!TITLE Subsystem maintenance utilities
!  This package is a collection of utility commands which are primarily
!   intended for supporting and maintaining the Edinburgh Subsystem.
! Subjects covered are:
!      1    Updating members of pdfiles
!      2    Messages of the day
!      3    Altering the ALERT time
!      4    Subsystem basefiles
!      5    Subsystem option files
!      6    Checking partitioned files
!*                   Subsystem maintenance utilities
!*      Copyright (C) R.D. Eager   University of Kent   MCMLXXXIII
!*          Constants
constantinteger  no = 0, yes = 1
constantinteger  exclude data entries = yes
constantinteger  background = 0, foreground = 1, both = 2
constantinteger  ssobjfiletype = 1
constantinteger  sscharfiletype = 3
constantinteger  ssoptfiletype = 9
constantinteger  alertsize = 27;        ! Size of 'alert' part of message of the day
constantinteger  segsize = x'00040000'
constantinteger  abasefile = x'00800000'
                                        ! Address of basefile when loaded
constantinteger  abaseobj = x'00800020';! Address of basefile object when loaded
constantbyteinteger  em = 25;           ! End of file character
constantstring (1) snl = "
constantstring (6) owner = "SUBSYS"
constantstring (11) defaultpd = "SYSTEM"
                                        ! For UPDATEPD command
constantstring (11) defaultactivedir = "SS#DIR"
constantstring (10) tempdir = "T#TEMPDIR"
constantstring (11)array  messagefile(background:both) = c 
constantstring (8)array  opname(background:both) = c 
constantstring (8) saname = "SETALERT"
constantstring (10)array  bkeys(1:2) = "BRACKETS","NOBRACKETS"
constantbyteintegerarray  bvalues(1:2) = 1,2
constantstring (8)array  ekeys(1:3) = "NOECHO","PARTECHO","FULLECHO"
constantbyteintegerarray  evalues(1:3) = 0,1,2
constantstring (10)array  jkeys(1:3) = "NORECALL","TEMPRECALL","PERMRECALL"
constantbyteintegerarray  jvalues(1:3) = 0,1,2
constantstring (12)array  lkeys(1:2) = "BLANKLINES","NOBLANKLINES"
constantbyteintegerarray  lvalues(1:2) = 0,1
constantinteger  maxrec = 682;          ! BASE records in 8 pages
constantlonginteger  descdr = x'b100000000000000'
constantinteger  prime = 251
if  exclude data entries = no then  start 
   constantinteger  data = 1
constantinteger  code = 2
!*          Record and array formats
recordformat  basef(string (31) entry,
                    (longinteger  desc or  integer  dr0,dr1),
                    integer  type,downlink)
recordformat  contf(integer  dataend,datastart,psize,filetype,
                    longinteger  initparms,integer  dataecho,
                    string  (31) fstartfile,bstartfile,preloadfile,
                    string (31)array  searchdir(1:16))
recordformat  dirinff(string (6) user,string (31) batchfile,
                      integer  mark,fsys,procno,isuff,reason,batchid,
                      aicrevs,string (15) batchiden,
                      string (31) basefile,integer  previc,itaddr0,
                      scarcity,preemptat,string (11) spoolrfile,
                      integer  resunits,sesslen,priority,decks,drives,
recordformat  ld1f(integer  link,loc,string (31) iden)
recordformat  ld4f(integer  link,disp,l,a,string (31) iden)
recordformat  lhf(integer  first,last,nbytes)
recordformat  hf(integer  dataend,datastart,filesize,filetype,
                 (integer  format,records or  c 
                 integer  adir,count or  c 
                 integer  lda,ofm))
recordformat  ofmf(integer  start,len,props)
recordformat  pdf(integer  start,string  (11) name,
                  integer  hole,s5,s6,s7)
recordformat  rf(integer  conad,filetype,datastart,dataend)
ownintegerarrayformat  ldataf(0:15)
ownintegerarrayformat  nlhaf(0:prime-1)
ownrecord (ofmf)arrayformat  ofmaf(1:7)
ownrecord (basef)arrayformat  basefaf(0:maxrec)
ownrecord (lhf)array  lh(0:prime-1)
ownrecord (pdf)arrayformat  pdaf(1:4095)
!*          Subsystem references
systemroutinespec  changeaccess(string (31) file,integer  mode,
                                integername  flag)
systemintegermapspec  comreg(integer  i)
systemroutinespec  connect(string (31) file,integer  mode,hole,
                           prot,record (rf)name  r,integername  flag)
externalstringfunctionspec  date
systemroutinespec  destroy(string (31) file,integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  disconnect(string (31) file,integername  flag)
systemstringfunctionspec  failuremessage(integer  mess)
systemroutinespec  fill(integer  length,from,filler)
systemstringfunctionspec  htos(integer  value,places)
systemintegerfunctionspec  iocp(integer  ep,parm)
systemstringfunctionspec  itos(integer  n)
systemroutinespec  moddirfile(integer  ep,string (31) dirfile,entry,
                              filename,integer  type,dr0,dr1,
                              integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  modpdfile(integer  ep,string (31) pdfile,
                             string (11) member,string (31) infile,
                             integername  flag)
systemroutinespec  move(integer  length,from,to)
systemroutinespec  newgen(string (31) file,newfile,integername  flag)
systemstringfunctionspec  nexttemp
systemroutinespec  outfile(string (31) file,integer  size,hole,
                           prot,integername  conad,flag)
