! file 'fep_eam77'

!*  emas-2900  fep am1 handler  *
!*       file: eam7             *
!*       date: 24.mar.82        *
!* modified for pcb interface   *
!! stack size = 300

owninteger  fep no = 9;   ! number supplied on load

control  1
include  "deimosperm"


      conststring  (13)vsn = "am1h:vsn07v

      recordformat  am1 linkf(integer  rxs, rxd, txs, txd)

      constrecord  (am1 linkf) name  inter A == k'075160'; ! in seg 3 ?
      constrecord  (am1 linkf) name  inter B == k'075170'; ! i/f #2
       ownrecord  (am1 linkf) name  l == 1;  ! supplied on start

      recordformat  nsi3f(byteintegerarray  a(0:100))

      recordformat  mef(record  (mef) name  link, c 
        byteinteger  len, type, record  (nsi3f)nss)
                                     ! think about the position of 'len'

      recordformat  m2900f(record  (mef) name  link, byteinteger  len, type, c 
        integer  stream, sub ident, c 
         p2a, p2b, p3a, p3b, p4a, p4b, p5a, p5b, p6a, p6b)

      recordformat  m2900cf(record  (mef) name  link, byteinteger  len, type, c 
        byteintegerarray  b(0:23))

      recordformat  pe(byteinteger  ser, reply, c 
        fn, port, record  (mef) name  mes, integer  str)

      recordformat  p2f(byteinteger  ser, reply, c 
        fn, port, record  (mef) name  mes, integer  str)

      recordformat  qf(record  (mef) name  e)

      !*  formats of tables, ie stream descriptors, tcps etc  *
      recordformat  streamf(integer  owner, id 2900)
      !*     am1 commands  (when the ninth bit is set)
      constinteger  primary = x'00'
      constinteger  funny = 1
      constinteger  read = x'02'
      constinteger  write c = x'03'
      constinteger  sense = x'04'
      constinteger  write control = x'05'
      constinteger  identify = x'0a'
      constinteger  limit = x'0c'
      constinteger  property = x'0e'

      !*****  primary status bits  (11/34 -> 2900)
      constinteger  unsuccessful = x'80'
      constinteger  attention = x'20'
      constinteger  terminated = x'10'
      constinteger  short block = x'08'
      constinteger  long block = x'04'
      constinteger  condition x = x'02'
      constinteger  condition y = x'01'

      !* 2900 constants
      constinteger  property code = 14; ! as defined by k.y.
      constinteger  attn byte = x'80'
      !*    2900 am1 link transmitter & receiver bits
      constinteger  int on = k'100';    ! both
      constinteger  ready = k'200';     ! both

      constinteger  scfy = k'010';           ! transmitter only (txfy)
      constinteger  maint = k'002';           ! force parity inbound error
      constinteger  operable = k'004';       ! transmitter only

      constinteger  comm bit = k'001'
      constinteger  accept char = k'002'; ! really 'fetch next'
      constinteger  rset = k'004'
      constinteger  acfy = k'010';     ! peter calls it rxfy
      constinteger  xopl = k'020';     ! x operable - latched
      constinteger  xop  = k'040';     ! x operable
      !*         buffer manager calls   (from and to)               *
      constinteger  buffer here = 0
      !********** to buffer manager ***********
      constinteger  request buffer = 0
      constinteger  release buffer = 1
      !*             calls to 2900 link handler                     *
      constinteger  send data = 0
      constinteger  low level control = 1
      constinteger  here i am = 2
      constinteger  return control = 3
      constinteger  stop = 4

      constinteger  high lev con len = 24
      ! %constinteger low lev con len = 8
      !*               replies from 2900 link handler                 *
      constinteger   interf addr = 0
      constinteger  do input = 1
      constinteger  do output = 2
      constinteger  message = 3
      constinteger  mainframe up = 4
      constinteger  mainframe down = 5
      !*      am1 link states
      constinteger  idle = 0
      constinteger  user reading = 2
      constinteger  user writing = 3
      constinteger  terminate = 4;        ! -> idle
      constinteger  prop 1 = 5;           ! -> prop 2
      constinteger  prop 2 = 6;          ! -> prop 3
      constinteger  prop 3 = 7;          ! -> prop 4
      constinteger  prop 4 = 8;          ! -> terminate
      constinteger  ident 1 = 9;         ! -> ident 2
      constinteger  ident 2 = 10;        ! -> terminate
      constinteger  next control = 11;    ! -> control m
      constinteger  control m = 12;      ! -> control m 2
      constinteger  control m2 = 13;     ! -> control m 2, or terminate
      constinteger  term x pend = 14;     ! -> term x bit ?
      constinteger  term x bit = 15;      ! (?) -> idle
      constinteger  error = 16;          ! -> idle

