@section[PABX/LAN Gateways] @subsection[The current position] When a large number of ports in one location are connected to a PABX, for example, to serve a host computer, it is necessary to connect an Individual Data Interface Unit to the end of each port (see Fig n). Even when these units can be racked together, as is the case with the Plessey exchange, the solution is hardly elegant. These problems can be considerably increased when a number of different hosts are connected; the maximum numbe of simultaneous connections to each host must be estimated and that number of lines dedicated to each host. Users are very unforgiving when access to their host is denied because all the ports on the exchange are in use even though the maximum potential of the particular host has not yet been reached because only a few 'other' lines are in use. Our experience has shown that the peak number of users is not usually reached on all hosts simultaneously, the effects of special courses, lectures, deadlines and the like causes fairly wide fluctuations in the demand for any particular machine. In solving this problem, in common with any PACX use, many more access ports have to be provided than are actually insimultaneous use. One partial solution to this problem is to connect some, or all, of the exchange ports to a Packet Assembler Disassembler (PAD). This PAD is then connected in a conventional manner to a data network which could be based on a number of technologies, be it Ethernet, X25 or Cambridge Ring. The hosts are then also connected to this network the typical form of which will allow a varying number of simultaneous terminal connections. (See Fig n+1). In the Edinburgh case we have connected a number of ports directly from the PABX to separate hosts, some ports from the PABX to two ICL OSLUs (Open System Link Units (PADs)) connected to an OSLAN and a few connections from the PABX to a Camtec PAD connected to the main X25 network. This particular configuration was used to allow us as much experience as possible with the varying connection methods but it can lead to problems for some users because of the differing user images presented by the different routes. A further problem arises with the Mitel because for an unknown reason, the ability to set up 'hunt' groups is not as flexible for data calls as it is with voice calls. Consequently it is not possible to have a single hunt group which will take a direct connection if one is free but also automatically select a PAD port if all the direct ports are in use. @subsection[The future] A more elegant solution for connecting multiple Data Interface Units is to construct a Gateway either directly on to the end of a 2Mb trunk link or build a Gateway within the exchange itself. ICL are in the process of constructing a Gateway to connect a 2Mb trunk to ICLs OSLAN (See fig n+2). We had hoped that we would be able to replace the OSLUs before the end of the project with such a Gateway but that is not now going to be possible. The advantage of such a Gateway is that the Data Interface Units are an integral part of the Gateway and more importantly, the Gateway can act in a more integrated way with the exchange. For example, it is no longer necessary to allocate different hunt groups, with pre-set allocations, to handle various terminal parameters such as different line speeds or differing protocols - dumb terminals, 3270, CO3 etc. All thirty available sub channels would be in a single hunt group, the exchange will pass the information to tell the Gateway the type of connection to be used and the Gateway will then set the port up as necessary. There are other considerations when a terminal is connected to a host via such a Gateway (or PAD equivalent). The first is what protocol should be used to carry the termianl data accross the OSLAN. In our case it was reasonably simple; all our terminals are 'dumb teletypes' and the most obvious choice was to use a variety of XXX called TS29 (ref n) that could be run over the ISO Transport Class 4 Service that is used. TS29 allows a free exchange of data bytes but significantly also gives a standard procedure (X29) for a host to change various PAD characteristics such as echo control, local edit control and forwarding rules. This protocol was implemented for us by ICL which was using a simpler form that did not allow us the control we considered essential from the host. One interesting decision that still has to be taken is where the echoing of the user input is to be done. One choice is to do it within the host computer. This allows a terminal image that is identical (or possibly almost) to a terminal which has been directly connected. The problem with this decision is that both the input and the echo need to be carried accross the LAN in single character quantities. The problem this creates is not one of ethernet capacity but that of delays caused by processing overheads in both the host and the Gateway. In our experience, users will complain if echo is held up for more than about one tenth of a second and more than a few users attempting such single character working leads to an unacceptable 'stickiness' in terminal presentation. The second way to handle echo is to do it within the Gateway/PAD itself. A seperate decision can then be made of exactly when the user input is forwarded accross the LAN. This leads to a much better use of the available performance but means that the terminal image can be different from a directly connected terminal. In reality, a mixture of the above approaches can be used, most of the time user echo can be handled by the Gateway but the host can take control via X29 at any time to handle special cases such as screen editing. @subsection[Integrated Gateways] Building a completely integrated Gateway is being pursued by at least one other PBX manufacturer, the outward connection being X25 based. The considerations discussed above will still apply and at the end of the day it will come down to a decision on which type of Gateway will fit better in the user's own data network environment and the overall cost of the Gateway.