length

act(oper com reply):                     !ignore reply to fepup message
end ;                                    !of routine mk1 fe adaptor

external  routine  lp adaptor(record  (pe) name  mess)
!*    service 51 (x33)                                                 *
!*    drives the line printer to comms controller spec                 *
!*    accepts the data as iso, ebcidic or binary. iso is translated to *
!*    ebcidic using the master translate tables. ebcidic data is       *
!*    translated to a subset of ebcidic depending on the rep in the    *
!*    printer to avoid non printing characters fouling things up.      *
!*    binary data is left alone.                                       *
!*    can manage up to 10 printers (lp0-lp9) using a 128 byte area for *
!*    each which is provided on allocation                             *
   record  format  gpcf(integer  last dest, gptsm, propaddr, ticks, caa, grcb ad, lba,
      (integer  last tcb addr or  integer  ala), integer  state, resp0, resp1, sense1, sense2, sense3, sense4,
      repsno, base, id, dlvn, mnemonic, entsize, paw, usaw0, urcb ad, sense ad, logmask, trt ad, ua size, ua ad,
      timeout, props0, props1)
   if  sseries=no start 
      record  format  daf(integer  lst0, lst1, rcb0, rcb1, rcb2, rcb3, rcb4, rcb5, rcb6, rcb7, lb0, lb1, lb2, al00,
         al01, stream no, mode, buffer no, trt ad, ident)
      record  format  daf(half  integer  stream no, buffer no, integer  trt ad, addr tcb, byte  integer  mode,
         ident, device no, s, integer  tcb0 command, tcb0 ste, tcb0 length, tcb0 address, tcb0 next tcb,
         tcb0 response, (integer  tcb0 fragment length, tcb0 nulls or  integer  array  tcb0 preamble,
         tcb0 postamble(0:3)), integer  tcb1 command, tcb1 ste, tcb1 length, tcb1 address, tcb1 next tcb,
         tcb1 response, integer  array  tcb1 preamble(0:3), tcb1 postamble(0:2), byte  integer  array  chars(0:131))
   routine  spec  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag, count)
   routine  spec  get next buffer
   own  integer  array  device to da ad(0:9)= c 
      not allocated(10)
   own  byte  integer  array  pagesize(0:9); ! set on connect
   own  byte  integer  array  countsw(0:9); ! guards against counting same epage twice
   own  integer  array  pagecount(0:9);  ! count of pages since last connect
   own  byte  integer  array  linecount(0:9); ! count of lines on current page
   own  integer  array  fefftab(0:7)= x'00080400',x'E0000000',0(6)
   ! ff,nl,msp,mnl,vp
   !   %owninteger last allocated to other = -1;     !who last had device
   record  (pe) req
   record  (pe) rep
   record  (gpcf) name  gpc entry
   record  (daf) name  device area
   record  (sr) name  stream
   record  (br) name  buffer
   integer  stream no, buffer no, state, start, sstart, p, l, s
   integer  buffer end, sent, device no, act
   integer  i, char, line, long line, line begin, trt ad, interrupt analysis flags
   long  integer  savedr, saveacc
   switch  dact(0:deallocate request)
   switch  states(0:active)
   if  mon level&2#0 and  (kmon>>lp service)&1#0 start 
      pkmon rec("LP Adaptor: ", mess)
   act = mess_dserv&short mask
   if  act=interrupt start ;             !from gpc mess_p3=gpc area adrress
      interrupt analysis flags = mess_p1>>20&15
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
      device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
      stream no = device area_stream no
      if  go ahead<=act<=send control start ; !from comms mess_p1=strm&short mask
         stream no = mess_p1&short mask
         stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
         device no = stream_device no

dact(interrupt):                         !** device interrupt (normal, abnormal, attention)
   unless  interrupt analysis flags=attention start 
      if  sseries=no start 
         i = (device area_rcb3-addr(device area_lb0))>>2+gpc entry_resp0&byte mask
         if  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=0 and  c 
            gpc entry_last tcb addr=addr(device area_tcb0 command) then  i = 0 else  i = 2
      if  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination#normal termination and  c 
         mess_p4&x'FF'=normal  termination<<4 and  integer(gpc entry_sense ad)=x'20000004' then  c 
         long line = yes else  long line = no
      if  i=2 and  mess_p2#-1 start ;    !on the write data and not a time out
         if  sseries=no start 
            sent = device area_al00-gpc entry_resp1&short mask
            sent = device area_tcb1 length-device area_tcb1 response&short mask+device area_tcb0 fragment length+dev c 
                                                                                     ice area_tcb0 nulls
         if  long line=no start ;        !was it a long line then no need to scan back
            if  sent>0 start 
               buffer == buffer tab(device area_buffer no)
               start = virtual+buffer_real address+buffer_offset
               buffer end = start+sent-1
               if  sent>133 then  line begin = buffer end-132 else  line begin = start
               line = buffer end-line begin+1; !in case preceeding line was long
               for  i = buffer end, -1, line begin cycle 
                  char = byte integer(i)
                  if  (sseries=yes and  char=x'07') or  char=ebc nl or  char=ebc cr or  char=ebc ff then  c 
                     line = buffer end-i and  exit 
!set up chain to merge the end of the line onto the head
               if  line=0 start 
                  if  sseries=no start 
                     device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb2)
                     device area_lb2 = x'80700300'
                     device area_addr tcb = addr(device area_tcb1 command)
                  if  sseries=no start 
                     device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb0)
                     device area_lb1 = x'8A700000'!line
                     device area_lb2 = x'80700000'
                     device area_addr tcb = addr(device area_tcb0 command)
                     device area_tcb0 length = line
                     for  i = 0, 1, line cycle ; ! protem - try MSP
                        device area_chars(i) = ebc sp
         else ;                          !tag on a new line
            if  sseries=no start 
               device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb1)
               device area_lb1 = x'8A700300'!ebc nl
               device area_lb2 = x'80700000'
               device area_addr tcb = addr(device area_tcb0 command)
               device area_tcb0 length = 1
               device area_chars(0) = ebc nl
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no
            if  pagesize(device no)#0 then  start 
               linecount(device no) = linecount(device no)+1
               while  linecount(device no)>=pagesize(device no) cycle 
                  pagecount(device no) = pagecount(device no)+1
                  linecount(device no) = linecount(device no)-pagesize(device no)
               countsw(device no) = yes; ! avoid counting the buffer again
            sent = sent-1;               !send the char that caused the long line again
      finish  else  sent = 0
!send reply to comms control
      req = 0
      req_sserv = mess_dserv
      req_dserv = transfer complete
      req_p1 = stream no
      req_p2 = 3;                        !get next page and dont recapture
      if  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=0 and  long line=no start 
         req_p2 = req_p2!4;              !inform user
         req_p5 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad)
         req_p6 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad+4)
      req_p3 = sent
      get next buffer if  long line=yes and  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=0
!** attention interrupt
      if  mess_p1&auto=auto then  start 
         if  stream index(stream no)#empty start 
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no
            countsw(device no) = yes;    ! remember, to avoid counting buffer twice
         get next buffer