      !!   in state  states

      constinteger  initial 4 = 1;       ! states of in state
      constinteger  user read = 2
      constinteger  user write = 3
      constinteger  control input trf = 4
      constinteger  control output trf 1 = 5
      constinteger  control output trf 2 = 6

      constintegerarray  next state(idle:error) =
       idle, error, error, error, idle, prop 2,prop 3,
       prop 4, terminate, ident 2, terminate, 
       control m, control m2, control m2, term x bit, idle, idle
      !********** various service numbers *************
      constintegername  no of small == k'100114'; ! in buff manager

      constinteger  gate ser = 16
      constinteger  buffer manager = 17
      constinteger  link handler = 18
      constbyteinteger  am1 rx int = -13; ! ????????????????????????
      constbyteinteger  am1 tx int = -14;  ! ???????????????????????/

      constinteger  t3 ser = 21
      constbyteintegername  change out zero == k'160310'

     !!     state variables

      owninteger  state = 0;            ! transmitter state
      owninteger  in state = idle;         ! input state
      owninteger  to 2900 control;      ! end of outward transfer buff
      owninteger  control pt;           ! start of same
      owninteger  x bit sent;           ! 1 = x bit sent (or about to)
      owninteger  tx int expected;      ! 1 = interrupt expected
      owninteger  term cond = terminated;  ! holds condition to go on terminate
      owninteger  down = 1;                ! 0 = up, 1 = down
      owninteger  clock = 0;               ! missing interrupt count
      owninteger  mon = 1;            ! monitoring flag
      owninteger  swabf = 1;           ! swab flag
      owninteger  tot out l = 0;        ! counts control output mess
      owninteger  xop status = 0
      owninteger  read rej = 0;     ! number of 'out of buffers'
      owninteger  i int, o int, ich, o ch

      constbyteintegerarray  swabx(0:23) =
        1, 0, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
        13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

      constinteger  lower = -2, upper = 400

      ownrecord  (streamf) array  sta(lower:upper)
      ownrecord  (streamf) name  str

      ownrecord  (m2900cf) name  outm
      ownrecord  (qf) mq;         ! = k'143362'

      record  (pe) p

      ownrecord  (qf) name  buffer pool
      owninteger  no of buff = 0

      integer  i

      owninteger  prflag = 0;       ! dump print flag - temporary
      owninteger  mon pt = 0
      constinteger  mon lim = 63
      ownbyteintegerarray  mon1(0:mon lim)
      ownintegerarray  mon2(0:mon lim)
      !*       routine specs
      routinespec  input interrupt
      routinespec  output interrupt
      routinespec  output
      routinespec  interrupt am1
      routinespec  user call
      routinespec  stop interface
      routinespec  clock int
      routinespec  up down(integer  which)
      routinespec  free buffer(record  (mef) name  mes)
      record  (m2900f) mapspec  get buffer
      routinespec  fault(integer  stream, type, add)
      routinespec  monitor(integer  type, info)
      routinespec  octal(integer  i)
      routinespec  dump regs
      !*      initialisation                        *
      map hwr(3);                       ! map top seg to seg 3
      linkin(link handler)
      linkin(am1 rx int); linkin(am1 tx int)

      i = map virt(buffer manager, 5, 4);   ! map to my seg 4
      i = map virt(buffer manager, 6, 5); ! and seg 6 to my 5

      sta(2)_id 2900 = 2;                ! artificially set stream 2 up

      p_ser = 0;     poff(p);            ! wait for fep no
      fep no = p_fn;                ! supplied by load prog
      l == p_mes;        ! set hardware address
      printstring("fep"); printsymbol(fepno+'0')

      change out zero = t3 ser;       ! switch o/p to comm

      !! remove the tx int bit, set the rx int bit and accept char?
      l_txs=operable;  l_rxs=accept char!int on

         p_ser = 0; poff(p)

         if  p_ser = own id and  p_reply = 0 start ;           ! clock int
            if  'm' <= int <= 'o' start 
               mon = int-'o';  int = 0

