!Version E6 introduces an 'unwind' facility.  As the edit session proceeds, a
!  note is taken of changes to the file, in as cryptic a manner as possible, in
!  byte integer array un.
!  The user can now give a command line in the format '->n', where n is a number
!  (default 1.  0 and * have their usual meanings).  The un array is then used
!  to unwind (or 'undo') the editing by that number of command lines.  The
!  settings of other items by use of '%' commands are not saved and thus remain
!  as they were when the '-' command was used.  This includes the macros
!  and the secondary input & output files.
!  If the command is given as '-n', then the last n command lines which changed
!  the file are unwound.
!  Simple text formatting has been added, using basic command 'A' ('Adjust') in
!  primary input mode, and %A to define parameters.  'A' in secondary input mode
!  ('Abstract') is not affected.
!  'A' formats paragraphs.  A paragraph is delimited by blank lines, or the
!  start or end of the file.  If the current position is within a paragraph when
!  'A' is obeyed, that paragraph is Adjusted.  The current position is then
!  moved to the next non-blank line, i.e. it traverses at least one blank line
!  (the paragraph terminator), and possibly more.  If the current position is on
!  a blank line when 'A' is obeyed, it merely causes a move to the next
!  non-blank line.
!  What does 'A' do? If the first line of the paragraph starts in column one,
!  then 'A' will line-fill the paragraph, using the third %A parameter ('line
!  length').  If the first line of the paragraph starts with a space character,
!  then the paragraph is line-filled as before, but with the first line indented
!  by the second %A parameter ('paragraph indent'), and the WHOLE paragraph
!  given a left margin of 'margin' spaces (the first %A parameter). Multiple
!  spaces are preserved, except at the start of lines where any spaces are
!  ignored (apart form the first line, where a space character has a special
!  significance as described above). 
!  If a line FINISHES with a space then that line is not reformatted, except
!  that initial spaces are replaced by 'margin' spaces, if applicable.  This
!  also applies to the first line of a paragraph, but it will not have
!  'paragraph indent' applied in this case.  This facility is provided as a
!  simple way of preventing tables etc. from being line-filled.
!  The %A parameters are reported by >%A  , and can be set by a command of the
!  form  >%A=a,b,c  where a, b and c are integers.  If any is omitted then the
!  corresponding parameter retains its previous value.  Thus the following
!  inputs are all valid:
!  Like the macros etc., the %A values can be saved in the
!  profile by use of %P. Their default values are 0,0,80 . 
!  Note that the second parameter, 'paragraph indent', can be negative - this is
!  useful for numbered or lettered lists where the first line sticks out to the
!  left.  The other values are set to 0 if given as negative.
!  Some tidying up of the source has also been carried out: fp becomes cp (for
!  'current position') and tfp becomes fp.  All comments are now in lower case.
!                                                               (August 1982)
!Version E5 causes Int: W, X and Y (and w, x and y) to be noted and the editing
!  to be saved in file ECCE#BACKUP (see %B in version E4).  These can occur when
!  the System is still running but has become inaccessible due to a communicat-
!  ions failure.  In addition, a warning message is output if ECCE#BACKUP is
!  found to exist at the start of the edit session.
!  It is also now possible to call other commands while editing.  The format
!  is    '! command   parameters'.  The parameters are deemed to start after
!  the first '(' in the line, or after the first space if there is no '(' in
!  the line.  Spaces between '!' and the command verb are discarded.
!  I have withdrawn the meaning of '!' on its own ('repeat indefinitely the
!  previous command line') because it was never documented and now might be
!  given inadvertently.  Various checks are made on return from the command that
!  none of the files used by ECCE has been tampered with.  The edit is aborted
!  if the work file has been changed, but this is unlikely to occur.  Note that
!  ECCE can be called.  Appropriate warning messages are output if the other
!  files have been altered.
!                                                                 (August 1982)
!Version E4 introduces %B to copy the current state of the file to ECCE#BACKUP,
!  F- to search backwards, %W (e.g.) to print out the current value of the
!  W macro, and a message whenever a file is written to.
!                                                                    (July 1982)
!Version E3 makes use of the profile facility, in which each user has his
!  own profile (held in SS#PROFILE), which for ECCE specifies the initial
!  values of %U/%L and %Q/%M/%F and the macros %W %X %Y %Z.  The first time
!  that a user calls version E3 of the program, he gets a message summarising
!  the facility.  The user can set up his profile at any time by using the new
!  command %P.  This stores the prevailing values of the above items.
!  By this means it will be possible to combine the service version of ECCE, the
!  E series (my own developments) and IMPMOD (a version of ECCE with predefined
!  macros to assist in the translation of programs from IMP to IMP80).
!  Edinner is a routine again.  The rather elaborate noting of the earliest
!  change has been discarded.  The file is written back unless there have been
!  no changes at all.
!                                                                    (May 1982)
!Version E2 improves the file handling: the input file is not immediately
!  copied to the workfile.  Instead the pointers after the hole point at the
!  input file.  It cannot of course be changed, but if the user never
!  changes the file, the hole never moves from the start and so the input
!  file is never moved to the workfile.  This represents quite a saving
!  in page write-outs.
!  In addition, edinner has been made a function.  It returns the displacement
!  from the start of the file of the first change to the file.  This value
!  can then be used in deciding how to produce the output file.  If the
!  output file is the input file, then (given certain conditions to ensure
!  that the move is correct) it is possible to copy only the changed part,
!  having connected the output file in write mode.
!                                                                 (April 1982)
!Version E1 introduces W as a macro and predefines W, X, Y and Z (see code).
! The entry points are E, S, R.
!                                                                  (April 1981)

! The following notes refer to service versions of ECCE (held in source form
! as ERCC63.PDECCE_HDEDITnS). The 'E' series (above) is derived from the
! versions below.  The 'E' versions are held in ERCC63.PDE_EnS.

!Version 24 introduces ^....^ for text marking, and @ to reference last text
!           marked.  Thus i@ inserts last text marked, at current position.
!Version 23 corrects an error in d.  Also enables '`' to be used as a delimiter.
!Version 22 corrects some errors in the moving of the hole.
!Version 21 has l and r in sin.  Also the hole can be left behind - it is
!           brought up to fp only when text is to be added or removed.  tfp
!           always points to the first character after the hole.
!Version 17 has c,%l,%u + %s=file,%o=file +pd members output + l,r in sin.
!Version 9 has %check removed.
!Version 7 includes recap.
!Version 6 allows invert in sin mode + %check.
!This version includes l (look).

!File based heavily on version 2.1 of EMAS 4/75 version of Hamish
!Dewar's compatible text editor.
! ECCE for EMAS: V 2.1 08/03/77
systemroutinespec  changefilesize(string  (31) file,
   integer  newsize, integername  flag)
externalroutinespec  prompt(string (15) s)
systemroutinespec  move(integer  bytes, from, to)
conststring (1) snl="
systemroutinespec  trim(string  (31) s, integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  psysmes(integer  root, flag)

recordformat  finf(integer  conad, filetype, datastart, dataend)
systemroutinespec  connect(string (31) s integer  a,m,p,
                       record (finf)name  r integername  f)
systemroutinespec  outfile(string (31) s integer  l,m,p,
                       integername  c,f)
systemroutinespec  newgen(string (31) s,t integername  f)
systemroutinespec  rename(string (31) s,t integername  f)
systemroutinespec  destroy(string (31) s, integername  f)
systemintegermapspec  comreg(integer  i)
systemroutinespec  setfname(string  (40) name)
systemroutinespec  sendfile(string  (31) file,
   string  (16) dev, string  (11) name,
   integer  copies, forms, integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  modpdfile(integer  ep,
   string  (31) pdfile, string  (11) memb,
   string  (31) infile, integername  flag)
externalstringfnspec  uinfs(integer  type)
externalintegerfnspec  uinfi(integer  type)
externalintegerfnspec  exist(string (31) filename)
externalroutinespec  read profile(string (11) key,
                                  name  info,
                                  integername  version, flag)
externalroutinespec  write profile(string (11) key,
                                   name  info,
                                   integername  version, flag)
routinespec  connect input(string  (255) file,
   integername  head, start, size, f)
routinespec  makeupper(stringname  s)
routinespec  sendoutput(string  (31) file, out, integername  flag)
integerfnspec  checkoutputfile(string  (31) s)
integerfnspec  check distinct(string  (31) s, t)
constbyteintegerarray  upper(0 : 255) =       c 
constbyteintegerarray  lower(0 : 255) =       c 

