@device[x2700] @style(leftmargin 0.3inch, rightmargin 0.3inch, indent 0, pagenumber="@1") @modify[description, leftmargin 1inch, indent -1inch, spread 0.25] @pageheading(left "EDINBURGH REGIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE", right "TRAINING GROUP") @pagefooting(centre "IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THIS COURSE PLEASE INFORM US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE") @blankspace[3.5inches] @begin[text, leftmargin 1inch, rightmargin 1inch] @centre[IALS SCRIBE Course - February 1985] Please find enclosed the timetable for the above course. The course will be held in room G4 which is on the ground floor of 59 George Square. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or the Receptionist at 59 George Square on 667-1011 extension 2300. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that in order to gain fully from the course, you should be capable of creating text files on EMAS using a text editor. The practical sessions will be geared to helping you produce a document of your own design, so it would be a help if you arrived with a reasonably clear idea of some document you wish to format. It doesn't really matter what it is - a departmental memo, a letter, a lecture handout, a thesis, a paper, a book etc. - anything will do. I look forward to seeing you and hope you will find the course both useful and enjoyable. @begin[format, rightmargin 1inch] Yours Sincerely, @blankspace[1inch] R J Hare @end[format] @end[text] @newpage @begin(format) @tabclear @tabset(1.25inches, 4.125inches, 4.8inches) IALS SCRIBE Course - February 1985 - Timetable Lecturer:@\R.J.Hare@\Venue:@\Classroom G4 @\@\@\59 George Square @\@\@\Edinburgh @\@\@\EH8 9JU Contact:@\A.H.Fraser 667-1011x2300 @ux[Tuesday 12 February] @begin[description] 0930-0945@\Registration 0945-1030@\Introduction to SCRIBE, Basic Commands, Facecode Environments 1030-1045@\Coffee 1045-1130@\Practical 1130-1200@\Simple Formatting - Environments and Headings 1200-1300@\Practical 1300-1400@\Lunch 1400-1445@\More Environments, Document Types, Sectioning Commands, Indexing and Contents Pages 1445-1530@\Practical 1530-1545@\Tea 1545-1645@\Practical 1645-1700@\Discussion @blankspace(0.1inch) @end[description] @ux[Thursday 14 February] @begin[description] 1400-1415@\Consolidation 1415-1515@\String and Counter Handling, Predefined Strings, Tabbing, Cross-Referencing, Page Headings and Footings 1515-1530@\Coffee 1530-1700@\Practical @blankspace[0.1inch] @end[description] @ux[Friday 15 February] @begin[description] 0930-1015@\Changing Things 1015-1100@\Practical 1100-1115@\Coffee 1115-1215@\Practical 1215-1230@\Closing discussion @end[description] @end(format) @blankspace(0.1inch) Practical sessions will be held in the terminal room on the first floor of 59 George Square.