            if  '1' <= int <= '2' start 
              if  down = 0 start 
                 printstring("Am1h: Wait till Emas is down
                 l_rxs = l_rxs&(¬int on); ! ints off on old interface
                 printstring("Am1h: Going to Interface "); printsymbol(int)
                 if  int = '1' then  l == inter A else  l == inter B
                 l_txs = operable; l_rxs = accept char!int on

            if  int = 'F' start 
               int = 0
               i = mon pt
                  if  mon1(i) # 0 start 
                     printsymbol(mon1(i));  write(mon2(i), 3)
                     if  i & 15 = 0 then  newline
                  i = (i+1)&mon lim
               repeat  until  i = mon pt
            if  int = 'x' start 
               dump regs
               int = 0
            if  int = 'Z' start 
               stop interface
               p_ser = 0; poff(p)
            if  int = '?' start 
               int = 0
               printstring("am1h: buf ="); write(no of buff, 1)
               printstring(", rej ="); write(read rej, 1); newline
               printstring("i int ="); write(i int, 1); printstring("o int =")
               write(o int, 1); printstring(" i ch="); write(i ch, 1)
               printstring(" o ch ="); write(o ch, 1); newline
               i int = 0; o int = 0; i ch = 0; o ch = 0;

            clock int

         if  mon # 0 start ;          ! monitoring
            if  p_reply = 0 then  i = p_ser else  i = p_fn
            monitor('m', i)
         if  p_ser = link handler start 
            user call
         finish  else  if  p_ser = am1 rx int&x'ff' start 
            input interrupt
         finish  else  if  p_ser = am1 tx int&x'ff' then  output interrupt

      !*                routines                              *

      routine  input interrupt

      !*  first part of any transfer is four bytes     *
      !*  two byte stream no, two byte max length      *

      integer  pp, error type, ninth bit, sym, stream, max
      integer  ind, s2, sub ident, extra, i

      recordformat  byteaf(byteintegerarray  b(0:200))
      recordformat  intaf(integerarray  a(0:100))

      recordformat  r3f(integername  x)
      recordformat  r4f(record  (m2900f) name  m)

      recordformat  m2900df(byteintegerarray  b(0:23))
      recordformat  mbf(integer  link, two, record  (m2900df) m)

      ownrecord  (byteaf) header
      record  (intaf) name  head2

      record  (m2900f) name  m2900
      record  (r3f) r3;  record  (r4f) name  r4
      record  (mbf) name  mb

      record  (p2f) p2
      switch  state sw(idle:control output trf 2)
      switch  control(0:15)

      pp = 0
      head2 == header
      l_rxs = l_rxs&(¬int on)

         i = 1000
         while  l_rxs&(ready!xopl) = 0 and  i > 0 cycle ;  i = i-1;  repeat 

         monitor('*', i) if  mon # 0 and  i # 1000

         if  i = 0 start ;               ! timeout
            dump regs
            fault(instate, 't', state)
            instate = idle

         if  l_rxs&xopl # 0 start ;     ! x operable has gone down
            if  xop status # 0 start ; ! print change only
               printstring("xop down!");  dump regs
            monitor('r', instate) if  mon # 0
            l_rxs = l_rxs&(¬xopl)
            l_txs = l_txs&(¬int on)
            in state = idle
            tx int expected = 0
            unless  outm == null start 
               push(mq, outm)
               outm == null;              ! put message back on q
            xop status = 0
            if  l_rxs&xop # 0 start 
               printstring("xop up again
               l_rxs = l_rxs!accept char

         if  xop status = 0 # l_rxs&xop start ;  ! xop has come back
            l_rxs = l_rxs&(¬rset);    ! i/f leaves rset on after xop back
            cycle  i = 1,1,200; repeat ;       ! wait two millisecs.
            if  l_rxs&(ready!acfy!comm bit) c 
                = (ready!acfy!comm bit) start 
               xop status = 1
            finish  else  start 
               dump regs; newline
               extra = l_rxd
               error type = 6;  ->fail it

         ninth bit = l_rxs&comm bit
         i ch = i ch+1
         sym = l_rxd
         if  l_rxs&acfy # 0 start ;         ! failed to read
            sym = l_rxd;                    ! retry
            if  l_rxs&acfy # 0 start ;      ! hard failure
               printstring("am1: parity error
               error type = 7;  extra = l_rxd;  -> fail it
         l_rxs = l_rxs!accept char

         if  ninth bit = 0 start ;      ! 'true' data
            if  pp>200 start ;          ! not normal
              printstring("am1h:Missing control bit on link!
              pp = 0;                   !junk the bad data
                                        ! h/w has obviously had it