routine  edinner(integername  whead, wtop, wend, shead, stop, send, string (31) work, secinput)
! [wtop, wend) give the address range of the work file
! [stop, send] give the address range of the input file (by default the secondary file)
! On return, the edited file is given by [wtop,wend)+[stop,send].
constinteger  p version=4; ! Version of profiling.
constinteger  stopper=-5000;            !Loop stop
constinteger  hole min=256;             !Minimum permissible hole size.
integer  in disp;                       !Input file displacement (wrt workfile).
integername  mon;                           !Monitor indic
integer  print1, print2;                !Print indics
integer  cmax;                          !Command cell max
string  (2) prom;                       !Command prompt
integer  ci;                            !Command index
integer  ti;                            !Text index
integer  code;                          !Command code
integer  snum;                          !Search limit number
integer  codesnum;                      !Snum/code
integer  text;                          !Text string pointer
integer  num;                           !Repetition number
integer  lenx;                          !Text length
integer  len;                           !Text length (-1)
integer  lend;                          !Line end (ad)
integer  sin;                           !Secondary input ind
integername  top, end, lbeg, pp, fp, cp; ! Pointer variables to current file.
integer  mtop, mend, mlbeg, mpp, mfp, mcp; !Variables relating to main file.
integer  slbeg, spp, sfp, scp;         !Variables relating to secondary file.
integer  ms;                            !Match start (ad)
integer  ml;                            !Match limit (ad)
integer  seconad;                       !Addr of secondary output
string  (31) secoutput;                 !Secondary output file
string  (9) outwork;                    !Secondary output workfile
record (finf) r
string  (31) tempname
integer  marker;                        !For note
integer  cbase;                         !Command base (const ad)
integer  tbase;                         !Text base (const ad)
integerarray  cc(1 : 404);              !Command sequence (4*101)
byteintegerarray  tt(1 : 255);          !Text strings
byteintegerarray  attt(1:255);          !For @ string.
integer  atlend, ataddr, atlen, atbase
integer  type, ctype, pend, chain;      !Command input vars
integer  i, j, cp0, cp1, sym, k, lim, flag, margin, cline, npp
integer  showflag;                      ! = 192 if called from show
integername  mask;                          !Case bit mask for %l and %u
integer  range;                         !End pointer for text location
byteintegerarray  copytext(1 : 80);     !For case converted locate text
integer  adcopytext;                    !Address of array
byteintegerarrayformat  bform(0 : 255)
byteintegerarrayname  convert
byteintegerarrayname  stored;           !Defs of w,x,y,z (4 * 128 bytes)
integer  pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4;        !Def pointers
integer  stype, btype, mynl, dr0, dr1;  !Assembler variables
integer  accdr0, accdr1, assvar;        !More assembler variables
integername  amargin, apgap, aline
integer  oldpp, oldfp, un0, up0, up1, up; ! Unwinding variables.
byteintegerarray  un(0:4095); ! Unwind storage array.
string (50) command, parms
integer  pvsn;                          !For profile handling
recordformat  prof f(integer  mon, mask, byteintegerarray  stored(0:512),
                     integerarray  adparm(1:3))
record  (prof f) prof
systemroutinespec  reroute contingency(integer  ep, class, longinteger  mask,
                             routine  close(integer  a,b), integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  signal(integer  ep, class, subclass, integername  flag)
!Symbol types:- 0:num, 1:termin, 2:illegal, 3:quote,
!               4:f, 5: d,t,u, 6: i,s,v, 8:m,e, 10: g,k
!Bits 2**7,6=11   indicates command valid only in sin mode
!Bits 2**7,6=01   indicates command valid in both modes
!Bits 2**7,6=00   indicates command valid only in primary input mode
!Bits 2**5,4 gives % command sub-codes
constbyteintegerarray  symtype(33 : 95) =        c 
     64, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3,75,73,64, 3,76, 2, 3, 3,
   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3,64,
  3, 90,26,24, 5, 8,116,10, 2, 6,10,10,90,120,202,18,
  90,50,74,22,69,21,70, 32,32,32,32, 3,74, 3, 78, 3
!     !     #  $  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /
!  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :     <  =  >  ?
!  @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O
!  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  ¬  ]  ^  _

! Workfile:
!   |.............|      (hole)     |............................|
!    !             !                 !        !                 !
!    top           pp                fp       cp (>=fp)         end

   routine  readsym
      if  pend # 0 then  sym = pend and  pend = 0 else  start 
         while  pos4 # 0 cycle ;        !Macro expansion
            sym = stored(pos4)
            pos4 = pos4+1
            if  sym # nl then  return 
            pos4 = pos3; pos3 = pos2;  pos2 = pos1;  pos1 = 0

   routine  read item
         type = 1
         read sym until  sym # ' '
         if  sym < ' ' then  return ;   !Treat any control as nl
         sym = upper(sym);    !Ensure upper case
         if  sym>=96 then  type = symtype(sym-32) c 
               else  type = symtype(sym)
         if  type&15 # 0 then  return ; !Return unless numeric or w,x,y,z
         if  type # 32 then  exit ;     !W,x,y,z macro calls
         pos1 = pos2;  pos2 = pos3; pos3 = pos4
         pos4 = (sym-'W')<<7+1
      if  type=0 start ;              !Decimal digit
         num = sym-'0'
            read sym
            exit  unless  '0' <= sym <= '9'
            num = 10*num+sym-'0'
         pend = sym
      finish  else  start 
         type = 0;  num = 0
         num = stopper+1 if  sym = '?'
         num = stopper if  sym = '!'

   routine  iwrite(integer  a)
      if  a<0 then  printch('-') and  a = -a
      iwrite(a//10) if  a>=10
   end ; ! iwrite.

   routine  print line
   constinteger  marker = '^'
   integer  p
      print1 = lend;  print2 = pp+cp
      p = lbeg
      p = fp if  p = pp
      while  p # lend cycle 
         p = p+1
         p = fp if  p = pp
         printch(marker) if  num = 1 and  p = cp
      printstring("**end**") if  p > end

   routine  find lbeg
      lbeg = cp+1
      lbeg = lbeg-1 until  lbeg=fp or  byteinteger(lbeg-1)=nl
      if  lbeg=fp start 
         lbeg = pp+1
         lbeg = lbeg-1 until  lbeg=top or  byteinteger(lbeg-1)=nl
   end ; ! Of %routine find lbeg.

   routine  find lend(integername  err)
      integer  j
      !     lend = fp
      !     -> ok %if fp > fend %or byteinteger(fp) = nl
      !     %until byteinteger(lend) = nl %cycle
      !         lend = lend+1
      !     %repeat
      !*m* mcode locate line end
      !Increase lend until it points to nl
      err = 0
      lend = cp
      return  if  cp > end or  byteinteger(cp) = nl
      j = end-lend+1
      *lda_lend;                           !Search from lend
      *lb_mynl;                            !Load B reg with nl
      *put_x'A300';                        !SWNE
      *jcc_8,<abdn>;                       !Not found ->
      *std_dr0;                            !Store descriptor
      lend = dr1;                          !Set result
      !*e* locate
      err = 1
   end ; ! Of %routine find lend.

   routine  unchain
l1:   text = chain
      if  text # 0 start 
         chain = integer(text+4)
         integer(text+4) = ci
         -> l1 if  integer(text) # 'X'

   routine  switch to secondary file
      top == stop; end == send
      lbeg == slbeg
      pp == spp; fp == sfp; cp == scp
   end ; ! of switch to secondary file.

   routine  switch to main file
      top == mtop; end == mend
      lbeg == mlbeg
      pp == mpp; fp == mfp; cp == mcp
   end ; ! of switch to main file.

   routine  switch modes
      if  sin = 0 start ; ! Switch to secondary mode
         switch to secondary file
         sin = -1;  prom = ">>"
      finish  else  start 
         switch to main file
         sin = 0;  prom = ">"
   end ; ! Of %routine switch modes.

