Writing to the OPER Console

These four procedures allow a process to communicate with the operator's console (OPER).


%externalroutine DOPER(%integer CONSOLE, %string(255)S) This writes the string S to Dirlog and to the OPER. CONSOLE is not used and should be set to zero.


%externalroutine DOPER PROMPT(%integer CNSL, %string(255)S) This procedure is used when an interactive process is started from an OPER


%externalroutine DOPERR(%string(23)TXT, %integer FN, RES) This procedure is used to write a short error message to the OPER console. FN is used to select a value from the list of names below and the text written is of the form: TXT sp NAME(FN) sp RES %CONSTINTEGER TOP = 15 %CONSTSTRING(4)%ARRAY NAME(1:TOP) = %C {..1}"CRTE", {..2}"CONN", {..3}"PERM", {..4}"DSFI", {..5}"DSCN", {..6}"STOP", {..7}"GTDA", {..8}"DFST", {..9}"RNAM", {.10}"SPOL", {.11}"XFER", {.12}"DNDA", {.13}"CNDA", {.14}"GFND", {.15}"DSTR"


%systemroutine OPER(%integer CONSOLE, %string(255)S) This procedure causes the text string S to be displayed on logical Oper console number CONSOLE (taking as many lines of scrolled Oper output as necessary).