            header_b(pp+swabf) = sym
            pp = pp+1;  swabf = swabf!!x'fffe'; ! flip 1 -> -1 -> 1
            !* note:  all 'data' bytes swapped on entry      *
             monitor('i', sym) if  mon # 0
            continue ;                  ! get next char

         if  mon # 0 then  monitor('c', sym)
         ->control(sym&15);             ! control command

         if  state # idle start 
            monitor('x', state) if  mon # 0
            state = terminate
            exit  if  tx int expected # 0;     ! will be coming
            ->check transmitter
control(write c):
         ->state sw(in state)

         to 2900 control = 0;  term cond = terminated; x bit sent = 0
         up down(0);                        ! now up

         state = prop 1;  ->check transmitter

         state = ident 1;  -> check transmitter

         state = prop 3;              ! sends 0, 0
check transmitter:                    ! attempt to send a character

state sw(initial 4):
         if  down # 0 then  error type = 9 and  -> fail it

         if  pp # 4 start 
            error type = 1;  extra = pp; -> fail it
         stream = head2_a(0);  max = head2_a(1)
         monitor('s', stream) if  mon # 0
         str == sta(stream)
         if  stream > 0 start ;         ! data coming/going
            if  str_owner # 0 start 
               p_ser = str_owner; p_reply = link handler
               p_mes == null
               p_port = max
               p_str = stream
               pp = 0
               in state = (stream&1)+user read
                                       ! even = am1 input, odd = am1 output
               state = terminate;  output;         ! send a 'prim stat'
               !* ie pick up the 'write c' or 'read' before going to user
            error type = 2;  extra = stream; ->fail it;    ! stream not in use
         !* must be a control stream transfer ********
         pp = 0
         if  stream = -2 start 
            !! inward control stream
            in state = control input trf
            !! outward control stream  (-1)
            in state = control output trf 1
         state = terminate

state sw(user read):                    ! pick up 'read' command
state sw(user write):                   ! pick up 'write' command
         if  pp # 0 start 
            error type = 3;  extra = pp;  ->fail it;   ! data not expected
         p_fn = in state-1;    ! read=2=doinput, write=3=dooutput
         state = in state;       ! transfer 11/34 -> am1 or reverse

state sw(control input trf):            ! ie 11/34 -> 2900
         control pt = 0
         in state = idle;                ! nothing more coming in
         state = control m
         if  mq_e == null start 
            monitor('?', to 2900 control) if  mon # 0
            state = terminate
         -> check transmitter

state sw(control output trf 2):         ! ie 2900 -> 11/34
         !* after the 'limit' - data has been read
         !! now cycle up the buffer, firing the requests
         ind = 0;  r4 == r3
            s2 = head2_a(ind);  r3_x == head2_a(ind)
             if  s2 # -1 start 
            sub ident = head2_a(ind+1)
            if  mon # 0 then  monitor('l', s2)
            if  s2 < lower or  s2 > upper start 
               fault(s2, 's', ind); exit 
            str == sta(s2)
            if  str_owner = 0 then  fault(s2, 's', ind) elsestart 
               m2900 == get buffer
               mb == m2900;            ! align it to data area
               mb_m = r4_m;            ! and copy it accross

               !! pick up "id 2900" if its a connecting messgae

               if  mb_m_b(5) = 2 then  str_id 2900 = m2900_p2b

               p2_ser = str_owner; p2_reply = link handler
               p2_fn = message
               p2_mes == m2900
            ind = ind+high lev con len//2
            exit  if  ind >= pp//2
         in state = idle
         state = term x bit;           ! send x bit if necessary

control(write control):                     ! write control from 2900
         !! this can only happen at the beginning of a transfer
         !! from the 2900, so whatever the state, force it to idle
state sw(idle):
            extra = pp
            if  pp # 0 then  error type = 6 and  -> fail it
                                    ! no control char ??
            clock = 0
            swabf = 1;                    ! used to "swab" the bytes
            in state = initial 4;  continue 

state sw(control output trf 1):         ! seen the 'write' command
            in state = control output trf 2
            if  no of small+no of buff < 7 or  int='L' start 
               read rej = read rej+1
              in state = idle
              state = term x bit
              while  l_txs&ready = 0 cycle ; repeat 
              i = l_rxd
              l_rxs = l_rxs!accept char
              monitor('q', read rej) if  mon # 0

      l_rxs = l_rxs!int on

control(funny):                   ! should not occur
        error type = 5;  extra = sym
fail it:
         fault(error type, 'i', extra)
         l_rxs = l_rxs!int on;   in state = idle
         term cond = unsuccessful!terminated;  state = terminate
         unless  outm == null then  free buffer(outm) and  outm==null

      routine  output interrupt
         !* routine handles output interrupt from am1 *
         o int = o int+1
         l_txs = l_txs&(¬int on)
         if  tx int expected = 0 start 
            fault(0, 'o', state)
            if  tx int expected = 2 start ;   ! special case of accept char

