!*     Program to change the mail delivery host to the current host
!*       Copyright (C) R.D. Eager   University of Kent   MCMLXXXV
!*          Constants
constantinteger  no = 0, yes = 1
constantinteger  name file header = 160
constantstring (18) snamefile = "MAILER.NAMEFIL"
constantstring (18) addrfile  = "MAILER.ADDRFILE"
constantstring (11) profile file = "M#PROFILE"
constantstring (11) reportfile = "M#DREPORT"
constantinteger  max rnames = 10000
constantinteger  max mailer flag = 530
constantstring (28)array  mailer flags(501:max mailer flag) = c 
"Invalid parameters",
"Duplicate component:",
"Unknown component",
"Invalid command",
"No valid recipients",
"Too many recipients",
"Addr table full",
"Name table full",
"Illegal name",
"Mail service closed",
"Recipient offline",
"Message too long",
"Missing component:",
"No free message descriptors",
"Invalid component:",
"Total message kb exceeded",
"Cannot return report file",
"Message stored",
"Forbidden component",
"Create file fails",
"User not accredited",
"Invalid password",
"Name not accredited",
"Name already accredited",
"Name belongs to another user",
"Uncollected mail for R-name",
"Invalid date/time after",
"Not allowed in student procs",
"Invalid Rname option"
constantstring (1) snl = "
constantinteger  maxhelp = 7
constantinteger  maxhelp1 = 13
constantstring (72)array  help1(1:maxhelp1) = c 
"Called  with  no  parameters,  or  with  a  parameter of =, this command",
"displays the host which is to be treated as your mail delivery host; all",
"mail for you will be delivered there.",
"      Example:  Command:MAILHOST =",
"                Command:MAILHOST",
"The only other valid parameter is the letter C; this indicates that  you",
"wish  your mail delivery host to be changed to this machine. It may take",
"up to a day to take effect on some systems.",
"      Example:  Command:MAILHOST C"
constantinteger  maxhelp2 = 3
constantstring (72)array  help2(1:maxhelp2) = c 
"You are about to change your mail delivery host so that all mail for you",
"will be sent to this machine. Are you certain you wish to do this?",
constantinteger  maxhelp3 = 3
constantstring (72)array  help3(1:maxhelp3) = c 
"Answer Y if you want all your mail delivered to this machine in  future.",
"Answer N to leave things as they are.",
constantinteger  maxhelp4 = 9
constantstring (72)array  help4(1:maxhelp4) = c 
"Your  mail  aliases  point  to  more  than one machine. You are strongly",
"advised to run  the  appropriate  program  on  your  preferred  delivery",
"machine  to ensure that all mail is directed to that machine. Currently,",
"these programs (and the appropriate parameters) are:",
"         EMAS        --        MAILHOST(C)  or  MAILHOST C",
"         UNIX        --        mailhost -c",
constantinteger  maxhelp5 = 11
constantstring (72)array  help5(1:maxhelp5) = c 
"You  have  selected a special, hidden option in MAILHOST. Its purpose is",
"to change the host name associated with just ONE of the names  by  which",
"you  are known to the mail system. This option should NOT be used unless",
"you understand the full implications of what you are doing.",
"If you are sure you wish to go ahead, please  type  Y. If  you  are  not",
"absolutely sure, type N and seek help.",
"Do you wish to go ahead?",
constantinteger  maxhelp6 = 4
constantstring (72)array  help6(1:maxhelp6) = c 
"Answer Y if you wish to change the host associated with just one of  the",
"names by which you are known to the mail system; otherwise answer N.",
constantinteger  maxhelp7 = 6
constantstring (72)array  help7(1:maxhelp7) = c 
"You  should enter the name, known to the mail system, for which you wish",
"all mail to be sent to this machine in the  future. Remember  that  only",
"one  name  is processed; generally you would wish to use the C parameter",
"to MAILHOST in order to have ALL names processed.",
!*          Record and array formats
recordformat  addr entry f(string (31) rname,department,string (7) password,
                            string (15) server,managr,integer  timestamp,
                            options,dt last told,fsys,dlist index,link)
recordformat  ad file f(integer  end,start,size,type,free hole,datetime,
                        entries,version,anon link)
recordformat  name entry f(string (31) rname,integer  soundex)
recordformat  name file f(integer  end,start,size,type,free,datetime,
                          sp0,version,integerarray  startchar('A':'['),