dact(execute fails):                     !** execute chain fails
   gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
   dump table(81, mess_p3, gpc entry_ent size)

dact(allocated):                         !** device allocated by gpc
   if  mess_p1=0 start ;                 !allocated
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
      device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
      device no = gpc entry_mnemonic&byte mask-'0'
      device to da ad(device no) = gpc entry_ua ad
!         %if gpc entry_last dest # lp interrupt %then last allocated to other =           %c
!            last allocated to other ! 1<<device no
      device area_ident = mess_p2;       !save gpc identifier
      device area_mode = 0;              !iso by default
      device area_stream no = mess_p5
      device area_buffer no = 0
      device area_trt ad = gpc entry_trt ad
      if  sseries=no start 
         device area_lst0 = x'00F01000'; !local segment table entry r15 max len 1 epage
         device area_lst1 = 0
         device area_rcb0 = x'0000000F'; !rcb flags etc
         device area_rcb1 = realise(addr(device area_lst0))
         device area_rcb2 = 12;          !logic block byte count
         device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb2); !logic block address
         device area_rcb4 = 8;           !address_list byte count
         device area_rcb5 = addr(device area_al00)
         !address list address
         device area_rcb6 = 0;           !unused
         device area_rcb7 = 0;           !unused
         device area_lb0 = x'8A700300'!ebc ms
         device area_lb1 = x'8A700000';  !number of spaces
         device area_lb2 = x'80700300';  !write buffer
         device area_al00 = 0;           !buffer length
         device area_al01 = 0;           !buffer offset
         device area_tcb0 command = x'27404083'
         device area_tcb0 ste = integer(addr(device area)<<1>>19<<3+com area_pstva+4)!1
         device area_tcb0 length = 0
         device area_tcb0 address = addr(device area_chars(0))
         device area_tcb0 next tcb = addr(device area_tcb1 command)
         device area_tcb1 command = x'27004083'
         device area_tcb1 ste = 0
         device area_tcb1 length = 0
         device area_tcb1 address = 0
         device area_tcb1 next tcb = 0
         device area_tcb0 response = 0
         device area_addr tcb = addr(device area_tcb1 command)
         for  i = 0, 1, 131 cycle 
            device area_chars(i) = ebc sp
   reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1, 0)

dact(deallocate request):                !** operator request to force deallocation
   device no = mess_p1
   if  0<=device no<=9 and  device to da ad(device no)#not allocated start 
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      stream no = device area_stream no
      stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
      if  stream_state>=enabled start 
         mess_dserv = stream_caller
         reply to comms control(disable, stream no, aborting, 0)
      if  stream_state=connected start 
         mess_dserv = stream_caller
         mess_p1 = stream no
         mess_p2 = 1;                    !fail the connect request
         reply to comms control(disconnect, stream no, 0, 0)
      mess_dserv = lp command!deallocate request
      dpon(mess, 4)
   finish  else  op mess("LP Adapt: device free")

dact(deallocated):                       !** device deallocated by gpc
   device no = mess_p6
   device to da ad(device no) = not allocated
   reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1, 0)