externalintegerfunctionspec  outpos
systemintegerfunctionspec  parmap
systemroutinespec  permit(string (31) file,string (6) user,
                          integer  mode,integername  flag)
externalroutinespec  prompt(string (255) s)
systemintegerfunctionspec  pstoi(string (63) s)
systemroutinespec  setfname(string (63) s)
systemroutinespec  setpar(string (255) s)
externalroutinespec  set return code(integer  i)
systemroutinespec  setwork(integername  ad,flag)
systemstringfunctionspec  spar(integer  n)
systemroutinespec  uctranslate(integer  ad,len)
externalintegerfunctionspec  uinfi(integer  entry)
externalstringfunctionspec  uinfs(integer  entry)
externalroutinespec  cherish(string (255) s)
externalroutinespec  parm(string (255) s)
!*          Service routines
stringfunction  specmessage(integer  flag)
! Yields a local error message.
switch  sw(1000:1002)
-> sw(flag)
sw(1000):   result  = "Catastrophic failure"
sw(1001):   result  = "May be used only by ".owner
sw(1002):   result  = "Entry SSDATELINKED not found"
end ;   ! of specmessage
routine  fail(string (15) op,integer  flag)
! Prints an error message, and stops.
printstring(snl.op." fails -")
if  flag < 1000 then  start 
   printstring(" ".specmessage(flag).snl)
set return code(flag)
end ;   ! of fail
routine  checkuser(string (15) op)
if  uinfs(1) # owner then  fail(op,1000)
end ;   ! of checkuser
routine  readline(stringname  s)
integer  c
on  event  9 start 
   s = tostring(em)
   c = iocp(12,0);                      ! Clear 'Input Ended'
s = ""
   exit  if  c = nl
   s <- s.tostring(c)
while  length(s) > 0 cycle 
   if  charno(s,length(s)) # ' ' then  exit 
   length(s) = length(s) - 1
end ;   ! of readline
integerfunction  getval(string (255) pr,integer  min,max,default,mult)
integer  i,j
string (255) s
j = default
if  j & x'3ff' = 0 then  start 
   j = j >> 10
   s = "K"
finish  else  s = ""
prompt(pr." [".itos(j).s."]: ")
   result  = default if  s = ""
   i = pstoi(s)
   if  i < 0 then  start 
      printstring("Invalid number".snl)
   i = i*mult
   if  min <= i <= max then  result  = i
   printstring("Number outside permitted range".snl)
end ;   ! of getval
integerfunction  get setting(string (255) pr,integer  nsettings,
                             stringarrayname  keys,
                             byteintegerarrayname  values,
                             string (31) default)
integer  i
string (255) s
prompt(pr." [".default."]: ")
   s = default if  s = ""
   for  i = 1,1,nsettings cycle 
      if  s = keys(i) then  result  = values(i)
   printstring("Invalid setting".snl)
end ;   ! of get setting
string (255)function  getstr(string (255) pr,integer  maxlen,
                             string (255) default)
string (255) s
   prompt(pr." [".default."]: ")
   if  s = "." then  result  = ""
   result  = default if  s = ""
   if  length(s) <= maxlen then  result  = s
   printstring("Reply must not exceed ".itos(maxlen)." characters".snl)
end ;   ! of getstr
integerfunction  roundup(integer  n,r)
r = r - 1
result  = (n+r) & (¬r)
end ;   ! of roundup
routine  connect or create(string (11) file,record (rf)name  rr,
                           string (15) op)
integer  flag,conad
record (hf)name  r
if  flag = 218 then  start ;   ! File does not exist - create it
   printstring("There is no ".file." file".snl)
   printstring("It is being created".snl.snl)
   if  flag = 0 then  start 
      r == record(conad)
      r_filetype = sscharfiletype
      permit(file,"",1,flag);           ! Set EEP = R
      fill(alertsize-1,conad+r_datastart,' ')
      byteinteger(conad+r_datastart+alertsize-1) = nl
      r_dataend = r_datastart + alertsize
if  flag # 0 then  fail(op,flag)
end ;   ! of connect or create
routine  printmessage(integer  conad,string (7) type)
integer  i,j
record (hf)name  r
r == record(conad)
j = r_datastart + alertsize
if  j >= r_dataend then  start 
   printstring("The ".type." message is null".snl)
   printstring("The ".type." message is:-".snl.snl)
   for  i = conad+j,1,conad+r_dataend-1 cycle 
end ;   ! of print message
routine  setmessage(stringname  parms,integer  type,mode)
integer  flag,conad,count,j
string (11) file,tempfile
string (15) op
string (255) line
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  r
set return code(1000)
file = messagefile(type)
op = opname(mode)
if  parmap # 0 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
connect or create(file,rr,op)
tempfile = "T#".nexttemp
   printstring("Type new message - terminated by :".snl)
   prompt("Message: ")
   -> err if  flag # 0
   r == record(conad)
   r_filetype = sscharfiletype
   count = r_datastart + alertsize
      exit  if  line = ":" or  line = "*" or  line = tostring(em)
      if  length(line) = 255 then  length(line) = 254
      line = line.snl
      j = length(line)
      if  count + j >= r_filesize then  start 
         printstring("Message too long - try again".snl)
         -> loop
      count = count + j
   r_dataend = count
   prompt("OK? ")
   readline(line) until  line # ""
   exit  if  charno(line,1) = 'Y'
-> err if  flag # 0
printstring("New ".file." in use".snl)
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of setmessage
integerfunction  hash(string (31) name,integer  hashconst)
! Hash function for new style directories.
