! Configuration file for PSSE ! Options used:INC_CONFIGGEN,TEMP,P,CLEAN !Versions required: ! System Name Accred Nets Procs* Disc Drv Prep ! P PSSE PSSE Yes 2+1 16 6 10 RL01 0 P ! M XGATE XGATE No 1+1 37 20 40 RL01 0 M ! K Kent GATE Yes 1+1 16 6 10 RL02 0 K ! U Kent #2 SGATE Yes 1+2 ?? ?? ?? RK05 0 U ! G Glasgow GGATE No 1+2 16 6 31 RX02 1 G ! F FEP (GATEX) - No +2 60 20 40 - - H ! T XGATE # 2 XGATE2 No 37 20 40 RL01 0 T ! D DGATE DGATE No 30 20 40 - - D !Disc Configuration Information !Define first and last user blocks to prevent us overwriting directory !etc. Ranges for various discs are: !RK05: 400 - 10767. RL01: 400 - 21757. RX02: 241 - 1750. (octal) %constinteger drive = 0 %constinteger fsys = 8_33 %constinteger lub = 8_400 %constinteger hub = 8_21757 %constinteger blocksize = 512 %constinteger maxblocks = 128 !maxblocks is largest Acct/Help/Alert/Name/Mnemonic file !NSI ports and facility numbers !Set Gateport 2 = Gateport 1 if only 1 ring/NSI gateway !Nothing terrible will happen if you get these wrong - Source addresses !will not be correctly interpreted in the USERS ALL command etc is all %constinteger gate port 1 = 11 ;!Ring port of Ring - NSI Gateway %constinteger gate port 2 = 12 ;!2nd ring/NSI Gateway !X25 Level 3 options %constinteger max l3 packet = 256 ;!Max Level 3 packet size in bytes !Procs, TSB procs, LCNs %constinteger no of procs = 16 ;!No of simultaneous users allowed %constinteger no of tsb procs = 6 %constinteger no of lcns = 10 ;!No of X25 LCNs subscribed to %constinteger no of nets = 3 %constinteger no of x25 nets = 2 %constinteger sercline = 0 %constinteger pssline = 1 %constinteger rcoline = 2 %constinteger no of rco nets = 1 %conststring (4) %array longnetname(-1:2) = "????","X25a","X25b","RCO " %conststring(1) %array shortnetname(-1:2) = "?","S","P","R" ! ! Other things that need to be altered ! ! The text "RCONET" in the welcome message in BRIDGE ! The text "PSSE/" in the Command: prompt in BRIDGE %endoffile ! !Version Hierarchy: !K = Kent !U = Kent # 2 (ULCC/SERCNET Gateway) !G = Glasgow !P = PSSE (ERCC) !M = Minimal version (All accounting and accrediting chopped out) ! (Intended for the ERCC 11/60 Gateway) !L = Large version (More processes) ! !K, G, P, M are mutually exclusive !L is compatible with any of P, G, K, M