!*Disconnect qualifiers !*From PSS: %constinteger pss prot not supported = x'43' !*Transport Service ! %constinteger ts ok = 0 %constinteger ts response = 1 %constinteger ts no connection = 16 %constinteger ts numberbusy = 17 %constinteger ts out of order = 18 %constinteger ts invalid address = 19 %constinteger ts access barred = 20 %constinteger ts incompatible facilities=21 %constinteger ts no reverse charging = 22 %constinteger ts network congestion = 23 %constinteger ts message too long = 24 %constinteger ts protocol apology = 32 %constinteger ts protocol accusation = 33 %constinteger ts timeout = 34 %constinteger ts connection lost = 35 %constinteger ts flow control error = 36 %constinteger ts congestion = 37 %constinteger ts network failure = 38 %constinteger ts application failure = 39 %constinteger ts transport service fail= 40 %constinteger ts operator abort = 41 %constinteger ts transport service abor= 42 %constinteger ts going out of service = 43 %constinteger ts disconnect after reset= 44 %constinteger ts reset before accept = 45 !*Internally generated %constinteger reply = x'80' %constinteger invalid user = x'81' %constinteger invalid pass = x'82' %constinteger cause unknown = x'83' %constinteger shutdown imminent = x'84' %constinteger prot not supported = x'85' %constinteger no loopback = x'86' %constinteger softly softly = x'87' %constinteger no free lcns = x'88' %constinteger gateway full = x'89' %constinteger conversation terminated = x'8A' %constinteger call cleared = x'8B' %constinteger facility unavailable = x'8C' %constinteger process running = x'8D' %constinteger no user service = x'8E' !%CONSTINTEGER NO FUNDS = X'8F' %constinteger accounting failure = x'90' ;! Account or Mnemonic file full or non-existant %constinteger bad param = x'91' %constinteger session level error = x'92' %constinteger network down = x'93' %constinteger call collision = x'94' %constinteger far end hung = x'95' %constinteger packet level error = x'96' %constinteger lcn conflict = x'97' %constinteger call reset = x'98' %constinteger operator abort = x'99' %constinteger timed out = x'9A' %constinteger user abort = x'9B' %constinteger call restarted = x'9C' %constinteger facs not negotiable = x'9D' %constinteger spurious clear req = x'9E' %constinteger bad interface params = x'9F' %constinteger unknown failure = x'A0' %constinteger short call accepted = x'A1' %constinteger short interaction = x'A2' %constinteger short interaction fails = X'A3' %endoffile