integer  a,j,w,l,a1,a2
a = addr(name)
l = byteinteger(a)
if  l > 8 then  start ;                 ! Close up last 4 to first 4
   a1 = a + 5
   a2 = a + l - 3
   byteinteger(a1+j) = byteinteger(a2+j) for  j = 3,-1,0
finish  else  name = name."<>#@!+&"
w = byteinteger(a+1)*71+byteinteger(a+2)*47+byteinteger(a+3)*97+ c 
    byteinteger(a+4)*79+byteinteger(a+5)*29+byteinteger(a+6)*37+ c 
result  = w - (w//hashconst)*hashconst
end ;   ! of hash
routine  makeoldbasedir(string (31) basefile,tempdir,integername  flag)
integer  type,dirlength
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  h
integerarray  base(0:7)
                                     ! Create directory
-> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0
h == record(rr_conad)
dirlength = h_filesize
-> err if  flag # 0
! Set BASE(2) to the address of the base GLA, forming  a  pseudo  object
! file map
if  exclude data entries = yes then  type = 4 else  type = 7
base(2) = roundup(abasefile+rr_dataend+dirlength,segsize)
end ;   ! of makeoldbasedir
routine  makenewbasedir(string (31) basefile,tempdir,integername  flag)
integer  i,freead,j,bgla,l,len8,nextfree,ichain,objconad,link,ad,len
integer  ntot,nreq,nconad,conad
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  h
record (ld1f)name  ld1
record (basef)arrayname  base
record (ofmf)arrayname  ofm
integerarrayname  ldata,nlh
if  exclude data entries = no then  start 
   longinteger  desc
   record (ld4f)name  ld4
return  if  flag # 0
objconad = rr_conad
h == record(objconad)
ldata == array(objconad+h_lda,ldataf)
ofm == array(objconad+h_ofm+4,ofmaf)
bgla = abaseobj + ofm(2)_start;         ! GLAP base
conad = 0
-> err if  flag # 0
h == record(conad)
base == array(conad+h_datastart,basefaf)
nextfree = 0
for  i = 0,1,prime-1 cycle 
   lh(i) = 0
   lh(i)_first = -1
! Code entries
link = ldata(1)
while  link # 0 cycle 
   ld1 == record(objconad+link)
   l = hash(ld1_iden,prime)
   len8 = (length(ld1_iden)+9) & x'fffffff8'
                                        ! 1 for type byte, 1 for length byte
                                        ! + 7 for double word aligning
   lh(l)_nbytes = lh(l)_nbytes + len8 + 8
   if  nextfree > maxrec then  start 
      flag = 291;                       ! Too many entries
      -> err
   base(nextfree)_entry = ld1_iden
   base(nextfree)_desc = descdr!(ld1_loc & x'00ffffff') + bgla
   base(nextfree)_type = code
   if  lh(l)_first < 0 then  start 
      lh(l)_first = nextfree
      lh(l)_last = nextfree
      lh(l)_nbytes = lh(l)_nbytes + 8;  ! For double word terminator
      ichain = lh(l)_last
      base(ichain)_downlink = nextfree
      lh(l)_last = nextfree
   nextfree = nextfree + 1
   link = ld1_link
! Data entries
if  exclude data entries = no then  start 
   link = ldata(4)
   while  link # 0 cycle 
      ld4 == record(objconad+link)
      l = hash(ld4_iden,prime)
      len8 = (length(ld4_iden)+9) & x'fffffff8'
      lh(l)_nbytes = lh(l)_nbytes + len8 + 8
      if  nextfree > maxrec then  start 
         flag = 291;                    ! Too many entries
         -> err
      base(nextfree)_entry = ld4_iden
      desc = ld4_l
      desc = (desc<<32)!ld4_disp
      base(nextfree)_desc = desc
      base(nextfree)_type = data
      if  lh(l)_first < 0 then  start 
         lh(l)_first = nextfree
         lh(l)_last = nextfree
         lh(l)_nbytes = lh(l)_nbytes + 8
                                        ! For double word terminator
         ichain = lh(l)_last
         base(ichain)_downlink = nextfree
         lh(l)_last = nextfree
      nextfree = nextfree + 1
      link = ld4_link
! Now find out how much space required for directory
ntot = 1040;                            ! 32 for headers, 1008 for listheads
ntot = ntot + lh(i)_nbytes for  i = 0,1,prime-1
nreq = roundup(ntot,4096);              ! Page aligned
printstring(basefile."_BASEOBJECT contains ".itos(nextfree))
printstring(" entries requiring a ".itos(nreq>>12)." page directory".snl)
nextfree = nextfree - 1
! Create temp dir
-> err if  flag # 0
h == record(nconad)
h_dataend = ntot
nlh == array(nconad+h_datastart,nlhaf)
