\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \author{Gavin Brelstaff} \title{Vision Utilities} \maketitle \parskip .1 in \setcounter{secnumdepth}{10} \parindent 0in \section{Preamble} VISION UTILITIES \hspace{3.1 in} 14/5/85 Help available for following commands: display \hspace{0.3 in} logar \hspace{0.5 in} light \hspace{0.3 in} doc \hspace{0.2 in} landg \hspace{0.2 in} landd \hspace{0.2 in} pause Type: @help $<$command$>$ \section{vision:DOT1.DOC} VISION:DOT1 \hspace{2.7 in} Gavin Brelstaff 24/4/85 A program to make files from which the Laser printer can produce pictures. The pictures will be bi-level, but by using dot-clumping and dither matrices there are notionally 256 different grey-levels. The input picture to be depicted is in the form of a standard picture file, as used by Vision:display. By using the '-m' option the grey scale of the picture can be adjusted using a map-file that is compatible with those made by Vision:retouch. The Description file allows the user to print multiple pictures on the same piece of paper. The user can position them using as units pixels,inches or cms. If inches or cms are used then you specify the the size of a bounding box inwhich the picture (appropriately scaled) will be drawn. COMMAND LINE dot1 \{-flag[value]\} description\_file \{output\_file\} Output\_file If an output file is not specified one will be created with a "unique" file name of the form "FxxPyy" where xx and yy are two digit numbers. This is useful when sending output directly to the laser printer via the '-l' option. Command Line Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-l This prefixes the output file name with "Lp1:" so that it will be sent directly to the laser printer queue directory and printed (in time). -r This inverts the grey levels in the output picture so that it can be viewed on the Level 1 Graphics program called "Doc:lg1". Note files thus produced will appear as "negatives" if printed on the laser printer. -c Any specifitions of length will be taken as being in cms. -i Any specifitions of length will be taken as being in inches. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize Format of Description files \{ \{-flag[value]\} input\_image\_file newline \} Description File Line Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-x input picture size is the number of pixels along the square image. (not needed if a header exists). -m map file is the name of the file to be used to adjust the grey levels (as produced by Vision:retouch). The default map file is Map.dat. If '-m' is not used a linear grey scale will be used. -c the top left hand corner of the square that delimits the box inwhich the picture will be drawn can be specified by the values of x and y. They are the respective horizontal and vertical distances from the top left hand corner of the paper. If the units are not specified on the command line they are assumed to be in pixels. -s If the distances are NOT being specified in inches or cms,the scaling factor is the integer multiple by which the output picture size will be scaled when drawn on paper. Default scaling factor is 1. If the distances ARE being specified in inches or cms, the scaling factor is the length of the side of the bounding box in which the picture will be drawn, in the specified units. The program will automatically scale up the picture to fit into the box (but it won't scale it down). -o If the distances ARE being specified in inches or cms, this option will cause the picture to be centred in its bounding box, rather than drawn in the top left hand corner of it. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize Sending Files to Laser Printer Manually and Multiple Copies. If you want to make many copies of one picture don't use the '-l' option, but transfer the file outputted to your local directory to the Lp1: directory the required number of times using the operating system command: \}t outputfile/lp1:file where file is a unique file name for each copy, not containing a '.' character. Using DOC:LG1 to preview output files If the '-i' option has been used the output file is ready to be viewed on the level 1 graphics screen. To do this issue the operating system command: \}doc:lg1 followed by a carriage-return and the character '1', then enter the name of the output file. For big pictures only the top left corner will be visible. If you are satisfied with the picture on the screen and want a hardcopy you should run VISION:DOT again without the '-i' option and send it to the laser printer. \section{vision:LANDD.DOC} landd(isplay) to display image and/or histogram etc stored in info file. Info files are produced using landg. to run, type: landd [-x$<$file size$>$ -n$<$new image$>$ -d( no dither ) \\ \hspace*{2.9 in} $<$intensity file$>$ $<$info file$>$] e.g. landd -x256 -n v\_pic:ill.256 info1 displays image with info in info1 e.g. landd log2 replaces histograms etc with info from log2 \section{vision:LANDG.DOC} landg(enerate) to output cursor position and histograms to file. Info files can be displayed using landd. to run, type: landg [-x$<$file size$>$ -l$<$scale factor$>$ -d( no dither ) \\ \hspace*{3.0 in} $<$intensity file$>$ $<$lightness file$>$] or just landg and use the menu Use is the same as land, except to output info to file : select 'menu' then 'both' and enter name of info file e.g. landg -x256 v\_pic:ill.256 v\_pic:ill.lig \section{vision:PAUSE.DOC} pauses for n seconds e.g. pause 10 \section{vision:DISPLAY.DOC} DISPLAY.C \hspace{2.7 in} A. Blake 14/5/85 The input picture to be depicted is either in the form of a standard picture file, or (with the -x$<$nnn$>$ option) may be headerless. By using the '-m' option the grey scale of the picture can be adjusted using a map-file as produced by the retouch program. RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS display \{-flags[value]\} \{input\_files\} Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-x input picture size is the number of pixels along the square image. -s Sole picture, centrally positioned. -m map file is the name of the file to be used to adjust the grey levels (as produced by Vision:retouch). The default map file is Map.dat. If '-m' is not used a linear grey scale will be used. -l enLarge images by a factor scale (2 .. 