   ! The following routines are used in the storage of the editing, and in
   ! 'unwinding' the editing when the user requests it.

   routine  un val(integer  value, byteinteger  type)
      ! Stores a value and a type of change in the un array.  Also updates
      ! the pointer up.
      ! Format in array un is    [ [text] [padding] value type ] ...
      !   The padding is to ensure that value (a 4-byte integer) is always
      !   word aligned.  It follows that type (a byte integer) is also word
      !   aligned, and that text, if present, starts one byte after a word
      !   boundary.
      integer  p
      return  if  byteinteger(un0+up&4095)=type#255; ! Same as last one - ignore.
      up = up+8
      integer(un0+(up-4)&4095) = value
      byteinteger(un0+up&4095) = type
      return  unless  type=255; ! Start of command line.
      ! See if record of command line just completed has overwritten itself or
      ! overwritten the start of the editing record.  We have:
      !  up0 < up1 <= up
      ! where up0&4095 points to the start of the editing record
      !       up1&4095 points to the start of the command line record
      !       up0&4095 points to the last type stored
      if  up-up1>4096-8 start 
         ! Command line has overwritten itself.
         ! Correct pointers (none of the editing can be saved)
         up0 = up-8
         integer(un0+(up0-4)&4095) = 0
         byteinteger(un0+up0&4095) = 0
      finish  else  if  up-up0>4096-8 start 
         ! Start of editing record overwritten.  Throw away early command lines.
            p = up0+12
            p = p+4 while  247#byteinteger(un0+p&4095)#255
            ! Here we are scanning for a "start of command line" code.
            ! In so doing we are scanning what could be stored text, but
            ! the byte patterns being sought do not correspond to printable
            ! symbols, so should not prove a problem.  This might not be
            ! true if the technique were applied to non-printable material.
            up0 = p-8; ! New record start position (possibly).
         repeat  until  up-up0<=4096-8
         integer(un0+(up0-4)&4095) = 0
         byteinteger(un0+up0&4095) = 0
      up0 = up0&4095; up = up&4095
      up = up+4096 if  up<up0
      up1 = up; ! Points to start of new command line
      ! Now look for previous command line in array.  If no
      ! changes have occurred to the file between the two then mark
      ! the earlier one as not a stopping point.
      p = up-8
      p = p-8 while  byteinteger(un0+p&4095)=6; ! Hole movement - does not change file.
      byteinteger(un0+p&4095) = 247 if  byteinteger(un0+p&4095)=255
   end ; ! Of %routine un val.

   routine  un text(integer  from, to, save, byteinteger  type)
      integer  textp, size, i
      size = to-from
      textp = up+1; ! Pointer to text position.
      up = ((textp+size+3)>>2)<<2+4
      textp = textp&4095
      while  size#0 cycle 
         i = 4096-textp; ! Space to end of un array.
         i = size if  i>size
         move(i, from, un0+textp)
         textp = (textp+i)&4095
         size = size-i
         from = from+i
      integer(un0+(up-4)&4095) = save
      byteinteger(un0+up&4095) = type
   end ; ! Of %routine untext.

   routine  update un pointers
      ! Note: only called when in primary mode.
      if  pp#oldpp start 
         if  pp<oldpp then  un text(pp, oldpp, oldpp, 2) else  un val(oldpp, 3)
         oldpp = pp
      if  fp#oldfp+in disp start 
         if  fp>oldfp+in disp then  un text(oldfp+in disp, fp, oldfp, 4) c 
          else  un val(oldfp, 5)
         oldfp = fp-in disp
   end ; ! Of %routine update un pointers.

   routine  mark command line
      update un pointers
      unval(cp-in disp, 255)
   end ; ! Of %routine mark command line.

   routine  reval(integer  change)
      ! Restores stored file changes (held in array un).
      ! If change=0, then reaching the start of any command line causes reval to terminate.
      ! If change#0, then only file-changing command lines cause termination.
      ! Type settings:
      !        0  -   start of recording (should not occur here)
      !        1  -   unused
      !        2  -   pp change with text between two positions
      !        3  -   pp change
      !        4  -   fp change with text between two positions
      !        5  -   fp change
      !        6  -   pp (for hole movement)
      !      247  -   cp change (does not terminate reval)
      !      255  -   cp change (terminates reval)
      byteinteger  type
      integer  val, to, size, textp, i
      switch  sw(0:7)
         type = byteinteger(un0+up)
         up = (up-4)&4095
         val = integer(un0+up)
         cp = val+in disp
         up = (up-4)&4095
         exit  if  change=0 or  type=255
         pp = val
         up = (up-4)&4095
         fp = val+in disp
         up = (up-4)&4095
      sw(2): ! pp with text (pp<val)
         size = val-pp; to = pp; pp = val
         ->copy text
      sw(4): ! fp with text (val<fp)
         val = val+in disp
         size = fp-val; to = val; fp = val
      copy text:
         up = (((up-size-1)>>2)<<2)&4095
         textp = up+1
         while  size#0 cycle 
            i = 4096-textp
            i = size if  i>size
            move(i,un0+textp,to) if  wtop<=to<=wend+1
            textp = (textp+i)&4095
            to = to+i
            size = size-i
      sw(6): ! move the hole so that pp becomes val.
         if  val<pp start 
            size = pp-val
            fp = fp-size; pp = pp-size
            move(size, pp, fp+in disp) if  wtop<=fp+in disp<=wend+1
            size = val-pp
            move(size, fp+in disp, pp)
            fp = fp+size; pp = pp+size
         up = (up-4)&4095
      sw(1): ! Unused.
         printstring("**unwinding record corrupt - edit abandoned.".snl)
         monitor ; stop 
      sw(0): ! Start of editing record.
         up = (up+4)&4095
   end ; ! Of %routine rval.

   routine  unwind editing(integer  change)
      ! num (global variable) is the number of command lines to be unwound,
      ! if possible.  This corresponds to the number of cp settings to be
      ! obeyed in array un.
      ! If change=0, then reaching the start of any command line causes rval to terminate.
      ! If change#0, then only file-changing command lines cause termination of rval.
      mark command line; up = (up-8)&4095
      print1 = 0; ! So that current line will be printed out.
         reval(change); ! Rewinds editing back to the start of a command line.
         if  byteinteger(un0+up)=0 start ; ! Start of recording.
            printstring("**start of editing record**".snl)
         num = num-1
      repeat  until  num=0
      oldpp = pp
      oldfp = fp-in disp
      find lbeg
   end ; ! Of %routine unwind editing.
   ! End of routines relating to unwinding of editing.

   routine  move hole
   integer  j
      update un pointers
      atlend=0; print2 = 0
      j = cp-fp
      returnif  j=0
      lbeg = lbeg-(fp-pp) if  fp<=lbeg<=cp;    !Assumes that hole is moving to current line
      un val(pp, 6); ! Note movement of hole.
      pp = pp+j
      fp = cp
      oldpp = pp; oldfp = fp-in disp
   end ;                                !Move hole.

   routine  transfer input
      ! Transfers remainder of input file to work file.
      integer  i, j
      j = mend+1-fp; ! Amount to move.
      i = wend-(mend-fp); ! Destination.
      j = cp-fp
      fp = i
      in disp = 0; ! Used by unwinding code.
      print2 = -1 if  print2=pp+cp
      cp = fp+j unless  wtop<=cp<=wend+1
      print2 = pp+cp if  print2=-1
      lbeg = lbeg+wend-mend unless  wtop<=lbeg<=wend+1
      ! i.e. unless already referring to work file.
      print1 = -1 if  print1=lend
      lend = lend+wend-mend unless  wtop<=lend<=wend+1
      print1 = lend if  print1=-1
      mend = wend
   end ; ! Of %routine transfer input.

   routine  fail save(integer  class, subclass)
      ! Called after W, X or Y interrupt (uc or lc).  Writes editing to ECCE#BACKUP.
      integer  conad, flag, i
      reroute contingency(0, 0, 0, failsave, flag)
      ! Now write to file.
      i = mpp-mtop + mend-mfp+1 + 32; ! 32 for file header.
      destroy("ECCE#BACKUP", flag)
      outfile("ECCE#BACKUP", -i, i, 0, conad, flag)
      if  flag=0 start ; ! OK
         integer(conad) = i; ! Set file size in header.
         integer(conad+12) = 3; ! Character file.
         i = conad+32
         move(mpp-mtop,mtop,i); ! Part before hole.
         i = i+mpp-mtop
         move(mend-mfp+1,mfp,i); ! Part after hole.
      signal(3, class, subclass, flag)
   end ; ! Of %routine fail save.

   integerfn  verify file(string (31) file, integer  conad)
      record (finf) r
      integer  flag
      result  = 0 if  file="" or  conad=0
      connect(file, 0, 0, 0, r, flag)
      result  = 0 if  flag=0 and  r_conad=conad
      result  = 1
   end ; ! Of %integerfn verify file.

