\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \author{APM Manual pages} \title{Hardware Diagnostic Facilities} \maketitle \parskip .1 in \setcounter{secnumdepth}{10} \parindent 0in \section{Preamble} There are a few very low-level routines for circuit diagnostics. These live in the directory MAINT: \section{CLOF} Turns the clock off. This is useful in that if data and address lines are being examined the processor is prevented from shooting off into the clock ISR which clutters things up. \section{DATATEST} Outputs a recognisable pattern on the data lines. Pattern is a '1' followed by the data line number (4 bits) followed by another '1'. Actual pattern is a set of staircases but the data lines are readily identifiable. \section{IGRID} Puts a grid pattern up on the Level 2 graphics monitor \section{KEY} Reads the position of the mains switch/key. \section{PROCTEST} Stand-alone processor/memory test BOOT PROCTEST.MOB \section{WOOF} Looks for a watchdog timer Returns ``Passed'' if it found one, \hspace{ 0.2 in} ``Hung up/Failed'' \hspace{ 0.3 in} if it didn't. \vspace{.75in} view:hwdiag printed on 15/02/89 at 21.07 \newpage \tableofcontents \end{document}