freead = nconad + 1040;                 ! First 8 aligned byte for chains
for  i = prime-1,-1,0 cycle 
   unless  lh(i)_first < 0 then  start 
      nlh(i) = freead - nconad;         ! Offset from start of file
      j = lh(i)_first
      while  j >= 0 cycle 
         ad = addr(base(j)_entry)
         len = byteinteger(ad)
         move(len+1,ad,freead);         ! Move entry name
         byteinteger(freead+len+1) = base(j)_type
         freead = (freead+len+9) & x'fffffff8'
                                        ! Double word align - +1 for type
         longinteger(freead) = base(j)_desc
         freead = freead + 8
         j = base(j)_downlink
      longinteger(freead) = 0;          ! Chain terminator
      freead = freead + 8
end ;   ! of makenewbasedir
!*          U P D A T E P D
!<Updating members of pdfiles
! The  command  UPDATEPD  is  used  to  add  a  new member to, update an
! existing member in, or delete a member from, a pdfile which may be  in
! use by other processes.
! The command takes the form:
!       UPDATEPD(pdfile_member,option)
!       where:-
!       pdfile_member          - specifies the member to be operated on
!       option                 - if null, the member must already exist
!                              - if  N,  the  member  must  not already
!                                exist
!                              - if D, the old member is simply deleted
! It  is assumed that any file which is to be a replacement for a member
! has the same name as the  member  itself,  and  resides  in  the  same
! process.
! Since  the  most  common  use  of this utility is to update members of
! SUBSYS.SYSTEM, the pdfile part of the parameter defaults to SYSTEM.
externalroutine  updatepd(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,conad,savedt,option
string (11) member,tempfile
string (31) file,s
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  ir,or
set return code(1000)
if  1 # parmap # 3 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
if  parmap & 2 # 0 then  start 
   s <- spar(2)
   if  "D" # s # "N" then  start 
      flag = 202;                       ! Invalid parameter
      -> err
   option = charno(s,1)
finish  else  option = 'Z';             ! Dummy value
s <- spar(1)
unless  s -> file.("_").member then  start 
   flag = 202;                          ! Invalid parameter
   -> err
if  file = "" then  file = defaultpd
unless  option = 'D' then  start 
   -> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0 and  option # 'N'
if  flag = 0 and  option = 'N' then  start 
   flag = 287;                          ! Member already exists
   -> err
-> err if  flag # 0
ir == record(rr_conad)
! Make temporary copy of pdfile
tempfile = "T#".nexttemp
-> err if  flag # 0
or == record(conad)
savedt = or_datetime;                   ! Save creation date over copy
move(ir_filesize,rr_conad,conad);       ! Take the copy
or_datetime = savedt;                   ! Restore date
! Delete any existing copy of member. Ignore failures, except in the
! case of the 'D' option.
if  flag # 0 and  option = 'D' then  -> err
! Insert new copy of member if appropriate
modpdfile(1,tempfile,member,member,flag) unless  option = 'D'
-> err if  flag # 0
! Put new copy of pdfile into service
-> err if  flag # 0
printstring("Member ".file."_".member)
if  option = 'D' then  s = "destroyed"
if  option = 'N' then  s = "inserted"
if  option = 'Z' then  s = "replaced"
printstring(" ".s.snl)
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of updatepd
!*          S E T F M E S S
!<Messages of the day
! Three commands are provided to alter the 'messages of the  day'  which
! are   displayed  at  process  start-up. These  are  described  in  the
! following Sections:
!<Changing the foreground message
! The command SETFMESS is used  to  change  the  'message  of  the  day'
! displayed  to  foreground users when they log on. This special command
! is necessary to avoid problems if the file is currently in use, and to
! avoid disturbing the first line of the message, which  always  carries
! the date and time of the most recent ALERT text.
