Introduction to HELP
The HELP command can be used to find information about facilities
provided by or via the ERCC on its EMAS services on topics such as
supported commands, languages and packages. HELP takes keywords as its
input, eg.
A more general enquiry can be made by using the "*" character, eg.
or Command:HELP(*JOB*)
On-line information found by HELP is normally presented using a text
displaying system called VIEW. Because of this you have to know a
minimal amount about how to use the VIEW system. You may display a very
brief description of the necessary details by pressing the "RETURN" key
in response to the "View:" prompt that will now be issued.
When the HELP command has information to display, it does so by
invoking the VIEW system. In fact this information that you are looking
at now is being displayed for you by VIEW. You can return to command
level from the displaying of such information by typing "Q" and then
pressing the "RETURN" key in response to the "View:" prompt whenever it
If the information being displayed is longer than 20 lines then it
may be presented in one of two ways. It may presented in "pages" of not
more than 20 lines followed by the comment "...more" and the prompt
"View:" to which you may respond with the "RETURN" key to "turn" the
pages of information. For example, you may "turn" to the to next page
by pressing the "RETURN" key.
An alternative way of presenting the information is in numbered
sections. If this is the case you will be presented with a series of
section numbers with an indication of their contents and you may choose
the information you think appropriate by typing the section number
followed by the "RETURN" key in response to the "View:" prompt. If you
wished to display all the sections in turn you would do so by the use of
the "RETURN" key alone as for "turning" pages above. A list of numbered
sections appears below and you might care to try this out.
Here are a few examples of how to call HELP
This would find information on the COPY command
This would find all references that had some connection with copying.
Note that the more vague or general the request you make to HELP, the
more likely you are to recieve a large number of references.