This document describes CUTANDPASTE, a utility command which overlays several input files to produce a single composite output file. Input files may be concatenated, placed side by side, or even lie partially over each other. Before using CUTANDPASTE for the first time, its object file must be inserted into a directory in the user's search list. The easiest way to do this is usually to issue the command: INSERT(CONLIB.CUTANDPASTE) This need only be done once. The form of the command is: CUTANDPASTE(input,output) The meanings of the parameters are as follows: This should be the name of a partitioned file, whose members are to be "cut" and "pasted" to form the composite out- put file. See the next Section for details of the members, and their names. There is no default for this parame- ter. This may be another file, or a device such as .OUT, .LP or even .NULL. The default value is .OUT. If output is to a file that already exists, the name must be followed by ei- ther "/W" (to overwrite the file), or by "-MOD" (to append the new output to the existing file). As already stated, the input file must be a partitioned file. Members that are not character files are ignored, as are members that do not have names of the correct form. Warning messages are however output if such members are found. The form for mem- ber names is: stem line C column where is one or more letters, and and are each one or more dig- its. Some examples of suitable names are: ALPHA3C10, FRED10C3, ZZ9C99 The members selected are placed in the output in alphabetical order of each one starting at the specified line and column. Lines and columns are numbered starting from 1. Some examples of the use of CUTANDPASTE are given here. The partitioned file P1 contains eight members named A1C1, B1C11, C1C21..., H1C71 which each contain a list of short words, one per line. The eight members could be listed side by side on a terminal with the command: CUTANDPASTE(P1) Note that the default output device of .OUT is used. The partitioned file P contains two members named A1C1 and B1C67. They can be listed side by side on the main printer with the command: CUTANDPASTE(P1,.LP) Note that "/W" and "-MOD" are not meaningful where output is to a device. The partitioned file P3 contains five members named A1C1, B1C41, C11C1, D11C41 and E6C36. The command: CUTANDPASTE(P3,L/W) produces a file, overwriting any previous contents, with the members arranged in the pattern: A B E C D All error messages from CUTANDPASTE are self explanatory. CU- TANDPASTE was written by Tony Gibbons, of Edinburgh Re- gional Computing Centre.