! SETFMESS takes no parameters. The user is prompted  for  the  message,
! which  should  be  terminated  by a colon (:) on a line on its own. An
! opportunity  is  then  given  to  amend  the  message  if  it  is  not
! satisfactory.
externalroutine  setfmess(string (255) parms)
end ;   ! of setfmess
!*          S E T B M E S S
!<Changing the background message
! The  command  SETBMESS  is  used  to  change  the 'message of the day'
! displayed to background users  when  their  job  starts. This  special
! command  is  necessary  to  avoid problems if the file is currently in
! use, and to avoid disturbing the first  line  of  the  message,  which
! always carries the date and time of the most recent ALERT text.
! SETBMESS  takes  no  parameters. The user is prompted for the message,
! which should be terminated by a colon (:) on a  line  on  its  own. An
! opportunity  is  then  given  to  amend  the  message  if  it  is  not
! satisfactory.
externalroutine  setbmess(string (255) parms)
end ;   ! of setbmess
!*          S E T B O T H
!<Changing both messages
! The command SETBOTH is used to  change  both  'messages  of  the  day'
! displayed  to  users  on  process  start-up. This  special  command is
! necessary to avoid problems if the file is currently in  use,  and  to
! avoid  disturbing  the first line of the message, which always carries
! the date and time of the most recent ALERT text.
! SETBOTH takes no parameters. The user is  prompted  for  the  message,
! which  should  be  terminated  by a colon (:) on a line on its own. An
! opportunity  is  then  given  to  amend  the  message  if  it  is  not
! satisfactory.
externalroutine  setboth(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,conad
string (11) tempfile
record (rf) rr
tempfile = "T#".nexttemp
-> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0
printstring("New ".messagefile(background)." in use".snl)
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of setboth
!*          S E T A L E R T
!<Altering the ALERT time
! The  command  SETALERT is used to alter the date and time given in the
! 'Latest ALERT' message which forms a permanent part of the message  of
! the day, for both foreground and background users.
! SETALERT takes up to two parameters:-
! 1) The  time  to  be  used in the message. Exactly four characters are
!    expected, i.e.:  hhmm.  If this parameter is omitted, a  prompt  is
!    issued for it.
! 2) The  date  to  be used in the message. Standard EMAS date format is
!    assumed, i.e.:   dd/mm/yy.   If  this  parameter  is  omitted,  the
!    current date is assumed.
externalroutine  setalert(string (255) parms)
integer  conad,i,savedt,flag
string (11) file,tempfile
string (255) astring,d,t
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  or
set return code(1000)
if  parmap > 3 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
t = spar(1)
d = spar(2)
if  d = "" then  d = date
if  length(d) # 8 then  start 
   flag = 202;                          ! Invalid parameter
   -> err
   if  t = "" then  start 
      prompt("Time: ")
      readline(t) until  t # ""
   if  length(t) = 4 then  exit 
   printstring("Invalid time".snl)
   t = ""
astring = "Latest ALERT=".d." ".t.snl
for  i = background,1,foreground cycle 
   file = messagefile(i)
   connect or create(file,rr,saname)
   tempfile = "T#".nexttemp
   -> err if  flag # 0
   or == record(conad)
   savedt = or_datetime;                ! Save creation date over copy
   move(4096,rr_conad,conad);           ! Take the copy
   or_datetime = savedt;                ! Restore date
   -> err if  flag # 0
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of setalert
!*          M A K E B A S E F I L E
!<Subsystem basefiles
! The  subsystem  resides  in  a  file  which  is  commonly  called  the
! 'basefile'.
! This Section describes the structure  of  the  basefile,  and  how  to
! create a new one.
!<Basefile structure
! The  basefile  for  the subsystem is a partitioned file which contains
! three members:
! a) The subsystem object file, with the code fixed up  (using  the  FIX
!    utility)  to  start at segment 32, and the GLA fixed up to start at
!    the next free segment after the code.
! b) A default 'option' file, connected and used in the absence  of  the
!    user's  own option file. When the user sets a non-default option, a
!    copy of the default file is made  (as  SS#OPT),  and  the  modified
!    option included in the copy.
! c) A  directory  file,  containing  the  entry  points  found  in  the
!    subsystem object file. This is the first directory searched by  the
!    loader.
!<The MAKEBASEFILE command
! This command takes up to four parameters. These are:
! 1) The name of the subsystem object file to be used for input.
! 2) The name of the default option file to be included in the completed
!    basefile.
! 3) The destination of the completed basefile.