   routine  call(string (31) command, string (255) param, integer  name  flag)
      system  routine  spec  enter(integer  mode,dr0,dr1, string (255) param)
      system  routine  spec  findentry(string (31) entry, integer  type,dad,
         string  name  file, integer  name  dr0,dr1,flag)
      system  routine  spec  load(string (31) name, integer  type, integer  name  flag)
      system  routine  spec  unload(integer  curgla)
      system  long  integer  fn  spec  loadep(string (31) entry, integername  type,
        flag, integer  load level)
      system  integer  fn  spec  currentll
      system  routine  spec  unload2(integer  ll, failstate)
      integer  savecomreg44,dr0,dr1,type,ll,status
      longinteger  desc
      string (1) dummys
      savecomreg44 = comreg(44)
      if  uinfi(26)=0 start ; ! Old loader.
         ->err if  flag#0
         ->err if  flag#0
      finishelsestart ; ! New loader.
         ll = currentll
         type = 2; ! Code type being sought.
         desc = loadep(command, type, flag, ll)
         if  flag=0 start ; ! Successfully loaded.
            ! desc contains descriptor.
            dr0 = desc>>32
            dr1 = desc&x'000ffffffff'
            status = 0
         finishelse  status=1
      psysmes(73+showflag//192,flag) if  flag#0
   end ;                                 ! of call
   switch  vsn(0:p version)
   switch  c(0 : 14)
   switch  s('@' : '¬')
   switch  pc('A' : 'U');               !For independent % commands
   comreg(24) = 0;                      !Set return code
   stype = x'58000000';                 !String descriptor
   btype = x'18000000';                 !Byte descriptor
   mynl = 10;                           !Newline
   amargin == prof_adparm(1)
   apgap == prof_adparm(2)
   aline == prof_adparm(3)
   mon == prof_mon
   mask == prof_mask
   stored == prof_stored

   ! Now read profile info for this user.
   read profile("ECCE", prof, pvsn, i)
   pvsn = p version if  pvsn>p version
   -> vsn(pvsn)

vsn(0):  ! No profile info stored.  Set it up with basic defaults.
   mon = 0
   mask = 32
   string(addr(stored(0))) = snl
   string(addr(stored(128))) = snl
   string(addr(stored(256))) = snl
   string(addr(stored(384))) = snl
   if  i>4 start 
      printstring("Profile file cannot be accessed.  Default options assumed.".snl)

   printstring("**Additional facilities in this version of ECCE.  Please
  VIEW(SUBSYS.NEWECCE)    for details.".snl)
   amargin = 0
   apgap = 0
   aline = 80
   pvsn = pversion and  write profile("ECCE",prof,pvsn,i) if  pvsn#p version
   ! End of profile reading and analysis.

   if  mask = 0 then  convert == array(addr(lower(0)), bform) else  c 
                      convert == array(addr(upper(0)), bform)
   print1 = 0;  print2 = 0
   cmax = 0;  ms = 0;  ml = 0
   pos1 = 0;  pos2 = 0;  pos3 = 0;  pos4 = 0
   tempname = ""
   marker = 0
   secoutput = "";  outwork = ""
   num = 0
   adcopytext = addr(copytext(1))
   seconad = 0
   tbase = addr(tt(1));  cbase = addr(cc(1))
   atbase = addr(attt(1))
   attt(1) = 0; atlen = -1
   atlend = 0
   ! On entry stop and send point to the primary input file.  Thus, a) the
   ! primary input file is by default the secondary input file also, and
   ! b) we use stop and send when assigning 'm' variables to the right of the hole.
   mtop = wtop; ! mtop never changes from this value (separate vars strictly unnecessary).
   mend = send; ! Initially, "main" pointers to right of hole refer to input.
   mlbeg = mtop
   mpp = mtop
   mfp = stop
   mcp = mfp
   slbeg = stop
   spp = stop
   sfp = stop
   scp = sfp
   ! The 'm' variables refer to the main input - initially a combination of
   !   the work file and the input file.
   ! The 's' variables refer to the secondary input - by default the input
   !   file.

   switch to main file; ! This points top, lbeg, pp, etc at the 'm' variables.

   ! 'Unwinding' variables.
   un0 = addr(un(0)); integer(un0) = 0
   up0 = 4; un(up0) = 0; up1 = up0; up = up0
   in disp = send-wend; ! Displacement of input file wrt work file.  Used in unwinding.
   oldpp = pp
   oldfp = fp-in disp; ! oldfp is the last value fp would have had in the workfile.

   if  mtop=stop then  sin = -1 and  showflag = 192 else  start 
      ! When edinner is called from show, the 'main' variables and the 'secondary'
      !   variables have the same values - the input file is the 'main' file and
      !   the 'secondary' file.
      sin = 0
      showflag = 0
      if  exist("ECCE#BACKUP")#0 start 
"**Warning: When you last used ECCE, a copy of your edited file was made, either
           when you gave the command  %B  to ECCE or when the System went down.
           This is called ECCE#BACKUP.  It will be destroyed if you leave ECCE".snl)
"           by typing %C.  If you want to keep it either leave ECCE now by
           using Int:A, and rename it before using ECCE again, or rename it
           without leaving ECCE by typing:".snl.snl)
"                    >!RENAME ECCE#BACKUP,newname

           where  newname  is not the name of one of your current files.".snl)
      reroute contingency(3, 65, X'700000007'<<('W'-64), failsave, i)
      ! This causes Int: W, X or Y (or w, x or y) to be trapped.

   sym = nextch; ! Force out initial prompt.
   skipsymbol if  sym=nl
   prom = ">"
   !Find end of current line
   lend = cp
   lend = lend+1 while  lend < end and  byteinteger(lend) # nl
   ! lend now either points to nl at end of current line, or to eof.
   !Monitor current line
   -> c1 if  sym # nl
   -> c1 unless  (mon >= 0 and  print1 # lend) or  (mon > 0 c 
      and  print2 # pp+cp)
   num = 1;  print line
   !Read command line
   ci = cbase;  ti = tbase;  pend = 0;  chain = 0
   read item until  type # 1;        !(ignore nls)
   if  type = 0 start ;   ! Repetition or ! command.
      if  sym='!' start ; ! Subsystem command (probably).
         parms = uinfs(1); ->erq if  charno(parms,4)='U'; ! No students!!
         ! First read command line
         command = ""
         readsym until  sym#' '
         for  i = 1,1,50 cycle 
            exit  if  sym=nl
            command = command.tostring(sym)
         ->c1 if  command=""; ! Ignore.
         unless  command -> ("(") start 
            command = command."(".parms if  command -> command.(" ").parms
         command = command.parms while  command -> command.(" ").parms
         ! Now command contains a '(' character before the parameters, if any.
         parms = ")" unless  command -> command.("(").parms
         length(parms) = length(parms)-1 if  charno(parms,length(parms))=')'
         make upper(command); make upper(parms)
         for  i = 1,1,length(command) cycle 
            j = charno(command, i)
            ->erq unless  'A'<=j<='Z' or  (i>1 and  '0'<=j<='9')
         if  showflag=0 start 
            if  sin=-1 then  j = 1 and  switch modes else  j = 0
            transfer input unless  wtop<=fp<=wend+1; ! To avoid problems with input file.
            switch modes and  find lend(j) if  j=1
         i = integer(whead+20); ! Date last connected in write mode.
         ->c1 if  flag#0; ! Failure, so no problem with files.