dact(go ahead):                          !** transfer go ahead
   buffer no = mess_p2
   buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
   device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
   device area_buffer no = buffer no
   start = virtual+buffer_real address+buffer_offset
   sstart = start
   i to e(start, buffer_length) if  device area_mode=iso
   if  device area_mode#binary start ;   !translate it to the ebcidic characters in the current rep
      i = buffer_length
      trt ad = device area_trtad
      if  byteinteger(start)=ebc vp and  device area_mode=ebcidic and  i>1 start 
!do not translate vp and qualifier
         i = i-2
         start = start+2
      *lb_i; *jat_14, <l99>
      *ldtb_x'18000000'; *ldb_ b ; *lda_start
      *lss_trt ad; *luh_x'18000100'
      *ttr_ l  = dr 
   s = pagesize(device no);              ! make local copies for efficiency
   ->trans if  s=0
   if  countsw(device no)=yes then  start ; ! this epage already counted
      countsw(device no) = no
   p = pagecount(device no)
   l = linecount(device no)
   *mpsr_x'0480';                        ! set bound check inhibit so that
   ! modd will work sensibly
   i = buffer_length
   *lss_fefftab+4;                       ! address of format effector table
   *luh_0;                               ! form bit descriptor
   *st_saveacc;                          ! for subsequent scans
   *lda_sstart;                          ! form descriptor to buffer
   !* start of main loop
   *jat_11, <done>;                      ! jzdl - end of buffer
   *lsd_saveacc;                         ! descriptor to bitmap
   *tch_ l  = dr ;                       ! scan for format effector
   *jat_11, <done>;                      ! jzdl - not found
   *std_savedr;                          ! for next scan
   *lss_(dr  );                          ! examine character
   *icp_ebc nl
   *jcc_6, <notnl>
   *icp_ebc ff
   *jcc_6, <notff>
   p = p+1;                              ! increment page count
   l = 0;                                ! reset line count
   *modd_1;                              ! advance to qualifier
   *jat_11, <done>;                      ! unlikely - no qualifier
   *icp_ebc mnl
   *jcc_6, <notmnl>
   *lss_(dr  );                          ! number of lines
   *icp_ebc ms;                          ! multiple space - process but ignore
   *jcc_8, <loop>;                       ! j if is ms
   *icp_ebc vp
   *jcc_6, <notvp>
   *lss_(dr  );                          ! get destination line number
   if  i>l then  l = i
   if  i=0 then  p = p+1 and  l = 0;     ! treat as formfeed
   while  l>=s cycle 
      l = l-s;                           ! decrement line count
      p = p+1;                           ! increment page count
   *modd_1;                              ! advance to next character
   pagecount(device no) = p;             ! copy back the counts
   linecount(device no) = l
   *mpsr_x'FB40';                        ! clear bound check inhibit
!and initiate the  transfer
   if  sseries=no start 
      device area_lst1 = x'80000001'!buffer_real address
      device area_al00 = buffer_length
      device area_al01 = buffer_offset
      l = 0
      p = 0
      if  device area_addr tcb=addr(device area_tcb0 command) and  device area_chars(0)=ebc sp start 
         ! fragment to tack on
         l = device area_tcb0 length
         i = l
         while  i<132 and  i-l+p<buffer_length cycle 
            char = byteinteger(sstart)
            exit  if  char=ebc nl or  char=ebc cr or  char=ebc ff
            device area_chars(i) = char
            sstart = sstart+1
            if  char=x'07' then  p = p+1 else  i = i+1; ! omit nulls
         l = i-l
         device area_tcb0 length = i
         device area_tcb1 length = buffer_length-l-p
         if  device area_tcb1 length<=0 start ; ! file must be corrupt
            opmess("Corrupt print file!!!")
            if  multi ocp=yes then  reserve log
            printstring("LP adaptor - corrupt print file:")
            dumptable(0, buffer_real address+x'81000000', buffer_length)
            if  multi ocp=yes then  release log
            req = 0;                     ! tell Comms Controller
            req_sserv = mess_dserv
            req_dserv = transfer complete
            req_p1 = device area_stream no
         device area_tcb1 address = buffer_offset+l+p
         device area_tcb1 length = buffer_length
         device area_tcb1 address = buffer_offset
      device area_tcb0 fragment length = l
      device area_tcb0 nulls = p
      device area_tcb0 response = 0
      device area_tcb1 response = 0
      device area_tcb1 ste = buffer_real address!1
   req = 0
   req_dserv = execute chain
   req_sserv = lp executed
   if  sseries=no start 
      req_p1 = addr(device area_rcb0)
      req_p1 = device area_addr tcb
   req_p2 = device area_ident
   if  sseries=no start 
      req_p3 = 1<<4!1;                   !(paw function)<<4!saw flags

dact(send control):                      !** control message
   state = mess_p2>>24

states(connecting):                      !** allocate device
   pagecount(device no) = 0;             ! initialise output accounting
   linecount(device no) = 0
   pagesize(device no) = (mess_p2>>16)&x'FF'
   ! page size passed from caller
   countsw(device no) = no
   req = 0
   req_dserv = allocate device
   req_sserv = lp allocated
   req_p1 = m'LP0'!device no
   req_p2 = lp interrupt
   req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
   req_p5 = stream no

states(enabling):                        !** request first page
   reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0, 0)
   device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
   device area_mode = mess_p2>>20&3;     !iso ebcidic or binary
   !      %if (last allocated to other>>device no)&1 = 1 %start;   !insert form feed?
!         last allocated to other = last allocated to other !! (1<<device no)
   if  mess_p2>>16&3=sequential start ;  !  insert ff if not sequential continuation
      if  sseries=no start 
         device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lb1)
         device area_lb1 = x'8A700300'!ebc ff
         device area_addr tcb = addr(device area_tcb0 command)
         device area_tcb0 length = 1
         device area_chars(0) = ebc ff
   get next buffer

states(disconnecting):                   !** deallocate device
   req = 0
   req_dserv = deallocate device
   req_sserv = lp deallocated
   req_p1 = m'LP0'!device no
   req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
   req_p5 = stream no
   req_p6 = device no