! 4) The type of loader used by the basefile.  Possible values are:
!           OLD   or   NEW
! If any of these parameters is omitted, a prompt is issued for it.
externalroutine  makebasefile(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,objconad,link,glastart
string (3) loadertype
string (31) baseobject,optionfile,basefile
record (rf) rr
integerarrayname  ldata
record (dirinff)name  dirinf
record (ld4f)name  ld4
record (hf)name  h
record (ofmf)arrayname  ofm
set return code(1000)
if  parmap > 7 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
baseobject = spar(1)
optionfile = spar(2)
basefile = spar(3)
prompt("Object file: ")
readline(baseobject) while  baseobject = ""
prompt("Option file: ")
readline(optionfile) while  optionfile = ""
prompt("Basefile: ")
readline(basefile) while  basefile = ""
prompt("Loader: ")
repeat  until  loadertype = "OLD" or  loadertype = "NEW" or  loadertype = tostring(em)
destroy(basefile,flag);                 ! Ignore flag
modpdfile(4,basefile,"","",flag);       ! Create empty pdfile
-> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0
if  rr_filetype # ssobjfiletype then  start 
   flag = 267;                          ! Invalid filetype
   -> err
                                        ! Insert member - order is critical
-> err if  flag # 0
-> err if  flag # 0
if  rr_filetype # ssoptfiletype then  start 
   flag = 267;                          ! Invalid filetype
   -> err
                                        ! Insert member
-> err if  flag # 0
destroy(tempdir,flag);                  ! Ignore flag
if  loadertype # "NEW" then  start 
-> err if  flag # 0
! Copy directory into basefile
-> err if  flag # 0
destroy(tempdir,flag);                  ! Ignore flag
! Now  locate the external integer SSDATELINKED, and fill in the version
! of the current system call table in Director
dirinf == record(uinfi(10))
-> err if  flag # 0
changeaccess(basefile,3,flag);          ! To write to member
-> err if  flag # 0
objconad = rr_conad
h == record(objconad)
ofm == array(objconad+h_ofm+4,ofmaf);   ! Object file map
glastart = ofm(2)_start
ldata == array(objconad+h_lda,ldataf)
link = ldata(4)
while  link # 0 cycle ;                 ! Search data entry list
   ld4 == record(objconad+link)
   if  ld4_iden = "SSDATELINKED" then  start 
      integer(objconad+glastart+ld4_disp) = dirinf_scdate
      integer(objconad) = x'1b800010';  ! Jump over header of BASEOBJECT
      -> found
   link = ld4_link
flag = 1002
-> err
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of makebasefile
!*          M A K E O P T I O N F I L E
!<Subsystem option files
! The subsystem makes use of a file containing 'options' set by the user
! to tailor his process to his own needs. This Section describes how the
! initial option file used by the Subsystem is created, and explains the
! entries in it.
!<Making the file
! The command MAKEOPTIONFILE takes a single parameter, which is the name
! of  the  option  file to be generated. If this parameter is omitted, a
! prompt is issued for it.
! A series of prompts is then issued. A value for the appropriate option
! may then be given, or the default setting  invoked  by  simply  typing
! 'return'.
! The default setting is displayed in brackets as part of the prompt.
! The only exception to all this is  the  initial  PARM  setting  -  see
! Section 5.2.1.
!<Description of options
! Some of the values stored in the option file are integers, and  others
! are  strings. Generally,  they  describe  items  such as the size of a
! particular workfile, terminal characteristics, directory search lists,
! etc.
! The rest of this Section describes each option in detail.
!<Initial PARM setting
! The value of this option is made the current PARM setting  at  log-on.
! MAKEOPTIONFILE  uses  the value actually in force when the option file
! is being created, as this saves it from having to decode large numbers
! of PARM keywords.
!<Auxiliary stack size
! The auxiliary stack is a separate file which is used  to  store  large
! data areas in user programs, due to the limitations on the size of the
! run-time stack in the ICL 2900 series.
!          Keyword: AUXSTACKSIZE
!          Default value: 128 Kbytes
!<Initialised stack size
! The initialised stack is a pre-allocated part of  the  user  stack. It
! must be at least 32 Kbytes smaller than the user stack as a whole.  It
! is  used  as  a  data  area  by  FORTRAN  programs,  but  need only be
! pre-allocated if it is intended to load FORTRAN  programs  from  other
! programs.
!          Keyword: INITSTACKSIZE
!          Default value: 100 Kbytes
!<Interactive terminal width
! Subsystem commands such as ANALYSE and FILES assume the terminal width
! given by this option when planning their output.
!          Keyword: ITWIDTH
!          Default value: 80
!<Array diagnostic level
! When  a  diagnostic  traceback  is  given for a program, the number of
! elements of each array which are actually printed  is  given  by  this
! option.
!          Keyword: ARRAYDIAG
!          Default value: 10
!<Record diagnostic level
! When  a  diagnostic  traceback  is  given for a program, the number of
! items in each record which are  actually  printed  is  given  by  this
! option.
