\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \author{APM Manual pages} \title{APM Basic Commands} \maketitle \parskip .1 in \setcounter{secnumdepth}{10} \parindent 0in \section{Preamble} EDINBURGH COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT \hspace{0.8 in} ADVANCED PERSONAL MACHINE \section{INDIVIDUAL COMMANDS} \subsection{L \hspace{0.5 in} Log on or off} \small\tt \begin{verbatim} L eg }L PDS Pass:...... [not echoed] L \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize This command is used to log on to a Filestore. The purpose of logging on is to establish the default directory to be used in referencing files, and to demonstrate authority to use those files by citing the appropriate password. The user is prompted for the password (which is not echoed). If the command file LOGIN.COM exists, the commands in it are obeyed before the system accepts further commands from the terminal. If another user is already logged on at this machine, the previous user is automatically logged off. Since this command always causes any existing user to be logged off, it can be used without any parameter simply to log the current user off. \subsection{T \hspace{0.5 in} Transfer or Copy files} \hspace*{0.7 in} T $<$in1$>$,$<$in2$>$,$<$in3$>$/$<$out$>$ \hspace{0.3 in} eg \}T ONE,TWO/BOTH The Transfer command is used to copy information from one or more (up to three) source streams to a destination stream. If more than one source stream is specified, the data is concatenated in the order given. The default for $<$in1$>$ and $<$out$>$ are the terminal. \subsection{P \hspace{0.5 in} Print file} \hspace*{0.7 in} P $<$file$>$ -$<$printer$>$ -$<$optional params$>$ \hspace{0.7 in} eg \}P TEST.LIS The specified file is sent to the nominated printer (Machine Halls printer by default). Multiple files may be sent: format is $<$file$>$ -$<$params$>$, $<$file$>$ .. etc Allowed printers are.. \small\tt \begin{verbatim}MH (Default): North Machine Hall OP : Block O/P LJ : Laser-jet (Appleton Tower only). \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize All print requests are routed via the VAX so if the VAX is especially busy the print operation may time out. If this happens the print request should be resubmitted. Additional parameters: \small\tt \begin{verbatim}-c : Characters per inch across the page. This may take the values 10, 12, 13 or 17 but will only be implemented for the -MH printer -l : Lines per inch down the page. This may take the values 3,4,6 or 8 for the -MH printer only -dp -lq: Document print or letter quality. The -MH printer can print NLQ (Near Letter Quality) documents but does so slowly. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize Defaults are -c12, -l6, -dp -mh. \subsection{E \hspace{0.5 in} Edit file} \small\tt \begin{verbatim}1 E / eg }E TEST1/TEST2 2 E .N/ eg }E .N/NUPROG 3 E eg }E DATA 4 E ,[/] eg }E DATA,EXTRA 5 E /.N eg }E PROG.LIS/.N \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize The Edit command is used to invoke the VECCE context editor. Detailed information about this editor is available by giving the system command HELP ECCE. Information about the alternative editor IE can be obtained from HELP IE. \small\tt \begin{verbatim}1. The first form of command is used to edit an existing file to a new file. 2. The second form is used to create a file from scratch. 3. The third form is used to edit an existing file. In this case, the new file is given the same name as the old, (but the original file is not deleted until the editing has been finished successfully). 4. The fourth form is used to specify a secondary input file. 5. The last form is used to examine a file without altering it. \end{verbatim}\rm \normalsize \subsection{FILES \hspace{0.2 in} File enquiry (alias F)} \small\tt \begin{verbatim} F {:}