                          integer  extrastart,extraend,sp1,sp2,sp3)
recordformat  pe(integer  dest,srce,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
recordformat  pf(integer  end,start,size,filetype,checksum,datetime,format,spare,
      marker,version,list size,alias head,free list,string (15) v editor,
      string (79) accept,byte  integer  l list console,l list file,
      autofile,autoaccept,overwrite,return new,b1,b2)
recordformat  rf(integer  conad,filetype,datastart,dataend)
!*          Subsystem references
externalroutinespec  connect alias  "S#CONNECT"(string (31) file,
                             integer  mode,hole,prot,
                             record (rf)name  r,integername  flag)
externalroutinespec  destroy alias  "S#DESTROY"(string (31) file,
                                  integername  flag)
externalroutinespec  disconnect alias  "S#DISCONNECT"(string (31) file,
                        integername  flag)
externalstringfunctionspec  failuremessage alias  "S#FAILUREMESSAGE"(integer  mess)
externalintegerfunctionspec  parmap alias  "S#PARMAP"
externalroutinespec  prompt(string (255) s)
externalroutinespec  setfname alias  "S#SETFNAME"(string (63) s)
externalroutinespec  setpar alias  "S#SETPAR"(string (255) s)
externalroutinespec  set return code(integer  i)
externalstringfunctionspec  spar alias  "S#SPAR"(integer  n)
externalroutinespec  uctranslate alias  "S#UCTRANSLATE"(integer  ad,len)
externalstringfunctionspec  uinfs(integer  entry)
!*          Director references
externalstringfunctionspec  derrs(integer  n)
externalintegerfunctionspec  dmail(record (pe)name  p,integer  len,adr)
!*          Forward references
routinespec  printhelp(integer  n)
routinespec  readline(stringname  s)
!*          Own variables
owninteger  multiple
ownstring (15) last host
ownstring (255) rname list
!*          Service routines
integerfunction  change mail delivery host(record (addr entry f)name  addr entry,
          stringname  user)
! Requests MAILER to alter the directory entry specified by 'addr entry'
! so  that  it  points  to  this  host,  and  is the preferred entry for
! subsequent updates.  Also alters  the  mail  profile  entry  for  auto
! accept, to include all the new rnames.
integer  flag
string (255) s
record (pe) p
if  addr entry_managr # user then  start 
   p = 0
   s = "NAMESERVER MAILHERE ".addr entry_rname
   flag = dmail(p,length(s),addr(s)+1)
   flag = p_p1 if  flag = 0
finish  else  flag = 0
if  flag = 0 then  start 
   rname list = rname list."+" unless  rname list = ""
   rname list = rname list.addr entry_rname
result  = flag
end ;   ! of change mail delivery host
integerfunction  change selective rname(stringname  user)
! This  function  is  for  specialised  use only. It asks the user for a
! single rname, and changes the current  mail  delivery  host  for  that
! rname so that it points to this host.
integer  flag
string (255) s
record (addr entry f) addr entry
prompt("Recipient name: ")
   exit  unless  s = "?"
length(s) = 31 if  length(s) > 31
addr entry_rname = s
addr entry_managr = "ZZZZZZ"
result  = change mail delivery host(addr entry,user)
end ;   ! of change selective rname
routine  check consistency
! Checks that all the hosts were the same, and outputs suitable advisory
! messages.
if  last host = "" then  start ;        ! No directory entries
   printstring("You do not appear to have any mail directory entries".snl)
   if  multiple = no then  start 
      printstring("All your mail aliases point to ".last host.snl)
end ;   ! of check consistency
routine  check host(stringname  server)
! Records  the  first  host  name  passed as 'server', and sets the flag
! 'multiple' if subsequent host names are not the same.
if  last host = "" then  start 
   last host = server
   if  server # last host then  multiple = yes
end ;   ! of check host
integerfunction  display mail delivery host(record (addr entry f)name  addr entry,
          stringname  user)
! Displays  details of the recipient name specified in 'addr entry', and
! sets up for checking host consistency.
printstring(addr entry_rname.snl)
check host(addr entry_server)
result  = 0
end ;   ! of display mail delivery host
integerfunction  do user(integerfunction  r(record (addr entry f)name  addr entry,stringname  user),
                         stringname  user)
! Calls the service function 'r' once for each recipient name associated
! with the current user.