         flag = verify file(work, whead); ! Workfile.
         if  flag#0 or  integer(whead+20)#i start 
            printstring("**ECCE workfile changed or destroyed - edit abandoned.".snl) if  showflag#192
            printstring("**File ".work." changed or destroyed - show abandoned.".snl) if  showflag=192
         flag = verify file(secinput, shead) unless  stop=0
         if  flag#0 start 
            printstring("**Warning: %S undefined - redefine if wanted.".snl)
            stop = 0; send = -1
            scp = stop; slbeg = stop
            spp = stop; sfp = stop
            flag = 0
         flag = verify file(outwork, seconad)
         if  flag#0 start 
            printstring("**Warning: %O workfile corrupted.  Redefine %O before use.".snl)
            seconad = 0
      finish ; ! End of !Command code.
      ->er2 if  cmax=0
      integer(cmax+8) = num
      read item;  -> er1 if  type # 1
      -> go
   if  sym = '%' start 
      read sym
      sym = upper(sym)
      code = sym
      -> er5 if  code < 'A'
      ctype = symtype(code)>>4&3
      -> c(ctype)
   if  sym='-' start ; ! Undo some editing.
      ->er2 if  sin#0; ! Only allowed in primary input mode.
      read item
      if  sym='>' then  i = 0 and  read item else  i = 1
      if  type=0 then  read item else  num = 1; ! Number read (assigned to num).
      ->er2 unless  type=1; ! Should be a separator.
      ! Thus ->3 causes last 3 command lines to be unwound,
      !  and -3  causes last 3 'changing' command lines to be unwound.
      unwind editing(i)
   ctype = type&15;  -> er2 if  ctype < 4
   -> er0 if  (¬sin!!type)&192 = 0
   code = sym;                          !Command letter
   text = 0;  num = 1;  len = 0;        !Default values
   read item;                           ! next item known
   -> c(ctype)
c(4):                                   !find
   if  sym='-' start ; ! F-
      code = 'Q'
      read item
   num = 0 unless  type = 0;            ! Default search range for f or f- is whole file.
c(5):                                   !+del,trav,uncover
   code = num<<7+code;  num = 1
   read item if  type = 0
c(6):                                   !+insert,subst,verify
   -> er4 if  type # 3
   if  sym='@' start 
      text = atbase
      len = atlen
      -> c81
   text = ti
   i = sym
      read sym
      exit  if  sym = i
      if  sym = nl then  pend = nl and  exit 
      -> er6 if  ti-tbase = 255
      byteinteger(ti) = sym;  ti = ti+1
   len = ti-text-1;                     !length - 1
   -> c81
c(8):                                   !move, erase, case
   -> c90 unless  sym = '-'
   if  code = 'C' then  code = 'H' else  code = code+10
                                        ! 'c' to 'h', 'e' to 'o', 'm' to 'w'.
   read item
   -> c91
c(9):                                   !Close bracket
   unchain;  -> er3 if  text = 0
   ! unchain makes text point at the corresponding open bracket
   ! and gives ',' and '(' the address of this ')' instruction.
   code = 'Z';  integer(text+8) = num
c(10):                                  !get, kill, n, a, etc.
   -> er1 if  type = 3; ! No text string permitted.
   read item if  type = 0
   -> put
c(14):                                  ! ^ (@ string marker).
   code = '@'
   -> put;                              ! no repetition allowed.
c(11):                                  !open bracket
   code = 'X'
   -> c95
c(12):                                  !comma
   code = 'Y'
   read item if  type = 1;              !Ignore following nl
   ! Chain set to current command address and later integer(ci+4) set to text -
   ! the previous chain value.  (ci+4) is set to the corresponding ')' instruction
   ! address (by unchain).
   text = chain;  chain = ci
   num = 0
   integer(ci) = code;  integer(ci+4) = text
   integer(ci+8) = num;  integer(ci+12) = len
   ci = ci+16;  -> er6 if  ci-cbase > 1600
   -> c2 unless  type = 1
   unchain;  -> er3 if  text # 0
   cmax = ci
   integer(ci) = 'Z';  integer(ci+4) = cbase-16;  ! "Global" brackets.
   integer(ci+8) = 1;  integer(ci+12) = 0
   -> go
   if  showflag = 0 then  printstring("Secondary input") c 
      else  printstring("Show")
   -> er2
   printch(' ')
   code = sym
   -> er5
   -> erq
   printstring("Text for")
   printch(' ')
   printch('F') and  code = '-' if  code&127='Q'
   -> erq
   cmax = 0 if  ci # cbase
   sym = pend if  pend # 0
   -> c1 if  sym = nl;  read sym
   -> skp
   !Execute command line
   mark command line if  sin=0; ! For unwinding
   ci = cbase-16
   ci = ci+16
   codesnum = integer(ci);  text = integer(ci+4)
   num = integer(ci+8);  len = integer(ci+12)
   code = codesnum&127
   -> s(code)
   find lend(i)
   -> abdn if  i#0
   num = num-1
   -> get if  num = 0 or  num = stopper
   -> s(code)
s(92):                                  !invert
   -> get if  num <= 0
   ci = ci+16
   -> get if  integer(ci) = 92;         ! I.e. if next code is inversion.
   while  integer(ci)&127 <= 'X' cycle ;! Skipping for ',' ')' or '¬'
      ci = integer(ci+4) if  integer(ci) = 'X';   ! Skip past corresponding ')' if a '('
      ci = ci+16
   num = integer(ci+8)
   -> no unless  ci = cmax;             ! Test for inversion or keep skipping if not the end of the command string
   -> c0 if  num <= 0
   ! Failure does not matter in this case.  Or could be alternative execution (comma).
   !Execution error
   printstring("Failure: ")
   if  code='O' or  code='W' or  code='H' or  code='Q' start 
      if  code='H' then  code = 'C' else  if  code='Q' then  c 
        code = 'F' else  code = code-10
      printch(code);  code = '-'
   if  text # 0 start 
      while  len >= 0 cycle 
         text = text+1;  len = len-1
   print1 = 0
   read ch(sym) while  sym # nl;        ! Throw away other command strings on current line
   -> c0
   !Individual commands
s('X'):                                 !open bracket
   integer(text+8) = num;               ! Sets the repetition count at the corresponding close bracket
   -> get
s('Z'):                                 !Close bracket
   num = num-1
   if  num = 0 or  num = stopper start 
      -> get unless  ci = cmax
      -> c0
   integer(ci+8) = num
   ci = text
   -> get
s('Y'):                                 !comma
   ci = text-16
   -> get
s('R'):                                 !right-shift
   if  num<=0 then  cp = lend else  cp = cp+num
   cp = lend and  ->no if  cp>lend
   -> get
s('L'):                                 !left-shift
   -> no if  lbeg=cp or  (fp=cp and  lbeg=pp)
   if  cp = fp start 
      transfer input unless  wtop<=fp<=wend+1 and  sin=0
      fp = fp-1;  pp = pp-1
      byteinteger(fp) = byteinteger(pp)
      cp = lbeg+1 and  num = 1 if  num=0 and  fp<=lbeg<cp
   cp = cp-1
   ms = 0
   -> ok
s('@'):                                 ! @ string marker.
   if  atlend # lend start ; !New string being marked.
   finishelsestart ; !Second marker - string now defined.
      if  i>0 then  j=ataddr else  j=cp and  i=-i
      code='^' and  -> no if  i>255; ! String too long.
      while  j<k cycle 
         byteinteger(atbase+i) = byteinteger(j)
         i=i+1; j=j+1
      ! Now scan command string array for @ references.
      j = cbase
      while  j<cmax cycle 
         integer(j+12)=atlen if  integer(j+4)=atbase
   -> ok
s('E'):                                 !erase
   move hole
   if  num<=0 then  cp = lend elsestart 
      cp = cp+num
      cp = lend and  fp = cp and  ->no if  cp>lend
   fp = cp
   -> get
s('O'):                                 !erase back
   move hole
   pp = lbeg and  -> get if  num<=0
   pp = pp-num
   -> get if  pp>=lbeg
   pp = lbeg; -> no
s('C'):                                 !case invert
   move hole
      exit  if  cp=lend
      if  'A'<=byteinteger(cp)&x'DF'<='Z' then  c 
       byteinteger(pp) = byteinteger(cp)!!32 else  c 
       byteinteger(pp) = byteinteger(cp)
      pp = pp+1; fp = fp+1; cp = cp+1
      num = num-1
   repeat  until  num=0 or  num=stopper
s('H'):                                 !case invert backwards
   transfer input unless  wtop<=fp<=wend+1
   move hole
      exit  if  pp=lbeg
      cp = cp-1; fp = fp-1;  pp = pp-1
      if  'A' <= byteinteger(pp)&x'DF' <= 'Z' then  c 
       byteinteger(cp) = byteinteger(pp)!!32 else  c 
       byteinteger(cp) = byteinteger(pp)
      num = num-1
   repeat  until  num=0 or  num=stopper
   ms = 0
   -> no
s('V'):                                 !verify
   !*i* verify
   i = cp; k = cp+len+1
   j = text
   while  i<k and  convert(byteinteger(i))=convert(byteinteger(j)) cycle 
      i = i+1; j = j+1
   ->no if  i<k
   ms = cp
   ml = i
   -> get;                              !No repetition count on v
s('D'):                                 !delete
s('T'):                                 !traverse
   j = 0
   -> f0
s('U'):                                 !uncover
   move hole
s('F'):                                 !find
   j = ms


   !*    NOTES:

