/Ethernet monitor station firmware for CSD142 boards /RWT May 1982 /There is one big data buffer, used cyclically. /This is filled by the ether receiver with everything /it hears. /There is a smaller circular buffer containing 16 bytes /per packet heard. This is filled by the ether receiver /interrupt handler, and drained by the idle process /sending it off to the boot processor. The boot processor /is given groups of 16 bytes, the first byte in each group /is sent as a control character to guarantee phase /synchronisation. /The group layout is as follows: / Ether status &16_c, +1 for fifo overflow, +2 for dma overrun / Dest station / Dest port / Source station / Source port / Packet type / Packet sequence number / Packet size (DMA) Low / " " " High / Packet size (packet) Low / " " " High / The first 5 characters in the packet area ix loc 0 var status,dest,,source,,type,,sized,,sizep,,data /Device addresses dmaer=0 dmaet=2 dmalr=4 dmalt=6 dma=8 tc=16_10 /read-only (clears DMA TC interrupt) int=16_10 /write-only interrupt enable (ltbe.lrdr.lrcr.dmatc) lkc=16_20 /link control (read/write) lkd=16_30 /link data er=16_40 /read: data/control, write: filter/reset ls=16_50 /(link status) read-only (rbf.rdr.rcr. etd=16_50 /write-only: data into fifo es=16_60 /read-only: (tcol.ta.tdone.rctrl.crce.rcol.ra.over) et=16_60 /write-only: hold-off counter, reset /Interrupt enable bits tcintbit=8 rcintbit=4 rdintbit=2 teintbit=1 /DMA enable bits erdmabit=1 etdmabit=2 lrdmabit=4 ltdmabit=8 tcbit=16_40 /Miscellaneous constants header=14;datamax=512+20 area rom loc 16_1000 /Variables area ram loc 16_1800 var get,,put,,dbstart,,dbtemp, cbufftop: loc 16*128+. cbuffbot: dbufftop: loc 7000+. dbuffbot: /Initial entry area rom jr begin w cbufftop w dbufftop w dbuffbot begin: di ld sp,16_4000 /Initialise hardware in a,(tc) /reset DMA interrupt xor a; out (et),a /reset transmitter ld a,16_80; out (er),a /reset receiver (sets overrun) in a,(er) /(clears overrun) /Set up ER DMA ld hl,#dbufftop ld dbstart,hl ld de,16_4000+header+datamax+5-1 /5=size(2)+crc(2)+pad(1) ld c,dmaer out (c),hl inc c out (c),de ld a,erdmabit+tcbit out (dma),a /Set up variables ld hl,#cbufftop ld get,hl ld put,hl /Set up interrupts ld a,tcintbit out (int),a ld a,inttab>>8 ld i,a im2 /Idle loop ei ld bc,0 idle: ld hl,put ld de,get or a; sbc hl,de jr nz,idl0 /Something interesting -> dec c jr nz,idle dec b jr nz,idle xor a; out (lkd),a call ltwait jr idle idl0: ld hl,get ld a,(hl); inc hl out (lkc),a call ltwait ld b,15 idl1: ld a,(hl); inc hl out (lkd),a call ltwait djnz idl1 ld bc,0 ld get,hl ld de,#cbuffbot ld a,l; xor e jp nz,idle ld a,h; xor d jp nz,idle ld hl,#cbufftop ld get,hl jp idle /Routine to wait for link TBE ltwait: in a,(ls) rra; ret cy jp ltwait / I N T E R R U P T P R O C E S S I N G /DMA Completion (Ether receiver ONLY) /The ether receiver has delivered an outsize packet /Clobber and re-initialise it intdtc: exx; ex af,af in a,(tc) /Clear interrupt ld a,16_80 /freeze receiver out (er),a ld hl,dbstart ld de,16_4000+header+datamax+5-1 ld c,dmaer out (c),hl inc c out (c),de ld a,erdmabit+tcbit /prepare to reactivate DMA out (dma),a in a,(er) /unfreeze receiver (clear OVR) ld hl,put ld (hl),2 jp wrap /Ether Receiver Fifo Overflow intovf: exx; ex af,af ld a,16_80 /freeze receiver out (er),a ld hl,dbstart ld de,16_4000+header+datamax+5-1 ld c,dmaer out (c),hl inc c out (c),de ld a,erdmabit+tcbit /prepare to reactivate DMA out (dma),a in a,(er) /unfreeze receiver (clear OVR) ld hl,put ld (hl),1 jp wrap /Ether Receiver Done interd: exx; ex af,af ld hl,dbstart ld dbtemp,hl ld c,dmaer in de,(c) /read end address ld hl,de ld bc,#dbuffbot-header-datamax-6 sbc hl,bc ld hl,de jp n,int1 ld hl,#dbufftop int1: ld dbstart,hl ld c,dmaer out (c),hl /set new start address inc c ld hl,16_4000+header+datamax+5-1 /and new size out (c),hl ld a,erdmabit+tcbit ld ix,put out (dma),a in a,(es) ld status,a /Note ether status in a,(er) /Read control character ex de,hl /(ER now active) HL=endad dec hl; dec hl /back past CRC bytes dec hl; ld b,(hl) dec hl; ld c,(hl) /BC = packet size (from packet) ld sizep,bc ld de,dbtemp or a; sbc hl,de /HL = packet size (from DMA) ld sized,hl ld iy,dbtemp ld hl,(iy) ld dest,hl ld hl,(iy+6) ld source,hl ld hl,(iy+12) ld type,hl ld hl,(iy+14) ld data,hl ld hl,(iy+16) ld data(2),hl ld a,(iy+18) ld data(4),a ld hl,put wrap: ld de,16 add hl,de ld put,hl ld de,#cbuffbot ld a,l; xor e; jr z,wr1 intret: exx; ex af,af; ei; ret wr1: ld a,h; xor d jp nz,intret ld hl,#cbufftop ld put,hl jp intret /Unsolicited interrupts intspu: halt /(256-byte-aligned) interrupt table block 256-.&255 inttab: w intovf /ovf w interd /erd w intspu /etd w intdtc /dtc w intspu /rcr w intspu /rdr w intspu /tbe w intspu /spu end