!      last allocated to other = last allocated to other ! (1<<device no)

   reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0, (pagecount(device no)<<16)!linecount(device no))
   !always reply

   routine  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag, count)
      rep = 0
      rep_dserv = comms command!act
      rep_sserv = mess_dserv
      rep_p1 = stream no
      rep_p2 = flag
      rep_p3 = count
   end ;                                 !of routine reply to comms control

   routine  get next buffer
      req = 0
      req_dserv = request transfer
      req_sserv = lp command
      req_p1 = stream no
   end ;                                 !of routine get next buffer

end ;                                    !of routine lp adaptor

if  cr fitted=yes start 

   external  routine  cr adaptor(record  (pe) name  mess)
!*    service 52 (x34)                                                 *
!*    drives the card reader to comms controller spec with some        *
!*    nasty fiddles when a card wont fit into remains of an epage      *
!*    can manage up to 10 readers (cr0-cr9) using a 512 byte area for  *
!*    each which is provided on allocation                             *
      integer  i, j, stream no, device no, state, sent, act, buffer no, interrupt analysis flags, start
      record  format  gpcf(integer  ser, gptsm, propaddr, ticks, caa, grcb ad, lba, ala, state, resp0, resp1,
         sense1, sense2, sense3, sense4, repsno, base, id, dlvn, mnemonic, entsize, paw, usaw0, urcb ad, sense ad,
         logmask, trt ad, ua size, ua ad, timeout, props0, props1)
      if  sseries=no start 
         const  integer  max trans=36
         record  format  daf(integer  lst0, lst1, rcb0, rcb1, rcb2, rcb3, rcb4, rcb5, rcb6, rcb7, stream no, mode,
            goah ad, goah len, curtrlen, buffer no, ident, blocked, integer  array  lbe(0:maxtrans-1),
            ale(0:max trans*2-1))
         const  integer  max trans=8
         record  format  tcbf(integer  cmd, ste, len, datad, ntcb, resp, integer  array  pre, post(0:3))
         record  format  daf(record  (tcbf) array  tcb(0:max trans-1), integer  stream no, mode, goah ad, goah len,
            curtrlen, buffer no, ident, blocked)
      own  integer  array  device to da ad(0:9)= c 
      not allocated(10)
      routine  spec  translate and shuffle(integer  address, integer  name  len)
      routine  spec  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag)
      routine  spec  get next buffer
      record  (gpcf) name  gpc entry
      record  (daf) name  device area
      record  (sr) name  stream
      record  (br) name  buffer
      record  (pe) req, rep
      const  integer  array  card bytes(iso:binary)= c 
80, 80, 160
      const  integer  array  card size(iso:binary)= c 
81, 80, 160
      switch  dact(0:send control)
      switch  states(0:active)
      if  mon level&2#0 and  (kmon>>cr service)&1#0 start 
         pkmon rec("CR Adaptor: ", mess)
      act = mess_dserv&short mask
      if  act=interrupt start ;          !from gpc mess_p3=gpc area adrress
         interrupt analysis flags = mess_p1>>20&15
         gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
         device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
         stream no = device area_stream no
         if  act>=go ahead start ;       !from comms mess_p1=strm&short mask
            stream no = mess_p1&short mask
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no

dact(interrupt):                         !** device interrupt (normal, abnormal, attention)
      unless  interrupt analysis flags=attention start 
         buffer == buffer tab(device area_buffer no)
         start = virtual+buffer_real address+device area_goah ad
         if  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=normal termination start 
            translate and shuffle(start, device area_cur tr len) if  device area_mode=iso
            device area_goah len = device area_goah len-device area_curtrlen
            device area_goah ad = device area_goah ad+device area_curtrlen
            ->read;                      !read more if room
            i = mess_p1&255;             ! failing CCB entry
            sent = card size(device area_mode)*i; !bytes read ok
            translate and shuffle(start, sent) if  sent>0 and  device area_mode=iso
            device area_goah len = device area_goah len-sent
!tell comms control by a call to update cursor
            req = 0
            req_dserv = transfer complete
            req_sserv = mess_dserv
            req_p1 = stream no
            req_p2 = 2;                  !next page not reqd and dont recapture
            if  sent>0 start 
               req_p2 = req_p2!4
               req_p5 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad)
               req_p6 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad+4)
               device area_blocked = 1
            req_p3 = buffer_length-device area_goah len
!** attention interrupt
         get next buffer if  mess_p1&auto=auto and  device area_blocked=0

dact(execute fails):                     !** execute chain fails
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
      dump table(82, mess_p3, gpc entry_ent size)

dact(allocated):                         !** device allocated by gpc
      if  mess_p1=0 start ;              !allocated
         gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
         device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
         device no = gpc entry_mnemonic&byte mask-'0'
         device to da ad(device no) = gpc entry_ua ad
         device area_ident = mess_p2;    !save gpc identifier
         device area_stream no = mess_p5
         device area_mode = 0;           !read in non binary mode
         device area_blocked = 0
         device area_goah len = 0
         device area_goah ad = 0
         device area_curtr len = 0
         device area_buffer no = 0
         if  sseries=no start 
            device area_lst0 = x'0FF01000'
            device area_lst1 = x'00000000'
            device area_rcb0 = x'0000800F'
            device area_rcb1 = realise(addr(device area_lst0))
            device area_rcb2 = 144;      !bytes of logic block
            device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lbe(0))
            device area_rcb4 = 288;      !bytes of address list
            device area_rcb5 = addr(device area_ale(0))
            device area_rcb6 = x'FC01';  !set nr mode
            device area_rcb7 = 0
            for  i = 0, 2, 70 cycle 
               device area_ale(i) = x'58000050'; !80 byte entry
      reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1)

dact(deallocated):                       !** device deallocated by gpc
      device no = mess_p6
      device to da ad(device no) = not allocated
      reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1)