!          Keyword: RECDIAG
!          Default value: 10
!<The session workfile
! Many  subsystem  commands  (particularly  the compilers) make use of a
! common workfile. The size of the workfile is determined by this option
! setting.
!          Keyword: INITWORKSIZE
!          Default value: 256 Kbytes
!<Interactive terminal buffers
! The subsystem requires two buffers for interactive terminal I/O.   One
! is  used  solely  for  input,  and  the  other solely for output.  Two
! options are provided in order that the sizes of these buffers  may  be
! altered.
!          Keyword (input): ITINSIZE
!          Default value (input) : 1 Kbyte
!          Keyword (output): ITOUTSIZE
!          Default value (output): 3 Kbytes
!<Terminal type
! The  terminal/screen  control  package  (used by screen editors, etc.)
! uses this option to determine how an interactive  terminal  is  to  be
! driven.
! In  general,  this  option  will  not  be  set  by means of the OPTION
! command, although the keyword TERMINAL  is  provided. It  is  expected
! that  users  will  select  the  appropriate terminal type (which is an
! integer) by means of a special command.
! The default  value  supplied  is  zero,  which  should  correspond  to
! 'unspecified  video'.
! There are two different command formats  which  are  accepted  by  the
! subsystem:
! a) Spaces  in commands are not significant, and any parameters must be
!    enclosed in brackets.
! b) Spaces in commands are not allowed, since one or  more  spaces  are
!    used  to separate the command from its parameters, which should not
!    be enclosed in brackets.
! The actual format accepted depends on this option.
!          Keywords: BRACKETS and NOBRACKETS
!          Default value: BRACKETS
!<Recall of terminal I/O
! The  subsystem  provides  facilities  for   storing   and   retrieving
! transactions on an interactive terminal. The three possible values for
! this option are:
!          NORECALL   - nothing is stored
!          TEMPRECALL - the current session is stored
!          PERMRECALL - the last few sessions are stored
!          Default value: TEMPRECALL
!<Suppression of blank lines
! This  option  is  provided  to  enable  all  blank lines output to the
! terminal to be suppressed.
!          Keywords: BLANKLINES and NOBLANKLINES
!          Default value: BLANKLINES
!<Echoing of OBEY files
! When an OBEY file is being processed, the subsystem  may  or  may  not
! 'echo'  the resulting transactions on the user's terminal. This option
! controls the amount echoed. The possible settings are:
!          NOECHO      - nothing at all is echoed
!          PARTECHO    - only 'Command:' lines are echoed
!          FULLECHO    - all input is echoed, including program input
!          Default value: PARTECHO
! Batch jobs are treated by the subsystem as  if  they  are  effectively
! OBEY files for the purposes of this option.
!<Foreground start-up file
! This  option  allows the user to nominate a file of commands which are
! to be OBEYed on foreground process start-up.
!          Keywords: NOFSTARTFILE and FSTARTFILE
!          Default value: NOFSTARTFILE
!<Background start-up file
! This option allows the user to nominate a file of commands  which  are
! to be OBEYed on background process start-up.
!          Keywords: NOBSTARTFILE and BSTARTFILE
!          Default value: NOBSTARTFILE
!<Pre-loading file
! This  option  allows the user to nominate object files which are to be
! 'pre-loaded' on process start-up. It is not currently implemented.
!<Active directory
! This option selects the file which  is  to  be  used  as  the  'active
! directory' for the INSERT and REMOVE commands, and associated actions.
! This  is  the first user directory searched by the loader, immediately
! after searching the session directory (see Section 4.1).
!          Keyword: ACTIVEDIR
!          Default value: SS#DIR
!<Compiler fault file
! This option allows the user to select another file, in addition to the
! compiler listing file, to which  compilation  fault  messages  may  be
! sent.  A value of '.NULL' is equivalent to a null string (NOCFAULTS).
!          Keyword: CFAULTS
!          Default value: .OUT
!<Command prompt
! This  option  allows  the  user  to  select  an alternative prompt for
! commands solicited  by  the  Subsystem.   The  maximum  length  is  31
! characters.
!           Keyword: CPROMPT
!           Default value: Command:
!<Data prompt
! This  option  allows  the user to select an alternative default prompt
! for data solicited  by  user  programs.   The  maximum  length  is  31
! characters.
!           Keyword: DPROMPT
!           Default value: Data:
!<Search directories
! Up  to 16 additional directories may be added to the search list for a
! process. They are searched immediately after the active directory.
