$A INVERT=0 $A CAP=0; CAPSHO=0; CAPO=0; CAPSH=0 $A LINE=76; PGAP=5; PAGE=60; MARK=2; TOP=1 $A TAB=4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48 $B3 $L1UC EDINBURGH REGIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE $B4 $L1U For the attention of the Edinburgh Computer Users' Committee $B5 $L1UM Report on Communications $B2 %CONVERSION$ TO$ X25 $P1 The conversion to X25 has gone very smoothly with only a few minor problems. The real test, however, will only come after the student load increases later in the term. $B2 %TCPs $P1 The current release of X25 TCP software has now been running for over a month, a new release is ready to be released in the next few days so that the X25 INFO is picked up by default instead of being manually changed when a TCP is loaded. $B2 %FEPs $P1 The curent 2976 FEP software running on two of the FEPs has also been running for about a month with occasional problems, mostly with the synchronous lines. The situation with the 2988 is not nearly so satisfactory, there is, at present, only one X25 FEP as neither Glasgow nor Strathclyde are ready to switch to X25. Within the last two weeks there has been an intermittent hardware problem with the X25 FEP and as there is no backup this has been very noticeable to the users. Steps are being taken to bring a second FEP across to X25 in the next two-three weeks. $B2 %CPSEs$ (Campus$ Packate$ Switched$ Exchanges) $P1 The CPSE at George Square has been out of service for a total of three hours for software changes since it was brought into service in July, unfortunately the record of the King's Buildings CPSE was marred by a power supply problem that caused a spate of crashes (all out of prime shift) over a period of a week. Apart from that incident and a planned change to the hardware the switch has been out of service for only 2 1-2 p.m., reloads in the past 6 weeks. $N $B4 %INFO $P1 The transfer of INFO to X25 has caused a number of problems, not helped by the complete change in the method of operation due to differences between X25 and NSI, however it is not more stable and it should be able to extend its current operation to the Ring TCPs, XGate, Filestore and PSSE in the next couple of weeks. Users of the Ring TCPs will be ablke to call it directly when the next release of the TCP software is installed. When all this is actually working the old INFO will be removed from service. $B2 %Terminal$ Speeds $P1 One of the design aims of the new, Intel based, TCPs is to provide a standard speed of 9.6Kb. It is possible now to run certain terminals at a speed of 2.4Kb but on all of the more heavily loaded TCPs this will only produce a more 'jerky' result as the limitation is the 9.6Kb connection to the network. $B7 $R0 B$ A$ C$ Gilmore $B0 $R0 %October$ 1984 $E