dact(go ahead):                          !** transfer go ahead
!ie comms has paged in buffer
      buffer no = mess_p2
      buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      if  sseries=no then  device area_lst1 = x'80000001'!buffer_real address
      device area_goah len = buffer_length
      device area_goah ad = buffer_offset
      device area_buffer no = buffer no
read:                                    !try to read cards
      if  device area_goah len<card size(device area_mode) start 
!not room for even 1 card
         if  device area_goah len>0 start 
            j = virtual+buffer_real address+device area_goah ad
            for  i = 0, 1, device area_goah len-1 cycle 
               byte integer(i+j) = 0;    !fill partcard with nulls
         req = 0
         req_dserv = transfer complete
         req_sserv = cr command
         req_p1 = stream no
         req_p2 = 3;                     !please provide next page and dont recapture this one
         req_p3 = buffer_length
!there is room for at least one card. set up chain
      i = 0
         exit  if  i>=max trans or  device area_goah len-card size(device area_mode)*(i+1)<0
         if  sseries=no start 
            device area_lbe(i) = x'04400200'+2*i; !chain ignre longblk&read
            device area_ale(2*i) = x'58000000'!card bytes(device area_mode)
            device area_ale(2*i+1) = device area_goah ad+card size(device area_mode)*i
            device area_tcb(i) = 0
            device area_tcb(i)_cmd = x'2440C002'
            device area_tcb(i)_ste = buffer_real address!1
            device area_tcb(i)_len = card bytes(device area_mode)
            device area_tcb(i)_datad = device area_goah ad+card size(device area_mode)*i
            device area_tcb(i)_ntcb = addr(device area_tcb(i))+14*4
            if  device area_mode#binary then  device area_tcb(i)_pre(0) = x'FC01' else  c 
               device area_tcb(i)_pre(0) = x'FC02'
         i = i+1
      if  sseries=no start 
         device area_lbe(i-1) = device area_lbe(i-1)&x'F3FFFFFF'; ! dechain
         if  device area_mode#binary then  device area_rcb6 = x'FC01' else  device area_rcb6 = x'FC02'
         device area_tcb(i-1)_cmd = device area_tcb(i-1)_cmd&x'FFBFFFFF'
         device area_tcb(i-1)_ntcb = 0
      device area_cur tr len = card size(device area_mode)*i
      req = 0
      req_dserv = execute chain
      req_sserv = cr executed
      if  sseries=no start 
         req_p1 = addr(device area_rcb0)
         req_p3 = 1<<4!1;                ! PAW fn & SAW flags
      finish  else  req_p1 = addr(device area_tcb(0))
      req_p2 = device area_ident

dact(send control):                      !** control message
      state = mess_p2>>24

states(connecting):                      !** allocate device
      req = 0
      req_dserv = allocate device
      req_sserv = cr allocated
      req_p1 = m'CR0'!device no
      req_p2 = cr interrupt
      req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
      req_p5 = stream no
      pon(req);                          !try to allocate

states(disconnecting):                   !** deallocate device
      req = 0
      req_dserv = deallocate device
      req_sserv = cr deallocated
      req_p1 = m'CR0'!device no
      req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
      req_p5 = stream no
      req_p6 = device no

states(enabling):                        !** request first page
      reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0)
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      device area_mode = mess_p2>>20&3;  !iso ebcidic or binary?
      if  device area_blocked=0 then  get next buffer else  device area_blocked = 0

      reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0)

      routine  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag)
         rep = 0
         rep_dserv = comms command!act
         rep_sserv = mess_dserv
         rep_p1 = stream no
         rep_p2 = flag
      end ;                              !of routine reply to comms control

      routine  get next buffer
         req = 0
         req_dserv = request transfer
         req_sserv = cr command
         req_p1 = stream no
      end ;                              !of routine get next buffer

      routine  translate and shuffle(integer  start, integer  name  len)
         integer  card addr, l, to
         e to i(start, len);             !translate cards to iso
         to = start;                     !place card is to be shuffled to
         for  card addr = start, 81, start+len-81 cycle ; !cycle up each card
            for  l = 79, -1, 0 cycle ;   !cycle down each character
               ->m if  byteinteger(card addr+l)#' '
!char not a space
            l = -1;                      !card all spaces
m:          byteinteger(card addr+l+1) = nl
            l = l+2;                     !length of card
            move(l, card addr, to) if  card addr#to
            to = to+l
         len = to-start;                 !number of chars remaining
      end ;                              !of routine translate and shuffle

   end ;                                 !of routine cr adaptor

finish ;                                 !of conditional compilation of cr adaptor

