\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \author{APM Manual pages} \title{APM Documentation} \maketitle \parskip .1 in \setcounter{secnumdepth}{10} \parindent 0in \section{Preamble} \hspace*{ 1.6 in} DOCUMENTATION The APM documentation is always under review. The most up-to-date information can be found in HELP, though some items are documentated in hard copy only (or not at all!). JHB has accumulated a "definitive" hard copy of all APM documentation with an index and welcomes constructive comments. The APM documentation is indexed under HELP DOCINDEX but this is something of a stopgap. The remaining sections expand a little on the documents in the index and use the same numbering scheme. A hard copy of HELP information on $<$topic$>$ can be obtained by listing VIEW:$<$topic$>$ to a convenient printer. (This is also a stopgap and should not really be encouraged.) \section{General} The APM working documents give a general description of the APM system and environment, concentrating mainly on the hardware. These notes are somewhat out of date and are being extensively revised. HELP APM gives a more up-to-date version of the working documents, concentrating more on the basic commands. HELP SFP gives more details about the Software Front Panel debugging aid. \section{Programming languages} IMP The language itself is covered by "The IMP-77 language Internal report " (Peter Robertson) and by HELP IMP. Run-time libraries are covered by HELP LIB, the "IMP-77 Core Environment Definition" (Lattice Logic) and the "Summary of Major IMP libraries (1984)" (Gordon Hughes). Further facilities have to be looked for in the include-files in filestore directories I: and INC:. \section{Communications} "A Programmer's guide to the EUCSD Ethernet" (R.Thonnes) covers the basic Ethernet concepts and describes the available functions. The "Standard Virtual Terminal Interface" (H. Dewar) describes a set of high-level procedures for using character terminals. "Asynchronous Character I/O to and from the local terminal" (J. Butler) describes the lower level aspects of character I/O. \section{Text processing} The LAYOUT 1.5 Users Guide (H.Dewar) describes the LAYOUT text formatting program. HELP ECCE describes the ECCE editor for the APM. \section{Utilities} A variety of utilities are described in HELP UTILITIES. Some further student utilities are documented in USEFUL:HELP. \section{Filestore} "The Filestore" (Dewar,Eachus,Humphry,McLellan) and "The New Filestores" (G.Ross) give a comprehensive description of the filestores and their primitives. The "Filestore Administration Report" (J.G.Hughes) gives details of the current filestores and system directories. \vspace{.75in} view:Documents printed on 09/02/89 at 17.15 \newpage \tableofcontents \end{document}