   !*     ms:   address of string just located
   !*     ml:   address of byte after located string
   !*      j:   saved value of ms, or 0 to show that ms does not apply
   !*    cp0:   saved value of cp
   !*    cp1:   cp0, or last nl before current cp

f0:                                     !Save values, and find range of search
   ms = cp and  ml = cp and  -> ok if  len<0
   snum = codesnum>>7;                  !Line range count
   k = mask<<8!byteinteger(text);       !First char case masked
   cp1 = cp;                            !Last nl before cp
   cp0 = cp;                            !Save cp
   cp = cp+1 if  cp = j;                !Dont find same twice
   dr1 = end+1;                        !In case of unlimited search
   i = cp
   while  snum > 0 and  i <= end cycle ;    !Count nls to get range of search
      j = end-i+1;                     !Limit of search for nls
      *ldb_j;                           !Length
      *lda_i;                           !Start
      *lb_mynl;                         !Find nl
      *swne_l =dr 
      *jcc_8,<abdn>;                    !Fatal error
      i = dr1+1;                        !nl found
      snum = snum-1;                    !Decrement count
   range = dr1-1
   !* Convert text to upper case?
   lenx = len+1;                        !Text length
   if  mask > 0 then  start ;           !Convert required
      *ldtb_btype;                      !First move it
      *ldb_lenx;                        !Length
      *lda_text;                        !From
      *lda_adcopytext;                  !To
      *mv_l =dr 
      dr0 = x'58000000'!LENX;           !Now convert
      dr1 = adcopytext
      accdr0 = x'18000100'
      accdr1 = addr(convert(0))
      *ttr_l =dr 
      text = adcopytext
   until  cp > range cycle ;            !Find first char
      i = range-cp-lenx+2;              !Length of search
      if  i > 0 then  start 
         assvar = cp
         *ldb_i;                        !Length
         *lda_assvar;                   !Start
         *lb_k;                         !Required char
         *swne_l =dr 
         *jcc_4,<f83>;                  !Found ->
      cp = range+1;                     !Set to bottom
f83:                                    !Char found: now compare with text
      *std_dr0;                         !Store desc
      cp = dr1
      cycle  i = 0,1,len
         if  byteinteger(text+i) # convert(byteinteger(cp+i)) c 
            then  -> f85
f85:                                    ! match fails
      cp = cp+1
   !* Search complete
   i = cp+lenx;                         !Match end pointer
   cp1 = cp;                            !Reset cp1
   cp1 = cp1-1 while  cp1 # cp0 and  byteinteger(cp1-1) # nl
   if  cp > range start ;               !Failure in complete range
      lend = cp
      cp = cp1
      if  code = 'U' start 
         fp = cp
         lbeg = pp if  cp1 > end
      finish  else  start 
         lbeg = cp1 if  cp1 # cp0
      -> no
   !* Match successful - reset pointers
   ms = cp
   ml = i
   lbeg = cp1 if  cp1 # cp0 and  code # 'U'
   move hole if  code = 'D'
   cp = ml if  code = 'T' or  code = 'D'
   fp = cp if  code = 'U' or  code = 'D'
   -> ok if  cp1 = cp0
   -> lok
s('S'):                                 !substitute
   -> no if  cp # ms
   move hole
   cp = ml;  fp = ml
s('I'):                                 !+insert
   -> ok if  len < 0
   move hole
   -> no if  pp-lbeg > 160 or  cp > end
   !*m* insert
   assvar = pp
   lenx = len+1
   *lda_text;                           !From
   *lda_assvar;                         !To
   *put_x'B300';                        !Move
   pp = pp+lenx
   -> ok unless  pp<=cp<=pp+hole min
   -> abdn

s('Q'):                                  !find-
   ms = cp and  ml = cp and  ->ok if  len<0
   cp1 = cp
   snum = codesnum>>7; ! No of newlines max to traverse.
   k = convert(byteinteger(text)); ! First byte of string.
   lim = fp; ! cp must be >= lim.

   cycle ; ! scans back from current position.
      cp = cp-1
      if  cp<lim start 
         i = 0 and  exit  if  lim=top; ! Failure.
         lim = top; cp = pp
      j = convert(byteinteger(cp))
      if  j=nl start 
         snum = snum-1
         i = 0 and  exit  if  snum=0; ! Out of range - failure.
         cp1 = cp; ! Marks the latest nl encountered.
      finishelseif  j=k start ; ! Found first char of string.
         cp0 = cp; i = 1
         for  j=1,1,len cycle 
            cp = cp+1; cp = fp if  cp=pp
            i = 0 and  exit  unless  convert(byteinteger(text+j)) = c 
         exit  if  i = 1; ! Text found.
         cp = cp0; ! Failure - reset cp.
   ! Move hole and reset pointers as necessary.
   if  i=1 start ; ! Success.
      cp = cp0; ! Start of located string
      if  byteinteger(cp1)=nl and  cp1#lend start ; ! Moved to an earlier line.
         lend = cp1
         ! Find lbeg
         j = cp
            j = pp if  j=fp
            lbeg = j
            j = j-1
         repeat  until  lbeg=top or  byteinteger(j)=nl
   finishelsestart ; ! Failure.
      if  byteinteger(cp1)=nl and  cp1#lend start 
         cp = cp+1; lbeg = cp; lend = cp1
      finishelse  cp = cp1; ! Same line - pointer does not change.
   ! Now move text around as necessary.
   unless  fp<=cp<=end+1 start ; ! Need to move hole.
      transfer input unless  wtop<=fp<=wend+1; ! Can only be primary file here.
      j = pp-cp
      un val(pp, 6); ! Flag hole movement for unwinding.
      pp = pp-j; fp = fp-j
      cp = fp
      oldpp = pp
      oldfp = fp-in disp
      lend = lend+cp-pp if  lend<cp
   if  i=1 start ; ! Success
      ms = cp; ml = cp+len+1
   ms = 0
s('G'):                                 !get (line from tt)
   cp = lbeg if  fp<lbeg<cp
   move hole
   read ch(k)
   -> no if  k = ':'
   transfer input unless  wtop<=fp<=wend+1 or  pp=lbeg
   while  pp # lbeg cycle 
      fp = fp-1;  cp = cp-1;  pp = pp-1
      byteinteger(cp) = byteinteger(pp)
   while  k # nl cycle 
      byteinteger(pp) = k;  pp = pp+1
      read ch(k)
s('B'):                                 !+break
   move hole
   byteinteger(pp) = nl;  pp = pp+1
   lbeg = pp
   -> i1
s('P'):                                 !print
   print line
   -> ok if  num = 1
s('M'):                                 !move
   -> no if  cp > end
   lend = end and  num = 1 if  num = 0 and  code = 'M';  ! M*
   cp = lend+1
   lbeg = cp
   -> lok
s('K'):                                 !kill
   ->no if  cp>end
   move hole
   pp = lbeg
   ! Move current position to start of appropriate line, and delete
   ! all lines traversed.
   if  num=1 then  num=0 and  cp = lend+1 else  c 
   if  num<=0 then  cp = end+1 elsestart 
      i = cp
      while  num>0 and  i<=end cycle 
         j = end-i+1; !Limit of search for nls
         *ldb_j; !Length
         *lda_i; !Start
         *lb_mynl; !Find nl
         *swne_l =dr 
         *jcc_8,<abdn>; !Fatal error
         i = dr1+1; !nl found
         num = num-1; !Decrement count
      cp = i
   fp = cp
   num = 1 and  ->lok unless  cp>end
   ! Failure here if num>0
   lend = cp
s('J'):                                 !join
   -> no if  lend >= end
   cp = lend
   move hole
   -> no if  pp-lbeg > 120
   cp = lend+1; fp = cp
   -> lok
s('W'):                                 !move back
   ms = 0
   !*i* move back
   -> no if  lbeg = top
   print1 = 0
   if  num = 0 start ;                  !m-*
      num = 1
      lbeg = top+1
      cp = fp
   finish  else  if  fp<lbeg<=cp start 
      ! Start of current line is to right of hole.
      ! Note that lbeg is never equal to fp.
      lend = lbeg-1
      lbeg = lbeg-1 until  lbeg = fp or  byteinteger(lbeg-1) = nl
      cp = lbeg
      -> ok unless  lbeg = fp
      ! If lbeg=fp then start of previous line is to left of hole (or =pp).
      ! Note that cp=fp here.
      lbeg = pp+1
   finish  else  cp = fp
   lbeg = lbeg-1 until  lbeg = top or  byteinteger(lbeg-1) = nl
   if  pp>lbeg start ; ! Note: can only be in primary file.
      transfer input unless  in disp=0
      update un pointers
      j = pp-lbeg
      un val(pp, 6); ! Flag hole movement for unwinding.
      pp = pp-j
      cp = cp-j
      fp = cp
      oldpp = pp
      oldfp = fp-in disp
   -> lok
s('N'):                                 !note
   marker = cp
   -> ok
s('A'):                                 !adjust or abstract
   if  sin=0 start ; ! Adjust
      cp = lbeg if  fp<lbeg<cp
      move hole
      transfer input unless  lbeg=pp or  in disp=0
      while  pp#lbeg cycle 
         fp = fp-1; pp = pp-1; cp = cp-1
         byteinteger(fp) = byteinteger(pp)
      ! Now have hole just before line, lbeg=pp, cp=fp.
      cycle ; ! num
         ->no if  cp>end
         margin = -1
         cycle ; ! Input line
            exit  if  fp=lend; ! Blank line.
            if  margin=-1 start ; ! Look for first line of para.
               i = lbeg-1
               i = i-1 while  i>top and  (byteinteger(i)#nl or  byteinteger(i-1)#nl)
               i = i+1 unless  i=top; ! i points to lbeg of first line.
               if  i<lbeg start ; ! Move back to first line.
                  transfer input unless  in disp=0
                  unval(pp,6); ! For unwinding.
                  j = pp-i; fp = fp-j; pp=i
                  oldpp = pp; oldfp = fp-in disp
                  lbeg = i
                  cp = fp
                  find lend(i)
                  ->abdn if  i#0
               if  byteinteger(fp)=' ' start ; ! Margin to be indented.
                  margin = amargin
                  i = margin+apgap; i = 0 if  i<0
                  margin = 0
                  i = 0
               ! Now output left margin for first line.
               cline = i
               npp = pp
               byteinteger(npp) = ' ' and  npp = npp+1 and  i = i-1 while  i>0
            finish ; ! Of paragraph initialisation.
            fp = fp+1 while  byteinteger(fp)=' '; ! Skip over left margin
            fp = fp-1 if  fp=lend
            ! Note that a line of spaces does not terminate a paragraph.
            if  byteinteger(lend-1)=' ' start 
               ! Do not format this line.
               if  pp>top and  byteinteger(pp-1)#nl start 
                  byteinteger(pp) = nl
                  pp = pp+1
                  lbeg = pp
               i = margin
               byteinteger(pp) = ' ' and  pp = pp+1 and  i = i-1 while  i>0
               byteinteger(pp) = byteinteger(fp) and  pp = pp+1 and  c 
                fp = fp+1 until  fp=lend
               cline = aline; ! To force a line.
            ! Now output this input line.
            while  fp#lend cycle 
               if  byteinteger(fp)#' ' start ; ! Start of a word.
                  j = 1
                  j = j+1 while  fp+j<lend and  byteinteger(fp+j)#' '
                  if  cline+j>aline start 
                     ! Word does not fit on line.  Take a new line.
                     byteinteger(pp) = nl; pp = pp+1
                     lbeg = pp
                     i = margin; ! Initial spaces
                     cline = margin
                     npp = pp
                     byteinteger(npp) = ' ' and  npp = npp+1 and  i=i-1 while  i>0
                  ! Now place word.
                  cline = cline+j
                  j = fp+j
                  pp = npp
                  byteinteger(pp) = byteinteger(fp) and  pp = pp+1 and  c 
                   fp = fp+1 until  fp=j
                  npp = pp
               finishelsestart ; ! Space character.
                  j = 1
                  j = j+1 while  byteinteger(fp+j)=' '
                  fp = fp+j
                  cline = cline+j
                  npp = pp
                  byteinteger(npp) = ' ' and  npp = npp+1 and  j = j-1 while  j>0
            ! Now move to next input line.
            fp = lend+1; cp = fp
            find lend(i)
            -> abdn if  i#0
            exit  if  cp=lend
            ! exit if input line just dealt with was last of paragraph.
            if  pp>lbeg and  byteinteger(pp-1)#' ' start 
               npp = pp
               byteinteger(npp) = ' '; npp = npp+1
               cline = cline+1
         repeat ; ! Input line
         ! Now find a non-blank line
            byteinteger(pp) = nl; pp = pp+1; lbeg = pp
            exit  unless  fp=lend<=end
            fp = lend+1; cp = fp
            find lend(i)
            ->abdn if  i#0
         num = num-1
      repeat  until  num=0 or  num=stopper
   ! Abstract
   if  showflag > seconad then  -> no;  !Require %o= in SHOW
   -> no unless  top <= marker <= cp
   len = cp-marker; ! Size of extract.
   if  seconad = 0 then  start ;        !Merge with primary
      switch to main file
      ->abdn if  (pp-top) + (end-fp) + len + hole min > wend-wtop
      ! I.e. give up if < hole min bytes of spare space left
      move hole
      pp = pp+len; lbeg = pp
      switch to secondary file
      -> ok
   i = integer(seconad)+len;              !Add to secondary output
   if  i > integer(seconad+8) then  start ;  !Too small
      if  k # 0 then  start 
         if  k # 0 then  psysmes(45,k) and  -> er7
                                        !Extend fails
         seconad = r_conad
      integer(seconad+8) = ((i+4095)>>12)<<12;    !Round up
   k = seconad+integer(seconad)
   integer(seconad) = i
   -> ok