if  cp fitted=yes start 

   external  routine  cp adaptor(record  (pe) name  mess)
!*    service 53 (x35)                                                 *
!*    drives the card punch to comms controller spec with some         *
!*    nasty fiddles when a card wont fit into remains of an epage      *
!*    cards are just punched from disc in ebcdic and spooler informed  *
!*    can manage up to 10 punches (cp0-cp9) using a 160 byte area for  *
!*    each which is provided on allocation                             *
      integer  i, j, stream no, device no, state, act, buffer no, sym, interrupt analysis flags
      record  format  gpcf(integer  ser, gptsm, propaddr, ticks, caa, grcb ad, lba, ala, state, resp0, resp1,
         sense1, sense2, sense3, sense4, repsno, base, id, dlvn, mnemonic, entsize, paw, usaw0, urcb ad, sense ad,
         logmask, trt ad, ua size, ua ad, timeout, props0, props1)
      if  sseries=no start 
         record  format  daf(integer  lst0, lst1, rcb0, rcb1, rcb2, rcb3, rcb4, rcb5, rcb6, rcb7, lbe0, ale0, ale1,
            stream no, buffer no, goah ad, goah len, posn, mode, ident, byte  integer  array  card(0:79))
         record  format  daf(integer  tcb cmd, tcb ste, tcb len, tcb datad, tcb ntcb, tcb resp, tcb pre0, tcb pre1,
            tcb pre2, tcb pre3, tcb post0, tcb post1, tcb post2, tcb post3, stream no, buffer no, goah ad, goah len,
            posn, mode, ident, byte  integer  array  card(0:79))
      own  integer  array  device to da ad(0:9)= c 
         not allocated(10)
      own  byte  integer  array  countsw(0:9); ! guards against counting same epage twice
      own  integer  array  cardcount(0:9); ! count of cards punched
      routine  spec  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag, count)
      routine  spec  get next buffer
      record  (gpcf) name  gpc entry
      record  (daf) name  device area
      record  (sr) name  stream
      record  (br) name  buffer
      record  (pe) req, rep
      switch  dact(0:send control)
      switch  states(0:active)
      if  mon level&2#0 and  (kmon>>cp service)&1#0 start 
         pkmon rec("CP Adaptor: ", mess)
      act = mess_dserv&short mask
      if  act=interrupt start ;          !from gpc mess_p3=gpc area adrress
         interrupt analysis flags = mess_p1>>20&15
         gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
         device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
         stream no = device area_stream no
         if  act>=go ahead start ;       !from comms mess_p1=strm&short mask
            stream no = mess_p1&short mask
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no

dact(interrupt):                         !** device interrupt (normal, abnormal, attention)
      unless  interrupt analysis flags=attention start 
         buffer == buffer tab(device area_buffer no)
         if  interrupt analysis flags&normal termination=normal termination start 
            device area_posn = 0;        !no unpunched card in buffer
            i = 0 and  ->epage used if  device area_goah len=0
            !finished buffer empty
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no
            ->punch;                     !punch more if room
!tell comms control by a call to update cursor
            req = 0
            req_dserv = transfer complete
            req_sserv = cp command
            req_p1 = stream no
            req_p2 = 6;                  !next page not reqd and dont recapture this one
            req_p3 = buffer_length-device area_goah len
            req_p5 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad)
            req_p6 = integer(gpc entry_sense ad+4)
!** attention interrupt
         if  mess_p1&auto=auto then  start 
            stream == stream tab(stream index(stream no))
            device no = stream_device no
            countsw(device no) = yes;    !remember this, so that epage not counted twice
            get next buffer

dact(execute fails):                     !** execute chain fails
      gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
      dump table(83, mess_p3, gpc entry_ent size)

dact(allocated):                         !** device allocated by gpc
      if  mess_p1=0 start ;              !allocated
         gpc entry == record(mess_p3)
         device area == record(gpc entry_ua ad)
         device no = gpc entry_mnemonic&byte mask-'0'
         device to da ad(device no) = gpc entry_ua ad
         device area_ident = mess_p2;    !save gpc identifier
         device area_stream no = mess_p5
         device area_mode = 0;           !read in non binary mode
         device area_buffer no = 0
         device area_goah ad = 0
         device area_goah len = 0
         device area_posn = 0
         if  sseries=no start 
            device area_lst0 = 0;        ! not used
            device area_lst1 = 0;        ! not used
            device area_rcb0 = x'00008002'
            device area_rcb1 = 0;        ! not used
            device area_rcb2 = 4;        !bytes of logic block
            device area_rcb3 = addr(device area_lbe0)
            device area_rcb4 = 8;        !bytes of address list
            device area_rcb5 = addr(device area_ale0)
            device area_rcb6 = x'FC01';  !set nr mode
            device area_rcb7 = 0
            device area_lbe0 = x'80000300'
            device area_ale0 = x'58000050'
            device area_ale1 = addr(device area_card(0))
            device area_tcb cmd = x'2000C083'
            device area_tcb ste = realise(addr(device area)&x'FFFC0000')!1
            device area_tcb len = 80
            device area_tcb datad = addr(device area_card(0))
            device area_tcb ntcb = 0
            device area_tcb pre0 = x'FC01'
      reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1, 0)

dact(deallocated):                       !** device deallocated by gpc
      device no = mess_p6
      device to da ad(device no) = not allocated
      reply to comms control(mess_p4, mess_p5, mess_p1, 0)

dact(go ahead):                          !transfer go ahead
!ie comms has paged in buffer
      buffer no = mess_p2
      buffer == buffer tab(buffer no)
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      device area_goah len = buffer_length
      device area_goah ad = buffer_offset
      device area_buffer no = buffer no
punch:                                   !try to punch cards
!copy a card into device area_card and spacefill. spanned cards have
!1st part in buffer and device area_posn indicates next free byte.
!device area_posn=80 indicates complete card in buffer in ebcdic
!as happens after an abnormal termination
      i = device area_posn
      ->fire if  i=80;                   !card all ready to fire io
      j = 0
         sym = byte integer(virtual+device area_goah ad+j+buffer_real address)
         if  device area_mode#binary start 
            if  device area_mode=iso start 
               exit  if  sym=nl or  sym=12; !control char
               exit  if  sym=ebc nl or  sym=ebc lf or  sym=12
!if buffer full then treat as newline except arrange for the last char
!to become the first char on the next(overflow) card unlike the nl char
!which is discarded. nb care needed not to get blank card unnecessarily
         if  i>=80 then  j = j-1 and  exit 
         device area_card(i) = sym
         i = i+1
         j = j+1
         ->epage used if  j>=device area_goah len
!control char found
      device area_goah len = device area_goah len-(j+1)
      device area_goah ad = device area_goah ad+j+1
      if  device area_mode#binary start 
         if  device area_mode=iso then  sym = ' ' else  sym = ebc sp
         device area_card(i) = sym and  i = i+1 while  i<80
         i to e(addr(device area_card(0)), 80) if  device area_mode=iso
      device area_posn = 80;             !card read in ebcdic
      if  countsw(device no)=yes then  countsw(device no) = no else  cardcount(device no) = cardcount(device no)+1
      req = 0
      req_dserv = execute chain
      req_sserv = cp executed
      if  sseries=no start 
         req_p1 = addr(device area_rcb0)
         req_p3 = 1<<4!1
      finish  else  req_p1 = addr(device area_tcb cmd)
      req_p2 = device area_ident
      req_p3 = 1<<4!1
epage used:                              !await next go ahead
      device area_posn = i;              !some iso chars in buffer
      req = 0
      req_dserv = transfer complete
      req_sserv = cp command
      req_p1 = stream no
      req_p2 = 3;                        !please provide next page and dont recapture this one
      req_p3 = buffer_length

