segment "menuseg" ! segment to maintain simple menues on the text screen procedure*string menu; int attribs-> * *int) begin let menuseg= "menuseg" let dummy =1 let lo=lwb(menu) let hi=upb(menu) let size=lo-hi+1 let max:=0 for i=lo to hi do begin let l= length(menu(i)) if l>max do max:=l end let a= attribs * 256 let v:=vector lo-1::hi+1 ,0::max+1 of 32 +a let decode =proc(string s->int) alien "_DECODE" for i=hi to lo by -1 do begin let v2 := v(i) v2(0):=179+a v2(max+1):=179+a let m = menu(i) let l= length(m) for j=1 to l by 1 do begin v2(j):=decode(m(j|1))+a end end let vb :=v(hi+1) let vt :=v(lo-1) vt(0):= a + 218 vt(max+1):=a+ 191 vb(0):= a+192 vb(max+1):=a+217 let line = a+196 for i= 1 to max do { vt(i):= line vb(i):=line } v end procedure set.palette(int red,green,blue,palette) ; alien "_setpal" ! set the intensity of the colours on a VGA display ! palette : selects the DAC table entry ! red,green,blue : select intensity ! all numbers in range 0..255 procedure swap.block(* * int block; int x,y-> * *int) ! exchange a 2 d array of chars+ attributes with the ! screen returning old contents of screen begin let menuseg="menuseg" procedure set.cur(int top,bottom); alien "_setcur" ! set the top and bottom lines of the cursor within a ! character cell procedure cursor.x(->int);alien "_wherex" ! returns the x pos of the video cursor procedure cursor.y (->int);alien "_wherey" ! returns y pos of video cursor procedure move.cursor (int x,y); alien "_gotoxy" ! move the video cursor to this place procedure getch(->int) ; alien "_getch" ! return the character and attribute beneath cursor ! the attribute is in the top 8 bits the char in the lower 8 procedure c,replication) ; alien "_setch" ! put char and attribute at cursor ! replicates it as specified ! does not move cursor ! create outer dimension of returned vector let l = lwb(block) let u = upb(block) let v := vector l::u ,1::2 of 0 let oldx = cursor.x() let oldy = cursor.y() set.cur(0,0) for i= l to u do begin ! create inner dimension of returned vector let b2 = block(i) let l2 = lwb(b2) let u2 = upb(b2) let v2 := vector l2::u2 of 0 v(i):=v2 for j= l2 to u2 do begin move.cursor(x+j-l2,y+i-l) v2(j):=getch(),1) end end move.cursor(oldx,oldy) set.cur(4,6) v end procedure menu.pop.up(* *int menu;int x,y ->int) begin ! MICROSOFT MOUSE BIOS procedure mouse.x(->int); alien "_mousex" ! x position of the mouse procedure mouse.y(->int);alien "_mousey" ! y position of the mouse procedure mouse.buttons (->int);alien "_mousebut" ! returns bit to indicate if mouse buttons down procedure mouse.present (->bool);alien "_mousepres" ! true if mouse dirver installed procedure ;alien "_mouseshow" ! make mouse cursor appear procedure mouse.hide ;alien "_mousehide" !make mouse cursor vanish let men = "menuseg" let swap.block = import("swap.block")proc(* *int, int ,int -> * *int) segment men mouse.hide() let o=swap.block(menu,x,y) let y1:=mouse.y() while mouse.buttons() = 0 do { y1:=mouse.y() } let x1:=mouse.x() div 8 y1:=y1 div 8 mouse.hide() let new=swap.block(o,x,y) let u= upb(menu) let l= lwb(menu) let w=upb(menu(l)) if ~(x1>x and x1<(x+w)) then l-1 else if y1>y and y1< (y+u-l) then y1 - y +l else l-1 end ?