!Special commands
c(3):                                   !%f, %m, %q
   mon = 'M'-code
   -> c1
c(2):                                   ! %w, %x, %y, %z macro definitions
   read item
   j = (code-'W')<<7
   printstring(string(addr(stored(j)))) and  ->c1 if  sym=nl
   -> er1 if  sym # '='
   i = j+1
      read sym
      stored(i) = sym
      byteinteger(addr(stored(j))) = i-j and  ->c1 if  sym=nl
      i = i+1
      -> er6 if  i&127=0
   printstring("Line or file too big.".snl)
   comreg(24) = 4
   -> pc('C')
c(1):                                   !more % commands -  l, u, s, c
   read item
   ->er1 if  sym#'=' and  type#1
   -> pc(code)
pc('A'):                                 !Set or report 'Adjust' pointers.
   if  sym#'=' start 
      ! Print out current setting of parameters.
      printstring("Margin "); iwrite(amargin)
      printstring(snl."Paragraph indent "); iwrite(apgap)
      printstring(snl."Line length "); iwrite(aline)
      -> c1
   ! Set adjust params.
   for  i=1,1,3 cycle 
      read item
      if  sym='-' then  j = -1 and  read item else  j = 1
      prof_adparm(i) = j*num and  read item if  type=0
      exit  unless  sym=','
   amargin = 0 if  amargin<0
   aline = 0 if  aline<0
   ->c1 if  type=1
pc('B'):                                !Back up file
   ->er0 unless  showflag=0
   i = mpp-mtop + mend-mfp+1 + 32; ! 32 for file header.
   outfile("ECCE#BACKUP", -i, i, 0, j, k)
   if  k#0 start 
      printstring("Not enough workfile space.  %C recommended.".snl)
      -> er7
   integer(j) = i; ! Set file size in header.
   integer(j+12) = 3; ! Character file.
   j = j+32
   move(mpp-mtop,mtop,j); ! Part before hole.
   j = J+mpp-mtop
   move(mend-mfp+1,mfp,j); ! Part after hole.
   printstring("File ECCE#BACKUP written to.".snl)
   -> c1
pc('L'):                                !lower mode
   mask = 0
   convert == array(addr(lower(0)),bform)
   -> c1
pc('U'):                                !upper mode
   mask = 32
   convert == array(addr(upper(0)),bform)
   -> c1
pc('S'):                                !switch input
   if  showflag > 0 then  -> c(0)
   mark command line if  sin=0
   cmax = 0; ! Prevents command line repetition, after mode switch.
   if  sym = '=' then  start ;          !New sec input
      tempname = ""
      cycle  i = 1,1,31
         read sym until  sym # ' '
         unless  nl # sym # ';' then  exit 
         tempname = tempname.tostring(sym)
      i = check distinct(tempname,secoutput)
      if  i # 0 then  psysmes(8,i) and  -> er7;   !Inconsistent file use
      connect input(tempname,j,k,len,i)
      if  i # 0 then  psysmes(8,i) and  -> er7;   !Connect fails
      secinput = tempname
      stop = k
      send = stop+len-1
      send = send-1 while  send >= stop c 
         and  byteinteger(send) # nl
      scp = stop; slbeg = stop
      spp = stop; sfp = stop
      switch modes if  sin=0
   finish  else  switch modes
   -> set
pc('O'):                                !secondary output
   if  seconad # 0 then  start ;        !Dispatch file
      if  charno(secoutput,1) = '.' c 
         then  sendfile(outwork,secoutput,"EOUTPUT",0,0,i) c 
         else  sendoutput(outwork,secoutput,i)
      if  i # 0 then  psysmes(6,i)
      seconad = 0
   secoutput = ""
   if  sym # '=' then  -> c1;           !No param
   tempname = ""
   cycle  i = 1,1,31
      readsym until  sym # ' '
      unless  nl # sym # ';' then  exit 
      tempname = tempname.tostring(sym)
   if  charno(tempname,1) # '.' then  start 
      i = check distinct(tempname,secinput)
      if  i = 0 then  i = checkoutputfile(tempname)
      if  i # 0 then  psysmes(10,i) and  -> er7
   i = '0'
   i = i+1 while  exist("T#ESOUT".tostring(i))#0
   i = '0' if  i>'4'
   outwork = "T#ESOUT".tostring(i)
   if  i # 0 then  psysmes(10,i) and  seconad = 0 and  -> er7
                                        !Create fails
   secoutput = tempname
   integer(seconad+12) = 3;             !Character file
   -> c1
pc('P'):                                !profile (i.e. set it)
   write profile("ECCE",prof,pvsn,i)
   -> c1
pc('C'):                                !close
   if  seconad # 0 then  start ;        !Dispatch file
      if  charno(secoutput,1) = '.' c 
         then  sendfile(outwork,secoutput,"EOUTPUT",0,0,i) c 
         else  sendoutput(outwork,secoutput,i)
      if  i # 0 then  psysmes(6,i)
   if  showflag = 0 start 
      if  sin=-1 start 
         switch to main file
         sin = 0
      ! Set parms.
      wtop = top; wend = pp; stop = fp; send = end
end ;                                   ! of edinner