dact(send control):                      !** control message
      state = mess_p2>>24

states(connecting):                      !** allocate device
      cardcount(device no) = 0;          !initialise output accounting
      countsw(device no) = no
      req = 0
      req_dserv = allocate device
      req_sserv = cp allocated
      req_p1 = m'CP0'!device no
      req_p2 = cp interrupt
      req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
      req_p5 = stream no
      pon(req);                          !try to allocate

states(disconnecting):                   !** deallocate device
      req = 0
      req_dserv = deallocate device
      req_sserv = cp deallocated
      req_p1 = m'CP0'!device no
      req_p4 = mess_p1>>16
      req_p5 = stream no
      req_p6 = device no

states(enabling):                        !** request first page
      reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0, 0)
      device area == record(device to da ad(device no))
      device area_mode = (mess_p2>>20)&3; !iso ebc or binary
      get next buffer

      reply to comms control(mess_p1>>16, stream no, 0, cardcount(device no))

      routine  reply to comms control(integer  act, stream no, flag, count)
         rep = 0
         rep_dserv = comms command!act
         rep_sserv = mess_dserv
         rep_p1 = stream no
         rep_p2 = flag
         rep_p3 = count;                 ! accounting info
      end ;                              !of routine reply to comms control

      routine  get next buffer
         req = 0
         req_dserv = request transfer
         req_sserv = cp command
         req_p1 = stream no
      end ;                              !of routine get next buffer

   end ;                                 !of routine cp adaptor

if  monlevel&256#0 start ;               !include monitoring?

   if  multi ocp=yes start 
      external  routine  spec  semaloop(integer  name  sema)
      own  integer  trace sema= -1
   external  string  fn  spec  h to s(integer  i, p)
   external  integer  fn  spec  s to i(string  (255) name  s)

   const  integer  emas page size= epagesize*1024
   const  integer  start page= x'500';   !first available page on fsys to trace to
   const  integer  nbuffs= 2;            !maybe more for fast machines & multi ocps
   const  integer  combine sno= x'380000'
   const  integer  page out reply= 1;    !activity numbers in combine
   const  integer  start harvest= 2
   const  integer  page got= 3
   const  integer  stop harvest= 4

   own  integer  trace fsys= -1;         !trace output to this fsys initially not set
   own  integer  end page= 0;            !last available e page on fsys to trace to
   own  integer  current page= 0;        !initially not set
   own  integer  events lost= 0;         !count of events lost when no buffer available
   own  integer  buffer pointer= 0;      !next free hole in current buffer
   own  integer  current buffer= 0;      !current buffer if # 0
   own  integer  next buffer= 0;         !next buffer if # 0
   own  integer  count= 0;               !count of pages claimed
   record  format  bufferf(integer  virt address, store index, link)
   own  record  (bufferf) array  buffers(1:nbuffs)

   record  format  ddtform(integer  ser, pts, propaddr, stick, stats, rqa, lba, ala, state, iw1, iw2, sense1,
      sense2, sense3, sense4, repsno, base, id, dlvn, mnemonic, string  (6) lab, byte  integer  mech)

   external  routine  tracer(string  (63) s)

!*  This routine handles text commands from the operator to set up
!*   and control the trace procedure. The commands handled are
!*       TRACE TO vollabel    !Nominates disc volume trace to be logged to
!*       TRACE event process  !specifies which event is to be traced (-1 all)
!*                             and which process is to be traced (-1 all).
!*                            !Events can be added to but not processes.
!*       TRACE ON             !initiates tracing (above commands must have
!*                             previously been given)
!*       TRACE OFF            !terminates tracing. Not final trace may be
!*                             added to by setting trace on again.

      record  (pe) p
      record  (ddtform) name  disc
      string  (63) label, temp
      integer  i, j

      ->set fsys if  s->temp.("TO ").label and  temp=""
      ->set on if  s="ON"
      ->set off if  s="OFF"

      if  trace fsys#-1 and  trace=no start ; !trace fsys must first be set
         !and trace not started
         i = s to i(s);                  !get events to trace from string
         if -1<=i<=31 start ;            !within range
            j = s to i(s);               !get process to trace from string
            if -1<=j<=max procs and  j#0 start 
               !within range
               if  i<=0 then  trace events = i else  trace events = trace events!1<<i
               trace process = j

      op mess("TRACE ".s." ?")

set on:                                  !start tracing check trace fsys set and events set first
      ->err if  trace fsys=-1 or  trace events=0 or  trace=yes
      if  current page<end page start 
         p = 0
         p_dserv = combine sno!start harvest
         pon(p);                         !request combine to get buffers and start tracing
      finish  else  op mess("TRACE AREA FULL")

set off:                                 !stop tracing check tracing was on
      ->err if  trace#yes
      p = 0
      p_dserv = combine sno!stop harvest

set fsys:                                !set the trace fsys checking it is there