8). -f First image to be displayed in Fth position, (0 ... ), without preliminary erasure of the screen. -d Dither supressed. Default is to use dither, augmenting the hardware, to display 8 bits of grey. -a Anaglyph: treats input list as a sequence of (left,right) stereo pairs. View through red-green goggles. -z Hardware is level 1 graphics. -c Colour C (only with -z). -o Overlay colour C (only with -z). \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize Multiple input files are displayed in left to right, top to bottom order. This only works properly if the images are all the same size. \section{vision:LOGAR.DOC} VISION:LOGAR \hspace{2.1 in} Gavin Brelstaff 27/3/85 Makes logarithmic images RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS logar \{-flag[value]\} input\_file output\_file Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-x picture size is the number of pixels along the square image. -d display logarithmic conversion table used \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize \section{vision:LIGHT.DOC} VISION:LIGHT and LIGHTS \hspace{1.1 in} Gavin Brelstaff 20/2/85 Lights will run on a half mega-byte machine whereas light need a full MB. RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS light \{-flag[value]\} input\_file output\_file Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-x picture size is the number of pixels along the square image. -i iterations means the number of iterations to be used. Default 2000. -p precision is the number of bits in addition to the 8 in the input intensities, that will be used in aritmetic calculations. Default 16. -j value is an integer in the range [1,16] by which the relaxation parameter w is set: w = 1 + value/16. w is defined in the book by Young on page 72 and is related to the lambda parameter used by Blake in his lightness paper by w = 1 -lambda. Default value = 8. -m Causes the output intensity values to be in the range [0..256]. The default range is [-128..127] which is called the mean-zero option which is compatible with the "lightness" files used by the program called vision:land. -l Causes the input intensities not to be converted into logarithms. The default is to convert. -t value is a floating point number that defines the thresholding value. In the case of the log conversion option (not using -l) the value represents the percentage change in intensity at threshold. Otherwise it is compared directly to the input intensities which range from [0..256]. Default 6% or 100. -b Causes a beep sound after every ten iterations. Default off. -s Supresses messages to screen. Useful for unwatched batch jobs. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize \section{vision:DOT.DOC} VISION:DOT \hspace{2.7 in} Gavin Brelstaff 26/2/85 A program to make files from which the Laser printer can produce pictures. The pictures will be bi-level, but by using dot-clumping and dither matrices there are notionally 256 different grey-levels. The input picture to be depicted is in the form of a standard picture file, as used by Vision:display. By using the '-m' option the grey scale of the picture can be adjusted using a map-file that is compatible with those made by Vision:retouch. RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS dot \{-flag[value]\} input\_file \{output\_file\} Output\_file If an output file is not specified one will be created with a "unique" file name of the form "FxxPyy" where xx and yy are two digit numbers. This is useful when sending output directly to the laser printer via the '-l' option. Flags \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-x input picture size is the number of pixels along the square image. -s scaling factor is the multiple by which the output picture size will be scaled. (Note it is also the square root of the number of pixels in the output file that will be used to represent one pixel in the input file). Default scaling factor is 1. -m map file is the name of the file to be used to adjust the grey levels (as produced by Vision:retouch). The default map file is Map.dat. If '-m' is not used a linear grey scale will be used. -l This prefixes the output file name with "Lp1:" so that it will be sent directly to the laser printer queue directory and printed (in time). -i This inverts the grey levels in the output picture so that it can be viewed on the Level 1 Graphics program called "Doc:lg1". Note files thus produced will appear as "negatives" if printed on the laser printer. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize Sending Files to Laser Printer Manually and Multiple Copies. If you want to make many copies of one picture don't use the '-l' option, but transfer the file outputted to your local directory to the Lp1: directory the required number of times using the operating system command: \}t outputfile/lp1:file where file is a unique file name for each copy, not containing a '.' character. Using DOC:LG1 to preview output files If the '-i' option has been used the output file is ready to be viewed on the level 1 graphics screen. To do this issue the operating system command: \}doc:lg1 followed by a carriage-return and the character '1', then enter the name of the output file. For big pictures only the top left corner will be visible. If you are satisfied with the picture on the screen and want a hardcopy you should run VISION:DOT again without the '-i' option and send it to the laser printer. \vspace{.75in} view:vision printed on 16/02/89 at 17.24 \newpage \tableofcontents \end{document}