integerfn  checkoutputfile(string  (31) s)
record  (finf)r
string  (31) member, user
integer  flag, i, j
   if  s -> user.(".").s and  user # uinfs(1) c 
      then  setfname(s) and  result  = 258
   unless  s -> s.("_").member then  member = ""
   if  member # "" then  start 
      if  r_filetype # 6 then  result  = 286;  !Not a pd file
      ! PD file must exist.
      if  flag = 0 then  start ; ! OK - it does exist
         if  1 <= length(member) <= 11 then  start 
            cycle  i = 1,1,length(member)
               j = charno(member,i)
               unless  'A' <= upper(j) <= 'Z' c 
                  or  (i>1 and  '0' <= j <= '9') then  result  = 270
            ! See whether member exists
            flag = -exist(s."_".member); ! If member exists, set flag to -1.
         finish  else  flag = 270;   !Invalid membername
   finish  else  start ; ! PD file member not specified.
      if  flag = 0 and  r_filetype = 6 then  flag = 310; ! Not allowed to overwrite a PD file.
      flag = -1 if  flag=0; ! May need to issue warning later - output exists.
      flag = 0 if  flag = 218;    !Need not exist
   result  = flag
end ;                                   !Of check output file

integerfn  checkdistinct(string  (31) s, t)
string  (31) member
   if  s -> s.("_").member then  start 
   if  t -> t.("_").member then  start 
   if  s = t then  result  = 266;       !Inconsistent file use
   result  = 0
end ;                                   !Of check distinct

routine  makeupper(stringname  s)
integer  dr0, dr1, accdr0, accdr1
   dr0 = x'58000000'!length(s)
   dr1 = addr(s)+1
   accdr0 = x'18000100'
   accdr1 = addr(upper(0))
   *ttr_l =dr 
end ;                                   !Of makeupper

routine  sendoutput(string  (31) file, out, integername  f)
string  (31) s1, s2
   if  f # 0 start 
      printstring("Unable to trim workfile ".file." - Ecce fails.".snl)
   if  out -> s1.("_").s2 then  start 
      modpdfile(2,s1,s2,"",f);          !Destroy first
      if  f#0 start 
         printstring("Unable to write to pdfile ".s1.snl)
         if  f#0 then  rename(file,"ECCE#BACKUP",f)
         if  f=0 then  printstring("Edited text left in file ECCE#BACKUP.".snl)
         f = 1; ! To prevent ECCE#BACKUP from being deleted!
      finish  else  destroy(file,f) and  f=0
   finish  else  start 
      if  f # 0 then  rename(file,out,f)
   printstring("File ".out." written to.".snl) if  f=0
end ;                                   !Of send output

routine  connect input(string (255) file, integername  conad,start,size,f)
record (finf) r
conad = 0; start = 0;  size = 0;  f = 0
unless  1 <= length(file) <= 31 then  f = 220 and  return 
if  file # ".N" and  file # ".NULL" start 
   connect(file,0,0,0,r,f);             !Any mode,any size,no protect
   if  f # 0 then  return 
   if  r_filetype = 3 start 
      conad = r_conad
      start = r_conad+r_datastart
      size = r_dataend-r_datastart
   finish  else  start 
      f = 267;                          !Invalid filetype
end ;                                   !Of connect input

externalroutine  ecce(string  (255) in)
   integer  workhead, worktop, workend, inhead, intop, inend, oinend
   integer  insize, worksize, holesize
   integer  f, j
   string  (255) out
   string (8) work

   !Start: decompose and vet params
   if  in -> in.("/").out then  in = in.",".out
   unless  in -> in.(",").out then  out = in
   if  out -> in.(",").out then  -> er1
   if  in = "" or  in = ".N" then  in = ".NULL"
   makeupper(out);                      !In case of ".NULL"
   unless  out = ".N" or  out = ".NULL" then  start 
      f = checkoutputfile(out)
      if  f > 0 then  -> er
      if  f=-1 and  in#out start 
         ! f is -1 if output file exists.
         printstring("**Warning: overwriting file ".out.".  If you do not want".snl)
         printstring("to lose current contents, use Int:A now to get out of ECCE.".snl)

   !Setup files
   connect input(in,inhead,intop,insize,f)
   -> er if  f # 0
   work = "T#ETEMP"
   f = 1
   for  j= '0',1,'4' cycle 
      f = 0 and  exit  if  exist(work.tostring(j))=0
   j = '0' if  f=1
   work = work.tostring(j)
   holesize = 262144; ! 1/4 meg hole.
      worksize = insize + holesize
      exit  if  f=0
      ->er if  holesize = 4096; ! 4K - minimum reasonable.
      holesize = holesize>>1
   if  inhead#0 and  integer(inhead+4)>32 start 
      ! Copy last part of unusual input file header
      integer(workhead+4) = integer(inhead+4)
   integer(workhead+8) = worksize; worksize = worksize-integer(workhead+4)
   integer(workhead+12) = 3; ! Type=character
   worktop = workhead+integer(workhead+4)
   workend = worktop+worksize-2*integer(workhead+4)

   inend = intop+insize-1
   inend = inend-1 and  insize = insize-1 while  inend>=intop and  byteinteger(inend)#nl
   oinend = inend

   edinner(workhead, worktop, workend, inhead, intop, inend, work, in)
   ! Edited file: [worktop,workend) + [intop,inend]
   worksize = workend-worktop + inend+1-intop
   if  out=".NULL" or  (in=out and  insize=worksize and  inend=oinend and  c 
    worktop=workend) then  f = 0 elsestart 
      ! File must be written back.
      j = inend-intop+1
      integer(workhead) = worksize+integer(workhead+4)
   destroy("ECCE#BACKUP",f) if  f=0 and  out#"ECCE#BACKUP"
   print string( c 
      " Form is E(old) or E(old,new) or E(,new)".snl)
   comreg(24) = 8
   comreg(24) = f;                      !Set return code
   psysmes(73,f) if  f > 0
end ;                                   !Of e

externalroutine  show(string  (255) in)
integer  intop, inend, inhead, insize, f
   if  in = "" then  in = "T#LIST";     !Use compiler default listing file if none specified
   connect input(in,inhead,intop,insize,f)
   -> er if  f # 0
   if  intop = 0 then  f = 220 and  -> er; !No ".N"
   inend = intop+insize-1
   inend = inend-1 while  inend>=intop and  byteinteger(inend)#nl
   edinner(inhead, intop, inend, inhead, intop, inend, in, "")
   comreg(24) = f;                      !Set return code
   psysmes(74,f) if  f > 0
end ;                                   !Of show

externalroutine  recap(string  (255) in)
systemroutinespec  get journal(stringname  file, integername  flag)
string  (31) file
integer  flag
   if  in = "" then  start 
      get journal(file,flag)
      if  flag = 0 then  show(file)
   finish  else  flag = 215;            !Too many params
   if  flag > 0 then  psysmes(75,flag)
   comreg(24) = flag;                   !Set return code
end ;                                   !Of recap