!*  SETS (if above checks succeed)
!*         TRACE FSYS

      if  length(label)=6 and  trace=no and  com area_ndiscs>0 start 
         for  i = 0, 1, com area_ndiscs-1 cycle 
            disc == record(integer(com area_ditaddr+4*i))
            if  disc_lab=label and  disc_dlvn>=0 and  disc_dlvn#com area_suplvn and  disc_base>start page start 
               trace fsys = disc_dlvn;   !set fsys no
               end page = disc_base-1;   !page before start of file system
               current page = start page; !set to start of trace area
               op mess("TRACE AREA ".label." X".h to s(start page, 3)." TO X".h to s(end page, 3))
         return  if  trace fsys#-1
   end ;                                 !of routine trace

   routine  fill(integer  length, from, filler)
!*                                                                     *
!*                                                                     *
      *ldb_ b 
      *mvl_ l  = dr 
   end ;                                 !of routine fill

   routine  page out
      record  (pe) p
      fill(emas page size-buffer pointer, buffers(current buffer)_virt address+buffer pointer, 0); !clear rest of buffer
      p = 0
      p_dserv = x'210002';               !write out to disc
      p_sserv = combine sno!page out reply; !reply to combine
      p_p1 = current buffer
      p_p2 = trace fsys<<24!current page
      p_p3 = buffers(current buffer)_virt address

      current page = current page+1
      if  trace=yes start ;              !ignore if trace over
         if  current page>=end page start ; !end of trace area
            p = 0
            p_dserv = combine sno!stop harvest
            pon(p);                      !notify combine to stop
            op mess("TRACE AREA FULL")
         current buffer = next buffer;   !get next buffer
         if  current buffer#0 start ;    !there was one
            next buffer = buffers(current buffer)_link
            !relink chain
            buffer pointer = 0;          !set to start of buffer
   end ;                                 !of routine page out

   routine  return buffer(integer  buff no)
      record  (pe) p
      p = 0
      p_dserv = x'60000';                !return page
      p_p1 = buff no
      p_p2 = buffers(buff no)_store index
   end ;                                 !of routine return buffer

   external  routine  harvest(integer  event, proc, len, a, b, c, d, e)
      integer  bytes, address, ocp, i
      record  format  dataf(byte  integer  event, proc, ocp, len, long  integer  clock, integer  array  a(0:4))
      long  integer  clock
      record  (dataf) name  data
      bytes = len+12
      if  multi ocp=yes start 
         *lss_(3); *ush_-26
         *and_3; *st_ocp
         *inct_trace sema
         *jcc_8, <tgot1>
         semaloop(trace sema)
      finish  else  ocp = 0
      if  current buffer#0 start ;       !buffer available?
         address = buffers(current buffer)_virt address+buffer pointer
         data == record(address)
         data_event = event;             !log data in buffer
         data_proc = proc
         data_ocp = ocp
         data_len = len
         data_clock = clock
!         move(len,addr(a),address+12) %if len > 0
         if  len>0 start 
            address = address+12
            i = addr(a)
            *mv_ l  = dr 
         buffer pointer = buffer pointer+bytes
         page out if  buffer pointer+32>=emas page size or  trace=no
         !buffer nearly full or trace stops
         op mess("END OF TRACE X".h to s(current page-1, 3)) if  trace=no
      finish  else  events lost = events lost+1
      trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes
   end ;                                 !of routine harvest

   external  routine  combine(record  (pe) name  p)
      switch  act(page out reply:stop harvest)
      integer  buff no
      buff no = p_p1;                    !normally in p1
      if  multi ocp=yes start 
         *inct_trace sema
         *jcc_8, <tgot2>
         semaloop(trace sema)

act(page out reply):
      op mess("TRACE PAGE OUT FAILS") if  p_p2#0
      if  trace=yes start ;              !still tracing
         if  current buffer=0 start ;    !buffer urgently required
            current buffer = buff no
            buffer pointer = 0
         else ;                          !link to free list
            buffers(buff no)_link = next buffer
            next buffer = buff no
      finish  else  return buffer(buff no); !tracing has stopped
      trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes

act(start harvest):
      p = 0
      p_dserv = x'50000';                !get page
      p_sserv = combine sno!page got;    !reply here
      p_p2 = 1;                          !do not zero
      for  buff no = 1, 1, n buffs cycle 
         p_p1 = buff no
      next buffer = 0;                   !head of free list
      count = 0;                         !of buffers which have arrived
      trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes

act(page got):
      buffers(buff no)_virt address = p_p4
      buffers(buff no)_store index = p_p2
      buffers(buff no)_link = next buffer; !link in to free list
      next buffer = buff no
      count = count+1;                   !count arrivals
      if  count=nbuffs start ;           !all have arrived start harvest
         current buffer = next buffer;   !get first buffer from free list
         next buffer = buffers(current buffer)_link
         buffer pointer = 32;            !leave room for a file header
         events lost = 0
         op mess("START OF TRACE X".h to s(current page, 3))
         trace = yes
         trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes
         harvest(64, 0, 12, nbuffs, trace events, trace process, 0, 0)
         !trace starts
      trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes

act(stop harvest):
      while  next buffer#0 cycle ;       !release queued buffers
         return buffer(next buffer)
         next buffer = buffers(next buffer)_link
      trace = no
      trace sema = -1 if  multi ocp=yes
      harvest(65, 0, 4, events lost, 0, 0, 0, 0); !trace ends
   end ;                                 !of routine combine
end  of  file