@make[Report] @flushleft[EDINBURGH REGIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE] @flushleft[EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY] @Majorheading{GEC-CUA Network Special Interest Group} The next meeting of NETSIG will be held on the 12th November 1986 at @makespace{1} The meeting will start at 11am. @subheading[Agenda] @enumerate[ Minutes of the 13th Meeting, held on the 12th March at UCL. Matters Arising Report from the NETSIG Sub Group and matters arising @enumerate{ Terms of reference Request from GEC for copies of reports on PSE performance, such as MTBF. Need to monitor the performance of 48k links Request for information on experience with signal converter boxes 48k modem eliminator/breakout monitor point box Consequences of the use of long packet sizes } Report on the Type 2 Release strategy and SIR progress report Report on the Type 3 software including the timescales for Releases 1 and 2 and the features to be included in those releases. User Presentation Open Forum Date of next meeting ] @flushright[B. Gilmore 13th October 1986]