\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \author{APM Manual pages} \title{$$<$sep$>$$<$file$>$$<$sep$>$... \hspace*{ 0.3 in} $<$file$>$ can be many valid filestore name, including wildcards. \\ \hspace*{ 0.3 in} $<$sep$>$ can be space (cf. Unix) or comma (cf. VMS \& EMAS). The REMOVE command causes the specified file(s) to be destroyed. The user must have owner-authority over the directory involved in order to delete files in it. The files are reported as having been deleted unless the -s (silent) option is specifed. If users are unsure of whether they wish to delete a file, the -c (confirm) option may be specifed. The confirm option becomes the default, if the parameter contains any wildcards. If wildcards are present, but the user still wishes to delete everything, the -n option (noconfirm) can be used. \vspace{.75in} view:remove printed on 20/01/89 at 14.21 \newpage \tableofcontents \end{document}