               !user has handed back control after reading from am1
               !this handler must now say 'next char', but only after
               ! the GPC has seen the terminate

               tx int expected = 0
               l_rxs = l_rxs!accept char
               l_rxs = l_rxs!int on
               monitor('u', in state) if  mon # 0
               in state = idle
               unless  mq_e == null then  interrupt am1

            tx int expected = 0;  clock = 0
            output;                  ! see whats up

      routine  output
         !! this routine is entered to check whether a character can
         !! be send to the 2900
         !!    if it can, then characters are sent until -
         !!     1) it goes 'busy' - in which case an interrupt is requested
         !!     2) all has gone - the state then goes to idle

         integer  i, sym, ostate
         switch  ts(idle:error)

            if  l_txs&ready = 0 start ;       ! 'busy'
               l_txs = l_txs!int on;          ! put ints on
               tx int expected = 1;           ! set the flag

            l_txs = l_txs&(¬comm bit);        ! ensure ninth bit off
            ostate = state
            -> ts(state)

ts(term x bit):                       ! send terminate+x bit if necessary
            sym = term cond!x bit sent
            -> set comm bit

            sym = term cond
set comm bit:
            l_txs = l_txs!comm bit
            monitor('d', -sym) if  mon # 0
            term cond = terminated
            -> send

ts(prop 1):
            sym = property code;  -> send

ts(prop 2):
            sym = fep no;  -> send
ts(prop 3):
ts(prop 4):
ts(ident 1):
            sym = 0;  -> send

ts(ident 2):
            sym = attn byte;  -> send

ts(control m):                          ! set up transfer
         outm == pop(mq);               ! get next entry
         to 2900 control = outm_len;     ! get the length
         control pt = 0;                ! start at beginning

ts(control m2):
            sym = outm_b(swabx(control pt))
            control pt = control pt+1;  tot out l = tot out l+1

            if  control pt = to 2900 control start 
               free buffer(outm)
               outm == null
               unless  mq_e == null or  tot out l > 180 start 
                  state = next control;     ! get the next buffer
                  state = term x pend
                  !!  ** next state = term x bit   - send x bit if necessary
                  to 2900 control = 0
                  x bit sent = 0
                  unless  mq_e == null then  interrupt am1

           o ch = o ch+1
           if  l_txs&comm bit # 0 and  sym  = (unsuccessful!terminated) start 
!             print string("abterm")! dump regs
              l_txd = sym
              l_rxs = l_rxs!accept char if  l_rxs&acfy = 0
            finish  else  l_txd = sym
           monitor('d', sym) if  mon # 0
            state = next state(state)

ts(user reading): ts(user writing): ts(next control): ts(term x pend):
         int = 'F' if  prflag = 0; prflag = 1
         fault(state, 'e', ostate)


      routine  interrupt am1
         if  state = idle and  in state = idle start 
           term cond = attention;  state = terminate
           output;                     ! kick the transmitter
         x bit sent = condition x
          tot out l = 0

      routine  user call
         !*    reasons                                       *
         !*       0) send data   - high level control        *
         !*       1) low level control                       *
         !*       2) here i am   - ipl info wanted           *
         !*       3) return control - was reading/writing    *

         constintegerarray  typea(0:5) =
           terminated, short block, long block, unsuccessful,
           condition y,  terminated

         integer  fn, i, len, pp, stream
         byteinteger  ind
         record  (m2900f) name  m2900
         record  (m2900cf) name  m2900c
         switch  user sw(send data:stop)

