@device[x2700] @style(leftmargin 0.3inch, linewidth 7.65 inches, indent 0, pagenumber="@1") @modify[description, leftmargin 1inch, indent -1inch, spread 0.2] @pageheading(left "EDINBURGH REGIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE", right "TRAINING GROUP") @pagefooting(centre "IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THIS COURSE PLEASE INFORM US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE") rhubarb @newpage @begin(format) @tabclear @tabset(1.25inches, 4.125inches, 4.8inches) SCRIBE Course - Autumn Term 1985 - Timetable Lecturers:@\R.J.Hare@\Venue:@\Classroom G4 @\J.C.Dalitz@\@\59 George Square @\@\@\Edinburgh @\@\@\EH8 9JU Contact:@\J.Hardy 667-1011x2300 @ux[Tuesday 22 October] @begin[description] 1400-1415@\Registration 1415-1500@\Introduction to SCRIBE, Basic Commands, Facecode Environments 1500-1515@\Coffee 1515-1600@\Practical 1600-1630@\Simple Formatting - Environments and Headings 1630-1700@\Practical @end[description] @ux[Tuesday 29 October] @begin[description] 1400-1430@\More Environments 1430-1515@\Practical 1515-1530@\Coffee 1530-1600@\Document Types, Sectioning Commands, Indexing and Contents Pages 1600-1700@\Practical @end[description] @ux[Tuesday 5 November] @begin[description] 1400-1430@\User-defined and Predefined Strings, Counter Handling 1430-1515@\Practical 1515-1530@\Coffee 1530-1600@\Page Headings and Footings, Tabbing, Cross-Referencing 1600-1700@\Practical @end[description] @ux[Tuesday 12 November] @begin[description] 1400-1430@\Changing Things - Overall Document Style 1430-1515@\Practical 1515-1530@\Coffee 1530-1600@\Changing Things - Changes in Detail 1600-1700@\Practical @end[description] @end(format) Practical sessions will be held in the terminal room in the basement of 59 George Square.