integer  flag,i,name file conad,addr file conad,ad entry size
string (15) sysidstr
record (rf) rr
record (ad file f)name  ad file
record (addr entry f)name  addr entry
record (name file f)name  name file
record (name entry f)arrayname  ntable
record (name entry f)arrayformat  name table arf(1:max rnames)
if  flag = 0 then  start 
   name file conad = rr_conad
   if  flag = 0 then  start 
      addr file conad = rr_conad
      name file == record(name file conad)
      flag = 233 if  name file_datetime = 0
                                        ! MAILER is housekeeping
if  flag # 0 then  start 
   flag = 233;                          ! General error
   setfname("Mail directory not available")
   -> err
ad file == record(addr file conad)
ntable == array(name file conad+name file header,name table arf)
sysidstr = "__sysid__".user
ad entry size = sizeof(addr entry)
for  i = 1,1,ad file_entries cycle 
   addr entry == record(addr file conad+i*ad entry size)
   if  addr entry_managr = user or  addr entry_department = sysidstr then  start 
      flag = r(addr entry,user)
      -> err if  flag # 0
flag = 0
result  = flag
end ;   ! of do user
string (40)function  message(integer  flag)
! Returns  the  string associated with 'flag'. The flag may originate in
! Director, MAILER or the Subsystem.
if  flag < 100 then  result  = derrs(flag).snl else  c 
if  500 < flag < max mailer flag then  result  = " ".mailer flags(flag).snl else  c 
result  = failuremessage(flag)
end ;   ! of message
routine  printhelp(integer  n)
! Prints  suitable  help  information  according to the context given by
! 'n'.
integer  i,max
stringarrayname  help
switch  sw(1:maxhelp)
unless  1 <= n <= maxhelp then  start 
   printstring("Sorry - no help available here".snl)
   -> sw(n)
   max = maxhelp1
   help == help1
   -> all
   max = maxhelp2
   help == help2
   -> all
   max = maxhelp3
   help == help3
   -> all
   max = maxhelp4
   help == help4
   -> all
   max = maxhelp5
   help == help5
   -> all
   max = maxhelp6
   help == help6
   -> all
   max = maxhelp7
   help == help7
   -> all
   for  i = 1,1,max cycle 
end ;   ! of printhelp
routine  readline(stringname  s)
! Reads  one line of input from the currently selected input stream into
! 's'.  Spaces and null lines are ignored, and the string  is  converted
! to upper case.  The calling code should set the prompt.
integer  c
s = ""
      exit  if  c = nl
      s <- s.tostring(c)
   while  length(s) > 0 and  charno(s,length(s)) = ' ' cycle 
      length(s) = length(s) - 1
   exit  unless  s = ""
end ;   ! of readline
integerfunction  read yes or no(integer  helpa,helpb)
! Prints the help message 'helpa', then asks the user to reply with Y or
! N.   If  the  reply is '?', then help message 'helpb' is displayed and
! the request is repeated.  The function returns the character  actually
! read.
integer  c
string (255) s
prompt("Please answer Y or N: ")
   c = charno(s,1)
   exit  if  c = 'Y' or  c = 'N'
   printhelp(helpb) if  c = '?'
result  = c
end ;   ! of read yes or no
integerfunction  set accept rnames(stringname  rname list)
! Sets  the  auto-accept  rname  list in the mail profile file to 'rname
! list'.
integer  flag
record (pf)name  p
record (rf) rr
connect(profile file,3,0,0,rr,flag)
-> err if  flag # 0
p == record(rr_conad)
if  p_version # 4 then  start 
   setfname("Wrong version of ".profile file)
   flag = 233;                          ! General error
   -> err
length(rname list) = 79 if  length(rname list) > 79
p_accept = rname list
disconnect(profile file,flag);          ! Ignore flag
flag = 0
result  = flag
end ;   ! of set rname list
!*          M A I L H O S T
externalroutine  mailhost(string (255) parms)
integer  flag,c
string (6) user
string (255) s
if  parmap = 1 and  spar(1) = "?" then  start 
   set return code(0)
if  parmap > 1 then  start 
   flag = 263;                          ! Wrong number of parameters
   -> err
last host = ""
rname list = ""
multiple = no
user = uinfs(1);                        ! Current username
s = spar(1)
s = "=" if  s = "";                     ! Default to display action
if  s = "=" then  start ;               ! Display mail delivery host
   flag = do user(display mail delivery host,user)
   check consistency
   if  s = "C" or  s = "-C" then  start 
      c = read yes or no(2,3)
      if  c = 'N' then  start 
         printstring("Mail delivery host not changed".snl)
         flag = 0
         flag = do user(change mail delivery host,user)
         if  flag = 0 then  start 
            uctranslate(addr(rname list)+1,length(rname list))
            flag = set accept rnames(rname list)
      if  s = "FIXNAME" then  start 
         c = read yes or no(5,6)
         if  c = 'N' then  start 
            printstring("No action has been taken".snl)
            flag = 0
            flag = change selective rname(user)
         flag = 202;                    ! Invalid parameter
-> err if  flag # 0
set return code(0)
printstring(snl."MAILHOST fails -".message(flag))
set return code(flag)
end ;   ! of mailhost