         ->user sw(p_fn)

user sw(send data):                     ! high level control ->2900
user sw(low level control):
         len = high lev con len

         m2900c == p_mes;  m2900 == m2900c
         stream = sta(m2900_stream)_id 2900

        if  stream = 0 start ;   ! error
           printstring("am1: attempt to send zero stream, stream = ")
           write(m2900_stream, 1);  write(m2900_sub ident, 1)
           write(m2900_p2a, 1); newline
           free buffer(m2900);  return ;    ! junk it

        m2900_stream = stream
         m2900_len = len;             ! hold its length
         if  down = 0 start ;               ! 2900 is up
            if  mq_e == null then  interrupt am1
            push(mq, m2900)
            !* note:  stream & sub ident are alwys swabbed
         finish  else  free buffer(m2900);    ! junk it

user sw(return control):
         unless  user reading <= state <=user writing start 
            fault(in state, 'r', state)
            ind = p_str;                ! type of termination
           if  ind&64 = 0 start ;         ! xopl not set.
               term cond = typea(ind&7)!terminated; ! send the terminate
               state = term x bit;       ! append x bit as necessary
               if  ind&128 # 0 start ;        ! char to accept
                   l_txs = l_txs!int on;      ! wait for GPC to terminate
                   tx int expected = 2;       ! with special flag set
                   return ;                   ! and wait

ints on:
            l_rxs = l_rxs!int on;  in state = idle

user sw(here i am):
         stream = p_str
         sta(stream)_owner = p_reply;           ! enable the stream
         if  stream < 10 start ;       ! control streams
            p_ser = p_reply;  p_reply = link handler
            p_fn = interf addr;  p_mes == l;  ! pass addr of "l"

user sw(stop):                          ! stop the am1
         stop interface

!*     routine  clock int

      routine  stop interface
         l_txs = l_txs&(¬(operable!int on))
         l_rxs = l_rxs&(¬int on)

      routine  clock int

         !! handles clock interrupts

         integer  i

         if  tx int expected # 0 or  x bit sent # 0 start 
            clock = clock+1
            monitor('w', clock) if  mon < 0 and  clock&3 = 0
            if  clock = 5 start ;          ! emergency action
              dump regs
              l_txs = l_txs&(¬operable);   ! drop operable
              cycle  i = 1,1,10; repeat ;    ! delay
              l_txs = l_txs!operable

            if  clock = 10 and  l_txs&ready#0 then  interrupt am1

            if  clock = 20 start ;          ! 20 sec timeout
               fault(x bit sent, 'c', tx int expected)
               up down(1)
               state = idle;  in state = idle
               l_txs = l_txs&(¬int on)
               int = 'F'
         finish  else  clock = 0

!*     routine  up down

      routine  up down(integer  which)
         integer  i, ser
         down = which

         cycle  i = 2, 1, 6;      ! send 'status' message to itp, rje  ftp
            ser = sta(i)_owner
            if  ser # 0 start 
               if  down = 0 start ;     ! going up
                  p_ser = ser;  p_reply = link handler
                  p_fn = interf addr; p_mes == l;   ! pass 'l' (it may have changed)

               p_ser = ser; p_reply = link handler
               p_fn = mainframe up+which
               p_mes == null

        !* tidy up variables

        x bit sent = 0;  tx int expected = 0
        while  not  mq_e == null cycle 
           free buffer(pop(mq))
        unless  outm == null then  free buffer(outm) and  outm==null

      routine  free buffer(record  (mef) name  mes)
         record  (pe) p

         if  no of buff > 13 or  mes_type = 0 start 
                  !release if q too big, or its a big block
            p_ser = buffer manager; p_reply = own id
            p_fn = release buffer; p_mes == mes
            !! q it
            mes_link == buffer pool;  buffer pool == mes
            no of buff = no of buff+1

      record  (m2900f) map  get buffer

         if  buffer pool == null start ; ! ask for it
            p_ser = buffer manager;  p_reply = own id
            p_fn = request buffer; p_str = 1;   ! short buffer
            p_mes == buffer pool;  buffer pool == p_mes_link
            p_mes_link == null
            no of buff = no of buff-1
         result  == p_mes

      routine  fault(integer  stream, type, add)

         printstring("am1: fault "); printsymbol(type)
         write(stream, 3)
         printstring(", "); write(add, 1); newline
         monitor('f', type) if  int # 'a'

     routine  monitor(integer  type, info)
        mon1(mon pt) = type;  mon2(mon pt) = info
        mon pt = (mon pt+1)&mon lim

      routine  octal(integer  i)
         integer  n
         cycle  n = 15, -3, 0

      routine  dump regs
         printstring("  r"); octal(l_rxs)
         printstring("  t"); octal(l_txs)