!          Keywords: SEARCHDIR and REMOVEDIR
!          Default value: No search directories
externalroutine  makeoptionfile(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,conad,i
string (31) file
string (255) s
record (contf)name  c
set return code(1000)
if  parmap > 1 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
file <- spar(1)
if  file = "" then  start 
   prompt("Option file: ")
-> err if  flag # 0
c == record(conad)
c_dataend = 4096
c_filetype = ssoptfiletype
                                        ! Fill whole file with -1
fill(5*32,conad+c_datastart+128,0);     ! Clear used strings
fill(16*32,addr(c_searchdir(1)),0);     ! Set all search directories to null
c_mark = 4;                             ! Mark four option file format
! Fill in the installation-dependent values
c_initparms = longinteger(addr(comreg(27)))
printstring("Init "); parm("?")
c_astk = getval("Aux stack",64<<10,1024<<10,128<<10,1024)
c_istk = getval("Init stack",0,((252-32)<<10),100<<10,1024)
c_itwidth = getval("IT width",20,132,80,1)
c_arraydiag = getval("Arraydiag",0,1000,10,1)
c_recdiag = getval("Recdiag",0,1000,10,1)
c_initworksize = getval("Initworksize",256<<10,1024<<10,256<<10,1024)
c_itinsize = getval("IT insize",1<<10,16<<10,1<<10,1024)
c_itoutsize = getval("IT outsize",1<<10,16<<10,3<<10,1024)
c_terminal = getval("Terminal",-1,100,4,1)
flag = get setting("(No)Brackets",2,bkeys,bvalues,"BRACKETS")
if  flag = 1 then  start 
   c_ldelim = '('
   c_rdelim = ')'
   c_ldelim = ' '
   c_rdelim = nl
c_journal = get setting("Recall",3,jkeys,jvalues,"TEMPRECALL")
c_nobl = get setting("(No)Blanks",2,lkeys,lvalues,"BLANKLINES")
c_dataecho = get setting("Echo",3,ekeys,evalues,"PARTECHO")
c_fstartfile = getstr("Fstartfile",31,"")
c_bstartfile = getstr("Bstartfile",31,"")
c_preloadfile = getstr("Preloadfile",31,"")
c_moddir = getstr("Activedir",31,defaultactivedir)
c_cfaults = getstr("Cfaults",31,".OUT")
c_cfaults = "" if  c_cfaults = ".NULL"
c_cprompt = getstr("Cprompt",31,"Command:")
c_dprompt = getstr("Dprompt",31,"Data:")
for  i = 1,1,16 cycle 
   prompt("Searchdir ".itos(i).": ")
   if  s = "" or  s = ".END" then  start 
      c_searchdircount = i - 1
   if  length(s) > 31 then  start 
      printstring("Reply must not exceed 31 characters".snl)
      -> ask
   c_searchdir(i) = s
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of makeoptionfile
!*          C H E C K P D
!<Checking partitioned files
! Partitioned files greater than 256  Kbytes  in  size  present  special
! problems  if  they  contain  members which are object files. An object
! file that crosses a 256 Kbyte boundary may not execute  correctly,  so
! the action of the subsystem loader is to make a copy of such a member,
! and  execute  that. This  is clearly inefficient.  The CHECKPD command
! provides facilities for  identifying  such  problem  members. It  also
! flags  other  conditions  which  cause the loader to make a copy of an
! object file.
! The command takes exactly one parameter, the meaning of which is given
! in the following subsections.
!<Finding the offsets of members
! If CHECKPD is given the name of a partitioned file,  it  simply  lists
! the relative offset (in hexadecimal) of each member of that file.
!<Checking for possible problems
! If CHECKPD is given the name of a single member of a partitioned file,
! it  determines  whether  either  of  two  conditions  would  force the
! subsystem  to  copy  the  file  when  attempting  to  load   it. These
! conditions are:
! a) The code of the member crosses a 256 Kbyte boundary
! b) The code of the member is not shareable (possible for converted ICL
!    object files)
externalroutine  checkpd(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,conad,i
string (11) member
string (31) pdfile,file
record (rf) rr
record (hf)name  or
record (pdf)name  pd
record (hf)name  pr
record (ofmf)arrayname  ofm
record (pdf)arrayname  pda
set return code(1000)
if  parmap # 1 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
file <- spar(1)
-> err if  flag # 0
if  file -> pdfile.("_").member then  start 
   -> err if  flag # 0
   conad = rr_conad
   or == record(conad)
   if  or_filetype # ssobjfiletype then  start 
      printstring("Member ".member." is not an object file".snl)
      -> ok
   ofm == array(conad+or_ofm+4,ofmaf); ! Object file map
   if  (conad+ofm(1)_start) >> 18 # c 
       (conad+ofm(1)_start+ofm(1)_len) >> 18 then  start 
      printstring("Code of member ".member.c 
                  " crosses a 256 Kbyte boundary".snl)
      -> ok
   if  ofm(1)_props & 1 # 0 then  start 
      printstring("Code of member ".member." is not shareable".snl)
      -> ok
   printstring("No problems with member ".member.snl)
   -> ok
   conad = rr_conad
   pr == record(conad)
   pda == array(conad+pr_adir,pdaf)
   i = 1
   while  i <= pr_count cycle 
      pd == pda(i)
      i = i + 1
set return code(0)
end ;   ! of checkpd